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Created January 17, 2022 09:07
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Bill & Ted NES map ripper
bill & ted nes map ripper
written by karmic, jul 10-11, 2021
slightly improved jan 16-17, 2022
requires libpng (compile with "-lpng")
rom must be in the working directory and called "Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (U) [!].nes"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <png.h>
#include <zlib.h>
note on perspective:
the game operates on this axis:
w n
\ /
/ \
s e
therefore, this is the vertical perspective:
| | | | /
o | | | /
u | | |/
t | | /
s | |/
i | /
d |/
e / inside
and this is the horizontal perspective:
\ | | | | |
\ | | | o |
\| | | u |
\ | | t |
\| | s |
\ | i |
\| d |
\ e |
inside \| |
\ |
north/east means a higher coordinate value. coordinates are arranged like so:
hi --------> lo
zzzzyyyy yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx
z = level region
y = actual position
x = fractional part
sometimes the lowest byte is completely omitted
the coordinates actually operate in 2-pixel units
ram map:
$26 - level id:
$00 - egyptian world
$01 - medieval world 1
$02 - medieval world 2
$03 - colonial world
$04 - western world
$05 - modern world
$38-$39 - horz nametable copy dest #1
$3a - horz nametable copy size #1
$3b-$3c - horz nametable copy dest #2
$3d - horz nametable copy size #2
$45-$46 - vert nametable copy dest #1
$47 - vert nametable copy size #1
$48-$49 - vert nametable copy dest #2
$4a - vert nametable copy size #2
$f0 - ppuctrl
$f1 - ppumask
$f2 - ppuscroll x
$f3 - ppuscroll y
rom map (note: game uses fixed $8xxx and configurable $cxxx):
$02:$cf56 - level pointer table
level format:
can have a maximum of 16 entries indexed by upper nybble of $d7 (i.e. the "region" number)
access routine at $af10
for each region ($10 bytes):
word - screen map pointer (in bank 2) -> $e4
byte - -> $da
bit 7 - 0: vertical, 1: horizontal
bits 0-6 - amount of screens
word - per-frame commands (in bank 2) -> $06e9
byte - amount of per-frame commands -> $06e8
word - pointer (in bank 2) -> $06eb
byte - max coordinate hi -> $df
byte - max coordinate lo -> $de
byte - min coordinate hi -> $e1
byte - min coordinate lo -> $e0
word - pointer -> $e2
word - palette pointer -> $ee
$06 is for historical bait?
$08 is the important command that handles crossroads (that transition from region to region)
byte - src coordinate hi
byte - src coordinate lo
byte - ?
byte - dest coordinate hi
byte - dest coordinate lo
$09/$0a is for enterable doors
$0b is for "blocked" doors that kick you out
level screen map format:
each level is divided into any amount of "regions", then any amount of screens, then 8 columns, then 8 (outside)/16 (inside) rows, then metatiles
a column is 4 tiles wide and a row is 2 tiles high
metatiles are 9 bytes long, arranged row by row, then with the additional attribute byte
bits 0-1: left side palette id
bits 2-3: right side palette id
both nybbles should be the same
for each:
byte - bits 0-2: screen bank
bits 3-7: screen set
byte - screen outside arrangement id
byte - screen inside arrangement id
valid bank/set values are:
$03 - inside long building, vertical
$0b - inside small building, vertical
$13 - western world, vertical
$1b - western world, horizontal
$23 - egyptian world, vertical
$2b - egyptian world, horizontal
$04 - medieval world villages, vertical
