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Created July 18, 2012 06:09
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Lift - Locale via user action (clicking flag img)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resources> <!-- A small example showing one way to do internationalization in Lift (_resources_index.html)-->
<res name="" lang="en"default="true">About</res>
<res name="" lang="sv">Om</res>
<!--In template-->
<!--One way to get localized string from resource file -->
... <span data-lift="Loc?">About</span>
<!-- Let the user switch lang by clicking flags -->
<li ><a class="flag-se" href="?hl=sv_SE"></a> </li>
<li><a class="flag-gb" href="?hl=en_GB"></a></li>
package bootstrap.liftweb
import java.util.Locale
//object holding the chosen locale during the session, can be updated by user at any time.
object localeOverride extends SessionVar[Box[Locale]](Empty)
class Boot extends Loggable {
def boot {
// Build SiteMap using Menu.i to get localized menu names from resource files
val entries = List(
Menu.i("Home") / "index",
//Localization block
val swedishLocale = new Locale("sv", "SE")
object localeMemo extends RequestMemoize[Int, Locale] {
override protected def __nameSalt = randomString(20)
LiftRules.localeCalculator = (request: Box[HTTPRequest]) =>
localeMemo(request.hashCode, (for {
r <- request
p <- tryo(r.param("hl").head.split(Array('_', '-')))
} yield p match {
case Array(lang) => {
if (!lang.equals("hl")) {
logger.debug("setting local to "+lang)
localeOverride.set(Full(new Locale(lang)))
case Array(lang, country) => {
logger.debug("setting local to "+lang+"_"+country)
localeOverride.set(Full(new Locale(lang, country)))
//end loxalization block
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