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Last active October 19, 2023 05:33
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  • Save karuppiah7890/88e386adbc5d4f346ddaa324ca20f2af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save karuppiah7890/88e386adbc5d4f346ddaa324ca20f2af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Output while Building ClickHouse Locally
$ ./programs/clickhouse client
ClickHouse client version
Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
Connected to ClickHouse server version 23.10.1 revision 54466.

 * Server was built in debug mode. It will work slowly.
 * Maximum number of threads is lower than 30000. There could be problems with handling a lot of simultaneous queries.

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) 
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) ls

Syntax error: failed at position 1 ('ls'):



Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) help

Syntax error: failed at position 1 ('help'):



Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) ?

Syntax error: failed at position 1 ('?'):



Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) \dt

Syntax error: failed at position 1 ('\'):


Unrecognized token: '\'

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) show 
Display all 6454 possibilities? (y or n)
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) sho
short_circuit_function_evaluation                 show_table_uuid_in_table_create_query_if_not_nil
short_name                                        showCertificate
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SHOW DA
DATABASE            DATA_TYPE           DATE_DIFF           DAY                 DAYOFYEAR
DATABASES           DATE                DATE_FORMAT         DAYOFMONTH
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SHOW DATA
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SHOW DATABASE
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SHOW DATABASES


Query id: 0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14

│ default            │
│ information_schema │
│ system             │

4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.009 sec. 

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SHOW TABLE
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SHOW TABLES


Query id: 22a3cde6-69e8-4bb6-a42c-c11b4c4fddda


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.014 sec. 

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CONSTRAINT_
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) S
S3                       SINGLE                   STDDEV_POPSimpleState    STDMap
S3Queue                  SMALLINT                 STDDEV_POPState          STDMerge
SAMPLE                   SQLInsert                STDDEV_SAMP              STDNull
SCHEMA                   SQL_PATH                 STDDEV_SAMPArray         STDOrDefault
SCHEMATA                 SQLite                   STDDEV_SAMPDistinct      STDOrNull
SCHEMA_NAME              STD                      STDDEV_SAMPForEach       STDResample
SCHEMA_OWNER             STDArray                 STDDEV_SAMPIf            STDSimpleState
SECOND                   STDDEV_POP               STDDEV_SAMPMap           STDState
SELECT                   STDDEV_POPArray          STDDEV_SAMPMerge         SUBSTRING_INDEX
SET                      STDDEV_POPDistinct       STDDEV_SAMPNull          SVG
SETTINGS                 STDDEV_POPForEach        STDDEV_SAMPOrDefault     SYNC
SHA1                     STDDEV_POPIf             STDDEV_SAMPOrNull        Set
SHA224                   STDDEV_POPMap            STDDEV_SAMPResample      Settings
SHA256                   STDDEV_POPMerge          STDDEV_SAMPSimpleState   SimpleAggregateFunction
SHA384                   STDDEV_POPNull           STDDEV_SAMPState         String
SHA512                   STDDEV_POPOrDefault      STDDistinct              StripeLog
SHOW                     STDDEV_POPOrNull         STDForEach               SummingMergeTree
SIGNED                   STDDEV_POPResample       STDIf
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SE
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SELECT 
Display all 6452 possibilities? (y or n)
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SELECT D
DATABASE                       DEDUPLICATE                    DROP
DATABASES                      DEFAULT                        Date
DATA_TYPE                      DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME     DateTime
DATE                           DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA   DateTime32
DATETIME_PRECISION             DELETE_RULE                    DateTime64
DATE_DIFF                      DESC                           Decimal
DATE_FORMAT                    DESCRIBE                       Decimal128
DATE_TRUNC                     DETACH                         Decimal256
DAY                            DISTINCT                       Decimal32
DAYOFMONTH                     DOMAIN_CATALOG                 Decimal64
DAYOFWEEK                      DOMAIN_NAME                    DeltaLake
DAYOFYEAR                      DOMAIN_SCHEMA                  Dictionary
DEC                            DOUBLE                         Distributed
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SELECT DA
DATABASE            DATA_TYPE           DATE_DIFF           DAY                 DAYOFYEAR
DATABASES           DATE                DATE_FORMAT         DAYOFMONTH
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SELECT DATA
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SELECT DATABASES


Query id: 2a3ee97d-4e6d-4dde-8df1-89286720a458

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.10.1):
Code: 47. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'DATABASES' while processing query: 'SELECT DATABASES', required columns: 'DATABASES'. (UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER)

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SELECT DATABASE


Query id: cbcf37a7-99f6-4ae6-89ab-0b7559992d0d

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.10.1):
Code: 47. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'DATABASE' while processing query: 'SELECT DATABASE', required columns: 'DATABASE'. (UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER)

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) Bye.

