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Created June 4, 2018 16:52
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crypkoカードの祖先一覧を表示するやつをGM_registerMenuCommandに対応させたもの fork元:
// ==UserScript==
// @name [Crypko]祖先辿り
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description カードの祖先一覧を表示します。
// @author You
// @match*
// match文に#があるの上手くマッチングしてくれないのどうすればいいのかしら
// @license MIT
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @fork
// ==/UserScript==
function aoeu() {
void (async (
w = 512,
m = w >> 3, // w だけにするとめいっぱい(9世代前まで)読み込む
D = document,
E = (n, a = {}, c = []) => ((n = Object.assign(D.createElement(n), a)), c.forEach(e => n.appendChild(e)), n),
q = {},
t = [[(location.href.match(/\d+$/) || [0])[0]]],
g, i, l, d, p
) => {
for (i = 1; i < m ; i++) {
g = i.toString(2).length;
l = i - (1 << g - 1);
d = t[g - 1][l];
p = [0, 0];
if (d && !q[d]) await fetch(`https:\u002F\${d}/detail`)
.then(r => r.json()).catch(e => console.error(e)).then(j => console.log(q[d] = j));
if (q[d]) {
p = [q[d].matronId, q[d].sireId];
// 参考:
await crypto.subtle.digest({ name: 'SHA-1' },
.map(c => c.charCodeAt()))
).then(h =>
(q[d].img = Array.from(new Uint8Array(h))
.map(c => c.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''))
if (!t[g]) t[g] = [];
[t[g][l * 2], t[g][l * 2 + 1]] = p;
D.head.appendChild(E('style', { textContent: `
#ancestors { width: ${w}px; margin: 0 auto; }
#ancestors>div { width: 100% }
#ancestors>div>div { position: relative; display: inline-block; }
#ancestors>div>div>img { position: absolute; transition-duration: 0.5s; }
#ancestors>div>div>img:hover { z-index: 99; width: 256px; }
` }));
D.querySelector('#header-template').after(E('div', { id: 'ancestors' }, [p = E('div', {})]));
t.filter(b => b.some(d => d)).forEach(b => p.before(p =
E('div', {},, i, a) => E('div', { style: `width: ${w / a.length}px; height: ${w / a.length}px;` },
(q[d] ? [E('img', {
src: `https:\u002F\${q[d].img}_lg.jpg`,
width: w / a.length, title: `${q[d].name ? q[d].name : ''}#${q[d].id}`,
onclick: e =>'' +'#').pop(), '_blank')
})] : [])
GM_registerMenuCommand("祖先辿り", aoeu);
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