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Last active July 5, 2017 13:51
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Example of parsing/scraping data using BeautifulSoup. Source used here:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys
import csv
# We've now imported the two packages that will do the heavy lifting
# for us, reqeusts and BeautifulSoup
# Let's put the URL of the page we want to scrape in a variable
# so that our code down below can be a little cleaner
# Down below we'll add our inmates to this list
inmates_list = []
for i in range(1, 4401):
print "Iterating for Range: " + str(i)
url_to_scrape = '{}'.format(i)
# Tell requests to retreive the contents our page (it'll be grabbing
# what you see when you use the View Source feature in your browser)
r = requests.get(url_to_scrape)
# We now have the source of the page, let's ask BeaultifulSoup
# to parse it for us.
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
local_list = []
# BeautifulSoup provides nice ways to access the data in the parsed
# page. Here, we'll use the select method and pass it a CSS style
# selector to grab all the rows in the table
for table_row in"table tr"):
# Each tr (table row) has three td HTML elements (most people
# call these table cels) in it (first name, last name, and age)
cells = table_row.find_all('td')
# Our table has one exception -- a row without any cells.
# Let's handle that special case here by making sure we
# have more than zero cells before processing the cells
if len(cells) > 0:
# Our first name seems to appear in the second td element
# that ends up being the cell called 1, since we start
# counting at 0
data = cells[1].text.strip().encode('utf-8').split()
# Let's add our inmate to our list in case
# We do this by adding the values we want to a dictionary, and
# appending that dictionary to the list we created above
# Let's print our table out.
# print "Added {0}, to the list".format(reg_no)
inmates_list = list(set(inmates_list + local_list))
print "Range 100 x {}, Total data collected: {}".format(i, len(inmates_list))
inmates_list = list(set(inmates_list))
inmate_details_list = []
count = 0
print "Now details Fetch Commences!"
fields = ['Reg. No.','Registration Date','Name','Category','Date of Commencement','e-Mail ID','Website URL', \
'Name of Occupier','Father Name of Occupier','Name of Manager','Fathers Name of Manager','Nature of Business', \
'Total Male Workers','Total Female Workers','Total Young Workers','Total Workers','Total Family Members Working in the Establishment', \
'Total Employers Working in Confidential Capacity','Certificate No.','Certificate Date','Address']
with open('/tmp/logFile.csv', 'a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
# # Loop through the list of inmates we built for fetching details
for inmate in inmates_list:
count = count + 1
print "Details Fetched for: {}, Left: {}".format(count, len(inmates_list) - count)
url_to_scrape = '{}'.format(inmate)
r = requests.get(url_to_scrape)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
for table_row in"table tr"):
cells = table_row.find_all('td')
local_detailed_data = []
if len(cells) > 0:
# Reg. No.
local_detailed_data.append(cells[1].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Registration Date
local_detailed_data.append(cells[3].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Name
local_detailed_data.append(cells[5].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Category
local_detailed_data.append(cells[7].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Date of Commencement
local_detailed_data.append(cells[9].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# e-Mail
local_detailed_data.append(cells[13].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Website URL
local_detailed_data.append(cells[15].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Name of Occupier
local_detailed_data.append(cells[17].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Father Name of Occupier
local_detailed_data.append(cells[19].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Name of Manager
local_detailed_data.append(cells[21].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Fathers Name of Manager
local_detailed_data.append(cells[23].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Nature of Business
local_detailed_data.append(cells[25].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Total Male Workers
local_detailed_data.append(cells[27].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Total Female Workers
local_detailed_data.append(cells[29].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Total Young Workers
local_detailed_data.append(cells[31].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Total Workers
local_detailed_data.append(cells[33].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Total Family Members Working in the Establishment
local_detailed_data.append(cells[35].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Total Employers Working in Confidential Capacity
local_detailed_data.append(cells[37].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
# Certificate No
local_detailed_data.append(cells[39].text.strip().encode('utf-8').split().replace(":", "").strip())
# Certificate Date
local_detailed_data.append(cells[41].text.strip().encode('utf-8').split().replace(":", "").strip())
# Address
local_detailed_data.append(cells[10].text.strip().encode('utf-8').strip().replace(":", "").strip())
print "Count: {}, List: {}".format(count, len(inmates_list))
if ((count % 10) == 0) or (count == len(inmates_list)):
with open('/tmp/logFile.csv','a') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for eachFieldList in inmate_details_list:
inmate_details_list = []
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