$ ./programs/clickhouse client --help
Main options:
  --help                                                                      produce help message
  -V [ --version ]                                                            print version information and exit
  --version-clean                                                             print version in machine-readable 
                                                                              format and exit
  -C [ --config-file ] arg                                                    config-file path
  -q [ --query ] arg                                                          query; can be specified multiple times 
                                                                              (--query "SELECT 1" --query "SELECT 
  --queries-file arg                                                          file path with queries to execute; 
                                                                              multiple files can be specified 
                                                                              (--queries-file file1 file2...)
  -n [ --multiquery ]                                                         If specified, multiple queries 
                                                                              separated by semicolons can be listed 
                                                                              after --query. For convenience, it is 
                                                                              also possible to omit --query and pass 
                                                                              the queries directly after 
  -m [ --multiline ]                                                          If specified, allow multiline queries 
                                                                              (do not send the query on Enter)
  -d [ --database ] arg                                                       database
  --query_kind arg (=initial_query)                                           One of initial_query/secondary_query/no
  --query_id arg                                                              query_id
  --history_file arg                                                          path to history file
  --stage arg (=complete)                                                     Request query processing up to 
                                                                              specified stage: complete,fetch_columns
  --progress [=arg(=tty)] (=default)                                          Print progress of queries execution - 
                                                                              to TTY: tty|on|1|true|yes; to STDERR 
                                                                              non-interactive mode: err; OFF: 
                                                                              off|0|false|no; DEFAULT - interactive 
                                                                              to TTY, non-interactive is off
  -A [ --disable_suggestion ]                                                 Disable loading suggestion data. Note 
                                                                              that suggestion data is loaded 
                                                                              asynchronously through a second 
                                                                              connection to ClickHouse server. Also 
                                                                              it is reasonable to disable suggestion 
                                                                              if you want to paste a query with TAB 
                                                                              characters. Shorthand option -A is for 
                                                                              those who get used to mysql client.
  -t [ --time ]                                                               print query execution time to stderr in
                                                                              non-interactive mode (for benchmarks)
  --echo                                                                      in batch mode, print query before 
  --verbose                                                                   print query and other debugging info
  --log-level arg                                                             log level
  --server_logs_file arg                                                      put server logs into specified file
  --suggestion_limit arg (=10000)                                             Suggestion limit for how many 
                                                                              databases, tables and columns to fetch.
  -f [ --format ] arg                                                         default output format
  -E [ --vertical ]                                                           vertical output format, same as 
                                                                              --format=Vertical or FORMAT Vertical or
                                                                              \G at end of command
  --highlight arg (=1)                                                        enable or disable basic syntax 
                                                                              highlight in interactive command line
  --ignore-error                                                              do not stop processing in multiquery 
  --stacktrace                                                                print stack traces of exceptions
  --hardware-utilization                                                      print hardware utilization information 
                                                                              in progress bar
  --print-profile-events                                                      Printing ProfileEvents packets
  --profile-events-delay-ms arg (=0)                                          Delay between printing `ProfileEvents` 
                                                                              packets (-1 - print only totals, 0 - 
                                                                              print every single packet)
  --processed-rows                                                            print the number of locally processed 
  --interactive                                                               Process queries-file or --query query 
                                                                              and start interactive mode
  --pager arg                                                                 Pipe all output into this command (less
                                                                              or similar)
  --max_memory_usage_in_client arg                                            Set memory limit in client/local server
  -c [ --config ] arg                                                         config-file path (another shorthand)
  --connection arg                                                            connection to use (from the client 
                                                                              config), by default connection name is 
  -s [ --secure ]                                                             Use TLS connection
  -u [ --user ] arg (=default)                                                user
  --password arg                                                              password
  --ask-password                                                              ask-password
  --ssh-key-file arg                                                          File containing ssh private key needed 
                                                                              for authentication. If not set does 
                                                                              password authentication.
  --ssh-key-passphrase arg                                                    Passphrase for imported ssh key.
  --quota_key arg                                                             A string to differentiate quotas when 
                                                                              the user have keyed quotas configured 
                                                                              on server
  --max_client_network_bandwidth arg                                          the maximum speed of data exchange over
                                                                              the network for the client in bytes per
  --compression arg                                                           enable or disable compression (enabled 
                                                                              by default for remote communication and
                                                                              disabled for localhost communication).
  --query-fuzzer-runs arg (=0)                                                After executing every SELECT query, do 
                                                                              random mutations in it and run again 
                                                                              specified number of times. This is used
                                                                              for testing to discover unexpected 
                                                                              corner cases.
  --create-query-fuzzer-runs arg (=0)
  --interleave-queries-file arg                                               file path with queries to execute 
                                                                              before every file from 'queries-file'; 
                                                                              multiple files can be specified 
                                                                              (--queries-file file1 file2...); this 
                                                                              is needed to enable more aggressive 
                                                                              fuzzing of newly added tests (see 
                                                                              'query-fuzzer-runs' option)
  --opentelemetry-traceparent arg                                             OpenTelemetry traceparent header as 
                                                                              described by W3C Trace Context 
  --opentelemetry-tracestate arg                                              OpenTelemetry tracestate header as 
                                                                              described by W3C Trace Context 
  --no-warnings                                                               disable warnings when client connects 
                                                                              to server
  --fake-drop                                                                 Ignore all DROP queries, should be used
                                                                              only for testing
  --accept-invalid-certificate                                                Ignore certificate verification errors,
                                                                              equal to config parameters 
  --dialect arg                                                               Which dialect will be used to parse 
  --min_compress_block_size arg                                               The actual size of the block to 
                                                                              compress, if the uncompressed data less
                                                                              than max_compress_block_size is no less
                                                                              than this value and no less than the 
                                                                              volume of data for one mark.
  --max_compress_block_size arg                                               The maximum size of blocks of 
                                                                              uncompressed data before compressing 
                                                                              for writing to a table.
  --max_block_size arg                                                        Maximum block size for reading
  --max_insert_block_size arg                                                 The maximum block size for insertion, 
                                                                              if we control the creation of blocks 
                                                                              for insertion.
  --min_insert_block_size_rows arg                                            Squash blocks passed to INSERT query to
                                                                              specified size in rows, if blocks are 
                                                                              not big enough.
  --min_insert_block_size_bytes arg                                           Squash blocks passed to INSERT query to
                                                                              specified size in bytes, if blocks are 
                                                                              not big enough.
  --min_insert_block_size_rows_for_materialized_views arg                     Like min_insert_block_size_rows, but 
                                                                              applied only during pushing to 
                                                                              MATERIALIZED VIEW (default: 
  --min_insert_block_size_bytes_for_materialized_views arg                    Like min_insert_block_size_bytes, but 
                                                                              applied only during pushing to 
                                                                              MATERIALIZED VIEW (default: 
  --max_joined_block_size_rows arg                                            Maximum block size for JOIN result (if 
                                                                              join algorithm supports it). 0 means 
  --max_insert_threads arg                                                    The maximum number of threads to 
                                                                              execute the INSERT SELECT query. Values
                                                                              0 or 1 means that INSERT SELECT is not 
                                                                              run in parallel. Higher values will 
                                                                              lead to higher memory usage. Parallel 
                                                                              INSERT SELECT has effect only if the 
                                                                              SELECT part is run on parallel, see 
                                                                              'max_threads' setting.
  --max_insert_delayed_streams_for_parallel_write arg                         The maximum number of streams (columns)
                                                                              to delay final part flush. Default - 
                                                                              auto (1000 in case of underlying 
                                                                              storage supports parallel write, for 
                                                                              example S3 and disabled otherwise)
  --max_final_threads arg                                                     The maximum number of threads to read 
                                                                              from table with FINAL.
  --max_threads_for_indexes arg                                               The maximum number of threads process 
  --max_threads arg                                                           The maximum number of threads to 
                                                                              execute the request. By default, it is 
                                                                              determined automatically.
  --use_concurrency_control arg                                               Respect the server's concurrency 
                                                                              control (see the `concurrent_threads_so
                                                                              ft_limit_num` and `concurrent_threads_s
                                                                              oft_limit_ratio_to_cores` global server
                                                                              settings). If disabled, it allows using
                                                                              a larger number of threads even if the 
                                                                              server is overloaded (not recommended 
                                                                              for normal usage, and needed mostly for
  --max_download_threads arg                                                  The maximum number of threads to 
                                                                              download data (e.g. for URL engine).
  --max_download_buffer_size arg                                              The maximal size of buffer for parallel
                                                                              downloading (e.g. for URL engine) per 
                                                                              each thread.
  --max_read_buffer_size arg                                                  The maximum size of the buffer to read 
                                                                              from the filesystem.
  --max_read_buffer_size_local_fs arg                                         The maximum size of the buffer to read 
                                                                              from local filesystem. If set to 0 then
                                                                              max_read_buffer_size will be used.
  --max_read_buffer_size_remote_fs arg                                        The maximum size of the buffer to read 
                                                                              from remote filesystem. If set to 0 
                                                                              then max_read_buffer_size will be used.
  --max_distributed_connections arg                                           The maximum number of connections for 
                                                                              distributed processing of one query 
                                                                              (should be greater than max_threads).
  --max_query_size arg                                                        The maximum number of bytes of a query 
                                                                              string parsed by the SQL parser. Data 
                                                                              in the VALUES clause of INSERT queries 
                                                                              is processed by a separate stream 
                                                                              parser (that consumes O(1) RAM) and not
                                                                              affected by this restriction.
  --interactive_delay arg                                                     The interval in microseconds to check 
                                                                              if the request is cancelled, and to 
                                                                              send progress info.
  --connect_timeout arg                                                       Connection timeout if there are no 
  --handshake_timeout_ms arg                                                  Timeout for receiving HELLO packet from
  --connect_timeout_with_failover_ms arg                                      Connection timeout for selecting first 
                                                                              healthy replica.
  --connect_timeout_with_failover_secure_ms arg                               Connection timeout for selecting first 
                                                                              healthy replica (for secure 
  --receive_timeout arg                                                       Timeout for receiving data from 
                                                                              network, in seconds. If no bytes were 
                                                                              received in this interval, exception is
                                                                              thrown. If you set this setting on 
                                                                              client, the 'send_timeout' for the 
                                                                              socket will be also set on the 
                                                                              corresponding connection end on the 
  --send_timeout arg                                                          Timeout for sending data to network, in
                                                                              seconds. If client needs to sent some 
                                                                              data, but it did not able to send any 
                                                                              bytes in this interval, exception is 
                                                                              thrown. If you set this setting on 
                                                                              client, the 'receive_timeout' for the 
                                                                              socket will be also set on the 
                                                                              corresponding connection end on the 
  --tcp_keep_alive_timeout arg                                                The time in seconds the connection 
                                                                              needs to remain idle before TCP starts 
                                                                              sending keepalive probes
  --hedged_connection_timeout_ms arg                                          Connection timeout for establishing 
                                                                              connection with replica for Hedged 
  --receive_data_timeout_ms arg                                               Connection timeout for receiving first 
                                                                              packet of data or packet with positive 
                                                                              progress from replica
  --use_hedged_requests arg                                                   Use hedged requests for distributed 
  --allow_changing_replica_until_first_data_packet arg                        Allow HedgedConnections to change 
                                                                              replica until receiving first data 
  --queue_max_wait_ms arg                                                     The wait time in the request queue, if 
                                                                              the number of concurrent requests 
                                                                              exceeds the maximum.
  --connection_pool_max_wait_ms arg                                           The wait time when the connection pool 
                                                                              is full.
  --replace_running_query_max_wait_ms arg                                     The wait time for running query with 
                                                                              the same query_id to finish when 
                                                                              setting 'replace_running_query' is 
  --kafka_max_wait_ms arg                                                     The wait time for reading from Kafka 
                                                                              before retry.
  --rabbitmq_max_wait_ms arg                                                  The wait time for reading from RabbitMQ
                                                                              before retry.
  --poll_interval arg                                                         Block at the query wait loop on the 
                                                                              server for the specified number of 
  --idle_connection_timeout arg                                               Close idle TCP connections after 
                                                                              specified number of seconds.
  --distributed_connections_pool_size arg                                     Maximum number of connections with one 
                                                                              remote server in the pool.
  --connections_with_failover_max_tries arg                                   The maximum number of attempts to 
                                                                              connect to replicas.
  --s3_strict_upload_part_size arg                                            The exact size of part to upload during
                                                                              multipart upload to S3 (some 
                                                                              implementations does not supports 
                                                                              variable size parts).
  --s3_min_upload_part_size arg                                               The minimum size of part to upload 
                                                                              during multipart upload to S3.
  --s3_max_upload_part_size arg                                               The maximum size of part to upload 
                                                                              during multipart upload to S3.
  --s3_upload_part_size_multiply_factor arg                                   Multiply s3_min_upload_part_size by 
                                                                              this factor each time 
                                                                              s3_multiply_parts_count_threshold parts
                                                                              were uploaded from a single write to 
  --s3_upload_part_size_multiply_parts_count_threshold arg                    Each time this number of parts was 
                                                                              uploaded to S3, s3_min_upload_part_size
                                                                              is multiplied by s3_upload_part_size_mu
  --s3_max_inflight_parts_for_one_file arg                                    The maximum number of a concurrent 
                                                                              loaded parts in multipart upload 
                                                                              request. 0 means unlimited. You 
  --s3_max_single_part_upload_size arg                                        The maximum size of object to upload 
                                                                              using singlepart upload to S3.
  --azure_max_single_part_upload_size arg                                     The maximum size of object to upload 
                                                                              using singlepart upload to Azure blob 
  --s3_max_single_read_retries arg                                            The maximum number of retries during 
                                                                              single S3 read.
  --azure_max_single_read_retries arg                                         The maximum number of retries during 
                                                                              single Azure blob storage read.
  --s3_max_unexpected_write_error_retries arg                                 The maximum number of retries in case 
                                                                              of unexpected errors during S3 write.
  --s3_max_redirects arg                                                      Max number of S3 redirects hops 
  --s3_max_connections arg                                                    The maximum number of connections per 
  --s3_max_get_rps arg                                                        Limit on S3 GET request per second rate
                                                                              before throttling. Zero means 
  --s3_max_get_burst arg                                                      Max number of requests that can be 
                                                                              issued simultaneously before hitting 
                                                                              request per second limit. By default 
                                                                              (0) equals to `s3_max_get_rps`
  --s3_max_put_rps arg                                                        Limit on S3 PUT request per second rate
                                                                              before throttling. Zero means 
  --s3_max_put_burst arg                                                      Max number of requests that can be 
                                                                              issued simultaneously before hitting 
                                                                              request per second limit. By default 
                                                                              (0) equals to `s3_max_put_rps`
  --s3_list_object_keys_size arg                                              Maximum number of files that could be 
                                                                              returned in batch by ListObject request
  --azure_list_object_keys_size arg                                           Maximum number of files that could be 
                                                                              returned in batch by ListObject request
  --s3_truncate_on_insert arg                                                 Enables or disables truncate before 
                                                                              insert in s3 engine tables.
  --azure_truncate_on_insert arg                                              Enables or disables truncate before 
                                                                              insert in azure engine tables.
  --s3_create_new_file_on_insert arg                                          Enables or disables creating a new file
                                                                              on each insert in s3 engine tables
  --s3_skip_empty_files arg                                                   Allow to skip empty files in s3 table 
  --azure_create_new_file_on_insert arg                                       Enables or disables creating a new file
                                                                              on each insert in azure engine tables
  --s3_check_objects_after_upload arg                                         Check each uploaded object to s3 with 
                                                                              head request to be sure that upload was
  --s3_allow_parallel_part_upload arg                                         Use multiple threads for s3 multipart 
                                                                              upload. It may lead to slightly higher 
                                                                              memory usage
  --s3_throw_on_zero_files_match arg                                          Throw an error, when ListObjects 
                                                                              request cannot match any files
  --s3_retry_attempts arg                                                     Setting for Aws::Client::RetryStrategy,
                                                                              Aws::Client does retries itself, 0 
                                                                              means no retries
  --s3_request_timeout_ms arg                                                 Idleness timeout for sending and 
                                                                              receiving data to/from S3. Fail if a 
                                                                              single TCP read or write call blocks 
                                                                              for this long.
  --s3_http_connection_pool_size arg                                          How many reusable open connections to 
                                                                              keep per S3 endpoint. Only applies to 
                                                                              the S3 table engine and table function,
                                                                              not to S3 disks (for disks, use disk 
                                                                              config instead). Global setting, can 
                                                                              only be set in config, overriding it 
                                                                              per session or per query has no effect.
  --enable_s3_requests_logging arg                                            Enable very explicit logging of S3 
                                                                              requests. Makes sense for debug only.
  --s3queue_default_zookeeper_path arg                                        Default zookeeper path prefix for 
                                                                              S3Queue engine
  --hdfs_replication arg                                                      The actual number of replications can 
                                                                              be specified when the hdfs file is 
  --hdfs_truncate_on_insert arg                                               Enables or disables truncate before 
                                                                              insert in s3 engine tables
  --hdfs_create_new_file_on_insert arg                                        Enables or disables creating a new file
                                                                              on each insert in hdfs engine tables
  --hdfs_skip_empty_files arg                                                 Allow to skip empty files in hdfs table
  --hsts_max_age arg                                                          Expired time for hsts. 0 means disable 
  --extremes arg                                                              Calculate minimums and maximums of the 
                                                                              result columns. They can be output in 
  --use_uncompressed_cache arg                                                Whether to use the cache of 
                                                                              uncompressed blocks.
  --replace_running_query arg                                                 Whether the running request should be 
                                                                              canceled with the same id as the new 
  --max_remote_read_network_bandwidth arg                                     The maximum speed of data exchange over
                                                                              the network in bytes per second for 
  --max_remote_write_network_bandwidth arg                                    The maximum speed of data exchange over
                                                                              the network in bytes per second for 
  --max_local_read_bandwidth arg                                              The maximum speed of local reads in 
                                                                              bytes per second.
  --max_local_write_bandwidth arg                                             The maximum speed of local writes in 
                                                                              bytes per second.
  --stream_like_engine_allow_direct_select arg                                Allow direct SELECT query for Kafka, 
                                                                              RabbitMQ, FileLog, Redis Streams and 
                                                                              NATS engines. In case there are 
                                                                              attached materialized views, SELECT 
                                                                              query is not allowed even if this 
                                                                              setting is enabled.
  --stream_like_engine_insert_queue arg                                       When stream like engine reads from 
                                                                              multiple queues, user will need to 
                                                                              select one queue to insert into when 
                                                                              writing. Used by Redis Streams and 
  --distributed_directory_monitor_sleep_time_ms arg                           Sleep time for StorageDistributed 
                                                                              DirectoryMonitors, in case of any 
                                                                              errors delay grows exponentially.
  --distributed_directory_monitor_max_sleep_time_ms arg                       Maximum sleep time for 
                                                                              StorageDistributed DirectoryMonitors, 
                                                                              it limits exponential growth too.
  --distributed_directory_monitor_batch_inserts arg                           Should StorageDistributed 
                                                                              DirectoryMonitors try to batch 
                                                                              individual inserts into bigger ones.
  --distributed_directory_monitor_split_batch_on_failure arg                  Should StorageDistributed 
                                                                              DirectoryMonitors try to split batch 
                                                                              into smaller in case of failures.
  --optimize_move_to_prewhere arg                                             Allows disabling WHERE to PREWHERE 
                                                                              optimization in SELECT queries from 
  --optimize_move_to_prewhere_if_final arg                                    If query has `FINAL`, the optimization 
                                                                              `move_to_prewhere` is not always 
                                                                              correct and it is enabled only if both 
                                                                              settings `optimize_move_to_prewhere` 
                                                                              and `optimize_move_to_prewhere_if_final
                                                                              ` are turned on
  --move_all_conditions_to_prewhere arg                                       Move all viable conditions from WHERE 
                                                                              to PREWHERE
  --enable_multiple_prewhere_read_steps arg                                   Move more conditions from WHERE to 
                                                                              PREWHERE and do reads from disk and 
                                                                              filtering in multiple steps if there 
                                                                              are multiple conditions combined with 
  --move_primary_key_columns_to_end_of_prewhere arg                           Move PREWHERE conditions containing 
                                                                              primary key columns to the end of AND 
                                                                              chain. It is likely that these 
                                                                              conditions are taken into account 
                                                                              during primary key analysis and thus 
                                                                              will not contribute a lot to PREWHERE 
  --alter_sync arg                                                            Wait for actions to manipulate the 
                                                                              partitions. 0 - do not wait, 1 - wait 
                                                                              for execution only of itself, 2 - wait 
                                                                              for everyone.
  --replication_alter_partitions_sync arg                                     Wait for actions to manipulate the 
                                                                              partitions. 0 - do not wait, 1 - wait 
                                                                              for execution only of itself, 2 - wait 
                                                                              for everyone.
  --replication_wait_for_inactive_replica_timeout arg                         Wait for inactive replica to execute 
                                                                              ALTER/OPTIMIZE. Time in seconds, 0 - do
                                                                              not wait, negative - wait for unlimited
  --load_balancing arg                                                        Which replicas (among healthy replicas)
                                                                              to preferably send a query to (on the 
                                                                              first attempt) for distributed 
  --load_balancing_first_offset arg                                           Which replica to preferably send a 
                                                                              query when FIRST_OR_RANDOM load 
                                                                              balancing strategy is used.
  --totals_mode arg                                                           How to calculate TOTALS when HAVING is 
                                                                              present, as well as when 
                                                                              max_rows_to_group_by and 
                                                                              group_by_overflow_mode = ‘any’ are 
  --totals_auto_threshold arg                                                 The threshold for totals_mode = 'auto'.
  --allow_suspicious_low_cardinality_types arg                                In CREATE TABLE statement allows 
                                                                              specifying LowCardinality modifier for 
                                                                              types of small fixed size (8 or less). 
                                                                              Enabling this may increase merge times 
                                                                              and memory consumption.
  --allow_suspicious_fixed_string_types arg                                   In CREATE TABLE statement allows 
                                                                              creating columns of type FixedString(n)
                                                                              with n > 256. FixedString with length 
                                                                              >= 256 is suspicious and most likely 
                                                                              indicates misusage
  --allow_suspicious_indices arg                                              Reject primary/secondary indexes and 
                                                                              sorting keys with identical expressions
  --compile_expressions arg                                                   Compile some scalar functions and 
                                                                              operators to native code.
  --min_count_to_compile_expression arg                                       The number of identical expressions 
                                                                              before they are JIT-compiled
  --compile_aggregate_expressions arg                                         Compile aggregate functions to native 
  --min_count_to_compile_aggregate_expression arg                             The number of identical aggregate 
                                                                              expressions before they are 
  --compile_sort_description arg                                              Compile sort description to native 
  --min_count_to_compile_sort_description arg                                 The number of identical sort 
                                                                              descriptions before they are 
  --group_by_two_level_threshold arg                                          From what number of keys, a two-level 
                                                                              aggregation starts. 0 - the threshold 
                                                                              is not set.
  --group_by_two_level_threshold_bytes arg                                    From what size of the aggregation state
                                                                              in bytes, a two-level aggregation 
                                                                              begins to be used. 0 - the threshold is
                                                                              not set. Two-level aggregation is used 
                                                                              when at least one of the thresholds is 
  --distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient arg                              Is the memory-saving mode of 
                                                                              distributed aggregation enabled.
  --aggregation_memory_efficient_merge_threads arg                            Number of threads to use for merge 
                                                                              intermediate aggregation results in 
                                                                              memory efficient mode. When bigger, 
                                                                              then more memory is consumed. 0 means -
                                                                              same as 'max_threads'.
  --enable_memory_bound_merging_of_aggregation_results arg                    Enable memory bound merging strategy 
