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Created April 28, 2011 21:55
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Importing and searching RSS with ElasticSearch and Tire
# Importing and searching RSS with ElasticSearch and Tire
# =======================================================
require 'rubygems'
require 'tire'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
# First, let's check for a running ElasticSearch server.
( puts <<-"INSTALL" ; exit(1) ) unless (RestClient.get('http://localhost:9200') rescue false)
[ERROR] You don’t appear to have ElasticSearch installed. Please install and launch it with the following commands:
curl -k -L -o elasticsearch-0.16.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf elasticsearch-0.16.0.tar.gz
./elasticsearch-0.16.0/bin/elasticsearch -f
URL = ''
puts "", "Fetching data from #{URL}...", "-"*80
feed = Nokogiri::HTML(open(URL))
documents ="//entry").map do |entry|
result = {}
result[:type] = 'question'
result[:id] = entry.xpath("id").text[/questions\/(\d+)\//, 1]
result[:title] = entry.xpath("title").text
result[:link] = entry.xpath("link[@rel='alternate']/@href").text
result[:categories] = entry.xpath("category/@term").map { |c| c.to_s }
result[:author] = entry.xpath("author/name").text
result[:published] = entry.xpath("published").text
result[:summary] = entry.xpath("summary").text
puts "", "Importing these #{documents.size} documents...", "-"*80
documents.each { |document| puts "* #{document[:title]}" }
Tire.index 'stackoverflow' do
create :mappings => {
:question => {
:properties => {
:id => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'keyword' },
:link => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'keyword' },
:categories => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'keyword' },
:author => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'keyword' },
:title => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'snowball' },
:summary => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'snowball' }
import documents
s ='stackoverflow') do
query { string 'ruby' }
facet('categories') { terms :categories, :global => true }
puts "", "Any questions about ruby?", "-"*80
s.results.each do |d|
puts "#{ } : #{d.title} [#{d.categories.join(', ')}]"
puts "", "Top 10 categories in database:", "-"*80
s.results.facets['categories']['terms'].each do |f|
puts "#{f['term'].ljust(15)} #{f['count']}"
puts "", "Or, try the search with curl:", "-"*80
puts s.to_curl
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floere commented Apr 29, 2011

I'm also thinking about line 71:
Using a string as index identifier ('stackoverflow') carries a bit of power with it, flexibility of putting it together dynamically etc. but I wonder if it wouldn't be more prudent to use an actual object here:

stackoverflow = Slingshot.index 'stackoverflow' do
  create :mappings => {
    # ...
stackoverflow.import documents

s = do # ...

(Yes, I know, in Picky it is like that, and was once like in your example – but for a reason: To have stronger "bindings" than just loose strings. If I change one it will only crash much later in the backend while with variables it will crash earlier and so on)

Perhaps have it so I can use both a String and/or an Index?
In the example, I extracted #import and #refresh out from the block so as to give to block the single meaning and function of "here I am configuring", and after, with the instance "here I perform actions like import and refresh" on the index.

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