$0c - medieval world villages, horizontal
$14 - medieval world castles, vertical
$1c - medieval world castles, horizontal
$24 - colonial(?) world, vertical
$2c - colonial(?) world, horizontal
$34 - modern(?) world, vertical
$3c - modern(?) world, horizontal
as can be seen, sets are separated by the look of the area and the perspective
there may not be any more than 8 sets within a bank
the set infos are at the start of the bank. all data is words
$c000 - palette pointers
$c010 - background chr banks
$c020 - metatile data pointers
$c030 - outside column data pointers
$c040 - inside column data pointers
$c050 - outside column map pointers
$c060 - inside column map pointers
const uint32_t palette[] = { 0xFF666666, 0xFF002A88, 0xFF1412A7, 0xFF3B00A4, 0xFF5C007E, 0xFF6E0040, 0xFF6C0600, 0xFF561D00, 0xFF333500, 0xFF0B4800, 0xFF005200, 0xFF004F08, 0xFF00404D, 0xFF000000, 0xFF000000, 0xFF000000, 0xFFADADAD, 0xFF155FD9, 0xFF4240FF, 0xFF7527FE, 0xFFA01ACC, 0xFFB71E7B, 0xFFB53120, 0xFF994E00, 0xFF6B6D00, 0xFF388700, 0xFF0C9300, 0xFF008F32, 0xFF007C8D, 0xFF000000, 0xFF000000, 0xFF000000, 0xFFFFFEFF, 0xFF64B0FF, 0xFF9290FF, 0xFFC676FF, 0xFFF36AFF, 0xFFFE6ECC, 0xFFFE8170, 0xFFEA9E22, 0xFFBCBE00, 0xFF88D800, 0xFF5CE430, 0xFF45E082, 0xFF48CDDE, 0xFF4F4F4F, 0xFF000000, 0xFF000000, 0xFFFFFEFF, 0xFFC0DFFF, 0xFFD3D2FF, 0xFFE8C8FF, 0xFFFBC2FF, 0xFFFEC4EA, 0xFFFECCC5, 0xFFF7D8A5, 0xFFE4E594, 0xFFCFEF96, 0xFFBDF4AB, 0xFFB3F3CC, 0xFFB5EBF2, 0xFFB8B8B8, 0xFF000000, 0xFF000000 };
png_color pngpal[0x41];
png_byte pngtrns[0x41];
uint8_t *prg = NULL;
uint8_t *chr = NULL;
uint8_t *bmp = NULL;
unsigned bmpwidth;
unsigned bmpheight;
uint8_t *getprg(uint8_t bank, uint16_t addr)
return prg+(bank*0x4000)+(addr&0x3fff);
uint16_t getlittle(uint8_t *p)
return *p | *(p+1) << 8;
uint16_t getbig(uint8_t *p)
return *p << 8 | *(p+1);
uint16_t getprglittle(uint8_t bank, uint16_t addr)
uint8_t *p = getprg(bank,addr);
return *p | *(p+1) << 8;
uint16_t getprgbig(uint8_t bank, uint16_t addr)
uint8_t *p = getprg(bank,addr);
return *p << 8 | *(p+1);
void writetile(unsigned x, unsigned y, uint8_t bank, uint8_t tile, uint8_t *pal)
uint8_t *tp = chr+(bank*0x1000)+(tile*0x10);
for (int yf = 0; yf < 8; yf++)
for (int xf = 0; xf < 8; xf++)
uint8_t pi = (tp[yf] & (0x80 >> xf)) ? 1 : 0;
pi |= (tp[yf+8] & (0x80 >> xf)) ? 2 : 0;
bmp[((y+yf)*bmpwidth)+x+xf] = pal[pi];
void writemetatile(unsigned x, unsigned y, uint8_t bank, uint8_t *mt, uint8_t *pal)
uint8_t leftpali = mt[8] & 3;
uint8_t rightpali = (mt[8]>>2) & 3;
for (unsigned xt = 0; xt < 4; xt++)
for (unsigned yt = 0; yt < 2; yt++)
writetile(x+(xt*8), y+(yt*8), bank,
pal+((xt<2 ? leftpali : rightpali)*4)
void fput16(uint16_t v, FILE *f)
fputc(v & 0xff, f);
fputc((v>>8) & 0xff, f);
void fput32(uint32_t v, FILE *f)
fputc(v & 0xff, f);
fputc((v>>8) & 0xff, f);
fputc((v>>16) & 0xff, f);
fputc((v>>24) & 0xff, f);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 4)
puts("usage: a world sector outname");
uint8_t level = atoi(argv[1]);
uint8_t region = atoi(argv[2]);
if (level > 6) puts("bad world");
if (region > 0x0f) puts("bad sector");
uint8_t nesheader[0x10];
FILE *f = fopen("Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (U) [!].nes", "rb");
if (!f)
fread(nesheader, 1, 0x10, f);
if (memcmp(nesheader, "NES\x1a", 4) || !nesheader[4] || !nesheader[5])
puts("Bad header");
for (int i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
png_byte r = (palette[i]>>16)&0xff;