                                                                              for aggregation.
  --enable_positional_arguments arg                                           Enable positional arguments in ORDER 
                                                                              BY, GROUP BY and LIMIT BY
  --enable_extended_results_for_datetime_functions arg                        Enable date functions like 
                                                                              toLastDayOfMonth return Date32 results 
                                                                              (instead of Date results) for 
                                                                              Date32/DateTime64 arguments.
  --allow_nonconst_timezone_arguments arg                                     Allow non-const timezone arguments in 
                                                                              certain time-related functions like 
                                                                              toTimeZone(), fromUnixTimestamp*(), 
  --group_by_use_nulls arg                                                    Treat columns mentioned in ROLLUP, CUBE
                                                                              or GROUPING SETS as Nullable
  --max_parallel_replicas arg                                                 The maximum number of replicas of each 
                                                                              shard used when the query is executed. 
                                                                              For consistency (to get different parts
                                                                              of the same partition), this option 
                                                                              only works for the specified sampling 
                                                                              key. The lag of the replicas is not 
  --parallel_replicas_count arg                                               This is internal setting that should 
                                                                              not be used directly and represents an 
                                                                              implementation detail of the 'parallel 
                                                                              replicas' mode. This setting will be 
                                                                              automatically set up by the initiator 
                                                                              server for distributed queries to the 
                                                                              number of parallel replicas 
                                                                              participating in query processing.
  --parallel_replica_offset arg                                               This is internal setting that should 
                                                                              not be used directly and represents an 
                                                                              implementation detail of the 'parallel 
                                                                              replicas' mode. This setting will be 
                                                                              automatically set up by the initiator 
                                                                              server for distributed queries to the 
                                                                              index of the replica participating in 
                                                                              query processing among parallel 
  --parallel_replicas_custom_key arg                                          Custom key assigning work to replicas 
                                                                              when parallel replicas are used.
  --parallel_replicas_custom_key_filter_type arg                              Type of filter to use with custom key 
                                                                              for parallel replicas. default - use 
                                                                              modulo operation on the custom key, 
                                                                              range - use range filter on custom key 
                                                                              using all possible values for the value
                                                                              type of custom key.
  --cluster_for_parallel_replicas arg                                         Cluster for a shard in which current 
                                                                              server is located
  --allow_experimental_parallel_reading_from_replicas arg                     Use all the replicas from a shard for 
                                                                              SELECT query execution. Reading is 
                                                                              parallelized and coordinated 
                                                                              dynamically. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled,
                                                                              silently disable them in case of 
                                                                              failure, 2 - enabled, throw an 
                                                                              exception in case of failure
  --parallel_replicas_single_task_marks_count_multiplier arg                  A multiplier which will be added during
                                                                              calculation for minimal number of marks
                                                                              to retrieve from coordinator. This will
                                                                              be applied only for remote replicas.
  --parallel_replicas_for_non_replicated_merge_tree arg                       If true, ClickHouse will use parallel 
                                                                              replicas algorithm also for 
                                                                              non-replicated MergeTree tables
  --parallel_replicas_min_number_of_granules_to_enable arg                    If the number of marks to read is less 
                                                                              than the value of this setting - 
                                                                              parallel replicas will be disabled
  --skip_unavailable_shards arg                                               If true, ClickHouse silently skips 
                                                                              unavailable shards and nodes 
                                                                              unresolvable through DNS. Shard is 
                                                                              marked as unavailable when none of the 
                                                                              replicas can be reached.
  --parallel_distributed_insert_select arg                                    Process distributed INSERT SELECT query
                                                                              in the same cluster on local tables on 
                                                                              every shard; if set to 1 - SELECT is 
                                                                              executed on each shard; if set to 2 - 
                                                                              SELECT and INSERT are executed on each 
  --distributed_group_by_no_merge arg                                         If 1, Do not merge aggregation states 
                                                                              from different servers for distributed 
                                                                              queries (shards will process query up 
                                                                              to the Complete stage, initiator just 
                                                                              proxies the data from the shards). If 2
                                                                              the initiator will apply ORDER BY and 
                                                                              LIMIT stages (it is not in case when 
                                                                              shard process query up to the Complete 
  --distributed_push_down_limit arg                                           If 1, LIMIT will be applied on each 
                                                                              shard separately. Usually you don't 
                                                                              need to use it, since this will be done
                                                                              automatically if it is possible, i.e. 
                                                                              for simple query SELECT FROM LIMIT.
  --optimize_distributed_group_by_sharding_key arg                            Optimize GROUP BY sharding_key queries 
                                                                              (by avoiding costly aggregation on the 
                                                                              initiator server).
  --optimize_skip_unused_shards_limit arg                                     Limit for number of sharding key 
                                                                              values, turns off optimize_skip_unused_
                                                                              shards if the limit is reached
  --optimize_skip_unused_shards arg                                           Assumes that data is distributed by 
                                                                              sharding_key. Optimization to skip 
                                                                              unused shards if SELECT query filters 
                                                                              by sharding_key.
  --optimize_skip_unused_shards_rewrite_in arg                                Rewrite IN in query for remote shards 
                                                                              to exclude values that does not belong 
                                                                              to the shard (requires 
  --allow_nondeterministic_optimize_skip_unused_shards arg                    Allow non-deterministic functions 
                                                                              (includes dictGet) in sharding_key for 
  --force_optimize_skip_unused_shards arg                                     Throw an exception if unused shards 
                                                                              cannot be skipped (1 - throw only if 
                                                                              the table has the sharding key, 2 - 
                                                                              always throw.
  --optimize_skip_unused_shards_nesting arg                                   Same as optimize_skip_unused_shards, 
                                                                              but accept nesting level until which it
                                                                              will work.
  --force_optimize_skip_unused_shards_nesting arg                             Same as force_optimize_skip_unused_shar
                                                                              ds, but accept nesting level until 
                                                                              which it will work.
  --input_format_parallel_parsing arg                                         Enable parallel parsing for some data 
  --min_chunk_bytes_for_parallel_parsing arg                                  The minimum chunk size in bytes, which 
                                                                              each thread will parse in parallel.
  --output_format_parallel_formatting arg                                     Enable parallel formatting for some 
                                                                              data formats.
  --merge_tree_min_rows_for_concurrent_read arg                               If at least as many lines are read from
                                                                              one file, the reading can be 
  --merge_tree_min_bytes_for_concurrent_read arg                              If at least as many bytes are read from
                                                                              one file, the reading can be 
  --merge_tree_min_rows_for_seek arg                                          You can skip reading more than that 
                                                                              number of rows at the price of one seek
                                                                              per file.
  --merge_tree_min_bytes_for_seek arg                                         You can skip reading more than that 
                                                                              number of bytes at the price of one 
                                                                              seek per file.
  --merge_tree_coarse_index_granularity arg                                   If the index segment can contain the 
                                                                              required keys, divide it into as many 
                                                                              parts and recursively check them.
  --merge_tree_max_rows_to_use_cache arg                                      The maximum number of rows per request,
                                                                              to use the cache of uncompressed data. 
                                                                              If the request is large, the cache is 
                                                                              not used. (For large queries not to 
                                                                              flush out the cache.)
  --merge_tree_max_bytes_to_use_cache arg                                     The maximum number of bytes per 
                                                                              request, to use the cache of 
                                                                              uncompressed data. If the request is 
                                                                              large, the cache is not used. (For 
                                                                              large queries not to flush out the 
  --do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final arg                           Merge parts only in one partition in 
                                                                              select final
  --allow_experimental_inverted_index arg                                     If it is set to true, allow to use 
                                                                              experimental inverted index.
  --mysql_max_rows_to_insert arg                                              The maximum number of rows in MySQL 
                                                                              batch insertion of the MySQL storage 
  --use_mysql_types_in_show_columns arg                                       Show MySQL types in SHOW COLUMNS and 
  --optimize_min_equality_disjunction_chain_length arg                        The minimum length of the expression 
                                                                              `expr = x1 OR ... expr = xN` for 
  --min_bytes_to_use_direct_io arg                                            The minimum number of bytes for reading
                                                                              the data with O_DIRECT option during 
                                                                              SELECT queries execution. 0 - disabled.
  --min_bytes_to_use_mmap_io arg                                              The minimum number of bytes for reading
                                                                              the data with mmap option during SELECT
                                                                              queries execution. 0 - disabled.
  --checksum_on_read arg                                                      Validate checksums on reading. It is 
                                                                              enabled by default and should be always
                                                                              enabled in production. Please do not 
                                                                              expect any benefits in disabling this 
                                                                              setting. It may only be used for 
                                                                              experiments and benchmarks. The setting
                                                                              only applicable for tables of MergeTree
                                                                              family. Checksums are always validated 
                                                                              for other table engines and when 
                                                                              receiving data over network.
  --force_index_by_date arg                                                   Throw an exception if there is a 
                                                                              partition key in a table, and it is not
  --force_primary_key arg                                                     Throw an exception if there is primary 
                                                                              key in a table, and it is not used.
  --use_skip_indexes arg                                                      Use data skipping indexes during query 
  --use_skip_indexes_if_final arg                                             If query has FINAL, then skipping data 
                                                                              based on indexes may produce incorrect 
                                                                              result, hence disabled by default.
  --ignore_data_skipping_indices arg                                          Comma separated list of strings or 
                                                                              literals with the name of the data 
                                                                              skipping indices that should be 
                                                                              excluded during query execution.
  --force_data_skipping_indices arg                                           Comma separated list of strings or 
                                                                              literals with the name of the data 
                                                                              skipping indices that should be used 
                                                                              during query execution, otherwise an 
                                                                              exception will be thrown.
  --max_streams_to_max_threads_ratio arg                                      Allows you to use more sources than the
                                                                              number of threads - to more evenly 
                                                                              distribute work across threads. It is 
                                                                              assumed that this is a temporary 
                                                                              solution, since it will be possible in 
                                                                              the future to make the number of 
                                                                              sources equal to the number of threads,
                                                                              but for each source to dynamically 
                                                                              select available work for itself.
  --max_streams_multiplier_for_merge_tables arg                               Ask more streams when reading from 
                                                                              Merge table. Streams will be spread 
                                                                              across tables that Merge table will 
                                                                              use. This allows more even distribution
                                                                              of work across threads and especially 
                                                                              helpful when merged tables differ in 
  --network_compression_method arg                                            Allows you to select the method of data
                                                                              compression when writing.
  --network_zstd_compression_level arg                                        Allows you to select the level of ZSTD 
  --zstd_window_log_max arg                                                   Allows you to select the max window log
                                                                              of ZSTD (it will not be used for 
                                                                              MergeTree family)
  --priority arg                                                              Priority of the query. 1 - the highest,
                                                                              higher value - lower priority; 0 - do 
                                                                              not use priorities.
  --os_thread_priority arg                                                    If non zero - set corresponding 'nice' 
                                                                              value for query processing threads. Can
                                                                              be used to adjust query priority for OS
  --log_queries arg                                                           Log requests and write the log to the 
                                                                              system table.
  --log_formatted_queries arg                                                 Log formatted queries and write the log
                                                                              to the system table.
  --log_queries_min_type arg                                                  Minimal type in query_log to log, 
                                                                              possible values (from low to high): 
                                                                              QUERY_START, QUERY_FINISH, 
  --log_queries_min_query_duration_ms arg                                     Minimal time for the query to run, to 
                                                                              get to the query_log/query_thread_log/q
  --log_queries_cut_to_length arg                                             If query length is greater than 
                                                                              specified threshold (in bytes), then 
                                                                              cut query when writing to query log. 
                                                                              Also limit length of printed query in 
                                                                              ordinary text log.
  --log_queries_probability arg                                               Log queries with the specified 
  --log_processors_profiles arg                                               Log Processors profile events.
  --distributed_product_mode arg                                              How are distributed subqueries 
                                                                              performed inside IN or JOIN sections?
  --max_concurrent_queries_for_all_users arg                                  The maximum number of concurrent 
                                                                              requests for all users.
  --max_concurrent_queries_for_user arg                                       The maximum number of concurrent 
                                                                              requests per user.
  --insert_deduplicate arg                                                    For INSERT queries in the replicated 
                                                                              table, specifies that deduplication of 
                                                                              insertings blocks should be performed
  --async_insert_deduplicate arg                                              For async INSERT queries in the 
                                                                              replicated table, specifies that 
                                                                              deduplication of insertings blocks 
                                                                              should be performed
  --insert_quorum arg                                                         For INSERT queries in the replicated 
                                                                              table, wait writing for the specified 
                                                                              number of replicas and linearize the 
                                                                              addition of the data. 0 - disabled, 
                                                                              'auto' - use majority
  --insert_quorum_timeout arg                                                 If the quorum of replicas did not meet 
                                                                              in specified time (in milliseconds), 
                                                                              exception will be thrown and insertion 
                                                                              is aborted.
  --insert_quorum_parallel arg                                                For quorum INSERT queries - enable to 
                                                                              make parallel inserts without 
  --select_sequential_consistency arg                                         For SELECT queries from the replicated 
                                                                              table, throw an exception if the 
                                                                              replica does not have a chunk written 
                                                                              with the quorum; do not read the parts 
                                                                              that have not yet been written with the
  --table_function_remote_max_addresses arg                                   The maximum number of different shards 
                                                                              and the maximum number of replicas of 
                                                                              one shard in the `remote` function.
  --read_backoff_min_latency_ms arg                                           Setting to reduce the number of threads
                                                                              in case of slow reads. Pay attention 
                                                                              only to reads that took at least that 
                                                                              much time.
  --read_backoff_max_throughput arg                                           Settings to reduce the number of 
                                                                              threads in case of slow reads. Count 
                                                                              events when the read bandwidth is less 
                                                                              than that many bytes per second.
  --read_backoff_min_interval_between_events_ms arg                           Settings to reduce the number of 
                                                                              threads in case of slow reads. Do not 
                                                                              pay attention to the event, if the 
                                                                              previous one has passed less than a 
                                                                              certain amount of time.
  --read_backoff_min_events arg                                               Settings to reduce the number of 
                                                                              threads in case of slow reads. The 
                                                                              number of events after which the number
                                                                              of threads will be reduced.
  --read_backoff_min_concurrency arg                                          Settings to try keeping the minimal 
                                                                              number of threads in case of slow 
  --memory_tracker_fault_probability arg                                      For testing of `exception safety` - 
                                                                              throw an exception every time you 
                                                                              allocate memory with the specified 
  --enable_http_compression arg                                               Compress the result if the client over 
                                                                              HTTP said that it understands data 
                                                                              compressed by gzip, deflate, zstd, br, 
                                                                              lz4, bz2, xz.
  --http_zlib_compression_level arg                                           Compression level - used if the client 
                                                                              on HTTP said that it understands data 
                                                                              compressed by gzip or deflate.
  --http_native_compression_disable_checksumming_on_decompress arg            If you uncompress the POST data from 
                                                                              the client compressed by the native 
                                                                              format, do not check the checksum.
  --count_distinct_implementation arg                                         What aggregate function to use for 
                                                                              implementation of count(DISTINCT ...)
  --add_http_cors_header arg                                                  Write add http CORS header.
  --max_http_get_redirects arg                                                Max number of http GET redirects hops 
                                                                              allowed. Ensures additional security 
                                                                              measures are in place to prevent a 
                                                                              malicious server to redirect your 
                                                                              requests to unexpected services.
                                                                              It is the case when an external server 
                                                                              redirects to another address, but that 
                                                                              address appears to be internal to the 
                                                                              company's infrastructure, and by 
                                                                              sending an HTTP request to an internal 
                                                                              server, you could request an internal 
                                                                              API from the internal network, 
                                                                              bypassing the auth, or even query other
                                                                              services, such as Redis or Memcached. 
                                                                              When you don't have an internal 
                                                                              infrastructure (including something 
                                                                              running on your localhost), or you 
                                                                              trust the server, it is safe to allow 
                                                                              redirects. Although keep in mind, that 
                                                                              if the URL uses HTTP instead of HTTPS, 
                                                                              and you will have to trust not only the
                                                                              remote server but also your ISP and 
                                                                              every network in the middle.
  --use_client_time_zone arg                                                  Use client timezone for interpreting 
                                                                              DateTime string values, instead of 
                                                                              adopting server timezone.
  --send_progress_in_http_headers arg                                         Send progress notifications using 
                                                                              X-ClickHouse-Progress headers. Some 
                                                                              clients do not support high amount of 
                                                                              HTTP headers (Python requests in 
                                                                              particular), so it is disabled by 
  --http_headers_progress_interval_ms arg                                     Do not send HTTP headers 
                                                                              X-ClickHouse-Progress more frequently 
                                                                              than at each specified interval.
  --http_wait_end_of_query arg                                                Enable HTTP response buffering on the 
  --http_write_exception_in_output_format arg                                 Write exception in output format to 
                                                                              produce valid output. Works with JSON 
                                                                              and XML formats.
  --http_response_buffer_size arg                                             The number of bytes to buffer in the 
                                                                              server memory before sending a HTTP 
                                                                              response to the client or flushing to 
                                                                              disk (when http_wait_end_of_query is 
  --fsync_metadata arg                                                        Do fsync after changing metadata for 
                                                                              tables and databases (.sql files). 
                                                                              Could be disabled in case of poor 
                                                                              latency on server with high load of DDL
                                                                              queries and high load of disk 
  --join_use_nulls arg                                                        Use NULLs for non-joined rows of outer 
                                                                              JOINs for types that can be inside 
                                                                              Nullable. If false, use default value 
                                                                              of corresponding columns data type.
  --join_default_strictness arg                                               Set default strictness in JOIN query. 
                                                                              Possible values: empty string, 'ANY', 
                                                                              'ALL'. If empty, query without 
                                                                              strictness will throw exception.
  --any_join_distinct_right_table_keys arg                                    Enable old ANY JOIN logic with 
                                                                              many-to-one left-to-right table keys 
                                                                              mapping for all ANY JOINs. It leads to 
                                                                              confusing not equal results for 't1 ANY
                                                                              LEFT JOIN t2' and 't2 ANY RIGHT JOIN 
                                                                              t1'. ANY RIGHT JOIN needs one-to-many 
                                                                              keys mapping to be consistent with LEFT
  --single_join_prefer_left_table arg                                         For single JOIN in case of identifier 
                                                                              ambiguity prefer left table
  --preferred_block_size_bytes arg                                            This setting adjusts the data block 
                                                                              size for query processing and 
                                                                              represents additional fine tune to the 
                                                                              more rough 'max_block_size' setting. If
                                                                              the columns are large and with 
                                                                              'max_block_size' rows the block size is
                                                                              likely to be larger than the specified 
                                                                              amount of bytes, its size will be 
                                                                              lowered for better CPU cache locality.
  --max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries arg                             If set, distributed queries of 
                                                                              Replicated tables will choose servers 
                                                                              with replication delay in seconds less 
                                                                              than the specified value (not 
                                                                              inclusive). Zero means do not take 
                                                                              delay into account.
  --fallback_to_stale_replicas_for_distributed_queries arg                    Suppose max_replica_delay_for_distribut
                                                                              ed_queries is set and all replicas for 
                                                                              the queried table are stale. If this 
                                                                              setting is enabled, the query will be 
                                                                              performed anyway, otherwise the error 
                                                                              will be reported.
  --preferred_max_column_in_block_size_bytes arg                              Limit on max column size in block while
                                                                              reading. Helps to decrease cache misses
                                                                              count. Should be close to L2 cache 
  --parts_to_delay_insert arg                                                 If the destination table contains at 
                                                                              least that many active parts in a 
                                                                              single partition, artificially slow 
                                                                              down insert into table.
  --parts_to_throw_insert arg                                                 If more than this number active parts 
                                                                              in a single partition of the 
                                                                              destination table, throw 'Too many 
                                                                              parts ...' exception.
  --number_of_mutations_to_delay arg                                          If the mutated table contains at least 
                                                                              that many unfinished mutations, 
                                                                              artificially slow down mutations of 
                                                                              table. 0 - disabled
  --number_of_mutations_to_throw arg                                          If the mutated table contains at least 
                                                                              that many unfinished mutations, throw 
                                                                              'Too many mutations ...' exception. 0 -
  --insert_distributed_sync arg                                               If setting is enabled, insert query 
                                                                              into distributed waits until data will 
                                                                              be sent to all nodes in cluster. 
                                                                              Enables or disables synchronous data 
                                                                              insertion into a `Distributed` table.
                                                                              By default, when inserting data into a 
                                                                              Distributed table, the ClickHouse 
                                                                              server sends data to cluster nodes in 
                                                                              asynchronous mode. When 
                                                                              `insert_distributed_sync` = 1, the data
                                                                              is processed synchronously, and the 
                                                                              `INSERT` operation succeeds only after 
                                                                              all the data is saved on all shards (at
                                                                              least one replica for each shard if 
                                                                              `internal_replication` is true).
  --insert_distributed_timeout arg                                            Timeout for insert query into 
                                                                              distributed. Setting is used only with 
                                                                              insert_distributed_sync enabled. Zero 
                                                                              value means no timeout.
  --distributed_ddl_task_timeout arg                                          Timeout for DDL query responses from 
                                                                              all hosts in cluster. If a ddl request 
                                                                              has not been performed on all hosts, a 
                                                                              response will contain a timeout error 
                                                                              and a request will be executed in an 
                                                                              async mode. Negative value means 
                                                                              infinite. Zero means async mode.
  --stream_flush_interval_ms arg                                              Timeout for flushing data from 
                                                                              streaming storages.
  --stream_poll_timeout_ms arg                                                Timeout for polling data from/to 
                                                                              streaming storages.
  --final arg                                                                 Query with the FINAL modifier by 
                                                                              default. If the engine does not support
                                                                              final, it does not have any effect. On 
                                                                              queries with multiple tables final is 
                                                                              applied only on those that support it. 
                                                                              It also works on distributed tables
  --partial_result_on_first_cancel arg                                        Allows query to return a partial result
                                                                              after cancel.
  --allow_experimental_partial_result arg                                     Enable experimental feature: partial 
                                                                              results for running queries.
  --partial_result_update_duration_ms arg                                     Interval (in milliseconds) for sending 
                                                                              updates with partial data about the 
                                                                              result table to the client (in 
