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Created December 8, 2019 11:53
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const useZingCash = (userId, amountToPay) => {
//Find all zingcash document which {userId: userId, isExpired: false, status: ACTIVE, transactionType: CREDIT} and sort in ascending order by expiryDate
data = Date from db
let remainingAmountToPay = amountToPay
const transactionToUpdate = [] // will contain all transaction id which will be completely used to pay amountToPay
const breakTransaction = { _id: null, updateBody: {}}
for (let i=0; i<data.length; ++i) {
const {amount} = data[i]
if(remainingAmountToPay === 0) {
// Break the for loop if remainingAmountToPay becomes 0 before for loop ends
if(remainingAmountToPay >= amount) {
remainingAmountToPay = remainingAmountToPay - amount
}else {
// Transaction to break
breakTransaction._id = data[i]._id
breakTransaction.updateBody.amount = amount - remainingAmountToPay
remainingAmountToPay = 0
// Update all transactionToUpdate with updateBody = {amount: 0}
if(breakTransaction._id) {
// Update break transaction with update body = breakTransaction.body
const zingCashUsed = amountToPay - remainingAmountToPay
// Add new DEBIT transaction for amountUsed = zingCashUsed
return {remainingAmountToPay, zinCashUsed }
const zingCashExpireCron = () => {
// Find all documents in zingcash with { status: ACTIVE, isExpired: false, expiryDate: { $lte: } }
const data = [] // zingcash data from db
for(let i=0; i< data.length; ++i) {
const {userId, amount} = data[i]
// Add DEBIT transaction entry
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