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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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What i mean about angular templates

Angular templates are very cool and all, there's jsut one thing im used to that im missing:

This is only about building/packaging your JS for prod

What i do today:

When i require a handlebars template with require.js:

require(["hbs!my-template"], function(tmpl) {
  //use the template in here  

HBS can parse the template, find dependencies and subdependencies, and include all those. Further, with require.js i can automatically get all the dependencies included in my build, just by asking for my-template

What grunt-angular-templates and all the other angular suggestions do:

They all seem to work more or less the same way:

  1. Scan directory for all files named "*.mysuffix", for example templates/dashboard/**/*.html
  2. Concat all those and add them to template cache, when your one single angular app starts

Why can't i do like everyone else?

  1. I have more than one angular app on a page
  2. I have several different pages, where some reuses widgets from each other The angular community seems to favor folder structures like this

My opinion is that that stuff only works for small apps. For larger apps you need smth like this:


A widget can be used on both dashboard/settings, and that folder contains a controller it needs, a template it needs and so. All code concerning one unit on the page is in one folder.

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including templates required by templates in my view should be the job of the template compiler.

Yeah, thats exactly my opinion too, except i haven't seen a template compiler that does it for angular :)

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