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Created May 18, 2013 18:47
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Реализация "жизни Конуэя" на javascript
//Author : Mikhail Svarichevsky
//This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
//You can read more about Conway's game of life at
//INIT --------------------------
//We are not using off-screen canvas for draving as we redraw only small part of screen,
//any copying everything from off-screen canvas is actually a bit slower
var gfx = document.getElementById('gfx');
var context = gfx.getContext('2d');
var page;// 0 / 1
var frame = 0;
var maxx = 256;
var maxy = 192;
//Hate this array initialization. Please, let me know if there is a portable way to create 3d array in 1 line.
var data = new Array(2);//flipping pages
data[0] = new Array(maxy);//Y
data[1] = new Array(maxy);//Y
for (y=0;y<maxy;y++)
data[page][y]=new Array(maxx);
for(x=0;x<=(maxx>>5);x++)//1 extra value so that we don't run over then array boundaries
page = 0;//First working page
function setColor(newColor)
context.fillStyle = '#dc6783';else
context.fillStyle = 'white';
//We need to use requestAnimationFrame to stop animation when page is hidden in background tab, so that we don't load CPU when nobody is watching
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function( callback ){
window.setTimeout(callback, 1);
//Here comes bit magic
//We store 32 bits in 1 array value
//Integers over 32 bit are stored as floating point
//So we should not expect things to 'wrap around' at 2^31 automagically like in C++
function getPixel(x,y,page)
return (data[page][y][x>>5]>>(x&31))&1;//Cannot /32 as it would give floating point result in JS
function setPixel(x,y,page,value)
data[page][y][x>>5] = (data[page][y][x>>5] & (~(1<<(x&31))))//clear position
((value&1) << (x&31));//set our bit at proper position
function drawCell(x,y){}
function drawCellFunction(x,y)
if(x<32 || y<32 || x>219 || y>150) return;
//We shift out field a little so that user does not see funny glitches at the edges
context.fillRect((x-32)*4+2, (y-32)*4+2, 3, 3);
function noDrawCellFunction(x,y){}//Used for benchmarks
function enableDrawing()
drawCell = drawCellFunction;
function disableDrawing()
drawCell = noDrawCellFunction;
function do1step()
//As we have a rather small field, and it's supposed to be quite full,
//quadtree optimization won't be effective here, as well as recording queue of cells changing state.
//Hashing & memorization would require alot of memory to be effective and are "slow to start"
//One optimization which might be useful here is to store cellstates as 32-bit per array value
//Then as you go from left to right, you shift in new data each 16 bits (so that we always can access -1..17 cells)
//take (&7) of the value to take first 3 cells, and using lookup table you calculate sum at first & last row.
//(On modern CPU's we have special instruction for bitcointing - POPCNT, but it's such a luxury for JavaScript)
//To save on memory access for lookup table, we pack it into 1 integer
//For middle row you use value (&5)
//Although number of operation is not much lower, we are saving alot on slow array accesses and branches
// Bitcounting trick:
// 000 0 00
// 001 1 01
// 010 1 01
// 011 2 10
// 100 1 01
// 101 2 10
// 110 2 10
// 111 3 11
// Magick lookup number = 0b00000000000000001110100110010100
// Least significant ^
// Surely Javascript cannot eat binary constants, so we have to convert to dec or hex manually.
// As it won't be readable anyway, let's convert it to octal just for lulz:
// Magic number = 0164624
// So now to calculate number of set bits in first 3 bits in our number we do:
// (0164624 >> (number & 7)) & 3; So we need just 3 operations and no extra memory accesses
//New state magic contant
//Bit meaning: [...SSSSB] where S is sum, B is old cell state.
