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Created April 24, 2013 05:22
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A DateField view for Ember.js that uses Modernizr to detect HTML 5 date input support and falls back to a simple text field if that's not available. Also uses Moment.js instead of Date for formatting and binding. Otherwise a clone of
# Usage:
# {{App.DateField dateBinding="date"}} # Where "date" points to a Moment.js object
App.DateField = Ember.TextField.extend
type: 'date'
hasFocus: false
placeholderBinding: 'dateFormat'
if then 'YYYY-MM-DD' else 'MM/DD/YYYY'
init: ->
updateDate: (->
ms = moment.utc(@get('value'), @get('dateFormat'))
@set('date', ms) if ms and ms.isValid()
updateValue: (->
return if @get('hasFocus')
date = @get('date')
if date
@set('value', if moment.isMoment(date) then date.utc().format(@get('dateFormat')) else moment.utc(date))
focusIn: ->
@set('hasFocus', true)
focusOut: ->
@set('hasFocus', false)
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