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Created October 1, 2012 13:47
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// set input args
$master_host = $argv[1];
$master_user = $argv[2];
$master_pass = $argv[3];
$slave_host = $argv[4];
$slave_user = $argv[5];
$slave_pass = $argv[6];
$database = $argv[7];
$tablename = $argv[8];
$primary_key = $argv[9];
$secondary_key = $argv[10];
// check for required data
if (empty($master_host) || empty($master_user) || empty($master_pass))
die ("Incorrect Input: Master server login data missing!rn");
if (empty($slave_host) || empty($slave_user) || empty($slave_pass))
die ("Incorrect Input: Slave server login data missing!rn");
if (empty($database))
die ("You didn't specify a database!rn");
if (empty($tablename))
die ("You didn't specify a table!rn");
if (empty($primary_key))
die ("You need to specify the primary key/ID field!rn");
// first, connect to the master
$master_link = mysql_connect($master_host, $master_user, $master_pass);
// check for link failure
if (!$master_link)
die ("unable to connect to master!rn");
// select database on the master
@mysql_select_db($database, $master_link);
// connect to slave
$slave_link = mysql_connect($slave_host, $slave_user, $slave_pass);
// check for failure
if (!$slave_link)
die ("Unable to connect to slave!rn");
// select database on the slave
@mysql_select_db($database, $slave_link);
$processed = 0;
$inserted = 0;
$updated = 0;
// get a result set from the table on master
$master_query = "select * from $tablename";
$master_result = @safe_query($master_query, $master_link);
while ($master_row = @mysql_fetch_array($master_result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
// we are going to check the primary key field and see if its in the same db/table as the slave
$master_record_id = $master_row[$primary_key];
// find out if this record exists on the slave
$add_record = LookupSlaveRecord($slave_link, $master_record_id, $tablename, $primary_key);
// check to see if we should add this record to slave, or continue
if (empty($add_record))
// now find out if we have the secondary key to check
if (!empty($secondary_key))
$secondary_data = $master_row[$secondary_key];
// check to see if this key already has an entry
$update_record = LookupSlaveRecord($slave_link, $secondary_data, $tablename, $secondary_key);
// ok if the secondary key doesnt exist already, insert
if (empty($update_record))
InsertSlaveRecord($slave_link, $master_row, $tablename);
// the secondary key exists on this table, update
UpdateSlaveRecord($slave_link, $master_record_id, $secondary_data, $tablename, $primary_key, $secondary_key);
// we don't, just try to add
// add this record to slave
InsertSlaveRecord($slave_link, $master_row, $tablename);
// we already have this record, lets move on
echo "processed: ".$processed."rn";
echo "inserted: ".$inserted."rn";
echo "updated: ".$updated."rn";
function UpdateSlaveRecord($slave_link, $master_record_id, $secondary_data, $tablename, $primary_key, $secondary_key)
$q = "update $tablename set $primary_key='$master_record_id' where $secondary_key='".addslashes($secondary_data)."'";
$r = safe_query($q);
if ($r)
return 1;
return 0;
// insert a record into the slave based on the current row item from the master
// make sure that the result set being passed is mysql_fetch_array with a type of
// MYSQL_ASSOC. otherwise foreach doesnt work correctly.
function InsertSlaveRecord($slave_link, $master_row, $tablename)
// build the query
$q = "insert into $tablename (";
$values = " values(";
foreach ($master_row as $name => $data)
// update the query
$q .= " ".$name.",";
// update values string
$values .= " '".addslashes($data)."',";
// remove last comma in the query and values strings and close parenthesis
$pos = strrpos($q, ",");
$q = substr($q, 0, $pos);
$q .= ")";
$pos = strrpos($values, ",");
$values = substr($values, 0, $pos);
$values .= ")";
// append values
$q = $q . $values;
// execute
$r = safe_query($q, $slave_link);
if ($r)
return 1;
return 0;
// find out if a record on the slave exists
function LookupSlaveRecord($slave_link, $master_record_id, $tablename, $primary_key)
// look up the record
$q = "select $primary_key from $tablename where $primary_key='".addslashes($master_record_id)."'";
$r = safe_query($q, $slave_link);
if (empty($r))
return false;
// record exists
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
return 1;
// record doesnt exist
return 0;
function safe_query($q, $slave_link = null)
$res = @mysql_query($q, $slave_link);
if (empty($res))
echo mysql_error(), PHP_EOL, $q, PHP_EOL;
return $res;
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