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Last active March 10, 2020 18:28
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Bootstrap-switch plugin for X-editable
ToggleSwitch editable input.
@class toggleswitch
@extends abstractinput
<a href="#" id="toggleswitch" data-type="toggleswitch" data-pk="1"></a>
mode: 'inline',
showbuttons: false,
onblur: 'ignore',
onchange: 'submit',
bootstrap_switch: false,
bootstrap_switch_options: {
onText: 'YES',
offText: 'NO',
onColor: 'success',
offColor: 'danger',
inverse: true
pk: 2,
url: '/post',
title: 'Verified',
(function ($) {
"use strict";
var ToggleSwitch = function (options) {
this.init('toggleswitch', options, ToggleSwitch.defaults);
//inherit from Abstract input
$.fn.editableutils.inherit(ToggleSwitch, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput);
$.extend(ToggleSwitch.prototype, {
Renders input from tpl. Can return jQuery deferred object.
Can be overwritten in child objects
@method render()
render: function () {
this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input');
Sets element's html by value.
@method value2html(value, element)
@param {mixed} value
@param {DOMElement} element
value2html: function (value, element) {
var html = value === true ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
Converts element's html to value
@method html2value(html)
@param {string} html
@returns {mixed}
html2value: function (html) {
** This is unused for now, will be used in future **
you may write parsing method to get value by element's html
but for complex structures it's not recommended.
Better set value directly via javascript, e.g.
value: {
checked: "Yes",
unchecked: "No",
Converts value to string (for internal compare). For submitting to server used value2submit().
@method value2str(value)
@param {mixed} value
@returns {string}
value2str: function (value) {
return (value === 1 || value === true) ? 1 : 0;
Converts string received from server into value. Usually from `data-value` attribute.
@method str2value(str)
@param {string} str
@returns {mixed}
str2value: function (str) {
return (str === 1 || str === true) ? true : false;
Sets value of input.
@method value2input(value)
@param {mixed} value
value2input: function (value) {
this.$input.prop('checked', value);
Returns value of input.
@method input2value()
input2value: function () {
if (this.options.bootstrap_switch === true) {
return this.$input.bootstrapSwitch('state');
return this.$input.prop("checked");
Activates input. For text it sets focus on the first field.
@method activate()
activate: function () {
var onchange = this.options.onchange;
if (this.options.bootstrap_switch === true) {
var bootstrap_switch_options = this.options.bootstrap_switch_options;
// Merge onSwitchChange callback to other bootstrap-switch options
$.extend(bootstrap_switch_options, {
'onSwitchChange': function (event, state) {
if(onchange === 'submit' || onchange === 'submitandshow') {
} else {
this.$input.on('change', function () {
if(onchange === 'submit' || onchange === 'submitandshow') {
Attach handler to automatically submit form when value changed (useful when buttons not shown)
@method autosubmit()
autosubmit: function () {
var onchange = this.options.onchange;
this.$input.closest('.editable-container').siblings('.editable').on('hidden', function (e, reason) {
if (onchange === 'submitandshow') {
if (reason === 'save' || reason === 'nochange') {
this.$input.on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
ToggleSwitch.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, {
HTML template of input. Normally you should not change it.
@property tpl
@type string
@default <div></div>
tpl: '<div class="editable-toggleswitch"><input type="checkbox"></div>',
Action when user changes the input value in container. Can be <code>submit|submitandshow|ignore</code>.
Setting <code>ignore</code> allows to have several containers open.
@property onchange
@type string
@default 'ignore'
onchange: 'ignore',
Enable bootstrap-switch plugin
@property bootstrap_switch
@type boolean
@default false
bootstrap_switch: false,
Bootstrap-Switch options goes here as json Object. for example
onText: 'ON',
offText: 'OFF',
onColor: 'primary',
offColor: 'default',
inverse: false
@property bootstrapSwitch
@type json
@default {}
bootstrap_switch_options: {},
$.fn.editabletypes.toggleswitch = ToggleSwitch;
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karmendra commented Mar 8, 2020

You can use this script with (image) or without (image) bootstrap-switch plugin:

.editable('show') is to make sure that the control is always shown
If bootstrap_switch: true make sure you include bootstrap-switch library (tested with v3.3.4)


    <span id="verified"


    mode: 'inline',
    showbuttons: false,
    onblur: 'ignore',
    pk: 2,
    url: '/post.php',
    title: 'Verified',

    // toggleswitch specific options
    onchange: 'submit',
    bootstrap_switch: true,
    bootstrap_switch_options: {
        onText: 'YES',
        offText: 'NO',
        onColor: 'success',
        offColor: 'danger',
        inverse: true

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