                                                                              interactive mode) during query 
                                                                              execution. Setting to 0 disables 
                                                                              partial results. Only supported for 
                                                                              single-threaded GROUP BY without key, 
                                                                              ORDER BY, LIMIT and OFFSET.
  --max_rows_in_partial_result arg                                            Maximum rows to show in the partial 
                                                                              result after every real-time update 
                                                                              while the query runs (use partial 
                                                                              result limit + OFFSET as a value in 
                                                                              case of OFFSET in the query).
  --ignore_on_cluster_for_replicated_udf_queries arg                          Ignore ON CLUSTER clause for replicated
                                                                              UDF management queries.
  --ignore_on_cluster_for_replicated_access_entities_queries arg              Ignore ON CLUSTER clause for replicated
                                                                              access entities management queries.
  --sleep_in_send_tables_status_ms arg                                        Time to sleep in sending tables status 
                                                                              response in TCPHandler
  --sleep_in_send_data_ms arg                                                 Time to sleep in sending data in 
  --sleep_after_receiving_query_ms arg                                        Time to sleep after receiving query in 
  --unknown_packet_in_send_data arg                                           Send unknown packet instead of data Nth
                                                                              data packet
  --insert_allow_materialized_columns arg                                     If setting is enabled, Allow 
                                                                              materialized columns in INSERT.
  --http_connection_timeout arg                                               HTTP connection timeout.
  --http_send_timeout arg                                                     HTTP send timeout
  --http_receive_timeout arg                                                  HTTP receive timeout
  --http_max_uri_size arg                                                     Maximum URI length of HTTP request
  --http_max_fields arg                                                       Maximum number of fields in HTTP header
  --http_max_field_name_size arg                                              Maximum length of field name in HTTP 
  --http_max_field_value_size arg                                             Maximum length of field value in HTTP 
  --http_max_chunk_size arg                                                   Maximum value of a chunk size in HTTP 
                                                                              chunked transfer encoding
  --http_skip_not_found_url_for_globs arg                                     Skip url's for globs with 
                                                                              HTTP_NOT_FOUND error
  --optimize_throw_if_noop arg                                                If setting is enabled and OPTIMIZE 
                                                                              query didn't actually assign a merge 
                                                                              then an explanatory exception is thrown
  --use_index_for_in_with_subqueries arg                                      Try using an index if there is a 
                                                                              subquery or a table expression on the 
                                                                              right side of the IN operator.
  --use_index_for_in_with_subqueries_max_values arg                           The maximum size of set in the right 
                                                                              hand side of the IN operator to use 
                                                                              table index for filtering. It allows to
                                                                              avoid performance degradation and 
                                                                              higher memory usage due to preparation 
                                                                              of additional data structures for large
                                                                              queries. Zero means no limit.
  --joined_subquery_requires_alias arg                                        Force joined subqueries and table 
                                                                              functions to have aliases for correct 
                                                                              name qualification.
  --empty_result_for_aggregation_by_empty_set arg                             Return empty result when aggregating 
                                                                              without keys on empty set.
  --empty_result_for_aggregation_by_constant_keys_on_empty_set arg            Return empty result when aggregating by
                                                                              constant keys on empty set.
  --allow_distributed_ddl arg                                                 If it is set to true, then a user is 
                                                                              allowed to executed distributed DDL 
  --allow_suspicious_codecs arg                                               If it is set to true, allow to specify 
                                                                              meaningless compression codecs.
  --allow_experimental_codecs arg                                             If it is set to true, allow to specify 
                                                                              experimental compression codecs (but we
                                                                              don't have those yet and this option 
                                                                              does nothing).
  --enable_deflate_qpl_codec arg                                              Enable/disable the DEFLATE_QPL codec.
  --query_profiler_real_time_period_ns arg                                    Period for real clock timer of query 
                                                                              profiler (in nanoseconds). Set 0 value 
                                                                              to turn off the real clock query 
                                                                              profiler. Recommended value is at least
                                                                              10000000 (100 times a second) for 
                                                                              single queries or 1000000000 (once a 
                                                                              second) for cluster-wide profiling.
  --query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns arg                                     Period for CPU clock timer of query 
                                                                              profiler (in nanoseconds). Set 0 value 
                                                                              to turn off the CPU clock query 
                                                                              profiler. Recommended value is at least
                                                                              10000000 (100 times a second) for 
                                                                              single queries or 1000000000 (once a 
                                                                              second) for cluster-wide profiling.
  --metrics_perf_events_enabled arg                                           If enabled, some of the perf events 
                                                                              will be measured throughout queries' 
  --metrics_perf_events_list arg                                              Comma separated list of perf metrics 
                                                                              that will be measured throughout 
                                                                              queries' execution. Empty means all 
                                                                              events. See PerfEventInfo in sources 
                                                                              for the available events.
  --opentelemetry_start_trace_probability arg                                 Probability to start an OpenTelemetry 
                                                                              trace for an incoming query.
  --opentelemetry_trace_processors arg                                        Collect OpenTelemetry spans for 
  --prefer_column_name_to_alias arg                                           Prefer using column names instead of 
                                                                              aliases if possible.
  --allow_experimental_analyzer arg                                           Allow experimental analyzer
  --prefer_global_in_and_join arg                                             If enabled, all IN/JOIN operators will 
                                                                              be rewritten as GLOBAL IN/JOIN. It's 
                                                                              useful when the to-be-joined tables are
                                                                              only available on the initiator and we 
                                                                              need to always scatter their data 
                                                                              on-the-fly during distributed 
                                                                              processing with the GLOBAL keyword. 
                                                                              It's also useful to reduce the need to 
                                                                              access the external sources joining 
                                                                              external tables.
  --max_rows_to_read arg                                                      Limit on read rows from the most 'deep'
                                                                              sources. That is, only in the deepest 
                                                                              subquery. When reading from a remote 
                                                                              server, it is only checked on a remote 
  --max_bytes_to_read arg                                                     Limit on read bytes (after 
                                                                              decompression) from the most 'deep' 
                                                                              sources. That is, only in the deepest 
                                                                              subquery. When reading from a remote 
                                                                              server, it is only checked on a remote 
  --read_overflow_mode arg                                                    What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --max_rows_to_read_leaf arg                                                 Limit on read rows on the leaf nodes 
                                                                              for distributed queries. Limit is 
                                                                              applied for local reads only excluding 
                                                                              the final merge stage on the root node.
                                                                              Note, the setting is unstable with 
  --max_bytes_to_read_leaf arg                                                Limit on read bytes (after 
                                                                              decompression) on the leaf nodes for 
                                                                              distributed queries. Limit is applied 
                                                                              for local reads only excluding the 
                                                                              final merge stage on the root node. 
                                                                              Note, the setting is unstable with 
  --read_overflow_mode_leaf arg                                               What to do when the leaf limit is 
  --max_rows_to_group_by arg                                                  If aggregation during GROUP BY is 
                                                                              generating more than specified number 
                                                                              of rows (unique GROUP BY keys), the 
                                                                              behavior will be determined by the 
                                                                              'group_by_overflow_mode' which by 
                                                                              default is - throw an exception, but 
                                                                              can be also switched to an approximate 
                                                                              GROUP BY mode.
  --group_by_overflow_mode arg                                                What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --max_bytes_before_external_group_by arg                                    If memory usage during GROUP BY 
                                                                              operation is exceeding this threshold 
                                                                              in bytes, activate the 'external 
                                                                              aggregation' mode (spill data to disk).
                                                                              Recommended value is half of available 
                                                                              system memory.
  --max_rows_to_sort arg                                                      If more than specified amount of 
                                                                              records have to be processed for ORDER 
                                                                              BY operation, the behavior will be 
                                                                              determined by the 'sort_overflow_mode' 
                                                                              which by default is - throw an 
  --max_bytes_to_sort arg                                                     If more than specified amount of 
                                                                              (uncompressed) bytes have to be 
                                                                              processed for ORDER BY operation, the 
                                                                              behavior will be determined by the 
                                                                              'sort_overflow_mode' which by default 
                                                                              is - throw an exception
  --sort_overflow_mode arg                                                    What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --max_bytes_before_external_sort arg                                        If memory usage during ORDER BY 
                                                                              operation is exceeding this threshold 
                                                                              in bytes, activate the 'external 
                                                                              sorting' mode (spill data to disk). 
                                                                              Recommended value is half of available 
                                                                              system memory.
  --max_bytes_before_remerge_sort arg                                         In case of ORDER BY with LIMIT, when 
                                                                              memory usage is higher than specified 
                                                                              threshold, perform additional steps of 
                                                                              merging blocks before final merge to 
                                                                              keep just top LIMIT rows.
  --remerge_sort_lowered_memory_bytes_ratio arg                               If memory usage after remerge does not 
                                                                              reduced by this ratio, remerge will be 
  --max_result_rows arg                                                       Limit on result size in rows. The query
                                                                              will stop after processing a block of 
                                                                              data if the threshold is met, but it 
                                                                              will not cut the last block of the 
                                                                              result, therefore the result size can 
                                                                              be larger than the threshold.
  --max_result_bytes arg                                                      Limit on result size in bytes 
                                                                              (uncompressed).  The query will stop 
                                                                              after processing a block of data if the
                                                                              threshold is met, but it will not cut 
                                                                              the last block of the result, therefore
                                                                              the result size can be larger than the 
                                                                              threshold. Caveats: the result size in 
                                                                              memory is taken into account for this 
                                                                              threshold. Even if the result size is 
                                                                              small, it can reference larger data 
                                                                              structures in memory, representing 
                                                                              dictionaries of LowCardinality columns,
                                                                              and Arenas of AggregateFunction 
                                                                              columns, so the threshold can be 
                                                                              exceeded despite the small result size.
                                                                              The setting is fairly low level and 
                                                                              should be used with caution.
  --result_overflow_mode arg                                                  What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --max_execution_time arg                                                    If query run time exceeded the 
                                                                              specified number of seconds, the 
                                                                              behavior will be determined by the 
                                                                              'timeout_overflow_mode' which by 
                                                                              default is - throw an exception. Note 
                                                                              that the timeout is checked and query 
                                                                              can stop only in designated places 
                                                                              during data processing. It currently 
                                                                              cannot stop during merging of 
                                                                              aggregation states or during query 
                                                                              analysis, and the actual run time will 
                                                                              be higher than the value of this 
  --timeout_overflow_mode arg                                                 What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --min_execution_speed arg                                                   Minimum number of execution rows per 
  --max_execution_speed arg                                                   Maximum number of execution rows per 
  --min_execution_speed_bytes arg                                             Minimum number of execution bytes per 
  --max_execution_speed_bytes arg                                             Maximum number of execution bytes per 
  --timeout_before_checking_execution_speed arg                               Check that the speed is not too low 
                                                                              after the specified time has elapsed.
  --max_columns_to_read arg                                                   If a query requires reading more than 
                                                                              specified number of columns, exception 
                                                                              is thrown. Zero value means unlimited. 
                                                                              This setting is useful to prevent too 
                                                                              complex queries.
  --max_temporary_columns arg                                                 If a query generates more than the 
                                                                              specified number of temporary columns 
                                                                              in memory as a result of intermediate 
                                                                              calculation, exception is thrown. Zero 
                                                                              value means unlimited. This setting is 
                                                                              useful to prevent too complex queries.
  --max_temporary_non_const_columns arg                                       Similar to the 'max_temporary_columns' 
                                                                              setting but applies only to 
                                                                              non-constant columns. This makes sense,
                                                                              because constant columns are cheap and 
                                                                              it is reasonable to allow more of them.
  --max_sessions_for_user arg                                                 Maximum number of simultaneous sessions
                                                                              for a user.
  --max_subquery_depth arg                                                    If a query has more than specified 
                                                                              number of nested subqueries, throw an 
                                                                              exception. This allows you to have a 
                                                                              sanity check to protect the users of 
                                                                              your cluster from going insane with 
                                                                              their queries.
  --max_analyze_depth arg                                                     Maximum number of analyses performed by
  --max_ast_depth arg                                                         Maximum depth of query syntax tree. 
                                                                              Checked after parsing.
  --max_ast_elements arg                                                      Maximum size of query syntax tree in 
                                                                              number of nodes. Checked after parsing.
  --max_expanded_ast_elements arg                                             Maximum size of query syntax tree in 
                                                                              number of nodes after expansion of 
                                                                              aliases and the asterisk.
  --readonly arg                                                              0 - no read-only restrictions. 1 - only
                                                                              read requests, as well as changing 
                                                                              explicitly allowed settings. 2 - only 
                                                                              read requests, as well as changing 
                                                                              settings, except for the 'readonly' 
  --max_rows_in_set arg                                                       Maximum size of the set (in number of 
                                                                              elements) resulting from the execution 
                                                                              of the IN section.
  --max_bytes_in_set arg                                                      Maximum size of the set (in bytes in 
                                                                              memory) resulting from the execution of
                                                                              the IN section.
  --set_overflow_mode arg                                                     What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --max_rows_in_join arg                                                      Maximum size of the hash table for JOIN
                                                                              (in number of rows).
  --max_bytes_in_join arg                                                     Maximum size of the hash table for JOIN
                                                                              (in number of bytes in memory).
  --join_overflow_mode arg                                                    What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --join_any_take_last_row arg                                                When disabled (default) ANY JOIN will 
                                                                              take the first found row for a key. 
                                                                              When enabled, it will take the last row
                                                                              seen if there are multiple rows for the
                                                                              same key.
  --join_algorithm arg                                                        Specify join algorithm.
  --default_max_bytes_in_join arg                                             Maximum size of right-side table if 
                                                                              limit is required but max_bytes_in_join
                                                                              is not set.
  --partial_merge_join_left_table_buffer_bytes arg                            If not 0 group left table blocks in 
                                                                              bigger ones for left-side table in 
                                                                              partial merge join. It uses up to 2x of
                                                                              specified memory per joining thread.
  --partial_merge_join_rows_in_right_blocks arg                               Split right-hand joining data in blocks
                                                                              of specified size. It's a portion of 
                                                                              data indexed by min-max values and 
                                                                              possibly unloaded on disk.
  --join_on_disk_max_files_to_merge arg                                       For MergeJoin on disk set how much 
                                                                              files it's allowed to sort 
                                                                              simultaneously. Then this value bigger 
                                                                              then more memory used and then less 
                                                                              disk I/O needed. Minimum is 2.
  --max_rows_in_set_to_optimize_join arg                                      Maximal size of the set to filter 
                                                                              joined tables by each other row sets 
                                                                              before joining. 0 - disable.
  --compatibility_ignore_collation_in_create_table arg                        Compatibility ignore collation in 
                                                                              create table
  --temporary_files_codec arg                                                 Set compression codec for temporary 
                                                                              files (sort and join on disk). I.e. 
                                                                              LZ4, NONE.
  --max_rows_to_transfer arg                                                  Maximum size (in rows) of the 
                                                                              transmitted external table obtained 
                                                                              when the GLOBAL IN/JOIN section is 
  --max_bytes_to_transfer arg                                                 Maximum size (in uncompressed bytes) of
                                                                              the transmitted external table obtained
                                                                              when the GLOBAL IN/JOIN section is 
  --transfer_overflow_mode arg                                                What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --max_rows_in_distinct arg                                                  Maximum number of elements during 
                                                                              execution of DISTINCT.
  --max_bytes_in_distinct arg                                                 Maximum total size of state (in 
                                                                              uncompressed bytes) in memory for the 
                                                                              execution of DISTINCT.
  --distinct_overflow_mode arg                                                What to do when the limit is exceeded.
  --max_memory_usage arg                                                      Maximum memory usage for processing of 
                                                                              single query. Zero means unlimited.
  --memory_overcommit_ratio_denominator arg                                   It represents soft memory limit on the 
                                                                              user level. This value is used to 
                                                                              compute query overcommit ratio.
  --max_memory_usage_for_user arg                                             Maximum memory usage for processing all
                                                                              concurrently running queries for the 
                                                                              user. Zero means unlimited.
  --memory_overcommit_ratio_denominator_for_user arg                          It represents soft memory limit on the 
                                                                              global level. This value is used to 
                                                                              compute query overcommit ratio.
  --max_untracked_memory arg                                                  Small allocations and deallocations are
                                                                              grouped in thread local variable and 
                                                                              tracked or profiled only when amount 
                                                                              (in absolute value) becomes larger than
                                                                              specified value. If the value is higher
                                                                              than 'memory_profiler_step' it will be 
                                                                              effectively lowered to 
  --memory_profiler_step arg                                                  Whenever query memory usage becomes 
                                                                              larger than every next step in number 
                                                                              of bytes the memory profiler will 
                                                                              collect the allocating stack trace. 
                                                                              Zero means disabled memory profiler. 
                                                                              Values lower than a few megabytes will 
                                                                              slow down query processing.
  --memory_profiler_sample_probability arg                                    Collect random allocations and 
                                                                              deallocations and write them into 
                                                                              system.trace_log with 'MemorySample' 
                                                                              trace_type. The probability is for 
                                                                              every alloc/free regardless to the size
                                                                              of the allocation (can be changed with 
                                                                              size` and `memory_profiler_sample_max_a
                                                                              llocation_size`). Note that sampling 
                                                                              happens only when the amount of 
                                                                              untracked memory exceeds 
                                                                              'max_untracked_memory'. You may want to
                                                                              set 'max_untracked_memory' to 0 for 
                                                                              extra fine grained sampling.
  --memory_profiler_sample_min_allocation_size arg                            Collect random allocations of size 
                                                                              greater or equal than specified value 
                                                                              with probability equal to 
                                                                              `memory_profiler_sample_probability`. 0
                                                                              means disabled. You may want to set 
                                                                              'max_untracked_memory' to 0 to make 
                                                                              this threshold to work as expected.
  --memory_profiler_sample_max_allocation_size arg                            Collect random allocations of size less
                                                                              or equal than specified value with 
                                                                              probability equal to 
                                                                              `memory_profiler_sample_probability`. 0
                                                                              means disabled. You may want to set 
                                                                              'max_untracked_memory' to 0 to make 
                                                                              this threshold to work as expected.
  --trace_profile_events arg                                                  Send to system.trace_log profile event 
                                                                              and value of increment on each 
                                                                              increment with 'ProfileEvent' 
  --memory_usage_overcommit_max_wait_microseconds arg                         Maximum time thread will wait for 
                                                                              memory to be freed in the case of 
                                                                              memory overcommit. If timeout is 
                                                                              reached and memory is not freed, 
                                                                              exception is thrown.
  --max_network_bandwidth arg                                                 The maximum speed of data exchange over
                                                                              the network in bytes per second for a 
                                                                              query. Zero means unlimited.
  --max_network_bytes arg                                                     The maximum number of bytes 
                                                                              (compressed) to receive or transmit 
                                                                              over the network for execution of the 
  --max_network_bandwidth_for_user arg                                        The maximum speed of data exchange over
                                                                              the network in bytes per second for all
                                                                              concurrently running user queries. Zero
                                                                              means unlimited.
  --max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users arg                                   The maximum speed of data exchange over
                                                                              the network in bytes per second for all
                                                                              concurrently running queries. Zero 
                                                                              means unlimited.
  --max_temporary_data_on_disk_size_for_user arg                              The maximum amount of data consumed by 
                                                                              temporary files on disk in bytes for 
                                                                              all concurrently running user queries. 
                                                                              Zero means unlimited.
  --max_temporary_data_on_disk_size_for_query arg                             The maximum amount of data consumed by 
                                                                              temporary files on disk in bytes for 
                                                                              all concurrently running queries. Zero 
                                                                              means unlimited.
  --backup_restore_keeper_max_retries arg                                     Max retries for keeper operations 
                                                                              during backup or restore
  --backup_restore_keeper_retry_initial_backoff_ms arg                        Initial backoff timeout for [Zoo]Keeper
                                                                              operations during backup or restore
  --backup_restore_keeper_retry_max_backoff_ms arg                            Max backoff timeout for [Zoo]Keeper 
                                                                              operations during backup or restore
  --backup_restore_keeper_fault_injection_probability arg                     Approximate probability of failure for 
                                                                              a keeper request during backup or 
                                                                              restore. Valid value is in interval 
                                                                              [0.0f, 1.0f]
  --backup_restore_keeper_fault_injection_seed arg                            0 - random seed, otherwise the setting 
  --backup_restore_keeper_value_max_size arg                                  Maximum size of data of a [Zoo]Keeper's
                                                                              node during backup
  --backup_restore_batch_size_for_keeper_multiread arg                        Maximum size of batch for multiread 
                                                                              request to [Zoo]Keeper during backup or
  --max_backup_bandwidth arg                                                  The maximum read speed in bytes per 
                                                                              second for particular backup on server.
                                                                              Zero means unlimited.
  --log_profile_events arg                                                    Log query performance statistics into 
                                                                              the query_log, query_thread_log and 
  --log_query_settings arg                                                    Log query settings into the query_log.
  --log_query_threads arg                                                     Log query threads into 
                                                                              system.query_thread_log table. This 
                                                                              setting have effect only when 
                                                                              'log_queries' is true.
  --log_query_views arg                                                       Log query dependent views into 
                                                                              system.query_views_log table. This 
                                                                              setting have effect only when 
                                                                              'log_queries' is true.
  --log_comment arg                                                           Log comment into system.query_log table
                                                                              and server log. It can be set to 
                                                                              arbitrary string no longer than 
  --send_logs_level arg                                                       Send server text logs with specified 
                                                                              minimum level to client. Valid values: 
                                                                              'trace', 'debug', 'information', 
                                                                              'warning', 'error', 'fatal', 'none'
  --send_logs_source_regexp arg                                               Send server text logs with specified 
                                                                              regexp to match log source name. Empty 
                                                                              means all sources.
  --enable_optimize_predicate_expression arg                                  If it is set to true, optimize 
                                                                              predicates to subqueries.
  --enable_optimize_predicate_expression_to_final_subquery arg                Allow push predicate to final subquery.
  --allow_push_predicate_when_subquery_contains_with arg                      Allows push predicate when subquery 
                                                                              contains WITH clause
  --low_cardinality_max_dictionary_size arg                                   Maximum size (in rows) of shared global
                                                                              dictionary for LowCardinality type.
  --low_cardinality_use_single_dictionary_for_part arg                        LowCardinality type serialization 
                                                                              setting. If is true, than will use 
                                                                              additional keys when global dictionary 
                                                                              overflows. Otherwise, will create 
                                                                              several shared dictionaries.
  --decimal_check_overflow arg                                                Check overflow of decimal 
                                                                              arithmetic/comparison operations
  --allow_custom_error_code_in_throwif arg                                    Enable custom error code in function 
                                                                              throwIf(). If true, thrown exceptions 
                                                                              may have unexpected error codes.
  --prefer_localhost_replica arg                                              If it's true then queries will be 
                                                                              always sent to local replica (if it 
