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Created September 13, 2017 20:56
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In-SQL Rules Engine Demo
-- Boilerplate mocking out what we already have today. --
-- Just scroll down to the bottom. --
-- Cleanup
drop table if exists
drop function if exists
insert_meta_record (text)
-- Our "data source" table
create table my_data_source (
cust_id bigint,
name text,
dob date,
market text,
nps int
-- Some test data
insert into my_data_source (cust_id, name, dob, market, nps) values
(123, 'Adam', '11/22/93'::date, 'Minnesota', 8),
(456, 'Benny', '4/5/86'::date, 'Wisconsin', 3),
(789, 'Chris', '7/18/89'::date, 'Minnesota', 6),
(1011, 'Dave', '3/23/91'::date, 'Minnesota', 1),
(1213, 'Eric', '1/1/81'::date, 'Illinois', 7)
create table meta_record (
id bigserial primary key,
campaign_name text,
created_dt timestamp,
modified_dt timestamp,
assignee text,
priority int default 0
-- Simplified version of existing stored procedure to create meta-records for each campaign record
create function insert_meta_record (
campaign_name_ text
returns bigint
language plpgsql
as $$
now_ timestamp = now();
id_ bigint;
insert into meta_record (campaign_name, created_dt, modified_dt)
values (campaign_name_, now_, now_)
returning id into id_;
return id_;
create table my_campaign (
meta_record_id bigint references meta_record(id),
cust_id bigint,
name text,
dob date,
nps int
-- Now for the interesting stuff! --
-- New table to store
create table import_log (
campaign_name text,
process_time timestamp default now(),
actions jsonb,
row jsonb
do $$ -- This is a raw PL/pgSQL block = "Procedural Language: Postgres SQL".
declare -- DECLARE blocks both declare variables and define the scope where they exist, like Python's "with" statement
r my_data_source;
inserted_id bigint;
actions jsonb;
skip_record boolean;
-- Loop over every record in the data source.
-- We don't use a single INSERT/SELECT statement because we need to log things as a side-effect.
for r in select * from my_data_source
skip_record = false;
actions = '[]'::jsonb; -- Log of all the rules we process
-- Rules which cause us to skip a record
if != 'Minnesota' then
skip_record = true;
actions = jsonb_insert(actions, '{-1}', '{"skip": true}', true); -- append action to the rules log
-- We might also want to record which rule was being processed
end if;
if not(skip_record) then
insert into my_campaign (
cust_id, name, dob, nps
) values (
r.cust_id,, r.dob, r.nps
returning meta_record_id into inserted_id;
-- Process additional rules in order
if r.nps <= 6 then
update meta_record
set assignee = 'Jakub'
where id = inserted_id;
actions = jsonb_insert(actions, '{-1}', jsonb_build_object('assignee', 'Jakub'), true);
end if;
if r.nps <= 3 then
update meta_record
set priority = 9
where id = inserted_id;
actions = jsonb_insert(actions, '{-1}', jsonb_build_object('priority', 9), true);
end if;
end if;
insert into import_log (campaign_name, process_time, actions, row)
values ('my_campaign', now(), actions, row_to_json(r.*));
end loop;
-- These are the records that got inserted:
select * from meta_record full join my_campaign on my_campaign.meta_record_id =;
-- id campaign_name created_dt modified_dt assignee priority cid name dob nps
-- 1 my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 0 123 Adam 1993-11-22 8
-- 2 my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 Jakub 0 789 Chris 1989-07-18 6
-- 3 my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 Jakub 9 1011 Dave 1991-03-23 1
-- And we also have a log!
select * from import_log;
-- campgn_name process_time actions row
-- my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 [] {"dob": "1993-11-22", "nps": 8, "name": "Adam", "market": "Minnesota", "cust_id": 123}
-- my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 [{"skip": true}] {"dob": "1986-04-05", "nps": 3, "name": "Benny", "market": "Wisconsin", "cust_id": 456}
-- my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 [{"assignee": "Jakub"}] {"dob": "1989-07-18", "nps": 6, "name": "Chris", "market": "Minnesota", "cust_id": 789}
-- my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 [{"assignee": "Jakub"}, {"priority": 9}] {"dob": "1991-03-23", "nps": 1, "name": "Dave", "market": "Minnesota", "cust_id": 1011}
-- my_campaign 2017-09-13 15:52:00.123611 [{"skip": true}] {"dob": "1981-01-01", "nps": 7, "name": "Eric", "market": "Illinois", "cust_id": 1213}
-- For some reason every record has the same log time. Not sure why that is...
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