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Created March 29, 2013 02:39
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Transcript of a conversation about rsync and sublime text 2
DanielKarp: Hey--Sort of new to Sublime text. I'm trying to write a plugin to rsync my files to a remote server on save (I do the same thing in textmate). So far, not a lot of luck. Here is what I have so far:
[10:10pm] DanielKarp: any advice? am I going about this all wrong?
[10:11pm] DanielKarp: (this is a combination of what I used with textmate with some cut and paste from other people's plugins, mostly)
[10:19pm] aat joined the chat room.
[10:20pm] ggreer: if you're on linux, you can probably use inotify-tools to do that regardless what editor you're using
[10:20pm] ggreer: and if you're on OS X, I wrote an auto-rsync thing:
[10:20pm] ggreer: but going back to your plugin, it would be helpful if you linked to any error messages or exceptions you ran into
[10:26pm] aat left the chat room. (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
[10:26pm] moo-_-: DanielKarp:
[10:27pm] ggreer: yeah, that too
[10:27pm] DanielKarp: actually, jsut found this:
[10:27pm] DanielKarp:
[10:27pm] DanielKarp:
[10:27pm] moo-_-: watchmedo shell-command --patterns="*" --recursive --command='rsync -av --exclude=venv --exclude=.git .'
[10:28pm] ggreer: glad you found a solution, but I still think it's solving the problem at the wrong level
[10:28pm] moo-_-: ggreer: I agree
[10:28pm] moo-_-: DanielKarp: also if you need help with SSH keys here are my notes
[10:28pm] moo-_-: ggreer: when Sublime is your hammer every nail starts look like a plugin
[10:29pm] DanielKarp: I have it working already on textmate. One of the reasons I don't want an auto-solution that isn't part of the editor is that I want feedback when the rsync finishes.
[10:29pm] DanielKarp: otherwise, I save, load the page, and don't know whether what I did didn't work because I screwed it up, or because the resync didn't finish yet.
[10:29pm] moo-_-: DanielKarp: I can tell you how to trigger a desktop notification form command line
[10:30pm] DanielKarp: Hmm…. Maybe!
[10:30pm] DanielKarp: I am on OSX
[10:30pm] moo-_-: DanielKarp:
[10:30pm] rideh left the chat room. (Quit: rideh)
[10:30pm] ggreer: I use and the accompanying sublime plugin so that my changes are shipped as I type
[10:31pm] ggreer: but it's pretty hard to set up
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