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Last active March 31, 2016 03:00
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  • Save karlgray/c3ab17615b3c0f712cb4144a4734c25b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save karlgray/c3ab17615b3c0f712cb4144a4734c25b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick hack to extract wordpress posts from xml to separate html files.
#!/usr/bin/php -q
/* Really nasty, really fast hack to extract all wordpress articles to .html files.
* Please test before using. It worked for a particular site to save time copy and pasting.
* There is no garantee it will work for you.
* Note this a php CLI script don't run from browser.
* I then used this to convert them to markdown files.
* find ./ -iname "*.html" -type f -exec sh -c 'pandoc "${0}" -o "./markdown/$(basename ${0%.html}.md)"' {} \;
$filename = "mycms.wordpress.2016-01-27.xml";
$file=file_get_contents ($filename);
foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
$filename = $item->title;
# This section simply removes any part of the title that would make for a bad filename
# Edit this section to suite yourself.
$filename = str_replace ( "a) ", "", $filename );
$filename = str_replace ( "b) ", "", $filename );
$filename = str_replace ( "c) ", "", $filename );
$filename = str_replace ( "d) ", "", $filename );
$filename = str_replace ( "e) ", "", $filename );
$filename = str_replace ( "f) ", "", $filename );
$filename = str_replace ( "g) ", "", $filename );
$filename = str_replace ( "h) ", "", $filename );
# Replace / with - for example /categoryname/postname to category-postname
$filename = str_replace ( "/", "-", $filename );
# Replace spaces, shouldn't happen but....
$filename = str_replace ( " ", "-", $filename );
# remove special chars from filename
$special_chars = array("/", "(", ")", ",", ";", ":", "'", ".");
$filename = str_replace ( $special_chars, "", $filename );
# I had a couple of files with --- in them.
$filename = str_replace ( "---", "-", $filename );
# I like my filenames all lower case
$filename = strtolower($filename);
# Create and write file
$content = $item->children("content", true);
$content = (string)$content->encoded;
$filename = $filename.".html";
echo "writing $filename".".html" ."\n";
file_put_contents($filename, $content);
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