png_byte g = (palette[i]>>8)&0xff;
png_byte b = (palette[i]>>0)&0xff;
pngpal[i].red = r;
pngpal[i].green = g;
pngpal[i].blue = b;
pngtrns[0x40] = 0;
size_t prgsize = nesheader[4] * 0x4000;
size_t chrsize = nesheader[5] * 0x2000;
prg = malloc(prgsize);
chr = malloc(chrsize);
fread(prg, 1, prgsize, f);
fread(chr, 1, chrsize, f);
uint8_t *levelbase = getprg(2, getprglittle(2, 0xcf56+level*2));
uint8_t *regionbase = levelbase + (region*0x10);
uint8_t *screenmapbase = getprg(2, getlittle(regionbase));
uint8_t persp = regionbase[2] & 0x80;
const char validscreensets[] = "\x03\x0b\x13\x1b\x23\x2b\x04\x0c\x14\x1c\x24\x2c\x34\x3c";
uint8_t maxscreens = regionbase[2] & 0x7f;
uint8_t screens = 0;
while (screens < maxscreens && strchr(validscreensets, screenmapbase[screens*3])) screens++;
uint16_t palptr = getlittle(regionbase+0x0e);
uint8_t *palbase = palptr ? getprg(2,palptr) : NULL;
bmpwidth = screens * 256;
bmpheight = (0x10*16)+(0x08*16)+(16*8*screens);
size_t bmpsize = bmpwidth*bmpheight*sizeof(*bmp);
bmp = malloc(bmpsize);
memset(bmp, 0x40, bmpsize);
/* we always traverse the screens from left to right, but
* the top/bottom sides depend on the perspective
* each metatile is 4x2 (32px*16px)
unsigned y;
int ydiff;
if (persp) /* horizontal */
y = 0;
ydiff = 16;
else /* vertical */
y = 16*8*screens;
ydiff = -16;
unsigned x = 0;
for (unsigned screen = 0; screen < screens; screen++)
uint8_t screenbank = screenmapbase[screen*3] & 7;
uint8_t screenset = (screenmapbase[screen*3] & 0xf8) >> 2;
uint8_t screenout = screenmapbase[screen*3 + 1];
uint8_t screenin = screenmapbase[screen*3 + 2];
uint8_t *screensetbase = getprg(screenbank, 0xc000 + screenset);
uint8_t *screenpal = getprg(screenbank, getlittle(screensetbase+0));
uint8_t chrbank = screensetbase[0x10];
uint8_t *screenmetatiles = getprg(screenbank, getlittle(screensetbase+0x20));
uint8_t *screenoutcoldata = getprg(screenbank, getlittle(screensetbase+0x30));
uint8_t *screenincoldata = getprg(screenbank, getlittle(screensetbase+0x40));
uint8_t *screenoutcolmaps = getprg(screenbank, getlittle(screensetbase+0x50));
uint8_t *screenincolmaps = getprg(screenbank, getlittle(screensetbase+0x60));
for (unsigned column = 0; column < 8; column++)
uint8_t outcolid = screenoutcolmaps[screenout*8 + column];
uint8_t incolid = screenincolmaps[screenin*8 + column];
/* out */
for (unsigned row = 0; row < 8; row++)
uint8_t metatileid = screenoutcoldata[outcolid*8 + row];
writemetatile(x, y+(row*16), chrbank, screenmetatiles+(metatileid*9), palbase ? palbase : screenpal);
/* in */
for (unsigned row = 0; row < 0x10; row++)
uint8_t metatileid = screenincoldata[incolid*0x10 + row];
writemetatile(x, y+((row+8)*16), chrbank, screenmetatiles+(metatileid*9), palbase ? palbase : screenpal);
x += 32;
y += ydiff;
f = fopen(argv[3], "wb");;
png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))
puts("Error in png export");
png_init_io(png_ptr, f);
png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
png_set_PLTE(png_ptr,info_ptr, pngpal, 0x41);
png_set_tRNS(png_ptr,info_ptr, pngtrns,0x41, NULL);
png_bytep row_pointers[bmpheight];
for (int i = 0; i < bmpheight; i++)
row_pointers[i] = (png_bytep)(bmp+(i*bmpwidth));
png_set_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr, row_pointers);
png_write_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, 0, NULL);
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
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