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構文解析ハンズオン( ) 算術式の構文解析
package com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on.expression;
import com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on.AbstractParser;
public abstract class AbstractExpressionParser extends AbstractParser<ExpressionNode> {
package com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on;
import java.util.Stack;
public abstract class AbstractParser<T> {
protected int position;
protected Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
public void save() {
public void restore() {
position = stack.pop();
public abstract T parse(String input);
package com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on.expression;
* 算術式の抽象構文木を表すクラス群
public class ExpressionNode {
public ExpressionNode add(ExpressionNode that) {
return new Addition(this, that);
public ExpressionNode add(int that) {
return new Addition(this, integer(that));
public ExpressionNode subtract(ExpressionNode that) {
return new Subtraction(this, that);
public ExpressionNode subtract(int that) {
return new Subtraction(this, integer(that));
public ExpressionNode multiply(ExpressionNode that) {
return new Multiplication(this, that);
public ExpressionNode multiply(int that) {
return new Multiplication(this, integer(that));
public ExpressionNode divide(ExpressionNode that) {
return new Division(this, that);
public ExpressionNode divide(int that) {
return new Division(this, integer(that));
public static class Addition extends ExpressionNode {
public final ExpressionNode lhs, rhs;
public Addition(ExpressionNode lhs, ExpressionNode rhs) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if(!(that instanceof Addition)) return false;
Addition addition = (Addition)that;
return lhs.equals(addition.lhs) && rhs.equals(addition.rhs);
public String toString() {
return "Addition(" + lhs + ", " + rhs + ")";
public static class Subtraction extends ExpressionNode {
public final ExpressionNode lhs, rhs;
public Subtraction(ExpressionNode lhs, ExpressionNode rhs) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if(!(that instanceof Subtraction)) return false;
Subtraction subtraction = (Subtraction)that;
return lhs.equals(subtraction.lhs) && rhs.equals(subtraction.rhs);
public String toString() {
return "Subtraction(" + lhs + ", " + rhs + ")";
public static class Multiplication extends ExpressionNode {
public final ExpressionNode lhs, rhs;
public Multiplication(ExpressionNode lhs, ExpressionNode rhs) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if(!(that instanceof Multiplication)) return false;
Multiplication multiplication = (Multiplication)that;
return lhs.equals(multiplication.lhs) && rhs.equals(multiplication.rhs);
public String toString() {
return "Multiplication(" + lhs + ", " + rhs + ")";
public static class Division extends ExpressionNode {
public final ExpressionNode lhs, rhs;
public Division(ExpressionNode lhs, ExpressionNode rhs) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if(!(that instanceof Division)) return false;
Division division = (Division) that;
return lhs.equals(division.lhs) && rhs.equals(division.rhs);
public String toString() {
return "Division(" + lhs + ", " + rhs + ")";
public static class ValueNode extends ExpressionNode {
public final int value;
public ValueNode(int value ) {
this.value = value;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if(that == null) return false;
if(!(that instanceof ValueNode)) return false;
ValueNode thatNode = (ValueNode)that;
return this.value == thatNode.value;
public int hashCode() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return "ValueNode(" + value + ")";
public static ValueNode integer(int value) {
return new ValueNode(value);
package com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on.my_parser;
import com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on.ParseFailure;
import com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on.expression.AbstractExpressionParser;
import com.github.kmizu.parser_hands_on.expression.ExpressionNode;
import java.util.Stack;
* expression = multitive {'+' multitive | '-' multitive};
* multitive = primary {'*' primary | '/' primary};
* primary = '(' expression ')' | integer;
public class MyExpressionParser extends AbstractExpressionParser {
private String input;
public ExpressionNode parse(String input) {
this.input = input;
this.position = 0;
this.stack = new Stack<>();
ExpressionNode result = expression();
if (input.length() != position) {
throw new ParseFailure("unconsumed input remains: " + input.substring(position));
} else {
return result;
public ExpressionNode expression() {
ExpressionNode result = multitive();
while(true) {
try {
result = compute(result, '+', multitive());
} catch (ParseFailure e1) {
try {
result = compute(result, '-', multitive());
} catch (ParseFailure e1) {
return result;
public ExpressionNode multitive() {
ExpressionNode result = primary();
while(true) {
try {
result = compute(result, '*', primary());
} catch (ParseFailure e1) {
try {
result = compute(result, '/', primary());
} catch (ParseFailure e1) {
return result;
public ExpressionNode primary() {
ExpressionNode result;
try {
result = expression();
return result;
} catch (ParseFailure e) {
Integer integerResult = integer();
result = new ExpressionNode.ValueNode(integerResult);
return result;
public ExpressionNode compute(ExpressionNode lhs, char operator, ExpressionNode rhs) {
switch (operator) {
case '+':
return new ExpressionNode.Addition(lhs, rhs);
case '-':
return new ExpressionNode.Subtraction(lhs, rhs);
case '*':
return new ExpressionNode.Multiplication(lhs, rhs);
case '/':
return new ExpressionNode.Division(lhs, rhs);
throw new ParseFailure("unsupported operator");
public Integer integer() {
Integer result;
try {
return zero();
} catch (ParseFailure e) {
result = digitFirst();
while (true) { // {digitRest}
try {
result = compute(result, digitRest());
} catch (ParseFailure e1) {
return result;
private char accept(char x) {
if (input.length() - 1 < position) {
throw new ParseFailure("current position is over range");
char c = input.charAt(position);
if (c == x) {
return x;
} else {
throw new ParseFailure("current character is not " + c);
private Integer zero() {
if (input.length() - 1 < position) {
throw new ParseFailure("current position is over range");
char c = input.charAt(position);
int x = c - '0';
if (x == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
throw new ParseFailure("zero should be 0");
private Integer digitFirst() {
if (input.length() - 1 < position) {
throw new ParseFailure("current position is over range");
char c = input.charAt(position);
int x = c - '0';
if (x == 0) {
throw new ParseFailure("digitFirst should not 0");
if (1 <= x && x <= 9) {
return x;
} else {
throw new ParseFailure("input contains no digit character");
private Integer digitRest() {
if (input.length() - 1 < position) {
throw new ParseFailure("current position is over range");
char c = input.charAt(position);
int x = c - '0';
if (0 <= x && x <= 9) {
return x;
} else {
throw new ParseFailure("input contains no digit character");
private Integer compute(Integer result, int parseResult) {
return result * 10 + parseResult;
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