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Created January 31, 2016 06:32
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
namespace Cadena.Meteor
public static class MeteorJson
public static unsafe JsonValue Parse(string json)
fixed (char* jsonptr = json)
var end = jsonptr + json.Length - 1;
var ptr = jsonptr;
var thrower = new JsonExceptionFactory(jsonptr, json);
// read value
var value = ReadValue(ref ptr, end, thrower);
// check after object
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
if (ptr <= end)
throw thrower.CreateException(ptr, "invalid character is existed after the valid object: " + *ptr);
// return result
return value;
private static unsafe JsonValue ReadValue(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
// read whitespaces
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
if (ptr > end)
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "Json is not closed or empty.");
// switch for first letter
switch (*ptr)
case '[': // array
return ReadArray(ref ptr, end, factory);
case '{': // object
return ReadObject(ref ptr, end, factory);
case '"': // string
return ReadString(ref ptr, end, factory);
case '+':
case '-':
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9': // number
return ReadNumber(ref ptr, end, factory);
case 'T':
case 't': // true
return ReadTrue(ref ptr, end, factory);
case 'F':
case 'f': // false
return ReadFalse(ref ptr, end, factory);
case 'N':
case 'n': // null
return ReadNull(ref ptr, end, factory);
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "invalid token found.");
private static unsafe JsonArray ReadArray(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
// check first letter
Debug.Assert(*ptr == '[');
// check array is empty
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
if (*ptr == ']')
return JsonArray.Empty;
// read array content
var list = new List<JsonValue>();
while (true)
list.Add(ReadValue(ref ptr, end, factory));
// read close bracket or comma
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
if (ptr > end)
// not completed
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "array is not closed.");
// if end of array, next letter should be ']'.
if (*ptr == ']')
// end of array
// otherwise, next letter should be ','.
factory.Assert(ptr, ',');
return new JsonArray(list.ToArray());
private static unsafe JsonObject ReadObject(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
// check first letter
Debug.Assert(*ptr == '{');
// check object is empty
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
if (*ptr == '}')
return JsonObject.Empty;
var dict = new Dictionary<string, JsonValue>();
while (true)
var keyBegin = ptr;
// read key
factory.Assert(ptr, '\"');
var key = ReadString(ref ptr, end, factory).GetString();
if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
throw factory.CreateException(keyBegin, "duplicated key detected.");
// read comma
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
factory.Assert(ptr, ':');
// read value and add to dictionary
dict.Add(key, ReadValue(ref ptr, end, factory));
// read close brace or comma
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
if (ptr > end)
// not completed
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "object is not closed.");
// if end of array, next letter should be ']'.
if (*ptr == '}')
// end of array
// otherwise, next letter should be ','.
factory.Assert(ptr, ',');
// skip while next string
SkipWhitespaces(ref ptr, end);
return new JsonObject(dict);
private static unsafe JsonString ReadString(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
// check first letter
Debug.Assert(*ptr == '\"');
// for long string
StringBuilder builder = null;
var buffer = new char[1024];
fixed (char* bufptr = buffer)
var bp = bufptr;
var bend = bufptr + buffer.Length - 1;
for (; ptr <= end && *ptr != '\"'; ptr++)
// check buffer
if (bp > bend)
// buffer is full
if (builder == null)
builder = new StringBuilder(2048);
bp = bufptr;
builder.Append(bp, 1024);
if (*ptr == '\\')
// escaped
switch (*ptr)
case '"':
*bp = '"';
case '\\':
*bp = '\\';
case '/':
*bp = '/';
case 'b':
*bp = '\b';
case 'f':
*bp = '\f';
case 'n':
*bp = '\n';
case 'r':
*bp = '\r';
case 't':
*bp = '\t';
case 'u':
// hex unicode
var code = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
code <<= 4;
if (*ptr <= '9' && *ptr >= '0')
code += *ptr - '0';
else if (*ptr <= 'F' && *ptr >= 'A')
// code += *sp - 'A' + 10
code += *ptr - '7';
else if (*ptr <= 'f' && *ptr >= 'a')
// code += *sp - 'a' + 10
code += *ptr - 'W';
// invalid code, abort processing
ptr -= i;
goto default;
if (code > Char.MaxValue)
// out of range
ptr -= 4;
goto default;
*bp = (char)code;
// this is not registered escape code.