                                                                              exists). If it's false then replica to 
                                                                              send a query will be chosen between 
                                                                              local and remote ones according to 
  --max_fetch_partition_retries_count arg                                     Amount of retries while fetching 
                                                                              partition from another host.
  --http_max_multipart_form_data_size arg                                     Limit on size of multipart/form-data 
                                                                              content. This setting cannot be parsed 
                                                                              from URL parameters and should be set 
                                                                              in user profile. Note that content is 
                                                                              parsed and external tables are created 
                                                                              in memory before start of query 
                                                                              execution. And this is the only limit 
                                                                              that has effect on that stage (limits 
                                                                              on max memory usage and max execution 
                                                                              time have no effect while reading HTTP 
                                                                              form data).
  --calculate_text_stack_trace arg                                            Calculate text stack trace in case of 
                                                                              exceptions during query execution. This
                                                                              is the default. It requires symbol 
                                                                              lookups that may slow down fuzzing 
                                                                              tests when huge amount of wrong queries
                                                                              are executed. In normal cases you 
                                                                              should not disable this option.
  --enable_job_stack_trace arg                                                Output stack trace of a job creator 
                                                                              when job results in exception
  --allow_ddl arg                                                             If it is set to true, then a user is 
                                                                              allowed to executed DDL queries.
  --parallel_view_processing arg                                              Enables pushing to attached views 
                                                                              concurrently instead of sequentially.
  --enable_unaligned_array_join arg                                           Allow ARRAY JOIN with multiple arrays 
                                                                              that have different sizes. When this 
                                                                              settings is enabled, arrays will be 
                                                                              resized to the longest one.
  --optimize_read_in_order arg                                                Enable ORDER BY optimization for 
                                                                              reading data in corresponding order in 
                                                                              MergeTree tables.
  --optimize_read_in_window_order arg                                         Enable ORDER BY optimization in window 
                                                                              clause for reading data in 
                                                                              corresponding order in MergeTree 
  --optimize_aggregation_in_order arg                                         Enable GROUP BY optimization for 
                                                                              aggregating data in corresponding order
                                                                              in MergeTree tables.
  --aggregation_in_order_max_block_bytes arg                                  Maximal size of block in bytes 
                                                                              accumulated during aggregation in order
                                                                              of primary key. Lower block size allows
                                                                              to parallelize more final merge stage 
                                                                              of aggregation.
  --read_in_order_two_level_merge_threshold arg                               Minimal number of parts to read to run 
                                                                              preliminary merge step during 
                                                                              multithread reading in order of primary
  --low_cardinality_allow_in_native_format arg                                Use LowCardinality type in Native 
                                                                              format. Otherwise, convert 
                                                                              LowCardinality columns to ordinary for 
                                                                              select query, and convert ordinary 
                                                                              columns to required LowCardinality for 
                                                                              insert query.
  --cancel_http_readonly_queries_on_client_close arg                          Cancel HTTP readonly queries when a 
                                                                              client closes the connection without 
                                                                              waiting for response.
  --external_table_functions_use_nulls arg                                    If it is set to true, external table 
                                                                              functions will implicitly use Nullable 
                                                                              type if needed. Otherwise NULLs will be
                                                                              substituted with default values. 
                                                                              Currently supported only by 'mysql', 
                                                                              'postgresql' and 'odbc' table 
  --external_table_strict_query arg                                           If it is set to true, transforming 
                                                                              expression to local filter is forbidden
                                                                              for queries to external tables.
  --allow_hyperscan arg                                                       Allow functions that use Hyperscan 
                                                                              library. Disable to avoid potentially 
                                                                              long compilation times and excessive 
                                                                              resource usage.
  --max_hyperscan_regexp_length arg                                           Max length of regexp than can be used 
                                                                              in hyperscan multi-match functions. 
                                                                              Zero means unlimited.
  --max_hyperscan_regexp_total_length arg                                     Max total length of all regexps than 
                                                                              can be used in hyperscan multi-match 
                                                                              functions (per every function). Zero 
                                                                              means unlimited.
  --reject_expensive_hyperscan_regexps arg                                    Reject patterns which will likely be 
                                                                              expensive to evaluate with hyperscan 
                                                                              (due to NFA state explosion)
  --allow_simdjson arg                                                        Allow using simdjson library in 'JSON*'
                                                                              functions if AVX2 instructions are 
                                                                              available. If disabled rapidjson will 
                                                                              be used.
  --allow_introspection_functions arg                                         Allow functions for introspection of 
                                                                              ELF and DWARF for query profiling. 
                                                                              These functions are slow and may impose
                                                                              security considerations.
  --splitby_max_substrings_includes_remaining_string arg                      Functions 'splitBy*()' with 
                                                                              'max_substrings' argument > 0 include 
                                                                              the remaining string as last element in
                                                                              the result
  --allow_execute_multiif_columnar arg                                        Allow execute multiIf function columnar
  --formatdatetime_f_prints_single_zero arg                                   Formatter '%f' in function 
                                                                              'formatDateTime()' produces a single 
                                                                              zero instead of six zeros if the 
                                                                              formatted value has no fractional 
  --formatdatetime_parsedatetime_m_is_month_name arg                          Formatter '%M' in functions 
                                                                              'formatDateTime()' and 
                                                                              'parseDateTime()' produces the month 
                                                                              name instead of minutes.
  --max_partitions_per_insert_block arg                                       Limit maximum number of partitions in 
                                                                              single INSERTed block. Zero means 
                                                                              unlimited. Throw exception if the block
                                                                              contains too many partitions. This 
                                                                              setting is a safety threshold, because 
                                                                              using large number of partitions is a 
                                                                              common misconception.
  --throw_on_max_partitions_per_insert_block arg                              Used with max_partitions_per_insert_blo
                                                                              ck. If true (default), an exception 
                                                                              will be thrown when max_partitions_per_
                                                                              insert_block is reached. If false, 
                                                                              details of the insert query reaching 
                                                                              this limit with the number of 
                                                                              partitions will be logged. This can be 
                                                                              useful if you're trying to understand 
                                                                              the impact on users when changing 
  --max_partitions_to_read arg                                                Limit the max number of partitions that
                                                                              can be accessed in one query. <= 0 
                                                                              means unlimited.
  --check_query_single_value_result arg                                       Return check query result as single 1/0
  --allow_drop_detached arg                                                   Allow ALTER TABLE ... DROP DETACHED 
                                                                              PART[ITION] ... queries
  --postgresql_connection_pool_size arg                                       Connection pool size for PostgreSQL 
                                                                              table engine and database engine.
  --postgresql_connection_pool_wait_timeout arg                               Connection pool push/pop timeout on 
                                                                              empty pool for PostgreSQL table engine 
                                                                              and database engine. By default it will
                                                                              block on empty pool.
  --postgresql_connection_pool_auto_close_connection arg                      Close connection before returning 
                                                                              connection to the pool.
  --glob_expansion_max_elements arg                                           Maximum number of allowed addresses 
                                                                              (For external storages, table 
                                                                              functions, etc).
  --odbc_bridge_connection_pool_size arg                                      Connection pool size for each 
                                                                              connection settings string in ODBC 
  --odbc_bridge_use_connection_pooling arg                                    Use connection pooling in ODBC bridge. 
                                                                              If set to false, a new connection is 
                                                                              created every time
  --distributed_replica_error_half_life arg                                   Time period reduces replica error 
                                                                              counter by 2 times.
  --distributed_replica_error_cap arg                                         Max number of errors per replica, 
                                                                              prevents piling up an incredible amount
                                                                              of errors if replica was offline for 
                                                                              some time and allows it to be 
                                                                              reconsidered in a shorter amount of 
  --distributed_replica_max_ignored_errors arg                                Number of errors that will be ignored 
                                                                              while choosing replicas
  --allow_experimental_live_view arg                                          Enable LIVE VIEW. Not mature enough.
  --live_view_heartbeat_interval arg                                          The heartbeat interval in seconds to 
                                                                              indicate live query is alive.
  --max_live_view_insert_blocks_before_refresh arg                            Limit maximum number of inserted blocks
                                                                              after which mergeable blocks are 
                                                                              dropped and query is re-executed.
  --allow_experimental_window_view arg                                        Enable WINDOW VIEW. Not mature enough.
  --window_view_clean_interval arg                                            The clean interval of window view in 
                                                                              seconds to free outdated data.
  --window_view_heartbeat_interval arg                                        The heartbeat interval in seconds to 
                                                                              indicate watch query is alive.
  --wait_for_window_view_fire_signal_timeout arg                              Timeout for waiting for window view 
                                                                              fire signal in event time processing
  --min_free_disk_space_for_temporary_data arg                                The minimum disk space to keep while 
                                                                              writing temporary data used in external
                                                                              sorting and aggregation.
  --default_temporary_table_engine arg                                        Default table engine used when ENGINE 
                                                                              is not set in CREATE TEMPORARY 
  --default_table_engine arg                                                  Default table engine used when ENGINE 
                                                                              is not set in CREATE statement.
  --show_table_uuid_in_table_create_query_if_not_nil arg                      For tables in databases with 
                                                                              Engine=Atomic show UUID of the table in
                                                                              its CREATE query.
  --database_atomic_wait_for_drop_and_detach_synchronously arg                When executing DROP or DETACH TABLE in 
                                                                              Atomic database, wait for table data to
                                                                              be finally dropped or detached.
  --enable_scalar_subquery_optimization arg                                   If it is set to true, prevent scalar 
                                                                              subqueries from (de)serializing large 
                                                                              scalar values and possibly avoid 
                                                                              running the same subquery more than 
  --optimize_trivial_count_query arg                                          Process trivial 'SELECT count() FROM 
                                                                              table' query from metadata.
  --optimize_count_from_files arg                                             Optimize counting rows from files in 
                                                                              supported input formats
  --use_cache_for_count_from_files arg                                        Use cache to count the number of rows 
                                                                              in files
  --optimize_respect_aliases arg                                              If it is set to true, it will respect 
                                                                              aliases in WHERE/GROUP BY/ORDER BY, 
                                                                              that will help with partition 
                                                                              pruning/secondary indexes/optimize_aggr
  --mutations_sync arg                                                        Wait for synchronous execution of ALTER
                                                                              TABLE UPDATE/DELETE queries 
                                                                              (mutations). 0 - execute 
                                                                              asynchronously. 1 - wait current 
                                                                              server. 2 - wait all replicas if they 
  --enable_lightweight_delete arg                                             Enable lightweight DELETE mutations for
                                                                              mergetree tables.
  --allow_experimental_lightweight_delete arg                                 Enable lightweight DELETE mutations for
                                                                              mergetree tables.
  --optimize_move_functions_out_of_any arg                                    Move functions out of aggregate 
                                                                              functions 'any', 'anyLast'.
  --optimize_normalize_count_variants arg                                     Rewrite aggregate functions that 
                                                                              semantically equals to count() as 
  --optimize_injective_functions_inside_uniq arg                              Delete injective functions of one 
                                                                              argument inside uniq*() functions.
  --rewrite_count_distinct_if_with_count_distinct_implementation arg          Rewrite countDistinctIf with 
  --convert_query_to_cnf arg                                                  Convert SELECT query to CNF
  --optimize_or_like_chain arg                                                Optimize multiple OR LIKE into 
                                                                              multiMatchAny. This optimization should
                                                                              not be enabled by default, because it 
                                                                              defies index analysis in some cases.
  --optimize_arithmetic_operations_in_aggregate_functions arg                 Move arithmetic operations out of 
                                                                              aggregation functions
  --optimize_redundant_functions_in_order_by arg                              Remove functions from ORDER BY if its 
                                                                              argument is also in ORDER BY
  --optimize_if_chain_to_multiif arg                                          Replace if(cond1, then1, if(cond2, 
                                                                              ...)) chains to multiIf. Currently it's
                                                                              not beneficial for numeric types.
  --optimize_multiif_to_if arg                                                Replace 'multiIf' with only one 
                                                                              condition to 'if'.
  --optimize_if_transform_strings_to_enum arg                                 Replaces string-type arguments in If 
                                                                              and Transform to enum. Disabled by 
                                                                              default cause it could make 
                                                                              inconsistent change in distributed 
                                                                              query that would lead to its fail.
  --optimize_monotonous_functions_in_order_by arg                             Replace monotonous function with its 
                                                                              argument in ORDER BY
  --optimize_functions_to_subcolumns arg                                      Transform functions to subcolumns, if 
                                                                              possible, to reduce amount of read 
                                                                              data. E.g. 'length(arr)' -> 
                                                                              'arr.size0', 'col IS NULL' -> 
  --optimize_using_constraints arg                                            Use constraints for query optimization
  --optimize_substitute_columns arg                                           Use constraints for column substitution
  --optimize_append_index arg                                                 Use constraints in order to append 
                                                                              index condition (indexHint)
  --normalize_function_names arg                                              Normalize function names to their 
                                                                              canonical names
  --allow_experimental_alter_materialized_view_structure arg                  Allow atomic alter on Materialized 
                                                                              views. Work in progress.
  --enable_early_constant_folding arg                                         Enable query optimization where we 
                                                                              analyze function and subqueries results
                                                                              and rewrite query if there're constants
  --deduplicate_blocks_in_dependent_materialized_views arg                    Should deduplicate blocks for 
                                                                              materialized views if the block is not 
                                                                              a duplicate for the table. Use true to 
                                                                              always deduplicate in dependent tables.
  --materialized_views_ignore_errors arg                                      Allows to ignore errors for 
                                                                              MATERIALIZED VIEW, and deliver original
                                                                              block to the table regardless of MVs
  --use_compact_format_in_distributed_parts_names arg                         Changes format of directories names for
                                                                              distributed table insert parts.
  --validate_polygons arg                                                     Throw exception if polygon is invalid 
                                                                              in function pointInPolygon (e.g. 
                                                                              self-tangent, self-intersecting). If 
                                                                              the setting is false, the function will
                                                                              accept invalid polygons but may 
                                                                              silently return wrong result.
  --max_parser_depth arg                                                      Maximum parser depth (recursion depth 
                                                                              of recursive descend parser).
  --allow_settings_after_format_in_insert arg                                 Allow SETTINGS after FORMAT, but note, 
                                                                              that this is not always safe (note: 
                                                                              this is a compatibility setting).
  --periodic_live_view_refresh arg                                            Interval after which periodically 
                                                                              refreshed live view is forced to 
  --transform_null_in arg                                                     If enabled, NULL values will be matched
                                                                              with 'IN' operator as if they are 
                                                                              considered equal.
  --allow_nondeterministic_mutations arg                                      Allow non-deterministic functions in 
                                                                              ALTER UPDATE/ALTER DELETE statements
  --lock_acquire_timeout arg                                                  How long locking request should wait 
                                                                              before failing
  --materialize_ttl_after_modify arg                                          Apply TTL for old data, after ALTER 
                                                                              MODIFY TTL query
  --function_implementation arg                                               Choose function implementation for 
                                                                              specific target or variant 
                                                                              (experimental). If empty enable all of 
  --data_type_default_nullable arg                                            Data types without NULL or NOT NULL 
                                                                              will make Nullable
  --cast_keep_nullable arg                                                    CAST operator keep Nullable for result 
                                                                              data type
  --cast_ipv4_ipv6_default_on_conversion_error arg                            CAST operator into IPv4, CAST operator 
                                                                              into IPV6 type, toIPv4, toIPv6 
                                                                              functions will return default value 
                                                                              instead of throwing exception on 
                                                                              conversion error.
  --alter_partition_verbose_result arg                                        Output information about affected 
                                                                              parts. Currently works only for FREEZE 
                                                                              and ATTACH commands.
  --allow_experimental_database_materialized_mysql arg                        Allow to create database with 
  --allow_experimental_database_materialized_postgresql arg                   Allow to create database with 
  --system_events_show_zero_values arg                                        When querying or 
                                                                              system.metrics tables, include all 
                                                                              metrics, even with zero values.
  --mysql_datatypes_support_level arg                                         Which MySQL types should be converted 
                                                                              to corresponding ClickHouse types 
                                                                              (rather than being represented as 
                                                                              String). Can be empty or any 
                                                                              combination of 'decimal', 'datetime64',
                                                                              'date2Date32' or 'date2String'. When 
                                                                              empty MySQL's DECIMAL and 
                                                                              DATETIME/TIMESTAMP with non-zero 
                                                                              precision are seen as String on 
                                                                              ClickHouse's side.
  --optimize_trivial_insert_select arg                                        Optimize trivial 'INSERT INTO table 
                                                                              SELECT ... FROM TABLES' query
  --allow_non_metadata_alters arg                                             Allow to execute alters which affects 
                                                                              not only tables metadata, but also data
                                                                              on disk
  --enable_global_with_statement arg                                          Propagate WITH statements to UNION 
                                                                              queries and all subqueries
  --aggregate_functions_null_for_empty arg                                    Rewrite all aggregate functions in a 
                                                                              query, adding -OrNull suffix to them
  --optimize_syntax_fuse_functions arg                                        Allow apply fuse aggregating function. 
                                                                              Available only with `allow_experimental
  --flatten_nested arg                                                        If true, columns of type Nested will be
                                                                              flatten to separate array columns 
                                                                              instead of one array of tuples
  --asterisk_include_materialized_columns arg                                 Include MATERIALIZED columns for 
                                                                              wildcard query
  --asterisk_include_alias_columns arg                                        Include ALIAS columns for wildcard 
  --optimize_skip_merged_partitions arg                                       Skip partitions with one part with 
                                                                              level > 0 in optimize final
  --optimize_on_insert arg                                                    Do the same transformation for inserted
                                                                              block of data as if merge was done on 
                                                                              this block.
  --optimize_use_projections arg                                              Automatically choose projections to 
                                                                              perform SELECT query
  --allow_experimental_projection_optimization arg                            Automatically choose projections to 
                                                                              perform SELECT query
  --optimize_use_implicit_projections arg                                     Automatically choose implicit 
                                                                              projections to perform SELECT query
  --force_optimize_projection arg                                             If projection optimization is enabled, 
                                                                              SELECT queries need to use projection
  --async_socket_for_remote arg                                               Asynchronously read from socket 
                                                                              executing remote query
  --async_query_sending_for_remote arg                                        Asynchronously create connections and 
                                                                              send query to shards in remote query
  --insert_null_as_default arg                                                Insert DEFAULT values instead of NULL 
                                                                              in INSERT SELECT (UNION ALL)
  --describe_extend_object_types arg                                          Deduce concrete type of columns of type
                                                                              Object in DESCRIBE query
  --describe_include_subcolumns arg                                           If true, subcolumns of all table 
                                                                              columns will be included into result of
                                                                              DESCRIBE query
  --describe_include_virtual_columns arg                                      If true, virtual columns of table will 
                                                                              be included into result of DESCRIBE 
  --describe_compact_output arg                                               If true, include only column names and 
                                                                              types into result of DESCRIBE query
  --mutations_execute_nondeterministic_on_initiator arg                       If true nondeterministic function are 
                                                                              executed on initiator and replaced to 
                                                                              literals in UPDATE and DELETE queries
  --mutations_execute_subqueries_on_initiator arg                             If true scalar subqueries are executed 
                                                                              on initiator and replaced to literals 
                                                                              in UPDATE and DELETE queries
  --mutations_max_literal_size_to_replace arg                                 The maximum size of serialized literal 
                                                                              in bytes to replace in UPDATE and 
                                                                              DELETE queries
  --use_query_cache arg                                                       Enable the query cache
  --enable_writes_to_query_cache arg                                          Enable storing results of SELECT 
                                                                              queries in the query cache
  --enable_reads_from_query_cache arg                                         Enable reading results of SELECT 
                                                                              queries from the query cache
  --query_cache_store_results_of_queries_with_nondeterministic_functions arg  Store results of queries with 
                                                                              non-deterministic functions (e.g. 
                                                                              rand(), now()) in the query cache
  --query_cache_max_size_in_bytes arg                                         The maximum amount of memory (in bytes)
                                                                              the current user may allocate in the 
                                                                              query cache. 0 means unlimited. 
  --query_cache_max_entries arg                                               The maximum number of query results the
                                                                              current user may store in the query 
                                                                              cache. 0 means unlimited.
  --query_cache_min_query_runs arg                                            Minimum number a SELECT query must run 
                                                                              before its result is stored in the 
                                                                              query cache
  --query_cache_min_query_duration arg                                        Minimum time in milliseconds for a 
                                                                              query to run for its result to be 
                                                                              stored in the query cache.
  --query_cache_compress_entries arg                                          Compress cache entries.
  --query_cache_squash_partial_results arg                                    Squash partial result blocks to blocks 
                                                                              of size 'max_block_size'. Reduces 
                                                                              performance of inserts into the query 
                                                                              cache but improves the compressability 
                                                                              of cache entries.
  --query_cache_ttl arg                                                       After this time in seconds entries in 
                                                                              the query cache become stale
  --query_cache_share_between_users arg                                       Allow other users to read entry in the 
                                                                              query cache
  --enable_sharing_sets_for_mutations arg                                     Allow sharing set objects build for IN 
                                                                              subqueries between different tasks of 
                                                                              the same mutation. This reduces memory 
                                                                              usage and CPU consumption
  --optimize_rewrite_sum_if_to_count_if arg                                   Rewrite sumIf() and sum(if()) function 
                                                                              countIf() function when logically 
  --optimize_rewrite_aggregate_function_with_if arg                           Rewrite aggregate functions with if 
                                                                              expression as argument when logically 
                                                                              equivalent. For example, avg(if(cond, 
                                                                              col, null)) can be rewritten to 
                                                                              avgIf(cond, col)
  --optimize_rewrite_array_exists_to_has arg                                  Rewrite arrayExists() functions to 
                                                                              has() when logically equivalent. For 
                                                                              example, arrayExists(x -> x = 1, arr) 
                                                                              can be rewritten to has(arr, 1)
  --insert_shard_id arg                                                       If non zero, when insert into a 
                                                                              distributed table, the data will be 
                                                                              inserted into the shard 
                                                                              `insert_shard_id` synchronously. 
                                                                              Possible values range from 1 to 
                                                                              `shards_number` of corresponding 
                                                                              distributed table
  --collect_hash_table_stats_during_aggregation arg                           Enable collecting hash table statistics
                                                                              to optimize memory allocation
  --max_entries_for_hash_table_stats arg                                      How many entries hash table statistics 
                                                                              collected during aggregation is allowed
                                                                              to have
  --max_size_to_preallocate_for_aggregation arg                               For how many elements it is allowed to 
                                                                              preallocate space in all hash tables in
                                                                              total before aggregation
  --kafka_disable_num_consumers_limit arg                                     Disable limit on kafka_num_consumers 
                                                                              that depends on the number of available
                                                                              CPU cores
  --enable_software_prefetch_in_aggregation arg                               Enable use of software prefetch in 
  --allow_aggregate_partitions_independently arg                              Enable independent aggregation of 
                                                                              partitions on separate threads when 
                                                                              partition key suits group by key. 
                                                                              Beneficial when number of partitions 
                                                                              close to number of cores and partitions
                                                                              have roughly the same size
  --force_aggregate_partitions_independently arg                              Force the use of optimization when it 
                                                                              is applicable, but heuristics decided 
                                                                              not to use it
  --max_number_of_partitions_for_independent_aggregation arg                  Maximal number of partitions in table 
                                                                              to apply optimization
  --allow_experimental_query_deduplication arg                                Experimental data deduplication for 
                                                                              SELECT queries based on part UUIDs
  --engine_file_empty_if_not_exists arg                                       Allows to select data from a file 
                                                                              engine table without file
  --engine_file_truncate_on_insert arg                                        Enables or disables truncate before 
                                                                              insert in file engine tables
  --engine_file_allow_create_multiple_files arg                               Enables or disables creating a new file
                                                                              on each insert in file engine tables if
                                                                              format has suffix.
  --engine_file_skip_empty_files arg                                          Allows to skip empty files in file 
                                                                              table engine
