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Created June 28, 2011 14:11
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Content of my killed HN post
original existed at: (comments still exist)
Perhaps grumpiness has got the best of me this morning, but this is at least the second time that I've seen the "Our office is too big -- we need some badass hackers to fill it up", job posting on HN and something about it grates me the wrong way.
First, the formatting is brutal. It is possibly a markup language I simply don't recognize – but then, neither does HN. The different roles blend into each other, the spacing is all uniform removing any visual grouping.
Second, the content is childish. It screams (to me) of either unprofessionalism or fake-cool. What's "TONS" of experience? What does "physically live at a ton of smb's" mean? Are you saying the product is already in use by a lot of business that hire mostly fat employees? What's an "extremely small core dev team"? 1? Scaling "really big stuff"? Like a mountain? Finally, the salary description includes "blah blah blah".
Here's a writing tip, words that end in "ly" can normally (see what I did there?) be removed. Drop the "ridiculously", "incredibly", the two "extremely"'s in the same phrase.
As a final thought, since you have posted this more than once, why not experiment with different formats/content and figure out what works best. Maybe I'm wrong and your format is attracting exactly who you are hoping it is. However, in my experience, people stick to a very specific employing process and never experiment/tweak – even though it's actually something where the impact of variations can be measured quite easily.
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