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Last active May 3, 2024 16:36
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// A small test program of me trying Odin + Box2D + Raylib
// Made during this stream:
// I used these bindings download them and put them in a sub-folder "box2d" next to this file.
// Then you can build using `odin run .`
package game
import b2 "box2d"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
create_box :: proc(world_id: b2.World_ID, pos: b2.Vec2) -> b2.Body_ID{
body_def := b2.default_body_def()
body_def.type = .Dynamic
body_def.position = pos
body_id := b2.create_body(world_id, &body_def)
shape_def := b2.default_shape_def()
shape_def.density = 1
shape_def.friction = 0.3
box := b2.make_box(20, 20)
box_def := b2.default_shape_def()
b2.create_polygon_shape(body_id, &box_def, &box)
return body_id
main :: proc() {
rl.InitWindow(1280, 720, "Box2D trial")
world_def := b2.default_world_def()
world_def.gravity = b2.Vec2{0, -1}
world_id := b2.create_world(&world_def)
defer b2.destroy_world(world_id)
ground := rl.Rectangle {
0, 600,
1280, 120,
ground_body_def := b2.default_body_def()
ground_body_def.position = b2.Vec2{ground.x, -ground.y-ground.height}
ground_body_id := b2.create_body(world_id, &ground_body_def)
ground_box := b2.make_box(ground.width, ground.height)
ground_shape_def := b2.default_shape_def()
b2.create_polygon_shape(ground_body_id, &ground_shape_def, &ground_box)
bodies: [dynamic]b2.Body_ID
px: f32 = 400
py: f32 = -400
num_per_row := 10
num_in_row := 0
for _ in 0..<50 {
b := create_box(world_id, {px, py})
append(&bodies, b)
num_in_row += 1
if num_in_row == num_per_row {
py += 30
px = 200
num_per_row -= 1
num_in_row = 0
px += 30
body_def := b2.default_body_def()
body_def.type = .Dynamic
body_def.position = b2.Vec2{0, 4}
body_id := b2.create_body(world_id, &body_def)
shape_def := b2.default_shape_def()
shape_def.density = 1000
shape_def.friction = 0.3
circle: b2.Circle
circle.radius = 40
b2.create_circle_shape(body_id, &shape_def, &circle)
time_step: f32 = 1.0 / 60
sub_steps: i32 = 4
for !rl.WindowShouldClose() {
rl.DrawRectangleRec(ground, rl.RED)
mouse_pos := rl.GetMousePosition()
b2.body_set_transform(body_id, {mouse_pos.x, -mouse_pos.y}, 0)
b2.world_step(world_id, time_step, sub_steps)
for b in bodies {
position := b2.body_get_position(b)
a := b2.body_get_angle(b)
rl.DrawRectanglePro({position.x, -position.y, 40, 40}, {20, 20}, a*(180/3.14), rl.YELLOW)
// I changed the line above after the stream, it was originally like this. The line above puts the origin at the correct place and uses the correct type of rotation angle:
// rl.DrawRectanglePro({position.x, -position.y, 40, 40}, {0, 20}, a, rl.YELLOW)
rl.DrawCircleV(mouse_pos, 40, rl.MAGENTA)
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Thank you!

Yeah the axis flipping in code of the rendering is a dangerous move :D I think perhaps somehow consistently interfacing with box2d and taking flip into account is the way to go, but I'm not sure yet.

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