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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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ProBuilder 2.4.4f1 (r3385)


  • Where possible* indices are now collapsed to share a single vertex.
  • Add context menu to swap between dockable window modes in vertex painter.
  • Unity 5.1 beta compatibility.
  • New Icosphere shape.
  • New API example shows a deformed icosphere with FFT spectrum.
  • Grow Selection is now roughly one gajillion times faster.
  • Grow with Angle can now optionally select all faces on a plane instead of just the ones near the perimeter.
  • New vertex handle gizmos are now culled (and much faster).
  • Add option to select only visible elements (Select All or Select Visible toggles this).
  • New Repair/pb_RepairMeshReferences script fixes duplicate mesh references.
  • Improve edge selection logic, making edge selection much easier.
  • Add a preference to enable backface selection on meshes.
  • Re-enable 'NoDraw' faces (now implemented as a shader replacement at compile time).
  • Improve subdivide action performance.
  • Improve performance when editing large numbers of vertices.
  • Smooth Normals Window now displays vertex normals with culling, and much faster.
  • Repair Missing Script references is now cancelable.
  • Add option to extrude elements as a group or individual.

Bug Fixes

  • Improve Flip Normals shortcut selection context handling.
  • Enable Subdivide shortcut in Top mode.
  • Fix arch geometry that broke when subdividing caps.
  • Fix bug where setting arch radius would also set the thickness to 0.01.
  • Add option to toggle cap generation on/off in arch tool.
  • Fix bug where extruding multiple adjacent faces with a shared center point would not correctly translate the shared center vertex.
  • Fix bug where Smoothing Window would not repaint on selection change.
  • Improve performance of MergeVertices function, helping to address lag after modifying large objects.
  • Fix bug where selecting faces obscured by a culled face would sometimes not register.
  • Remove obsolete preference entries.
  • Add Undo support when a click drag changes the selection in the UV editor.
  • Fix 'Quaternion Look Rotation is Zero' log spam when a face contains degenerate triangles.
  • Fix most instances of mesh and material leaks in Editor.
  • Fix bug where applying prefab changes to pb_Objects with the Editor closed would not propogate changes to instances.
  • Hide some internal MonoBehaviours from the Scripts menu.
  • Fix bug where deleting a face with 'delete' key shortcut would change static flags.
  • Fix null ref when entering play mode with collider entities sporting boxcollider components.
  • Fix bug where Connect Vertices would fail on thin isosceles triangles.
  • Fix bug where Connect Edges would mangle adjacent long skinny faces.
  • When adding colliders via pb_Entity toolbar, scan current collider components for isTrigger values and apply to new collider if found.
  • Fix some instances where convexity and trigger for EntityType.Collider & EntityType.Trigger types would not be set on initialization.
  • When detaching faces to a new object, make the detached object selected.
  • Fix bug where exiting to Top or Plugin level would not clear the selection mesh.
  • Copy userCollisions field when serializing pb_Object.
  • Fix regression in Unity 5 that causes prefabs to lose instance modifications on save and entering playmode.
  • When mirroring objects, make the mirrored results the new selection.
  • Fix bug where setting entity type then undoing wouldn't catch changes to collider.
  • Fix bug where duplicating multiple objects would leave pb_Object references pointing to same object.
  • When probuilder-izing objects, perform the action in-place (and add undo support).
  • Catch errors when repairing missing script references on objects with null materials.


  • Remove dependency on ProCore lib to communicate with ProGrids.
  • Rename scripts to uniformly follow pb_ prefix and pascal case for runtime, underscore case for editor.


  • New Optimize() method calls CollapseSharedVertices and GenerateUV2. Replaces GenerateUV2() in most cases.
  • Move most of remaining scripts into proper namespaces.
  • ProBuilder2.GUI namespace become ProBuilder2.Interface to avoid conflicts with UnityEngine.GUI.
  • Move Triangulation code into pbTriangleOps.
  • Significantly improved performance of RefreshNormals() function.
  • New VerifyMesh() function in pb_Editor_Utility guarantees good mesh reference and geometry.
  • Add ability to delete unfixable components in pb_MissingScriptEditor.
  • New PointIsOccluded() check in pb_Handle_Utility tests if a point is visible in editor.
  • Significantly improve performance of pbUtil.RemoveAt().
  • Significantly improve performance of many pbMeshOps methods.
  • New pb_LineRenderer and pb_MeshRenderer provide fast gizmo drawing in the SceneView.
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