  --engine_url_skip_empty_files arg                                           Allows to skip empty files in url table
  --enable_url_encoding arg                                                    Allows to enable/disable 
                                                                              decoding/encoding path in uri in URL 
                                                                              table engine
  --allow_experimental_database_replicated arg                                Allow to create databases with 
                                                                              Replicated engine
  --database_replicated_initial_query_timeout_sec arg                         How long initial DDL query should wait 
                                                                              for Replicated database to precess 
                                                                              previous DDL queue entries
  --database_replicated_enforce_synchronous_settings arg                      Enforces synchronous waiting for some 
                                                                              queries (see also database_atomic_wait_
                                                                              mutation_sync, alter_sync). Not 
                                                                              recommended to enable these settings.
  --max_distributed_depth arg                                                 Maximum distributed query depth
  --database_replicated_always_detach_permanently arg                         Execute DETACH TABLE as DETACH TABLE 
                                                                              PERMANENTLY if database engine is 
  --database_replicated_allow_only_replicated_engine arg                      Allow to create only Replicated tables 
                                                                              in database with engine Replicated
  --database_replicated_allow_replicated_engine_arguments arg                 Allow to create only Replicated tables 
                                                                              in database with engine Replicated with
                                                                              explicit arguments
  --distributed_ddl_output_mode arg                                           Format of distributed DDL query result,
                                                                              one of: 'none', 'throw', 
                                                                              'null_status_on_timeout', 'never_throw'
  --distributed_ddl_entry_format_version arg                                  Compatibility version of distributed 
                                                                              DDL (ON CLUSTER) queries
  --external_storage_max_read_rows arg                                        Limit maximum number of rows when table
                                                                              with external engine should flush 
                                                                              history data. Now supported only for 
                                                                              MySQL table engine, database engine, 
                                                                              dictionary and MaterializedMySQL. If 
                                                                              equal to 0, this setting is disabled
  --external_storage_max_read_bytes arg                                       Limit maximum number of bytes when 
                                                                              table with external engine should flush
                                                                              history data. Now supported only for 
                                                                              MySQL table engine, database engine, 
                                                                              dictionary and MaterializedMySQL. If 
                                                                              equal to 0, this setting is disabled
  --external_storage_connect_timeout_sec arg                                  Connect timeout in seconds. Now 
                                                                              supported only for MySQL
  --external_storage_rw_timeout_sec arg                                       Read/write timeout in seconds. Now 
                                                                              supported only for MySQL
  --union_default_mode arg                                                    Set default mode in UNION query. 
                                                                              Possible values: empty string, 'ALL', 
                                                                              'DISTINCT'. If empty, query without 
                                                                              mode will throw exception.
  --intersect_default_mode arg                                                Set default mode in INTERSECT query. 
                                                                              Possible values: empty string, 'ALL', 
                                                                              'DISTINCT'. If empty, query without 
                                                                              mode will throw exception.
  --except_default_mode arg                                                   Set default mode in EXCEPT query. 
                                                                              Possible values: empty string, 'ALL', 
                                                                              'DISTINCT'. If empty, query without 
                                                                              mode will throw exception.
  --optimize_aggregators_of_group_by_keys arg                                 Eliminates min/max/any/anyLast 
                                                                              aggregators of GROUP BY keys in SELECT 
  --optimize_group_by_function_keys arg                                       Eliminates functions of other keys in 
                                                                              GROUP BY section
  --optimize_group_by_constant_keys arg                                       Optimize GROUP BY when all keys in 
                                                                              block are constant
  --legacy_column_name_of_tuple_literal arg                                   List all names of element of large 
                                                                              tuple literals in their column names 
                                                                              instead of hash. This settings exists 
                                                                              only for compatibility reasons. It 
                                                                              makes sense to set to 'true', while 
                                                                              doing rolling update of cluster from 
                                                                              version lower than 21.7 to higher.
  --query_plan_enable_optimizations arg                                       Apply optimizations to query plan
  --query_plan_max_optimizations_to_apply arg                                 Limit the total number of optimizations
                                                                              applied to query plan. If zero, 
                                                                              ignored. If limit reached, throw 
  --query_plan_filter_push_down arg                                           Allow to push down filter by predicate 
                                                                              query plan step
  --query_plan_optimize_primary_key arg                                       Analyze primary key using query plan 
                                                                              (instead of AST)
  --query_plan_read_in_order arg                                              Use query plan for read-in-order 
  --query_plan_aggregation_in_order arg                                       Use query plan for aggregation-in-order
  --query_plan_remove_redundant_sorting arg                                   Remove redundant sorting in query plan.
                                                                              For example, sorting steps related to 
                                                                              ORDER BY clauses in subqueries
  --query_plan_remove_redundant_distinct arg                                  Remove redundant Distinct step in query
  --regexp_max_matches_per_row arg                                            Max matches of any single regexp per 
                                                                              row, used to safeguard 
                                                                              'extractAllGroupsHorizontal' against 
                                                                              consuming too much memory with greedy 
  --limit arg                                                                 Limit on read rows from the most 'end' 
                                                                              result for select query, default 0 
                                                                              means no limit length
  --offset arg                                                                Offset on read rows from the most 'end'
                                                                              result for select query
  --function_range_max_elements_in_block arg                                  Maximum number of values generated by 
                                                                              function `range` per block of data (sum
                                                                              of array sizes for every row in a 
                                                                              block, see also 'max_block_size' and 
                                                                              'min_insert_block_size_rows'). It is a 
                                                                              safety threshold.
  --function_sleep_max_microseconds_per_block arg                             Maximum number of microseconds the 
                                                                              function `sleep` is allowed to sleep 
                                                                              for each block. If a user called it 
                                                                              with a larger value, it throws an 
                                                                              exception. It is a safety threshold.
  --short_circuit_function_evaluation arg                                     Setting for short-circuit function 
                                                                              evaluation configuration. Possible 
                                                                              values: 'enable' - use short-circuit 
                                                                              function evaluation for functions that 
                                                                              are suitable for it, 'disable' - 
                                                                              disable short-circuit function 
                                                                              evaluation, 'force_enable' - use 
                                                                              short-circuit function evaluation for 
                                                                              all functions.
  --storage_file_read_method arg                                              Method of reading data from storage 
                                                                              file, one of: read, pread, mmap. The 
                                                                              mmap method does not apply to 
                                                                              clickhouse-server (it's intended for 
  --local_filesystem_read_method arg                                          Method of reading data from local 
                                                                              filesystem, one of: read, pread, mmap, 
                                                                              io_uring, pread_threadpool. The 
                                                                              'io_uring' method is experimental and 
                                                                              does not work for Log, TinyLog, 
                                                                              StripeLog, File, Set and Join, and 
                                                                              other tables with append-able files in 
                                                                              presence of concurrent reads and 
  --remote_filesystem_read_method arg                                         Method of reading data from remote 
                                                                              filesystem, one of: read, threadpool.
  --local_filesystem_read_prefetch arg                                        Should use prefetching when reading 
                                                                              data from local filesystem.
  --remote_filesystem_read_prefetch arg                                       Should use prefetching when reading 
                                                                              data from remote filesystem.
  --read_priority arg                                                         Priority to read data from local 
                                                                              filesystem or remote filesystem. Only 
                                                                              supported for 'pread_threadpool' method
                                                                              for local filesystem and for 
                                                                              `threadpool` method for remote 
  --merge_tree_min_rows_for_concurrent_read_for_remote_filesystem arg         If at least as many lines are read from
                                                                              one file, the reading can be 
                                                                              parallelized, when reading from remote 
  --merge_tree_min_bytes_for_concurrent_read_for_remote_filesystem arg        If at least as many bytes are read from
                                                                              one file, the reading can be 
                                                                              parallelized, when reading from remote 
  --remote_read_min_bytes_for_seek arg                                        Min bytes required for remote read 
                                                                              (url, s3) to do seek, instead of read 
                                                                              with ignore.
  --merge_tree_min_bytes_per_task_for_remote_reading arg                      Min bytes to read per task.
  --merge_tree_use_const_size_tasks_for_remote_reading arg                    Whether to use constant size tasks for 
                                                                              reading from a remote table.
  --merge_tree_determine_task_size_by_prewhere_columns arg                    Whether to use only prewhere columns 
                                                                              size to determine reading task size.
  --async_insert arg                                                          If true, data from INSERT query is 
                                                                              stored in queue and later flushed to 
                                                                              table in background. If 
                                                                              wait_for_async_insert is false, INSERT 
                                                                              query is processed almost instantly, 
                                                                              otherwise client will wait until data 
                                                                              will be flushed to table
  --wait_for_async_insert arg                                                 If true wait for processing of 
                                                                              asynchronous insertion
  --wait_for_async_insert_timeout arg                                         Timeout for waiting for processing 
                                                                              asynchronous insertion
  --async_insert_max_data_size arg                                            Maximum size in bytes of unparsed data 
                                                                              collected per query before being 
  --async_insert_max_query_number arg                                         Maximum number of insert queries before
                                                                              being inserted
  --async_insert_busy_timeout_ms arg                                          Maximum time to wait before dumping 
                                                                              collected data per query since the 
                                                                              first data appeared
  --remote_fs_read_max_backoff_ms arg                                         Max wait time when trying to read data 
                                                                              for remote disk
  --remote_fs_read_backoff_max_tries arg                                      Max attempts to read with backoff
  --enable_filesystem_cache arg                                               Use cache for remote filesystem. This 
                                                                              setting does not turn on/off cache for 
                                                                              disks (must be done via disk config), 
                                                                              but allows to bypass cache for some 
                                                                              queries if intended
  --enable_filesystem_cache_on_write_operations arg                           Write into cache on write operations. 
                                                                              To actually work this setting requires 
                                                                              be added to disk config too
  --enable_filesystem_cache_log arg                                           Allows to record the filesystem caching
                                                                              log for each query
  --read_from_filesystem_cache_if_exists_otherwise_bypass_cache arg           Allow to use the filesystem cache in 
                                                                              passive mode - benefit from the 
                                                                              existing cache entries, but don't put 
                                                                              more entries into the cache. If you set
                                                                              this setting for heavy ad-hoc queries 
                                                                              and leave it disabled for short 
                                                                              real-time queries, this will allows to 
                                                                              avoid cache threshing by too heavy 
                                                                              queries and to improve the overall 
                                                                              system efficiency.
  --skip_download_if_exceeds_query_cache arg                                  Skip download from remote filesystem if
                                                                              exceeds query cache size
  --filesystem_cache_max_download_size arg                                    Max remote filesystem cache size that 
                                                                              can be downloaded by a single query
  --throw_on_error_from_cache_on_write_operations arg                         Ignore error from cache when caching on
                                                                              write operations (INSERT, merges)
  --load_marks_asynchronously arg                                             Load MergeTree marks asynchronously
  --enable_filesystem_read_prefetches_log arg                                 Log to system.filesystem prefetch_log 
                                                                              during query. Should be used only for 
                                                                              testing or debugging, not recommended 
                                                                              to be turned on by default
  --allow_prefetched_read_pool_for_remote_filesystem arg                      Prefer prefethed threadpool if all 
                                                                              parts are on remote filesystem
  --allow_prefetched_read_pool_for_local_filesystem arg                       Prefer prefethed threadpool if all 
                                                                              parts are on remote filesystem
  --prefetch_buffer_size arg                                                  The maximum size of the prefetch buffer
                                                                              to read from the filesystem.
  --filesystem_prefetch_step_bytes arg                                        Prefetch step in bytes. Zero means 
                                                                              `auto` - approximately the best 
                                                                              prefetch step will be auto deduced, but
                                                                              might not be 100% the best. The actual 
                                                                              value might be different because of 
                                                                              setting filesystem_prefetch_min_bytes_f
  --filesystem_prefetch_step_marks arg                                        Prefetch step in marks. Zero means 
                                                                              `auto` - approximately the best 
                                                                              prefetch step will be auto deduced, but
                                                                              might not be 100% the best. The actual 
                                                                              value might be different because of 
                                                                              setting filesystem_prefetch_min_bytes_f
  --filesystem_prefetch_min_bytes_for_single_read_task arg                    Do not parallelize within one file read
                                                                              less than this amount of bytes. E.g. 
                                                                              one reader will not receive a read task
                                                                              of size less than this amount. This 
                                                                              setting is recommended to avoid spikes 
                                                                              of time for aws getObject requests to 
  --filesystem_prefetch_max_memory_usage arg                                  Maximum memory usage for prefetches.
  --filesystem_prefetches_limit arg                                           Maximum number of prefetches. Zero 
                                                                              means unlimited. A setting 
                                                                              ` is more recommended if you want to 
                                                                              limit the number of prefetches
  --use_structure_from_insertion_table_in_table_functions arg                 Use structure from insertion table 
                                                                              instead of schema inference from data. 
                                                                              Possible values: 0 - disabled, 1 - 
                                                                              enabled, 2 - auto
  --http_max_tries arg                                                        Max attempts to read via http.
  --http_retry_initial_backoff_ms arg                                         Min milliseconds for backoff, when 
                                                                              retrying read via http
  --http_retry_max_backoff_ms arg                                             Max milliseconds for backoff, when 
                                                                              retrying read via http
  --force_remove_data_recursively_on_drop arg                                 Recursively remove data on DROP query. 
                                                                              Avoids 'Directory not empty' error, but
                                                                              may silently remove detached data
  --check_table_dependencies arg                                              Check that DDL query (such as DROP 
                                                                              TABLE or RENAME) will not break 
  --check_referential_table_dependencies arg                                  Check that DDL query (such as DROP 
                                                                              TABLE or RENAME) will not break 
                                                                              referential dependencies
  --use_local_cache_for_remote_storage arg                                    Use local cache for remote storage like
                                                                              HDFS or S3, it's used for remote table 
                                                                              engine only
  --allow_unrestricted_reads_from_keeper arg                                  Allow unrestricted (without condition 
                                                                              on path) reads from system.zookeeper 
                                                                              table, can be handy, but is not safe 
                                                                              for zookeeper
  --allow_deprecated_database_ordinary arg                                    Allow to create databases with 
                                                                              deprecated Ordinary engine
  --allow_deprecated_syntax_for_merge_tree arg                                Allow to create *MergeTree tables with 
                                                                              deprecated engine definition syntax
  --allow_asynchronous_read_from_io_pool_for_merge_tree arg                   Use background I/O pool to read from 
                                                                              MergeTree tables. This setting may 
                                                                              increase performance for I/O bound 
  --max_streams_for_merge_tree_reading arg                                    If is not zero, limit the number of 
                                                                              reading streams for MergeTree table.
  --force_grouping_standard_compatibility arg                                 Make GROUPING function to return 1 when
                                                                              argument is not used as an aggregation 
  --schema_inference_use_cache_for_file arg                                   Use cache in schema inference while 
                                                                              using file table function
  --schema_inference_use_cache_for_s3 arg                                     Use cache in schema inference while 
                                                                              using s3 table function
  --schema_inference_use_cache_for_azure arg                                  Use cache in schema inference while 
                                                                              using azure table function
  --schema_inference_use_cache_for_hdfs arg                                   Use cache in schema inference while 
                                                                              using hdfs table function
  --schema_inference_use_cache_for_url arg                                    Use cache in schema inference while 
                                                                              using url table function
  --schema_inference_cache_require_modification_time_for_url arg              Use schema from cache for URL with last
                                                                              modification time validation (for urls 
                                                                              with Last-Modified header)
  --compatibility arg                                                         Changes other settings according to 
                                                                              provided ClickHouse version. If we know
                                                                              that we changed some behaviour in 
                                                                              ClickHouse by changing some settings in
                                                                              some version, this compatibility 
                                                                              setting will control these settings
  --additional_table_filters arg                                              Additional filter expression which 
                                                                              would be applied after reading from 
                                                                              specified table. Syntax: {'table1': 
                                                                              'expression', 'database.table2': 
  --additional_result_filter arg                                              Additional filter expression which 
                                                                              would be applied to query result
  --workload arg                                                              Name of workload to be used to access 
  --storage_system_stack_trace_pipe_read_timeout_ms arg                       Maximum time to read from a pipe for 
                                                                              receiving information from the threads 
                                                                              when querying the `system.stack_trace` 
                                                                              table. This setting is used for testing
                                                                              purposes and not meant to be changed by
  --rename_files_after_processing arg                                         Rename successfully processed files 
                                                                              according to the specified pattern; 
                                                                              Pattern can include the following 
                                                                              placeholders: `%a` (full original file 
                                                                              name), `%f` (original filename without 
                                                                              extension), `%e` (file extension with 
                                                                              dot), `%t` (current timestamp in µs), 
                                                                              and `%%` (% sign)
  --parallelize_output_from_storages arg                                      Parallelize output for reading step 
                                                                              from storage. It allows parallelizing 
                                                                              query processing right after reading 
                                                                              from storage if possible
  --insert_deduplication_token arg                                            If not empty, used for duplicate 
                                                                              detection instead of data digest
  --count_distinct_optimization arg                                           Rewrite count distinct to subquery of 
                                                                              group by
  --throw_if_no_data_to_insert arg                                            Enables or disables empty INSERTs, 
                                                                              enabled by default
  --compatibility_ignore_auto_increment_in_create_table arg                   Ignore AUTO_INCREMENT keyword in column
                                                                              declaration if true, otherwise return 
                                                                              error. It simplifies migration from 
  --multiple_joins_try_to_keep_original_names arg                             Do not add aliases to top level 
                                                                              expression list on multiple joins 
  --optimize_sorting_by_input_stream_properties arg                           Optimize sorting by sorting properties 
                                                                              of input stream
  --insert_keeper_max_retries arg                                             Max retries for keeper operations 
                                                                              during insert
  --insert_keeper_retry_initial_backoff_ms arg                                Initial backoff timeout for keeper 
                                                                              operations during insert
  --insert_keeper_retry_max_backoff_ms arg                                    Max backoff timeout for keeper 
                                                                              operations during insert
  --insert_keeper_fault_injection_probability arg                             Approximate probability of failure for 
                                                                              a keeper request during insert. Valid 
                                                                              value is in interval [0.0f, 1.0f]
  --insert_keeper_fault_injection_seed arg                                    0 - random seed, otherwise the setting 
  --force_aggregation_in_order arg                                            Force use of aggregation in order on 
                                                                              remote nodes during distributed 
                                                                              aggregation. PLEASE, NEVER CHANGE THIS 
                                                                              SETTING VALUE MANUALLY!
  --http_max_request_param_data_size arg                                      Limit on size of request data used as a
                                                                              query parameter in predefined HTTP 
  --function_json_value_return_type_allow_nullable arg                        Allow function JSON_VALUE to return 
                                                                              nullable type.
  --function_json_value_return_type_allow_complex arg                         Allow function JSON_VALUE to return 
                                                                              complex type, such as: struct, array, 
  --use_with_fill_by_sorting_prefix arg                                       Columns preceding WITH FILL columns in 
                                                                              ORDER BY clause form sorting prefix. 
                                                                              Rows with different values in sorting 
                                                                              prefix are filled independently
  --allow_experimental_funnel_functions arg                                   Enable experimental functions for 
                                                                              funnel analysis.
  --allow_experimental_nlp_functions arg                                      Enable experimental functions for 
                                                                              natural language processing.
  --allow_experimental_hash_functions arg                                     Enable experimental hash functions
  --allow_experimental_object_type arg                                        Allow Object and JSON data types
  --allow_experimental_annoy_index arg                                        Allows to use Annoy index. Disabled by 
                                                                              default because this feature is 
  --allow_experimental_usearch_index arg                                      Allows to use USearch index. Disabled 
                                                                              by default because this feature is 
  --allow_experimental_s3queue arg                                            Allows to use S3Queue engine. Disabled 
                                                                              by default, because this feature is 
  --max_limit_for_ann_queries arg                                             SELECT queries with LIMIT bigger than 
                                                                              this setting cannot use ANN indexes. 
                                                                              Helps to prevent memory overflows in 
                                                                              ANN search indexes.
  --max_threads_for_annoy_index_creation arg                                  Number of threads used to build Annoy 
                                                                              indexes (0 means all cores, not 
  --annoy_index_search_k_nodes arg                                            SELECT queries search up to this many 
                                                                              nodes in Annoy indexes.
  --throw_on_unsupported_query_inside_transaction arg                         Throw exception if unsupported query is
                                                                              used inside transaction
  --wait_changes_become_visible_after_commit_mode arg                         Wait for committed changes to become 
                                                                              actually visible in the latest snapshot
  --implicit_transaction arg                                                  If enabled and not already inside a 
                                                                              transaction, wraps the query inside a 
                                                                              full transaction (begin + commit or 
  --grace_hash_join_initial_buckets arg                                       Initial number of grace hash join 
  --grace_hash_join_max_buckets arg                                           Limit on the number of grace hash join 
  --optimize_distinct_in_order arg                                            Enable DISTINCT optimization if some 
                                                                              columns in DISTINCT form a prefix of 
                                                                              sorting. For example, prefix of sorting
                                                                              key in merge tree or ORDER BY statement
  --allow_experimental_undrop_table_query arg                                 Allow to use undrop query to restore 
                                                                              dropped table in a limited time
  --keeper_map_strict_mode arg                                                Enforce additional checks during 
                                                                              operations on KeeperMap. E.g. throw an 
                                                                              exception on an insert for already 
                                                                              existing key
  --extract_kvp_max_pairs_per_row arg                                         Max number pairs that can be produced 
                                                                              by extractKeyValuePairs function. Used 
                                                                              to safeguard against consuming too much
  --session_timezone arg                                                      This setting can be removed in the 
                                                                              future due to potential caveats. It is 
                                                                              experimental and is not suitable for 
                                                                              production usage. The default timezone 
                                                                              for current session or query. The 
                                                                              server default timezone if empty.
  --allow_create_index_without_type arg                                       Allow CREATE INDEX query without TYPE. 
                                                                              Query will be ignored. Made for SQL 
                                                                              compatibility tests.
  --create_index_ignore_unique arg                                            Ignore UNIQUE keyword in CREATE UNIQUE 
                                                                              INDEX. Made for SQL compatibility 
  --print_pretty_type_names arg                                               Print pretty type names in DESCRIBE 
                                                                              query and toTypeName() function
  --max_memory_usage_for_all_queries arg                                      Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --multiple_joins_rewriter_version arg                                       Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --enable_debug_queries arg                                                  Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --allow_experimental_database_atomic arg                                    Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --allow_experimental_bigint_types arg                                       Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --allow_experimental_window_functions arg                                   Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --allow_experimental_geo_types arg                                          Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --async_insert_stale_timeout_ms arg                                         Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --handle_kafka_error_mode arg                                               Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --database_replicated_ddl_output arg                                        Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --replication_alter_columns_timeout arg                                     Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --odbc_max_field_size arg                                                   Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --allow_experimental_map_type arg                                           Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --merge_tree_clear_old_temporary_directories_interval_seconds arg           Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --merge_tree_clear_old_parts_interval_seconds arg                           Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --partial_merge_join_optimizations arg                                      Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --max_alter_threads arg                                                     Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --background_buffer_flush_schedule_pool_size arg                            User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_pool_size arg                                                  User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_merges_mutations_concurrency_ratio arg                         User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_move_pool_size arg                                             User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_fetches_pool_size arg                                          User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_common_pool_size arg                                           User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_schedule_pool_size arg                                         User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_message_broker_schedule_pool_size arg                          User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --background_distributed_schedule_pool_size arg                             User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --max_remote_read_network_bandwidth_for_server arg                          User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --max_remote_write_network_bandwidth_for_server arg                         User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --async_insert_threads arg                                                  User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --max_replicated_fetches_network_bandwidth_for_server arg                   User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --max_replicated_sends_network_bandwidth_for_server arg                     User-level setting is deprecated, and 
                                                                              it must be defined in the server 
                                                                              configuration instead.
