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Created December 5, 2016 15:25
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zeromq/malamute Issue #217 Code
rm -f run
gcc reproduce.c -lczmq -lmlm -o run
#include <czmq.h>
#include <malamute.h>
// Upon subscription to stream publish rand number each half a second
// Actor commands:
// CONNECT/endpoint/name
// PRODUCER/stream
static void
producer_actor (zsock_t *pipe, void *args)
mlm_client_t *client = mlm_client_new ();
assert (client);
zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new (pipe, NULL);
assert (poller);
zsock_signal (pipe, 0);
char *agent_name = NULL;
while (!zsys_interrupted) {
void *which = zpoller_wait (poller, 500);
if (which == NULL && (zpoller_terminated (poller) || zsys_interrupted)) {
zsys_warning ("zpoller_terminated () or zsys_interrupted. Shutting down.");
if (which == pipe) {
zmsg_t *message = zmsg_recv (pipe);
char *command = zmsg_popstr (message);
if (streq (command, "$TERM")) {
zstr_free (&command);
zmsg_destroy (&message);
if (streq (command, "CONNECT")) {
char *endpoint = zmsg_popstr (message);
char *name = zmsg_popstr (message);
if (endpoint && name) {
agent_name = strdup (name);
int rv = mlm_client_connect (client, endpoint, 1000, name);
if (rv != 0)
zsys_error ("mlm_client_connect (endpoint = '%s', name = '%s') failed.", endpoint, name);
zpoller_add (poller, mlm_client_msgpipe (client));
else {
zsys_warning ("Bad CONNECT command. Expected CONNECT/endpoint/name.");
zstr_free (&endpoint);
zstr_free (&name);
if (streq (command, "PRODUCER")) {
char *stream = zmsg_popstr (message);
if (stream) {
int rv = mlm_client_set_producer (client, stream);
if (rv != 0)
zsys_error ("mlm_client_set_producer (stream = '%s') failed.", stream);
else {
zsys_warning ("Bad PRODUCER command. Expected PRODUCER/stream");
zstr_free (&stream);
zstr_free (&command);
zmsg_destroy (&message);
if (!mlm_client_connected (client))
zmsg_t *message = zmsg_new ();
assert (message);
char *format = NULL;
asprintf (&format, "%d", randof (10000));
zmsg_addstr (message, format);
zstr_free (&format);
int rv = mlm_client_send (client, "Random number", &message);
if (rv != 0)
zsys_error ("mlm_client_send () failed.");
zstr_free (&agent_name);
zpoller_destroy (&poller);
mlm_client_destroy (&client);
static void
consumer_actor (zsock_t *pipe, void *args)
mlm_client_t *client = mlm_client_new ();
assert (client);
zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new (pipe, mlm_client_msgpipe (client), NULL);
assert (poller);
zsock_signal (pipe, 0);
char *agent_name = NULL;
while (!zsys_interrupted) {
void *which = zpoller_wait (poller, 500);
if (which == NULL && (zpoller_terminated (poller) || zsys_interrupted)) {
zsys_warning ("zpoller_terminated () or zsys_interrupted. Shutting down.");
if (which == pipe) {
zmsg_t *message = zmsg_recv (pipe);
char *command = zmsg_popstr (message);
if (streq (command, "$TERM")) {
zstr_free (&command);
zmsg_destroy (&message);
if (streq (command, "CONNECT")) {
char *endpoint = zmsg_popstr (message);
char *name = zmsg_popstr (message);
if (endpoint && name) {
agent_name = strdup (name);
int rv = mlm_client_connect (client, endpoint, 1000, name);
if (rv != 0)
zsys_error ("mlm_client_connect (endpoint = '%s', name = '%s') failed.", endpoint, name);
zpoller_add (poller, mlm_client_msgpipe (client));
else {
zsys_warning ("Bad CONNECT command. Expected CONNECT/endpoint/name.");
zstr_free (&endpoint);
zstr_free (&name);
if (streq (command, "CONSUMER")) {
char *stream = zmsg_popstr (message);
char *pattern = zmsg_popstr (message);
if (stream && pattern) {
int rv = mlm_client_set_consumer (client, stream, pattern);
