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Last active October 15, 2020 09:52
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import numpy as np
import cv2
# each template defined via a list of white rectangles
# located within a unit square
# each rectangle given as a quadruple (j, k), (h, w)
np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5]]), # left-right edge
np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]]), # up-down edge
np.array([[0.0, 0.25, 1.0, 0.5]]), # left-middle-right edge
np.array([[0.25, 0, 0.5, 1]]), # left-middle-right edge
np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]), # diagonal
F_MIN = 0.2
F_MAX = 0.5
def resize_image(i):
width = int(np.round(i.shape[1] * DEF_HEIGHT / (1.0 * i.shape[0])))
i = cv2.resize(i, (width, DEF_HEIGHT))
return i
def gray_image(i):
i = cv2.cvtColor(i, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
return i
def haar_features_indexes(s, p):
Generate set of indexes: (t, s_j, s_k, p_j, p_k)
s - number of scales
p - number pivots, latice of pivots
indexes = []
for t in range(len(HAAR_TEMPLATES)):
for s_j in range(s):
for s_k in range(s):
for p_j in range(-p + 1, p):
for p_k in range(-p + 1, p):
indexes.append([t, s_j, s_k, p_j, p_k])
return indexes
def integral_image(i):
# h, w = i.shape
# ii = np.zeros(i.shape, dtype="int32")
# row_ii = np.zeros((w), dtype="int32")
# for j in range(h):
# for k in range(w):
# row_ii[k] = i[j, k]
# if k > 0:
# row_ii[k] += row_ii[k - 1]
# ii[j, k] = row_ii[k]
# if j > 0:
# ii[j, k] += ii[j-1, k]
ii = np.apply_over_axes(np.cumsum, i, axes=[0, 1])
ii = ii.astype("int32")
return ii
def delta(ii, j1, k1, j2, k2):
Calculate cumsum over rectangle
j1 - start position row
k1 - start position column
j2 - end position row
k2 - end position column
d = ii[j2, k2]
if j1 > 0:
d -= ii[j1 - 1, k2]
if k1 > 0:
d -= ii[j2, k1 - 1]
if j1 > 0 and k1 > 0:
d += ii[j1 - 1, k1 - 1]
return d
def haar_features_coordinates(hfs_indexes, s, p):
Generates coordinates of features within unit square
F_SIZE_JUMP = (F_MAX - F_MIN) / (s - 1) if s > 1 else F_MAX
jump_denominator = 2 * p - 2
hfs_coords = []
for t, s_j, s_k, p_j, p_k in hfs_indexes:
f_h = F_MIN + s_j * F_SIZE_JUMP
f_w = F_MIN + s_k * F_SIZE_JUMP
jump_j = (1.0 - f_h) / jump_denominator
jump_k = (1.0 - f_w) / jump_denominator
offset_j = 0.5 + p_j * jump_j - 0.5 * f_h
offset_k = 0.5 + p_k * jump_k - 0.5 * f_w
hf_coords = [np.array([offset_j, offset_k, f_h, f_w])]
for white in HAAR_TEMPLATES[t]:
white_j = offset_j + white[0] * f_h
white_k = offset_k + white[1] * f_w
white_h = white[2] * f_h
white_w = white[3] * f_w
hf_coords.append(np.array([white_j, white_k, white_h, white_w]))
return np.array(hfs_coords, dtype='object')
def haar_feature(ii, hf_coords_window, j0, k0):
Calculate difference between area under squares
j, k, h, w = hf_coords_window[0]
j1 = int(j0 + j)
k1 = int(k0 + k)
j2 = int(j1 + h - 1)
k2 = int(k1 + w - 1)
sum_all = delta(ii, j1, k1, j2, k2)
area_all = h * w
sum_white = 0
area_white = 0
for j, k, h, w in hf_coords_window[1:]:
j1 = int(j0 + j)
k1 = int(k0 + k)
j2 = int(j1 + h - 1)
k2 = int(k1 + w - 1)
sum_white += delta(ii, j1, k1, j2, k2)
area_white += h * w
sum_black = sum_all - sum_white
area_black = area_all - area_white
return int(sum_white / area_white - sum_black / area_black)
def draw_haar_feature_at(i, hf_coords, j0, k0):
j, k, h, w = hf_coords[0]
j1 = round(j0 + j)
j2 = round(j1 + h - 1)
k1 = round(k0 + k)
k2 = round(k1 + w - 1)
i_copy = i.copy()
cv2.rectangle(i_copy, (k1, j1), (k2, j2), (0, 0, 0), cv2.FILLED)
for c in hf_coords[1:]:
j, k, h, w = c
j1 = round(j0 + j)
j2 = round(j1 + h - 1)
k1 = round(k0 + k)
k2 = round(k1 + w - 1)
cv2.rectangle(i_copy, (k1, j1), (k2, j2), (255, 255, 255), cv2.FILLED)
cv2.addWeighted(i_copy, 0.6, i, 0.4, 0.0, i_copy)
return i_copy
if __name__ == "__main__":
path = "./data/"
i0 = cv2.imread(path + "000000.jpg")
i1 = resize_image(i0)
i = gray_image(i1)
# cv2.imshow("test image", i)
ii = integral_image(i)
s = 2
p = 2
hfs_indexes = haar_features_indexes(s, p)
hfs_coords = haar_features_coordinates(hfs_indexes, s=s, p=p)
h = 68
w = 68
hfs_coords_window = w * hfs_coords
# features demonstration on image and example window
j0 = 160
k0 = 280
p1 = (k0, j0)
p2 = (k0 + w - 1, j0 + h - 1)
for hf_coords_window, index in zip(hfs_coords_window, hfs_indexes):
i2 = draw_haar_feature_at(i1, hf_coords_window, j0, k0)
cv2.rectangle(i2, p1, p2, (0, 0, 255), 1)
feature = haar_feature(ii, hf_coords_window, j0, k0)
print(f'{index}: {feature}')
cv2.imshow("FEATURE DEMO", i2)
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