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Last active July 15, 2019 19:15
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This script clears caption text from multiple captions across multiple panels in Storyboard Pro
Name: TB_Delete_Caption_Text.js
Description: This script clears caption text from multiple captions across multiple panels.
Author: Karl Olson & Corey Barnes
Created: 2018/8/26
Modified: 2018/8/30
Version: v.1.1
Notes: Should be functionally the same as version 1.0, just with better structure and naming.
function DeleteCaptions() {
MessageLog.trace("Delete Captions--------- ");
var selectionManager = new SelectionManager;
var captionManager = new CaptionManager;
var currentPanelSelection = selectionManager.getPanelSelection();
if (currentPanelSelection.length <= 0) return;
// Create a list of all caption box names.
var captionNames = new Array(0);
var numberOfCaptions = captionManager.numberOfPanelCaptions();
for (var j = 0; j < numberOfCaptions; ++j) {
var captionName = captionManager.nameOfPanelCaption(j);
if (captionNames.indexOf(captionName) == -1)
// Create a dialog displaying all caption names as checkboxes.
captionSelectionDialog = new Dialog;
captionSelectionDialog.title = "Delete Captions Named...";
var group = new GroupBox;
group.title = "Caption Names";
var checkBoxesArray = new Array(0);
for (var i = 0; i < captionNames.length; ++i) {
var aCheckBox = new CheckBox;
aCheckBox.text = captionNames[i];
var rc = captionSelectionDialog.exec();
// If dialog cancelled, return
if (!rc) {
// Retrieve the selected caption names group.
var patterns = new Array(0);
for (var i = 0; i < checkBoxesArray.length; ++i) {
if (checkBoxesArray[i].checked == true) {
// Delete the caption text.
scene.beginUndoRedoAccum("Delete Captions");
for (var i = 0; i < currentPanelSelection.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < patterns.length; j++) {
captionManager.setPanelCaptionText(patterns[j], currentPanelSelection[i], "");
// Prepare report.
var finalMessage = "Captions cleared. :\n";
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Gonna post a new revision with hopefully easier to understand names and structure after this note.

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