  --default_database_engine arg                                               Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --max_pipeline_depth arg                                                    Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --temporary_live_view_timeout arg                                           Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --async_insert_cleanup_timeout_ms arg                                       Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --optimize_fuse_sum_count_avg arg                                           Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --drain_timeout arg                                                         Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --backup_threads arg                                                        Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --restore_threads arg                                                       Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --optimize_duplicate_order_by_and_distinct arg                              Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --query_plan_optimize_projection arg                                        Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --format_csv_delimiter arg                                                  The character to be considered as a 
                                                                              delimiter in CSV data. If setting with 
                                                                              a string, a string has to have a length
                                                                              of 1.
  --format_csv_allow_single_quotes arg                                        If it is set to true, allow strings in 
                                                                              single quotes.
  --format_csv_allow_double_quotes arg                                        If it is set to true, allow strings in 
                                                                              double quotes.
  --output_format_csv_crlf_end_of_line arg                                    If it is set true, end of line in CSV 
                                                                              format will be \r\n instead of \n.
  --input_format_csv_enum_as_number arg                                       Treat inserted enum values in CSV 
                                                                              formats as enum indices
  --input_format_csv_arrays_as_nested_csv arg                                 When reading Array from CSV, expect 
                                                                              that its elements were serialized in 
                                                                              nested CSV and then put into string. 
                                                                              Example: "[""Hello"", ""world"", 
                                                                              ""42"""" TV""]". Braces around array 
                                                                              can be omitted.
  --input_format_skip_unknown_fields arg                                      Skip columns with unknown names from 
                                                                              input data (it works for JSONEachRow, 
                                                                              -WithNames, -WithNamesAndTypes and TSKV
  --input_format_with_names_use_header arg                                    For -WithNames input formats this 
                                                                              controls whether format parser is to 
                                                                              assume that column data appear in the 
                                                                              input exactly as they are specified in 
                                                                              the header.
  --input_format_with_types_use_header arg                                    For -WithNamesAndTypes input formats 
                                                                              this controls whether format parser 
                                                                              should check if data types from the 
                                                                              input match data types from the header.
  --input_format_import_nested_json arg                                       Map nested JSON data to nested tables 
                                                                              (it works for JSONEachRow format).
  --input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields arg                              For input data calculate default 
                                                                              expressions for omitted fields (it 
                                                                              works for JSONEachRow, -WithNames, 
                                                                              -WithNamesAndTypes formats).
  --input_format_csv_empty_as_default arg                                     Treat empty fields in CSV input as 
                                                                              default values.
  --input_format_tsv_empty_as_default arg                                     Treat empty fields in TSV input as 
                                                                              default values.
  --input_format_tsv_enum_as_number arg                                       Treat inserted enum values in TSV 
                                                                              formats as enum indices.
  --input_format_null_as_default arg                                          Initialize null fields with default 
                                                                              values if the data type of this field 
                                                                              is not nullable and it is supported by 
                                                                              the input format
  --input_format_arrow_case_insensitive_column_matching arg                   Ignore case when matching Arrow columns
                                                                              with CH columns.
  --input_format_orc_row_batch_size arg                                       Batch size when reading ORC stripes.
  --input_format_orc_case_insensitive_column_matching arg                     Ignore case when matching ORC columns 
                                                                              with CH columns.
  --input_format_parquet_case_insensitive_column_matching arg                 Ignore case when matching Parquet 
                                                                              columns with CH columns.
  --input_format_parquet_preserve_order arg                                   Avoid reordering rows when reading from
                                                                              Parquet files. Usually makes it much 
  --input_format_parquet_filter_push_down arg                                 When reading Parquet files, skip whole 
                                                                              row groups based on the WHERE/PREWHERE 
                                                                              expressions and min/max statistics in 
                                                                              the Parquet metadata.
  --input_format_allow_seeks arg                                              Allow seeks while reading in 
                                                                              ORC/Parquet/Arrow input formats
  --input_format_orc_allow_missing_columns arg                                Allow missing columns while reading ORC
                                                                              input formats
  --input_format_orc_use_fast_decoder arg                                     Use a faster ORC decoder 
  --input_format_parquet_allow_missing_columns arg                            Allow missing columns while reading 
                                                                              Parquet input formats
  --input_format_parquet_local_file_min_bytes_for_seek arg                    Min bytes required for local read 
                                                                              (file) to do seek, instead of read with
                                                                              ignore in Parquet input format
  --input_format_arrow_allow_missing_columns arg                              Allow missing columns while reading 
                                                                              Arrow input formats
  --input_format_hive_text_fields_delimiter arg                               Delimiter between fields in Hive Text 
  --input_format_hive_text_collection_items_delimiter arg                     Delimiter between collection(array or 
                                                                              map) items in Hive Text File
  --input_format_hive_text_map_keys_delimiter arg                             Delimiter between a pair of map 
                                                                              key/values in Hive Text File
  --input_format_msgpack_number_of_columns arg                                The number of columns in inserted 
                                                                              MsgPack data. Used for automatic schema
                                                                              inference from data.
  --output_format_msgpack_uuid_representation arg                             The way how to output UUID in MsgPack 
  --input_format_max_rows_to_read_for_schema_inference arg                    The maximum rows of data to read for 
                                                                              automatic schema inference
  --input_format_max_bytes_to_read_for_schema_inference arg                   The maximum bytes of data to read for 
                                                                              automatic schema inference
  --input_format_csv_use_best_effort_in_schema_inference arg                  Use some tweaks and heuristics to infer
                                                                              schema in CSV format
  --input_format_tsv_use_best_effort_in_schema_inference arg                  Use some tweaks and heuristics to infer
                                                                              schema in TSV format
  --input_format_csv_detect_header arg                                        Automatically detect header with names 
                                                                              and types in CSV format
  --input_format_csv_allow_whitespace_or_tab_as_delimiter arg                 Allow to use spaces and tabs(\t) as 
                                                                              field delimiter in the CSV strings
  --input_format_csv_trim_whitespaces arg                                     Trims spaces and tabs (\t) characters 
                                                                              at the beginning and end in CSV strings
  --input_format_csv_use_default_on_bad_values arg                            Allow to set default value to column 
                                                                              when CSV field deserialization failed 
                                                                              on bad value
  --input_format_csv_allow_variable_number_of_columns arg                     Ignore extra columns in CSV input (if 
                                                                              file has more columns than expected) 
                                                                              and treat missing fields in CSV input 
                                                                              as default values
  --input_format_tsv_allow_variable_number_of_columns arg                     Ignore extra columns in TSV input (if 
                                                                              file has more columns than expected) 
                                                                              and treat missing fields in TSV input 
                                                                              as default values
  --input_format_custom_allow_variable_number_of_columns arg                  Ignore extra columns in CustomSeparated
                                                                              input (if file has more columns than 
                                                                              expected) and treat missing fields in 
                                                                              CustomSeparated input as default values
  --input_format_json_compact_allow_variable_number_of_columns arg            Ignore extra columns in 
                                                                              JSONCompact(EachRow) input (if file has
                                                                              more columns than expected) and treat 
                                                                              missing fields in JSONCompact(EachRow) 
                                                                              input as default values
  --input_format_tsv_detect_header arg                                        Automatically detect header with names 
                                                                              and types in TSV format
  --input_format_custom_detect_header arg                                     Automatically detect header with names 
                                                                              and types in CustomSeparated format
  --input_format_parquet_skip_columns_with_unsupported_types_in_schema_inference arg
                                                                              Skip columns with unsupported types 
                                                                              while schema inference for format 
  --input_format_parquet_max_block_size arg                                   Max block size for parquet reader.
  --input_format_protobuf_skip_fields_with_unsupported_types_in_schema_inference arg
                                                                              Skip fields with unsupported types 
                                                                              while schema inference for format 
  --input_format_capn_proto_skip_fields_with_unsupported_types_in_schema_inference arg
                                                                              Skip columns with unsupported types 
                                                                              while schema inference for format 
  --input_format_orc_skip_columns_with_unsupported_types_in_schema_inference arg
                                                                              Skip columns with unsupported types 
                                                                              while schema inference for format ORC
  --input_format_arrow_skip_columns_with_unsupported_types_in_schema_inference arg
                                                                              Skip columns with unsupported types 
                                                                              while schema inference for format Arrow
  --column_names_for_schema_inference arg                                     The list of column names to use in 
                                                                              schema inference for formats without 
                                                                              column names. The format: 
  --schema_inference_hints arg                                                The list of column names and types to 
                                                                              use in schema inference for formats 
                                                                              without column names. The format: 
                                                                              'column_name1 column_type1, 
                                                                              column_name2 column_type2, ...'
  --schema_inference_make_columns_nullable arg                                If set to true, all inferred types will
                                                                              be Nullable in schema inference for 
                                                                              formats without information about 
  --input_format_json_read_bools_as_numbers arg                               Allow to parse bools as numbers in JSON
                                                                              input formats
  --input_format_json_try_infer_numbers_from_strings arg                      Try to infer numbers from string fields
                                                                              while schema inference
  --input_format_json_validate_types_from_metadata arg                        For JSON/JSONCompact/JSONColumnsWithMet
                                                                              adata input formats this controls 
                                                                              whether format parser should check if 
                                                                              data types from input metadata match 
                                                                              data types of the corresponding columns
                                                                              from the table
  --input_format_json_read_numbers_as_strings arg                             Allow to parse numbers as strings in 
                                                                              JSON input formats
  --input_format_json_read_objects_as_strings arg                             Allow to parse JSON objects as strings 
                                                                              in JSON input formats
  --input_format_json_read_arrays_as_strings arg                              Allow to parse JSON arrays as strings 
                                                                              in JSON input formats
  --input_format_json_try_infer_named_tuples_from_objects arg                 Try to infer named tuples from JSON 
                                                                              objects in JSON input formats
  --input_format_json_infer_incomplete_types_as_strings arg                   Use type String for keys that contains 
                                                                              only Nulls or empty objects/arrays 
                                                                              during schema inference in JSON input 
  --input_format_json_named_tuples_as_objects arg                             Deserialize named tuple columns as JSON
  --input_format_json_ignore_unknown_keys_in_named_tuple arg                  Ignore unknown keys in json object for 
                                                                              named tuples
  --input_format_json_defaults_for_missing_elements_in_named_tuple arg        Insert default value in named tuple 
                                                                              element if it's missing in json object
  --input_format_try_infer_integers arg                                       Try to infer integers instead of floats
                                                                              while schema inference in text formats
  --input_format_try_infer_dates arg                                          Try to infer dates from string fields 
                                                                              while schema inference in text formats
  --input_format_try_infer_datetimes arg                                      Try to infer datetimes from string 
                                                                              fields while schema inference in text 
  --output_format_markdown_escape_special_characters arg                      Escape special characters in Markdown
  --input_format_protobuf_flatten_google_wrappers arg                         Enable Google wrappers for regular 
                                                                              non-nested columns, e.g. 
                                                                              google.protobuf.StringValue 'str' for 
                                                                              String column 'str'. For Nullable 
                                                                              columns empty wrappers are recognized 
                                                                              as defaults, and missing as nulls
  --output_format_protobuf_nullables_with_google_wrappers arg                 When serializing Nullable columns with 
                                                                              Google wrappers, serialize default 
                                                                              values as empty wrappers. If turned 
                                                                              off, default and null values are not 
  --input_format_csv_skip_first_lines arg                                     Skip specified number of lines at the 
                                                                              beginning of data in CSV format
  --input_format_tsv_skip_first_lines arg                                     Skip specified number of lines at the 
                                                                              beginning of data in TSV format
  --input_format_csv_skip_trailing_empty_lines arg                            Skip trailing empty lines in CSV format
  --input_format_tsv_skip_trailing_empty_lines arg                            Skip trailing empty lines in TSV format
  --input_format_custom_skip_trailing_empty_lines arg                         Skip trailing empty lines in 
                                                                              CustomSeparated format
  --input_format_native_allow_types_conversion arg                            Allow data types conversion in Native 
                                                                              input format
  --date_time_input_format arg                                                Method to read DateTime from text input
                                                                              formats. Possible values: 'basic', 
                                                                              'best_effort' and 'best_effort_us'.
  --date_time_output_format arg                                               Method to write DateTime to text 
                                                                              output. Possible values: 'simple', 
                                                                              'iso', 'unix_timestamp'.
  --interval_output_format arg                                                Textual representation of Interval. 
                                                                              Possible values: 'kusto', 'numeric'.
  --input_format_ipv4_default_on_conversion_error arg                         Deserialization of IPv4 will use 
                                                                              default values instead of throwing 
                                                                              exception on conversion error.
  --input_format_ipv6_default_on_conversion_error arg                         Deserialization of IPV6 will use 
                                                                              default values instead of throwing 
                                                                              exception on conversion error.
  --bool_true_representation arg                                              Text to represent bool value in TSV/CSV
  --bool_false_representation arg                                             Text to represent bool value in TSV/CSV
  --input_format_values_interpret_expressions arg                             For Values format: if the field could 
                                                                              not be parsed by streaming parser, run 
                                                                              SQL parser and try to interpret it as 
                                                                              SQL expression.
  --input_format_values_deduce_templates_of_expressions arg                   For Values format: if the field could 
                                                                              not be parsed by streaming parser, run 
                                                                              SQL parser, deduce template of the SQL 
                                                                              expression, try to parse all rows using
                                                                              template and then interpret expression 
                                                                              for all rows.
  --input_format_values_accurate_types_of_literals arg                        For Values format: when parsing and 
                                                                              interpreting expressions using 
                                                                              template, check actual type of literal 
                                                                              to avoid possible overflow and 
                                                                              precision issues.
  --input_format_values_allow_data_after_semicolon arg                        For Values format: allow extra data 
                                                                              after semicolon (used by client to 
                                                                              interpret comments).
  --input_format_avro_allow_missing_fields arg                                For Avro/AvroConfluent format: when 
                                                                              field is not found in schema use 
                                                                              default value instead of error
  --input_format_avro_null_as_default arg                                     For Avro/AvroConfluent format: insert 
                                                                              default in case of null and non 
                                                                              Nullable column
  --format_binary_max_string_size arg                                         The maximum allowed size for String in 
                                                                              RowBinary format. It prevents 
                                                                              allocating large amount of memory in 
                                                                              case of corrupted data. 0 means there 
                                                                              is no limit
  --format_binary_max_array_size arg                                          The maximum allowed size for Array in 
                                                                              RowBinary format. It prevents 
                                                                              allocating large amount of memory in 
                                                                              case of corrupted data. 0 means there 
                                                                              is no limit
  --format_avro_schema_registry_url arg                                       For AvroConfluent format: Confluent 
                                                                              Schema Registry URL.
  --output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers arg                               Controls quoting of 64-bit integers in 
                                                                              JSON output format.
  --output_format_json_quote_denormals arg                                    Enables '+nan', '-nan', '+inf', '-inf' 
                                                                              outputs in JSON output format.
  --output_format_json_quote_decimals arg                                     Controls quoting of decimals in JSON 
                                                                              output format.
  --output_format_json_quote_64bit_floats arg                                 Controls quoting of 64-bit float 
                                                                              numbers in JSON output format.
  --output_format_json_escape_forward_slashes arg                             Controls escaping forward slashes for 
                                                                              string outputs in JSON output format. 
                                                                              This is intended for compatibility with
                                                                              JavaScript. Don't confuse with 
                                                                              backslashes that are always escaped.
  --output_format_json_named_tuples_as_objects arg                            Serialize named tuple columns as JSON 
  --output_format_json_array_of_rows arg                                      Output a JSON array of all rows in 
                                                                              JSONEachRow(Compact) format.
  --output_format_json_validate_utf8 arg                                      Validate UTF-8 sequences in JSON output
                                                                              formats, doesn't impact formats 
                                                                              a, they always validate utf8
  --format_json_object_each_row_column_for_object_name arg                    The name of column that will be used as
                                                                              object names in JSONObjectEachRow 
                                                                              format. Column type should be String
  --output_format_pretty_max_rows arg                                         Rows limit for Pretty formats.
  --output_format_pretty_max_column_pad_width arg                             Maximum width to pad all values in a 
                                                                              column in Pretty formats.
  --output_format_pretty_max_value_width arg                                  Maximum width of value to display in 
                                                                              Pretty formats. If greater - it will be
  --output_format_pretty_color arg                                            Use ANSI escape sequences to paint 
                                                                              colors in Pretty formats
  --output_format_pretty_grid_charset arg                                     Charset for printing grid borders. 
                                                                              Available charsets: ASCII, UTF-8 
                                                                              (default one).
  --output_format_parquet_row_group_size arg                                  Target row group size in rows.
  --output_format_parquet_row_group_size_bytes arg                            Target row group size in bytes, before 
  --output_format_parquet_string_as_string arg                                Use Parquet String type instead of 
                                                                              Binary for String columns.
  --output_format_parquet_fixed_string_as_fixed_byte_array arg                Use Parquet FIXED_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY 
                                                                              type instead of Binary for FixedString 
  --output_format_parquet_version arg                                         Parquet format version for output 
                                                                              format. Supported versions: 1.0, 2.4, 
                                                                              2.6 and 2.latest (default)
  --output_format_parquet_compression_method arg                              Compression method for Parquet output 
                                                                              format. Supported codecs: snappy, lz4, 
                                                                              brotli, zstd, gzip, none (uncompressed)
  --output_format_parquet_compliant_nested_types arg                          In parquet file schema, use name 
                                                                              'element' instead of 'item' for list 
                                                                              elements. This is a historical artifact
                                                                              of Arrow library implementation. 
                                                                              Generally increases compatibility, 
                                                                              except perhaps with some old versions 
                                                                              of Arrow.
  --output_format_parquet_use_custom_encoder arg                              Use a faster Parquet encoder 
  --output_format_parquet_parallel_encoding arg                               Do Parquet encoding in multiple 
                                                                              threads. Requires output_format_parquet
  --output_format_parquet_data_page_size arg                                  Target page size in bytes, before 
  --output_format_parquet_batch_size arg                                      Check page size every this many rows. 
                                                                              Consider decreasing if you have columns
                                                                              with average values size above a few 
  --output_format_avro_codec arg                                              Compression codec used for output. 
                                                                              Possible values: 'null', 'deflate', 
  --output_format_avro_sync_interval arg                                      Sync interval in bytes.
  --output_format_avro_string_column_pattern arg                              For Avro format: regexp of String 
                                                                              columns to select as AVRO string.
  --output_format_avro_rows_in_file arg                                       Max rows in a file (if permitted by 
  --output_format_tsv_crlf_end_of_line arg                                    If it is set true, end of line in TSV 
                                                                              format will be \r\n instead of \n.
  --format_csv_null_representation arg                                        Custom NULL representation in CSV 
  --format_tsv_null_representation arg                                        Custom NULL representation in TSV 
  --output_format_decimal_trailing_zeros arg                                  Output trailing zeros when printing 
                                                                              Decimal values. E.g. 1.230000 instead 
                                                                              of 1.23.
  --input_format_allow_errors_num arg                                         Maximum absolute amount of errors while
                                                                              reading text formats (like CSV, TSV). 
                                                                              In case of error, if at least absolute 
                                                                              or relative amount of errors is lower 
                                                                              than corresponding value, will skip 
                                                                              until next line and continue.
  --input_format_allow_errors_ratio arg                                       Maximum relative amount of errors while
                                                                              reading text formats (like CSV, TSV). 
                                                                              In case of error, if at least absolute 
                                                                              or relative amount of errors is lower 
                                                                              than corresponding value, will skip 
                                                                              until next line and continue.
  --input_format_record_errors_file_path arg                                  Path of the file used to record errors 
                                                                              while reading text formats (CSV, TSV).
  --errors_output_format arg                                                  Method to write Errors to text output.
  --format_schema arg                                                         Schema identifier (used by schema-based
  --format_template_resultset arg                                             Path to file which contains format 
                                                                              string for result set (for Template 
  --format_template_row arg                                                   Path to file which contains format 
                                                                              string for rows (for Template format)
  --format_template_rows_between_delimiter arg                                Delimiter between rows (for Template 
  --format_custom_escaping_rule arg                                           Field escaping rule (for 
                                                                              CustomSeparated format)
  --format_custom_field_delimiter arg                                         Delimiter between fields (for 
                                                                              CustomSeparated format)
  --format_custom_row_before_delimiter arg                                    Delimiter before field of the first 
                                                                              column (for CustomSeparated format)
  --format_custom_row_after_delimiter arg                                     Delimiter after field of the last 
                                                                              column (for CustomSeparated format)
  --format_custom_row_between_delimiter arg                                   Delimiter between rows (for 
                                                                              CustomSeparated format)
  --format_custom_result_before_delimiter arg                                 Prefix before result set (for 
                                                                              CustomSeparated format)
  --format_custom_result_after_delimiter arg                                  Suffix after result set (for 
                                                                              CustomSeparated format)
  --format_regexp arg                                                         Regular expression (for Regexp format)
  --format_regexp_escaping_rule arg                                           Field escaping rule (for Regexp format)
  --format_regexp_skip_unmatched arg                                          Skip lines unmatched by regular 
                                                                              expression (for Regexp format)
  --output_format_enable_streaming arg                                        Enable streaming in output formats that
                                                                              support it.
  --output_format_write_statistics arg                                        Write statistics about read rows, 
                                                                              bytes, time elapsed in suitable output 
  --output_format_pretty_row_numbers arg                                      Add row numbers before each row for 
                                                                              pretty output format
  --insert_distributed_one_random_shard arg                                   If setting is enabled, inserting into 
                                                                              distributed table will choose a random 
                                                                              shard to write when there is no 
                                                                              sharding key
  --exact_rows_before_limit arg                                               When enabled, ClickHouse will provide 
                                                                              exact value for rows_before_limit_at_le
                                                                              ast statistic, but with the cost that 
                                                                              the data before limit will have to be 
                                                                              read completely
  --cross_to_inner_join_rewrite arg                                           Use inner join instead of comma/cross 
                                                                              join if there're joining expressions in
                                                                              the WHERE section. Values: 0 - no 
                                                                              rewrite, 1 - apply if possible for 
                                                                              comma/cross, 2 - force rewrite all 
                                                                              comma joins, cross - if possible
  --output_format_arrow_low_cardinality_as_dictionary arg                     Enable output LowCardinality type as 
                                                                              Dictionary Arrow type
  --output_format_arrow_string_as_string arg                                  Use Arrow String type instead of Binary
                                                                              for String columns
  --output_format_arrow_fixed_string_as_fixed_byte_array arg                  Use Arrow FIXED_SIZE_BINARY type 
                                                                              instead of Binary for FixedString 
  --output_format_arrow_compression_method arg                                Compression method for Arrow output 
                                                                              format. Supported codecs: lz4_frame, 
                                                                              zstd, none (uncompressed)
  --output_format_orc_string_as_string arg                                    Use ORC String type instead of Binary 
                                                                              for String columns
  --output_format_orc_compression_method arg                                  Compression method for ORC output 
                                                                              format. Supported codecs: lz4, snappy, 
                                                                              zlib, zstd, none (uncompressed)
  --format_capn_proto_enum_comparising_mode arg                               How to map ClickHouse Enum and 
                                                                              CapnProto Enum
  --format_capn_proto_use_autogenerated_schema arg                            Use autogenerated CapnProto schema when
                                                                              format_schema is not set
  --format_protobuf_use_autogenerated_schema arg                              Use autogenerated Protobuf when 
                                                                              format_schema is not set
  --output_format_schema arg                                                  The path to the file where the 
                                                                              automatically generated schema will be 
  --input_format_mysql_dump_table_name arg                                    Name of the table in MySQL dump from 
                                                                              which to read data
  --input_format_mysql_dump_map_column_names arg                              Match columns from table in MySQL dump 
                                                                              and columns from ClickHouse table by 
  --output_format_sql_insert_max_batch_size arg                               The maximum number  of rows in one 
                                                                              INSERT statement.
  --output_format_sql_insert_table_name arg                                   The name of table in the output INSERT 
  --output_format_sql_insert_include_column_names arg                         Include column names in INSERT query
  --output_format_sql_insert_use_replace arg                                  Use REPLACE statement instead of INSERT
  --output_format_sql_insert_quote_names arg                                  Quote column names with '`' characters
  --output_format_bson_string_as_string arg                                   Use BSON String type instead of Binary 
                                                                              for String columns.
  --input_format_bson_skip_fields_with_unsupported_types_in_schema_inference arg
                                                                              Skip fields with unsupported types 
                                                                              while schema inference for format BSON.
  --format_display_secrets_in_show_and_select arg                             Do not hide secrets in SHOW and SELECT 
  --regexp_dict_allow_hyperscan arg                                           Allow regexp_tree dictionary using 
                                                                              Hyperscan library.
  --regexp_dict_flag_case_insensitive arg                                     Use case-insensitive matching for a 
                                                                              regexp_tree dictionary. Can be 
                                                                              overridden in individual expressions 
                                                                              with (?i) and (?-i).
  --regexp_dict_flag_dotall arg                                               Allow '.' to match newline characters 
                                                                              for a regexp_tree dictionary.
  --dictionary_use_async_executor arg                                         Execute a pipeline for reading from a 
                                                                              dictionary with several threads. It's 
                                                                              supported only by DIRECT dictionary 
                                                                              with CLICKHOUSE source.
  --precise_float_parsing arg                                                 Prefer more precise (but slower) float 
                                                                              parsing algorithm
  --input_format_arrow_import_nested arg                                      Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --input_format_parquet_import_nested arg                                    Obsolete setting, does nothing.
  --input_format_orc_import_nested arg                                        Obsolete setting, does nothing.

