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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Adds a convenience init to UIColor to allow it to be created from a hex string as in HTML or CSS colour specifications
// UIColorByHexString.swift
// Created by Karl Wilcox on 10/05/2015.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Karl Wilcox. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
* Adds a convenience init to UIColor to allow it to be created from a 3, 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal string,
* with an optional '#' or '0x' prefix, as per HTML and CSS colour specifications
* A 3 digit hex string has each digit doubled (ie. #123 becomes #112233) and becomes a 6 digit string
* A 6 digit hex string is converted to red, green and blue components and is opaque (alpha = 1)
* An 8 digit hex string is converted to red, green, blue and alpha components
* There are no errors reported, the init always succeeds, if no conversion is possible opaque black is produced
* Example usage: let aliceBlue = UIColor(hexString: "#f0f8ff")
extension UIColor {
convenience init(hexString:String) {
var redFloat:Float = 0.0
var greenFloat:Float = 0.0
var blueFloat:Float = 0.0
var alphaFloat:Float = 255.0
var digits = Array(hexString)
var numDigits = digits.count
if numDigits >= 3 {
if digits[0] == "#" {
numDigits -= 1
} else if digits[0] == "0" && digits[1] == "x" {
numDigits -= 2
if numDigits == 3 { // double up hex digits
digits = [digits[0], digits[0], digits[1], digits[1], digits[2], digits[2]]
numDigits = 6
// Only go ahead if length is 6 or 8 (extra digits are ignored)
if numDigits >= 6 {
NSScanner(string: "0x\(digits[0])\(digits[1])").scanHexFloat(&redFloat)
NSScanner(string: "0x\(digits[2])\(digits[3])").scanHexFloat(&greenFloat)
NSScanner(string: "0x\(digits[4])\(digits[5])").scanHexFloat(&blueFloat)
if numDigits >= 8 {
NSScanner(string: "0x\(digits[6])\(digits[7])").scanHexFloat(&alphaFloat)
self.init(red: CGFloat(redFloat / 255), green: CGFloat(greenFloat / 255), blue: CGFloat(blueFloat / 255), alpha: CGFloat(alphaFloat / 255))
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