if (rv != 0)
zsys_error ("mlm_client_set_consumer (stream = '%s', patter = '%s') failed.", stream, pattern);
else {
zsys_warning ("Bad CONSUMER command. Expected CONSUMER/stream/pattern");
zstr_free (&stream);
zstr_free (&pattern);
zstr_free (&command);
zmsg_destroy (&message);
if (!mlm_client_connected (client))
zmsg_t *message = mlm_client_recv (client);
if (!message)
char *pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
assert (pop);
zsys_info ("%s: %s", agent_name, pop);
zstr_free (&pop);
zmsg_destroy (&message);
zstr_free (&agent_name);
zpoller_destroy (&poller);
mlm_client_destroy (&client);
main () {
const char *endpoint = "inproc://mlm_issue_stream_crash";
zsys_init ();
zsys_debug ("--- Malamute issue reproduction example ---");
zsys_debug ("Issue description:");
zsys_debug ("\tAssigning character '*' as regex pattern to mlm_client_set_consumer () breaks the stream.");
zsys_debug ("\tNot even the already subscribed clients receive nothing. This does happen with character ");
zsys_debug ("\t'*' only (this is the only one we know about SO FAR); bad regular expression, i.e. '[' ");
zsys_debug ("\tdoes not break it at all.");
zsys_debug ("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
zsys_debug ("");
// Malamute
zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mlm_server, "Malamute");
zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", endpoint, NULL);
// zstr_sendx (server, "VERBOSE", NULL);
zclock_sleep (500);
// producer FIRST
zactor_t *producer_1 = zactor_new (producer_actor, (void *) NULL);
assert (producer_1);
zstr_sendx (producer_1, "CONNECT", endpoint, "producer_1", NULL);
zstr_sendx (producer_1, "PRODUCER", "FIRST", NULL);
zclock_sleep (500);
// consumer FIRST
zactor_t *consumer_0 = zactor_new (consumer_actor, (void *) NULL);
assert (consumer_0);
zstr_sendx (consumer_0, "CONNECT", endpoint, "consumer_FIRST_1", NULL);
zstr_sendx (consumer_0, "CONSUMER", "FIRST", ".*", NULL);
zclock_sleep (500);
// producer WORLD
zactor_t *producer_2 = zactor_new (producer_actor, (void *) NULL);
assert (producer_2);
zstr_sendx (producer_2, "CONNECT", endpoint, "producer_2", NULL);
zstr_sendx (producer_2, "PRODUCER", "WORLD", NULL);
zclock_sleep (500);
// consumer WORLD
zactor_t *consumer_1 = zactor_new (consumer_actor, (void *) NULL);
assert (consumer_1);
zstr_sendx (consumer_1, "CONNECT", endpoint, "consumer_WORLD_1", NULL);
zstr_sendx (consumer_1, "CONSUMER", "WORLD", ".*", NULL);
zclock_sleep (500);
// consumer WORLD
zactor_t *consumer_2 = zactor_new (consumer_actor, (void *) NULL);
assert (consumer_2);
zstr_sendx (consumer_2, "CONNECT", endpoint, "consumer_WORLD_2", NULL);
zstr_sendx (consumer_2, "CONSUMER", "WORLD", ".*", NULL);
zclock_sleep (500);
zsys_debug (" -----\tEXPLANATION MESSAGE: Let this run for 5 seconds.");
zclock_sleep (5000);
zsys_debug (" -----\tEXPLANATION MESSAGE: Creating consumer_WORLD_3 with pattern '*'. This will break stream WORLD."
" Only consumer_FIRST_1 will continue.");
// consumer WORLD
zactor_t *consumer_3 = zactor_new (consumer_actor, (void *) NULL);
assert (consumer_3);
zstr_sendx (consumer_3, "CONNECT", endpoint, "consumer_WORLD_3", NULL);
zstr_sendx (consumer_3, "CONSUMER", "WORLD", "*", NULL);
zclock_sleep (500);
// Accept and print any message back from server
while (true) {
char *message = zstr_recv (server);
if (message) {
puts (message);
free (message);
else {
puts ("interrupted");
zactor_destroy (&server);
zactor_destroy (&producer_1);
zactor_destroy (&producer_2);
zactor_destroy (&consumer_0);
zactor_destroy (&consumer_1);
zactor_destroy (&consumer_2);
zactor_destroy (&consumer_3);
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