//This bit ordering allows faster calculation of lookup code
//As a result we are getting new cell state
//Rules are from
//state_lookup = 0340;//0b0000000011100000;
/*state_lookup =
//Old cell state
//0 1
0 , 0 // 0 SUM
, 0 , 0 // 1
, 0 , 1 // 2
, 1 , 1 // 3
, 0 , 0 // 4
, 0 , 0 // 5
, 0 , 0 // 6
, 0 , 0 // 7
, 0 , 0 // 8
readpage = page;
writepage = 1-page;
//Set color to 1, as we draw all 1's first
//We do so as color switch on canvas context is a slow operation
//Doing 2 passes on the scene is still faster by ~50% than doing so in 1 pass but switching color on each cell
//Too sad we can't have 2 contexts of the same canvas with different settings
//Saving partial sums for previous rows is not worth it,
//as we are not really reducing number of memory accesses
//Calculating sums at the time of setting cell to 1
//would require additional array pass to clear an array of sums
//On C it might have been faster with memset and linear array, but on JS this approach might be slower.
for(y=1;y<maxy-1;y++)//We do not process 1px border
//Let the magic begin
v1 = 0;//previous line
v2 = 0;//current value current line, current position is 2nd bit
v3 = 0;//next line
savedv1 = data[readpage][y-1][0];//Saved array values, so that we don't reread same values
savedv2 = data[readpage][y ][0];
savedv3 = data[readpage][y+1][0];
v1=(savedv1<<1) | (v1>>>16);//input values must be shifted by 1 bit so that we can write at 32-bit boundary
v2=(savedv2<<1) | (v2>>>16);
v3=(savedv3<<1) | (v3>>>16);
new_state = 0;
sum = ((0164624 >>> (((v1>>>bit)&7)<<1))&3)+
((0164624 >>> (((v2>>>bit)&5)<<1))&3)+//&5 because we skip middle cell when calculating number of surrounding cells;
((0164624 >>> (((v3>>>bit)&7)<<1))&3);
new_state |= ((0340 >>> ((sum<<1) | ((v2>>>(bit+1))&1)))&1)<<bit;
//shift input values by 16 and load some more data
tmp2=data[readpage][y ][x+1];
v1=(savedv1>>>15) | (tmp1<<17);
v2=(savedv2>>>15) | (tmp2<<17);
v3=(savedv3>>>15) | (tmp3<<17);
savedv1 = tmp1;
savedv2 = tmp2;
savedv3 = tmp3;
sum = ((0164624 >>> (((v1>>>bit)&7)<<1))&3)+
((0164624 >>> (((v2>>>bit)&5)<<1))&3)+//&5 because we skip middle cell when calculating number of surrounding cells;
((0164624 >>> (((v3>>>bit)&7)<<1))&3);
new_state |= ((0340 >>> ((sum<<1) | ((v2>>>(bit+1))&1)))&1)<<(bit+16);
//New state for 32 cells is done, save them & draw all 1's
data[writepage][y ][x] = new_state;
need_draw = (new_state ^ data[readpage][y ][x]) & new_state;//Draw only changed cells, which are 1
//Now draw all 0's
new_state = data[writepage][y ][x];
need_draw = (new_state ^ data[readpage][y ][x]) & (~new_state);//Draw only changed cells, which are 0
//No need to copy array, just flip the page
page = 1-page;
function frameEventHandler()
if(frame<20000)//Show must not go on for too long to save some power if page is left open accidentally
setTimeout(function() {requestAnimFrame(frameEventHandler);}, Math.max(33 , 800.0/(frame+1)));
//NoDraw Performance, FPS (i7-3820 @4.3Ghz)
// int storage bit storage FastBit FastBit+Draw +Clipping
// FF12: 480 1530 323 467
// IE9 : 177 426 190 214
// Chrome: 1212 235 274
function benchmark_setTestData()
//set test field
setPixel(ix,iy,page,(((~~(Math.sin((ix+1)*0.27365427)*Math.sin((iy+1)*0.8236465)*100000000.0))%2)==0)?1:0);//Some predictable randomization. We can't use random() as we cannot set seed is JS
drawCell(ix,iy);//Shift it a little bit so that we don't see borders on the screen where behavior might be broken a bit
function benchmark_doIt()
disableDrawing();//So that we test only computations
start = new Date().getTime();
end = new Date().getTime();
//Redraw whole field to show final state
drawCell(ix,iy);//Shift it a little bit so that we don't see borders on the screen where behavior might be broken a bit
alert("FPS: " + (1000*5000/(end-…
<canvas id="gfx" width="755" height="479">
<img src="/i/404.png" alt="Canvas support is needed to show some fancy animation">
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