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Last active March 29, 2021 03:25
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private static class RecordingProgressMonitor implements Consumer < QueryStats > {
private final ImmutableList.Builder < QueryStats > builder = ImmutableList.builder();
private boolean finished;
public synchronized void accept(QueryStats queryStats) {
public synchronized List < QueryStats > finish() {
finished = true;
// usage
try (Connection connection = createConnection()) {
try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
PrestoStatement prestoStatement = statement.unwrap(PrestoStatement.class);
RecordingProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new RecordingProgressMonitor();
try (ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("<< sample query >>")) {
ResultSetMetaData metadata = rs.getMetaData();
// access progress monitor
List<QueryStats> queryStatsList = progressMonitor.finish();
// results
// Query Stats= QueryStats[completedSplits=21,cpuTimeMillis=92,elapsedTimeMillis=44,nodes=1,peakMemoryBytes=0,
// processedBytes=0,processedRows=21802,queryId=20200507_054120_00481_5nch8,queued=false,queuedSplits=0, queuedTimeMillis=1, 
// rootStage=Optional[io.prestosql.jdbc.StageStats@625732],runningSplits=0,scheduled=true,state=FINISHED,
// totalSplits=21,wallTimeMillis=100]
try (Connection newConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:presto://localhost:5050/", "admin", "");
Statement selectStatement = newConnection.createStatement();) {
// unwrap
PrestoConnection prestoConnection = newConnection.unwrap(PrestoConnection.class);
// override
prestoConnection.setSessionProperty("query_max_run_time", "1 s");
String sql = "select * from tpch.sf100.orders";
ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {}
// running this should throw an exception.
// java.sql.SQLException: Query failed (#20200507_055827_00492_5nch8):
// Query exceeded maximum time limit of 1.00s at io.prestosql.jdbc.PrestoResultSet.resultsException(
// at
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