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Created November 14, 2019 15:02
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Google Chrome Disable Occlusion in Powershell
$GooglePolicyObj = $null
$GooglePolicyObj = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome -Name "UserDataDir"
$GoogleUserDir = $env:LOCALAPPDATA + "\Google\Chrome\User Data"
if ($GooglePolicyObj -ne $null) {
$GoogleUserDir = $GooglePolicyObj.UserDataDir -replace "\$\{documents\}", [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")
$jsonPath = $GoogleUserDir + "\Local State"
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($jsonPath)) {
Write-Host ($jsonPath + " does not exist, strange")
Write-Host ("Local State .json location: " + $jsonPath)
$jsonRaw = Get-Content -Raw -Path ($jsonPath)
$jsonRaw = $jsonRaw -replace "`"`":", "`"ReplaceBackToEmpty684`":"
$json = $jsonRaw | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($json.browser -eq $null) {
# Create browser boject with, enabled_labs_experiments object
$browser = New-Object PSObject
$browser | add-member -NotePropertyName enabled_labs_experiments -NotePropertyValue "-"
$browser.enabled_labs_experiments = @("web-contents-occlusion@2")
$json | add-member -NotePropertyName browser -NotePropertyValue $browser
} else {
if ($json.browser.enabled_labs_experiments -eq $null) {
# Create enabled_labs_experiments object
$json.browser | add-member -NotePropertyName enabled_labs_experiments -NotePropertyValue "-"
$json.browser.enabled_labs_experiments = @("web-contents-occlusion@2")
} else {
# Patch existing enabled_labs_experiments object
if (($json.browser.enabled_labs_experiments.GetType()).BaseType.ToString() -eq "System.Array") {
if ($json.browser.enabled_labs_experiments.Contains("web-contents-occlusion@2")) {
"Occlusion already patched"
} else {
if (($json.browser.enabled_labs_experiments.GetType()).BaseType.ToString() -eq "System.Array") {
# Patch occlusion
# Add to array
$json.browser.enabled_labs_experiments += "web-contents-occlusion@2"
} else {
# Patch occlusion
$json.browser.enabled_labs_experiments = @("web-contents-occlusion@2")
Copy-Item $jsonPath ($jsonPath+".bak") -Force
$jsonRaw = $json | convertto-json -Compress -depth 100
$jsonRaw -replace "`"ReplaceBackToEmpty684`":", "`"`":" | out-file $jsonPath -Encoding utf8
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