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Created February 13, 2023 14:26
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  • Save karthikjeeyar/4b4247d37ddfae1de5495b2398084630 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"devfile": "commands:\n- attributes:\n 'id: python, registryURL:'\n exec:\n commandLine: pip install -r requirements.txt\n component: py\n group:\n isDefault: true\n kind: build\n hotReloadCapable: false\n workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}\n id: pip-install-requirements\n- attributes:\n 'id: python, registryURL:'\n exec:\n commandLine: python\n component: py\n group:\n isDefault: true\n kind: run\n hotReloadCapable: false\n workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}\n id: run-app\n- attributes:\n 'id: python, registryURL:'\n exec:\n commandLine: pip install debugpy && python -m debugpy --listen${DEBUG_PORT}\n\n component: py\n group:\n isDefault: false\n kind: debug\n hotReloadCapable: false\n workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}\n id: debug-py\n- apply:\n component: image-build\n id: build-image\n- apply:\n component: kubernetes-deploy\n id: deployk8s\n- composite:\n commands:\n - build-image\n - deployk8s\n group:\n isDefault: true\n kind: deploy\n parallel: false\n id: deploy\ncomponents:\n- attributes:\n 'id: python, registryURL:'\n container:\n args:\n - tail\n - -f\n - /dev/null\n dedicatedPod: false\n endpoints:\n - name: http-python\n secure: false\n targetPort: 8080\n - exposure: none\n name: debug\n secure: false\n targetPort: 5858\n env:\n - name: DEBUG_PORT\n value: \"5858\"\n image:\n mountSources: true\n name: py\n- image:\n autoBuild: false\n dockerfile:\n buildContext: .\n rootRequired: false\n uri:\n imageName: python-image:latest\n name: image-build\n- attributes:\n deploy.yaml\n deployment/container-port: 8081\n deployment/cpuLimit: 100m\n deployment/cpuRequest: 10m\n deployment/memoryLimit: 100Mi\n deployment/memoryRequest: 50Mi\n deployment/replicas: 1\n deployment/storageRequest: \"0\"\n kubernetes:\n deployByDefault: false\n endpoints:\n - name: http-8081\n path: /\n secure: false\n targetPort: 8081\n inlined: |\n kind: Deployment\n apiVersion: apps/v1\n metadata:\n name: my-python\n spec:\n replicas: 1\n selector:\n matchLabels:\n app: python-app\n template:\n metadata:\n labels:\n app: python-app\n spec:\n containers:\n - name: my-python\n image: python-image:latest\n ports:\n - name: http\n containerPort: 8081\n protocol: TCP\n resources:\n limits:\n memory: \"128Mi\"\n cpu: \"500m\"\n ---\n kind: Service\n apiVersion: v1\n metadata:\n name: my-python\n spec:\n ports:\n - name: http-8081\n port: 8081\n protocol: TCP\n targetPort: 8081\n selector:\n app: python-app\n name: kubernetes-deploy\nmetadata:\n attributes:\n alpha.dockerimage-port: 8081\n description: Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language\n with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with\n dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application\n Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing\n components together.\n displayName: Python\n icon:\n language: Python\n name: python\n projectType: Python\n provider: Red Hat\n supportUrl:\n tags:\n - Python\n - Pip\n - Flask\n version: 1.0.1\nschemaVersion: 2.2.0\nstarterProjects:\n- attributes:\n 'id: python, registryURL:'\n description: 'Flask is a web framework, it’s a Python module that lets you develop\n web applications easily. It’s has a small and easy-to-extend core: it’s a microframework\n that doesn’t include an ORM (Object Relational Manager) or such features.'\n git:\n remotes:\n origin:\n name: flask-example\n",
"gitops": {
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"context": "./",
"repositoryURL": ""
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