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Created December 20, 2013 05:11
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ProBuilder 2.2.1 release notes


- Update Undo code for Unity 4.3 compatibility (Install Interface will determine the correct package for your Unity version automatically).	
- Add Rotate and Scale tool when editing faces or vertices (accessed by `E` and `R` shortcuts, respectively).
- Add EditLevel toolbar in sceneview for quickly viewing and setting EditLevel. @Genstein suggested improvement.
- New Edge selection mode.
- New `Bridge Edges` action.  Selected 2 edges to create a face bridging them.
- New `Collapse Selected Vertices` action.  Select any number of vertices and merge them to a single point.
- New `Split Selected Vertices` action.  Splits the selected vertices.
- New `Weld Selected Vertices` action.  Checks if any selected vertices share a point, and if so, merge them.
- New `Invert Selection` action. (ProBuilder -> Edit -> Invert Selection).
- New `Extrude` action (ProBuilder -> Edit -> Extrude).  Works for single or multiple faces, as well as edges.  Hold shift while moving a face to automatically extrude (works for translate, rotate, and scale).
- New Install / Upgrade interface provides options to install Release and Source versions, as well as older packages.
- Source code is now included as an installation option.
- New Door primitive type in Shape Generator.
- New Pipe primitive in Shape Generator.
- New Sprite primitive in Shape Generator.
- New Cone primitive in Shape Generator.
- Improved Runtime Example scene demonstrating face highlighting.
- New "Default Material" user preference.
- New "Select Faces with Material" tool.
- New API example scene showing object and primitive instantiation
- New GUI buttons for `Flip Normals`, `Mirror Object`, `Set Pivot`, `Vertex Color Interface` and `Extrude Face`.
- Add ability to select vertex by clicking on it.
- Add preference for turning off sceneview notifications (Preferences/ProBuilder).
- New preference item allows you to specify the `Force Convex` field of a `Mesh Collider` if it is set to default collider.
- New `Reset Projection Axis UV` repair tool.  Resets all UV settings to use the `Auto` face projection.
- New `Force Pivot to Vertex` and `Force Pivot to Grid` preferences allow for easier grid snapping.
- New default material for ProBuilder objects.

Bug Fixes

- Fix system beep on Mac OS when using keyboard shortcuts (this could be a headling feature).
- Fix bug where detaching or deleting a face wouldn`t always reset the _uniqueIndices array, causing bugs in the handle selection code.
- Add undo functionality to DetachFace action.
- Fix bug where vertex color information would be lost on duplication, refresh, build, or just about any other action you can imagine.
- Fix bug where detaching a face could result in empty entries to the pb_Object->_sharedIndices member, throwing null-ref.
- Fix InvertFaceSelection not correctly updating the pb_Object->selected_triangles list.
- Don`t show `Nodraw Face` notification if in Top Level editing mode.
- `G` key now exits Texture Mode.  
- Texture window shortcuts now show notifications.
- Fix button sizing in pb_Editor window.
- Show notification when toggling Selection Mode from GUI button.
- Fix error in `Detach Face` where occasionally a null shared index array would survive the rebuild.
- Fix compile errors in Editor code when exporting to Web.
- Fix bug where notification for Selection Mode handle would be incorrect.
- Fix bug where deleting a face, then undoing so would result in a NullReferenceError
- Fix bug where `Fix GameObject Flags` would improperly exit on failing to find a pb_Entity component.
- Fix vertex selection mouse icon drawing when not in Vertex Editing mode.
- Fix vertex color interface losing user preferences across Unity launches.
- Fix issue where pb_Upgrade_Utility would break installation on failing to run.
- Fix bug where rotated UVs would not move in the proper direction when dragging with texture move tool.
- Enable z-testing for face selection graphic.
- Don`t show notification post-installation of Static Flag fixes if no fixes were performed.
- Fix bug where texture handles sometimes wouldn`t match the selected face`s transform.
- Refactor shortcut code to differentiate between modal specific actions. Fixes bug where entity assignments would incorrectly be applied in Geometry level and not Top level.
- Fix incorrect skin colors in Unity Free on 4.3.
- Fix bug introduced in 2.1.4 that broke texture handle toggling (thanks, H. David).
- Fix bug where UV rotate tool would be imcorrectly calculated on selection change.
- Change UV scale and rotation behavior to no longer operate in world coordinates.
- Fix bug where extruding would occasionally corrupt the pb_Object.uniqueIndices cache, resulting in `NullRefError` in pb_Object::GetVertices.
- Adjust minSize of pb_Editor window to completely encompass buttons.
- Re-word toggle select mode and edit level notifications and make them consistent between the different access points.
- Fix bug where `Axis Constraints` toggle in ProGrids would not be respected when translating faces.
- Fix bug where UV and Smoothing group changes would not immediately revert on Undo operations.
- Fix regression that broke Ctrl-Left click to copy UV settings to face.
- Fix bug where ProBuilder Editor skin settings would "leak" to other Editor windows.
- Fix bug where collisions would sometimes not respect user preference when creating new geometry.
- Fix bug where SceneView would sometimes not refresh on an Undo event.


- In pb_Entity, switch the `Sphere Collider` option for `Remove Collider`.
- Change verbage in Geometry shortcut description.
- Add tooltip for selection mode toggle button.
- Show HandleAlignment text when using shortcut to modify.
- Move DetachFace to Edit menu.
- StaticBatchingFlags.BatchingStatic is now set by default on Occluder and Detail entity objects, and toggled appropriately when NoDraw is detected.
- Move "Create ProBuilder Cube" to "GameObject->Create Other" menu
- Re-organize ProBuilder menu.
- New "Fix GameObject Flags" utility to address static batching issues.  Users experiencing issues with missing ProBuilder objects at compile time should run this command once (per scene).
- Remove `Faces` menu item, merge with `Geometry`
- Move `Mirror Tool` and `Vertex Color Interface` to Editor Core.
- Repair scripts now live in their own folder.
- Tool scripts (any Action with an interface) now live in their own folder.
- Remove unused beta upgrade script from Install folder.
- Drag selecting faces now (optional; defaults to true) limits face searching to selected objects.
- Remove 'Seamless' mode.

API / Internal

- Add get/set for pb_Obect->_sharedIndices.
- Use ProBuilder.Actions namespace for all non-window requiring functions.
- When initializing a pb_Object with a pb_Object, use the vertex cache instead of accessing the mesh.
- Remove per-vertex smoothing methods in pb_Object.
- Remove _smoothIndices member from pb_Object.
- Move pb_Profiler to ClassesCore, allowing usage at runtime.
- Add `color` property to pb_Face.  Used when setting Mesh.colors32.
- New pb_Edge class (not currently in use).
- New ProBuilder.Instantiate(GameObject go) method.  Behaves exactly like UnityEngine.GameObject.Instantiate() and may be used with ProBuilder and non-ProBuilder objects.
- Move math methods from pbUtil to pb_Math.
- Added List<> overrides to many of the more commonly used pb_Object method calls.
- Clean up face selection graphic rendering code (small editor performance improvement).
- New FixDegenerateTriangles method (handy when merging vertices or faces).
- CombineObjects method re-built for faster combine operations.
- New ProBuilder2.Common, ProBuilder2.MeshOperations, and ProBuilder2.Math namespaces.  Partially integrated.
- New pb_Editor_Enum class and namespace.
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