*bp = *ptr;
// copy letter
*bp = *ptr;
if (ptr > end)
// end in middle of string
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "string is not closed.");
factory.Assert(ptr, '\"');
// specify next char
if (builder == null)
// builder is not used
return new JsonString(new String(bufptr, 0, (int)(bp - bufptr)));
// return from builder
builder.Append(bufptr, (int)(bp - bufptr));
return new JsonString(builder.ToString());
private static unsafe JsonNumber ReadNumber(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
Debug.Assert(*ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-' || (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9'));
var begin = ptr;
var isFrac = false;
var isExp = false;
// number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]
// => [sign] int [. int] [(e|E) int]
// read sign
if (*ptr == '-' || *ptr == '+')
// RFC7159 says sign is only for '-', but twitter sometime returns stupid JSON.
// So we also check '+' sign.
// read main int
if (!SkipDigits(ref ptr, end))
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "number is required after the sign.");
// read frac
if (ptr <= end && *ptr == '.')
isFrac = true;
if (!SkipDigits(ref ptr, end))
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "number is required after the decimal point.");
// read exp
if (ptr <= end && *ptr == 'e' || *ptr == 'E')
isExp = true;
if (!SkipDigits(ref ptr, end))
throw factory.CreateException(ptr, "number is required after the exponential sign.");
var numstr = new String(begin, 0, (int)(ptr - begin));
if (isFrac || isExp)
// this is floating point values
return new JsonNumber(Double.Parse(numstr));
// this is integer
return new JsonNumber(Int64.Parse(numstr));
private static unsafe JsonBoolean ReadTrue(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'r', 'R');
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'u', 'U');
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'e', 'E');
return JsonBoolean.True;
private static unsafe JsonBoolean ReadFalse(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'a', 'A');
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'l', 'L');
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 's', 'S');
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'e', 'E');
return JsonBoolean.True;
private static unsafe JsonNull ReadNull(ref char* ptr, char* end, JsonExceptionFactory factory)
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'u', 'U');
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'l', 'L');
factory.Assert(ptr, end, 'l', 'L');
return JsonNull.Null;
// helper functions ------------------------------
private static unsafe void SkipWhitespaces(ref char* ptr, char* end)
while (ptr <= end && IsWhitespace(ptr))
private static unsafe bool IsWhitespace(char* c)
return *c == ' ' || *c == '\t' || *c == '\r' || *c == '\n';
private static unsafe bool SkipDigits(ref char* ptr, char* end)
var begin = ptr;
while (ptr <= end && IsDigit(ptr))
return begin != ptr;
private static unsafe bool IsDigit(char* c)
return *c >= '0' && *c <= '9';
private unsafe class JsonExceptionFactory
private readonly char* _begin;
private readonly string _json;
public JsonExceptionFactory(char* begin, string json)
_begin = begin;
_json = json;
public JsonParseException CreateException(char* ptr, string message)
var index = ptr - _begin;
if (index > _json.Length)
index = _json.Length;
throw new JsonParseException(message, _json, index);
public void Assert(char* ptr, char c)
if (*ptr != c)
CreateException(ptr, $"{c} is expected in this place, but placed char is {*ptr}.");
public void Assert(char* ptr, char* end, char c)
if (ptr > end || *ptr != c)
CreateException(ptr, $"{c} is expected in this place, but placed char is {*ptr}.");
public void Assert(char* ptr, char c1, char c2)
if (*ptr != c1 && *ptr != c2)
CreateException(ptr, $"{c1} or {c2} is expected in this place, but placed char is {*ptr}.");
public void Assert(char* ptr, char* end, char c1, char c2)
if (ptr > end || *ptr != c1 && *ptr != c2)
CreateException(ptr, $"{c1} or {c2} is expected in this place, but placed char is {*ptr}.");
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