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Created October 20, 2017 08:51
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Python3 Utility to create Signed URLs for Google Cloud Storage File Upload (with expiry)
Code to create a signed URL to upload a file using that signed URL to Google Cloud Storage
Constants to be present in settings module or can be defined locally:
- GCP_CRED_FILE_PATH (JSON file where the GCP credentials are present)
- GCP_PROJECT (GCP Project name)
- GCP_STORAGE_BASE_URL (Base Url of GCP, usually
- GCP_SIGNED_URL_TIMEOUT (Timeout in seconds for which the signed URL is valid)
- GCP_BUCKET (Google Cloud Bucket Name)
import logging
import time
import base64
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from import datastore
# Gettings settings variables
from django.conf import settings
# Google Account Credentials & Datastore Client
GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDS = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(settings.GCP_CRED_FILE_PATH)
GOOGLE_DATASTORE_CLIENT = datastore.Client(project=settings.GCP_PROJECT,
def make_string_to_sign(verb, expiration, resource,
content_md5="", content_type="", content_headers=""):
Function to create the string to sign, from the parameters given.
verb: HTTP verb to be used with the signed URL
expiration: timestamp reprsented as epoch of time when signature expires.
resource: Resource being addressed in URL, in format /bucket/objname.
Ex. /kartik-tesst/Macbook-3D.jpg
content_md5: MD5 digest value in base64. if used, client must provide this in header
when making the request to the generated signed URL
content_type: content-type to be accessed. if used, client must provide this in header
when making the request to the generated signed URL
content_headers: When client uses signed URL, server will check for matching values as
those provided in this field
string_to_sign: Returns string that is to be signed
string_to_sign = (
).format(verb=verb, content_md5=content_md5,
content_type=content_type, expiration=expiration,
headers=content_headers, resource=resource)
# Logging
logging.debug("String to Sign = {sts}".format(sts=string_to_sign))
return string_to_sign
def sign_string(string_to_sign, gcp_credentials=GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDS):
Function to sign a given string, using the specified keyfile
string_to_sign: The string that is to be signed, created according to the
required syntax.
keyfile_path: Path to keyfile of Google Service Account.
(client_id, signed_string)
client_id: service account email that was used to sign the string
signed_string: base64 encoded string after signing
#TODO: Add error handling when credentials do not allow access to specified resource in string
#TODO: Add error handling when credentials are invalid
# Logging
logging.debug("Signing string!")
creds = gcp_credentials
client_id = creds.service_account_email
signed_string = creds.sign_bytes(string_to_sign.encode('utf-8'))
signed_string = str(base64.b64encode(signed_string))
# Logging
logging.debug("Signed String = {ss}".format(ss=str(signed_string[2:-1])))
return (client_id, str(signed_string[2:-1]))
def convert_url_safe(in_str):
Converts the input string to a URL safe string
in_str: Input string to be made URL safe
out_str: Output URL safe string
temp = in_str.replace('+', '%2B')
out_str = temp.replace('/', '%2F')
# Logging
logging.debug("URL Safe String = {uss}".format(uss=out_str))
return out_str
def make_url(base, access_id, expiration, signature):
Creates the signed URL from its parts
base: settings.GCP_STORAGE_BASE_URL of the signed URL
access_id: GOOGLE_ACCESS_ID for storage
expiration: Expiration time in Epoch Unix Time
signature: signed string
signed_url: Signed URL
# Logging
logging.debug("Making the URL!")
signed_url = "{base}?GoogleAccessId={access_id}&Expires={exp_time}&Signature={sign}"
signed_url = signed_url.format(base=base, access_id=access_id,
exp_time=expiration, sign=signature)
# Logging
logging.debug("Signed URL = {su}".format(su=signed_url))
return signed_url
def generate_signed_url(uuid, content_headers="", content_md5="",
content_type="", gcp_credentials=GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDS,
Function to generate the signed URL to upload a file to Google Cloud Storage.
uuid: The unique uuid or filename of the file to be uploaded to Google CLoud Storage.
bucket: The Google Cloud Storage bucket to which the file is to be uploaded.
The files are always at the first level,ie file will be uploaded at <bucket>/<file>.
content_headers: When client uses signed URL, server will check for matching values as
those provided in this field
content_md5: MD5 digest value in base64. if used, client must provide this in header
when making the request to the generated signed URL
content_type: The content-type of the file to be uploaded. If this is specified,
then content-type must be specified in the header when uploading the
file using the signed URL.
gcp_credentials: The Google Service Account Credentials that are used to sign the URL.
valid_time: Time( in seconds) for which the signed URL is valid
signed_url: The signed URL as a string.
# Logging
logging.debug("Starting signed URL generation!")
c_time = int(time.time())
e_time = c_time + valid_time
test_string = make_string_to_sign(verb="PUT", expiration=str(e_time),
content_type=content_type, content_md5=content_md5,
client_id, signed_string = sign_string(test_string, gcp_credentials)
except Exception:
# Logging
logging.error("There was an error while signing the URL!")
raise ValueError("There was an error while signing the URL!")
sign_safe = convert_url_safe(signed_string)
base = settings.GCP_STORAGE_BASE_URL + "/{buck}/{_file}".format(buck=settings.GCP_BUCKET,
url = make_url(base=base, access_id=client_id, expiration=e_time, signature=sign_safe)
# Logging
logging.debug("Signed URL Generated!")
return url
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