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Last active August 7, 2023 05:50
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Some cool resources I found to help me learn about the offical programming language of the furries and fembois (pick your side!)

List of resources for learning the 🦀 language

mix of docs / blogs / articles / repo etc.


  1. THE Rust Book | Overview of the language from first principles
  2. Asynchronous Programming in Rust
  3. The Rustonomicon | Guidebook to the dark arts of unsafe Rust
  4. The Rust Reference | More detailed and comprehensive than THE book
  5. Comprehensive Rust by Google | This is a four day Rust course developed by the Android team
  6. The Embedded Rust Book | Using Rust on "Bare Metal" embedded systems

Specific concepts

  1. Moves, copies and clones in Rust
  2. Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them
  3. Pin and suffering
  4. Understanding Rust futures by going way too deep
  5. Introduction to Rust Generics part 1/2 : Traits
  6. Introduction to Rust Generics part 2/2 : Traits Objects
  7. Async Rust: Cooperative vs Preemptive scheduling
  8. Streams Concurrency


  1. Cryptography in Rust for Hackers
  2. The Rust Performance Book
  3. Rust Design Patterns
  4. Rust Programming Tipz
  5. The Little Book of Rust Macros
  6. Secure Rust Guidelines
  7. More than you've ever wanted to know about errors in Rust
  8. Measuring Memory Usage in Rust
  9. Rust Cookbook
  10. Niko Matsakis Blog


  1. Tour of Rust

project-based learning

  1. Writing an OS in Rust
  2. Writing NES Emulator in Rust

crate specific

  1. Curated list of useful crates
  2. Tokio stack overview: Runtime
  3. Tokio Tutorial
  4. Actors with Tokio
  5. Decrusting the serde crate | 📹


  1. Rust for Rustaceans by Jon Gjengset
  2. Rust in Action: Systems programming concepts and techniques
  3. Rust Atomics and Locks: Low-Level Concurrency in Practice by Mara Bos
  4. Zero to Production in Rust

image Rust memory container cheat sheet

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