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Created September 3, 2014 18:10
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  • Save karlwestin/157e64b0eb9343369046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save karlwestin/157e64b0eb9343369046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
selenimum reporting from jasmine tests
// in all.html, change the 'done' function at the bottom to this
function done() {
//document.getElementById("currentTest").innerHTML = "";
//var res = _.reduce(results, function(sum, item) {
// sum.totalCount += item.totalCount;
// sum.failedCount += item.failedCount;
// sum.passedCount += item.passedCount;
// sum.fails = sum.fails.concat(item.fails);
// return sum;
//}, {totalCount:0, failedCount: 0, passedCount: 0, fails: [] });
//var tmpl = _.template($("#total_jasmine_report_123").html());
_.each(callbacks, function(callback) {
// Change here too:
// this pases the full structure of the report to selenium
(:require [ :as qa]
[app.util.random :as random]
[ :as taxi]
[ :as lg])
(qa/deftest jasmine [options]
{:functionality :basic
:local true
:exclusions #{:iphone :android} ;; Some issues on that -- stuff is "not implemented yet".
(go (str "spec/all.html?" (random/uuid) "#selenium"))
(let [failed (async-script
"var qaCallback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
callbacks.push(function(res) {
// just push the entire result out to selenium
} else {
(qa/expect nil failed)))
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ithayer commented Sep 4, 2014

(not sure if it's due to the above, will keep looking into it)

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