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Kris Na karthikkrishnadev

  • New Delhi
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karthikkrishnadev / gist:f42a12552dd00b1a88aff59bdef9aa63
Last active May 14, 2017 19:31
How to escape apostrophe in MD [ can be used in github as well]
For github, like for displaying a mysql `table_name`, in regular text use \` (backslash backtick) - this really works.
For showing backticks inside inline codeblocks `table_name` use double backticks with
extra spaces `` `table_name` `` around the inner single backticks.
To show the previous example explanation in an inline codeblock: `` `table_name` ``,
surround the whole in three backticks with extra spaces,
e.g. ``` `` `table_name` `` ```
Ref :
karthikkrishnadev /
Created May 15, 2017 17:55 — forked from btfak/
How to use Hexo and deploy to GitHub Pages