External tables options:
  --file arg                   data file or - for stdin
  --name arg (=_data)          name of the table
  --format arg (=TabSeparated) data format
  --structure arg              structure
  --types arg                  types

Hosts and ports options:
  -h [ --host ] arg (=localhost) Server hostname. Multiple hosts can be passed via multiple argumentsExample of 
                                 usage: '--host host1 --host host2 --port port2 --host host3 ...'Each '--port port' 
                                 will be attached to the last seen host that doesn't have a port yet,if there is no 
                                 such host, the port will be attached to the next first host or to default host.
  --port arg                     server ports

In addition, --param_name=value can be specified for substitution of parameters for parametrized queries.

$ ./programs/clickhouse client --database default
ClickHouse client version
Connecting to database default at localhost:9000 as user default.
Connected to ClickHouse server version 23.10.1 revision 54466.

 * Server was built in debug mode. It will work slowly.
 * Maximum number of threads is lower than 30000. There could be problems with handling a lot of simultaneous queries.

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SHOW TABLES


Query id: 00190385-ae9a-40c4-9fe1-65a226ea31df


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.014 sec. 

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CR
CRC32      CRC32IEEE  CRC64      CREATE     CROSS
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CRC
CRC32      CRC32IEEE  CRC64
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CRC32
CRC32      CRC32IEEE
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CRC32 10

Syntax error: failed at position 1 ('CRC32'):

CRC32 10


Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy();

Syntax error: failed at position 20 (')'):


Expected one of: columns or indices declaration list, list of elements, table property (column, index, constraint) declaration, INDEX, CONSTRAINT, PROJECTION, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, column declaration, identifier

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id);

Syntax error: failed at position 22 (')'):

CREATE TABLE dummy(id);

Expected one of: NULL, NOT, DEFAULT, MATERIALIZED, EPHEMERAL, ALIAS, AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY, data type, nested table, identifier

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id string);

    `id` string

Query id: f3171655-0b55-42a4-9de1-9724c6e120bd

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.10.1):
Code: 119. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Table engine is not specified in CREATE query. (ENGINE_REQUIRED)

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id string) [EN
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id string) [ENGINE = Atomic];

Syntax error: failed at position 31 ('['):

CREATE TABLE dummy(id string) [ENGINE = Atomic];


Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy [ENGINE = Atomic];

Syntax error: failed at position 20 ('['):

CREATE TABLE dummy [ENGINE = Atomic];

Expected one of: token, Dot, UUID, ON, OpeningRoundBracket, storage definition, ENGINE, PARTITION BY, PRIMARY KEY, ORDER BY, SAMPLE BY, TTL, EMPTY AS, AS, COMMENT, INTO OUTFILE, FORMAT, SETTINGS, end of query

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id string) ENGINE = Atomic;

    `id` string
ENGINE = Atomic

Query id: 2fb4fba1-12dd-45d2-8438-eee1c285ae44

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.10.1):
Code: 50. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Unknown data type family: string. Maybe you meant: ['String','Ring']. (UNKNOWN_TYPE)

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = Atomic;

    `id` String
ENGINE = Atomic

Query id: 4a799dd4-3aff-4ac3-8ae9-98dd3154c778

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.10.1):
Code: 56. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Unknown table engine Atomic. (UNKNOWN_STORAGE)

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = PO;
POLICY                         POPULATE                       POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = PostgreSQL;
PostgreSQL      PostgreSQLWire
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = ;
Display all 6452 possibilities? (y or n)
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = A;
ADD                   ALTER                 AS                    AggregatingMergeTree  AvroConfluent
ADMIN                 AND                   ASC                   Array
AFTER                 ANY                   ASYNC                 Arrow
ALIAS                 APPEND                ATTACH                ArrowStream
ALL                   ARRAY                 AggregateFunction     Avro
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = P;
Display all 511 possibilities? (y or n)
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = Po;
Point           Polygon         PostgreSQL      PostgreSQLWire
Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE dummy(id String) ENGINE = PostgreSQL;

    `id` String

Query id: fbada5b1-2deb-4cfe-be87-175cfcc5ee35

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.10.1):
Code: 42. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Storage PostgreSQL requires from 5 to 7 parameters: PostgreSQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'username', 'password' [, 'schema', 'ON CONFLICT ...']. Got: 0. (NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH)

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) CREATE TABLE my_first_table
    user_id UInt32,
    message String,
    timestamp DateTime,
    metric Float32
ENGINE = MergeTree
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, timestamp)

CREATE TABLE my_first_table
    `user_id` UInt32,
    `message` String,
    `timestamp` DateTime,
    `metric` Float32
ENGINE = MergeTree
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, timestamp)

Query id: d2ffc9fe-bae4-4815-9c74-1bd0d9825657


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.018 sec. 

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) INSERT INTO my_first_table (user_id, message, timestamp, metric) VALUES
    (101, 'Hello, ClickHouse!',                                 now(),       -1.0    ),
    (102, 'Insert a lot of rows per batch',                     yesterday(), 1.41421 ),
    (102, 'Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries', today(),     2.718   ),
    (101, 'Granules are the smallest chunks of data read',      now() + 5,   3.14159 )

INSERT INTO my_first_table (user_id, message, timestamp, metric) FORMAT Values

Query id: 962f2c2e-f902-4c46-a2f6-b3077015cd44


4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.033 sec. 

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :)  SELECT *
 FROM my_first_table
 ORDER BY timestamp

FROM my_first_table
ORDER BY timestamp ASC

Query id: cf4dd5ac-2a03-444a-80cb-1bdca72c2a71

│     102 │ Insert a lot of rows per batch                     │ 2023-10-17 00:00:00 │ 1.41421 │
│     102 │ Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries │ 2023-10-18 00:00:00 │   2.718 │
│     101 │ Hello, ClickHouse!                                 │ 2023-10-18 22:32:57 │      -1 │
│     101 │ Granules are the smallest chunks of data read      │ 2023-10-18 22:33:02 │ 3.14159 │

4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.015 sec. 

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :)  SELECT *
 FROM my_first_table
 ORDER BY timestamp;

FROM my_first_table
ORDER BY timestamp ASC

Query id: 9c9fb077-f9f5-408e-8851-d7d8ae66163e

│     102 │ Insert a lot of rows per batch                     │ 2023-10-17 00:00:00 │ 1.41421 │
│     102 │ Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries │ 2023-10-18 00:00:00 │   2.718 │
│     101 │ Hello, ClickHouse!                                 │ 2023-10-18 22:32:57 │      -1 │
│     101 │ Granules are the smallest chunks of data read      │ 2023-10-18 22:33:02 │ 3.14159 │

4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.013 sec. 

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) SELECT
FROM s3(
GROUP BY passenger_count
ORDER BY passenger_count;

FROM s3('', 'TabSeparatedWithNames')
GROUP BY passenger_count
ORDER BY passenger_count ASC

Query id: e35f39b9-024b-4457-8681-e5cbf5913106

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 6.274 sec. 

Received exception from server (version 23.10.1):
Code: 499. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.: while reading key: nyc-taxi/trips_0.gz, from bucket: datasets-documentation: Cannot extract table structure from TabSeparatedWithNames format file. You can specify the structure manually: (in file/uri datasets-documentation/nyc-taxi/trips_0.gz). (S3_ERROR)

Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local :) 
$ ../../build/programs/clickhouse server
Processing configuration file 'config.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/access_control.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/clusters.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/graphite.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/keeper_port.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/legacy_geobase.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/log_to_console.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/logging_no_rotate.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/macros.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/nlp.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/path.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/query_masking_rules.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/tcp_with_proxy.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/test_cluster_with_incorrect_pw.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/text_log.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/zookeeper.xml'.
2023.10.18 22:24:23.643677 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Starting ClickHouse (revision: 54479, git hash: 1d46ed75db43de34ebe5255d8aa0935017708f58, build id: <unknown>), PID 86723
2023.10.18 22:24:23.644618 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: starting up
2023.10.18 22:24:23.644729 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: OS name: Darwin, version: 23.0.0, architecture: x86_64
2023.10.18 22:24:23.665013 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> Context: Server was built in debug mode. It will work slowly.
2023.10.18 22:24:23.665130 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Available RAM: 16.00 GiB; physical cores: 12; logical cores: 12.
2023.10.18 22:24:23.681740 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Application: Set max number of file descriptors to 4294967295 (was 2560).
2023.10.18 22:24:23.681815 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Application: Set max number of threads to 4176 (was 2784).
2023.10.18 22:24:23.681873 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> Context: Maximum number of threads is lower than 30000. There could be problems with handling a lot of simultaneous queries.
2023.10.18 22:24:23.681985 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Application: Initializing DateLUT.
2023.10.18 22:24:23.682186 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> Application: Initialized DateLUT with time zone 'Asia/Kolkata'.
2023.10.18 22:24:23.682437 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Context: Setting up ./tmp/ to store temporary data in it
2023.10.18 22:24:28.682253 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Application: Configuration parameter 'interserver_http_host' doesn't exist or exists and empty. Will use 'Karuppiahs-MacBook-Pro.local' as replica host.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.682390 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Application: Initializing interserver credentials.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.683635 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> SensitiveDataMaskerConfigRead: 1 query masking rules loaded.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.691911 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loading config 'config.xml'
Processing configuration file 'config.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/access_control.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/clusters.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/graphite.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/keeper_port.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/legacy_geobase.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/log_to_console.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/logging_no_rotate.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/macros.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/nlp.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/path.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/query_masking_rules.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/tcp_with_proxy.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/test_cluster_with_incorrect_pw.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/text_log.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/zookeeper.xml'.
Saved preprocessed configuration to './preprocessed_configs/config.xml'.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.828640 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config 'config.xml', performing update on configuration
2023.10.18 22:24:28.839533 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Setting max_server_memory_usage was set to 14.40 GiB (16.00 GiB available * 0.90 max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)
2023.10.18 22:24:28.839622 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Setting merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit was set to 8.00 GiB (16.00 GiB available * 0.50 merges_mutations_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)
2023.10.18 22:24:28.839685 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Merges and mutations memory limit is set to 8.00 GiB
2023.10.18 22:24:28.857499 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgBufSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 16 threads
2023.10.18 22:24:28.858564 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 128 threads
2023.10.18 22:24:28.869544 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgMBSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 16 threads
2023.10.18 22:24:28.873409 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgDistSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 16 threads
2023.10.18 22:24:28.877581 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> CertificateReloader: One of paths is empty. Cannot apply new configuration for certificates. Fill all paths and try again.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.877708 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config 'config.xml', performed update on configuration
2023.10.18 22:24:28.881650 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Context: Keeper server is participant of the main zookeeper cluster, will try to connect to it
2023.10.18 22:24:28.883307 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Context: Cannot connect to ZooKeeper (or Keeper) before internal Keeper start, will wait for Keeper synchronously
2023.10.18 22:24:28.883434 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> KeeperDispatcher: Initializing storage dispatcher
2023.10.18 22:24:28.884653 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperContext: Keeper feature flag FILTERED_LIST: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:28.884715 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperContext: Keeper feature flag MULTI_READ: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:28.884768 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperContext: Keeper feature flag CHECK_NOT_EXISTS: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:28.884860 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperContext: Keeper feature flag CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:28.885749 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> KeeperSnapshotManager: Reading from disk LocalSnapshotDisk
2023.10.18 22:24:28.886550 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> KeeperLogStore: Reading from disk LocalLogDisk
2023.10.18 22:24:28.886662 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> KeeperLogStore: No logs exists in ./coordination/logs. It's Ok if it's the first run of clickhouse-keeper.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.886825 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperLogStore: force_sync disabled
2023.10.18 22:24:28.886886 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> KeeperDispatcher: Waiting server to initialize
2023.10.18 22:24:28.886948 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> KeeperStateMachine: Totally have 0 snapshots
2023.10.18 22:24:28.887015 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> KeeperStateMachine: No existing snapshots, last committed log index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.887248 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> KeeperLogStore: Removing all changelogs
2023.10.18 22:24:28.887351 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> Changelog: Starting new changelog changelog_1_100000.bin.zstd
2023.10.18 22:24:28.889043 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperServer: Preprocessing 0 log entries
2023.10.18 22:24:28.889139 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperServer: Preprocessing done
2023.10.18 22:24:28.889200 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> KeeperServer: No config in log store and snapshot, probably it's initial run. Will use config from .xml on disk
2023.10.18 22:24:28.889919 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> KeeperServer: Got 1000000000000000 value for setting 'reserved_log_items' which is bigger than int32_t max value, lowering value to 2147483647.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.891931 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: Raft ASIO listener initiated on :::9234, unsecured
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892180 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> KeeperStateManager: No state was read
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892278 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> RaftInstance: invalid election timeout lower bound detected, adjusted to 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892337 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> RaftInstance: invalid election timeout upper bound detected, adjusted to 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892399 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: parameters: election timeout range 0 - 0, heartbeat 0, leadership expiry 0, max batch 100, backoff 50, snapshot distance 100000, enable randomized snapshot creation NO, log sync stop gap 99999, reserved logs 2147483647, client timeout 10000, auto forwarding on, API call type async, custom commit quorum size 0, custom election quorum size 0, snapshot receiver included, leadership transfer wait time 0, grace period of lagging state machine 0, snapshot IO: blocking, parallel log appending: on
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892499 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: new election timeout range: 0 - 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892614 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance:    === INIT RAFT SERVER ===
commit index 0
term 0
election timer allowed
log store start 1, end 0
config log idx 0, prev log idx 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892698 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: peer 1: DC ID 0, localhost:9234, voting member, 1
my id: 1, voting_member
num peers: 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892776 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: global manager does not exist. will use local thread for commit and append
2023.10.18 22:24:28.892884 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: wait for HB, for 50 + [0, 0] ms
2023.10.18 22:24:28.893080 [ 3089178 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: bg append_entries thread initiated
2023.10.18 22:24:28.943723 [ 3089165 ] {} <Warning> RaftInstance: Election timeout, initiate leader election
2023.10.18 22:24:28.943860 [ 3089165 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: [PRIORITY] decay, target 1 -> 1, mine 1
2023.10.18 22:24:28.943983 [ 3089165 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: [ELECTION TIMEOUT] current role: follower, log last term 0, state term 0, target p 1, my p 1, hb dead, pre-vote NOT done
2023.10.18 22:24:28.944112 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> KeeperDispatcher: Server initialized, waiting for quorum
2023.10.18 22:24:28.945452 [ 3089165 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: [VOTE INIT] my id 1, my role candidate, term 1, log idx 0, log term 0, priority (target 1 / mine 1)
2023.10.18 22:24:28.945555 [ 3089165 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: number of pending commit elements: 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.945636 [ 3089165 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: state machine commit index 0, precommit index 0, last log index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.945779 [ 3089165 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: [BECOME LEADER] appended new config at 1
2023.10.18 22:24:28.948099 [ 3089177 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: config at index 1 is committed, prev config log idx 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.948289 [ 3089177 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: new config log idx 1, prev log idx 0, cur config log idx 0, prev log idx 0
2023.10.18 22:24:28.948386 [ 3089177 ] {} <Information> RaftInstance: new configuration: log idx 1, prev log idx 0
peer 1, DC ID 0, localhost:9234, voting member, 1
my id: 1, leader: 1, term: 1
2023.10.18 22:24:28.948542 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> KeeperDispatcher: Quorum initialized
2023.10.18 22:24:28.948690 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> KeeperDispatcher: Dispatcher initialized
2023.10.18 22:24:28.950397 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for Keeper (tcp): [::1]:9181
2023.10.18 22:24:28.950487 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for Keeper (tcp):
2023.10.18 22:24:28.950568 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for replica communication (interserver): http://[::1]:9009
2023.10.18 22:24:28.950647 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for replica communication (interserver):
2023.10.18 22:24:28.951387 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> Access(local_directory): File /Users/karuppiah/projects/ doesn't exist
2023.10.18 22:24:28.951500 [ 3088893 ] {} <Warning> Access(local_directory): Recovering lists in directory /Users/karuppiah/projects/
2023.10.18 22:24:28.953519 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Access(user directories): Added local_directory access storage 'local_directory', path: /Users/karuppiah/projects/
2023.10.18 22:24:28.962700 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loading config 'users.xml'
Processing configuration file 'users.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'users.d/access_management.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'users.d/allow_introspection_functions.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'users.d/allow_only_from_localhost.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'users.d/log_queries.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'users.d/readonly.xml'.
Merging configuration file 'users.d/session_log_test.xml'.
Include not found: networks
Include not found: networks
Saved preprocessed configuration to './preprocessed_configs/users.xml'.
2023.10.18 22:24:28.979166 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config 'users.xml', performing update on configuration
2023.10.18 22:24:28.992533 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config 'users.xml', performed update on configuration
2023.10.18 22:24:28.995481 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Access(user directories): Added users_xml access storage 'users_xml', path: users.xml
2023.10.18 22:24:28.997370 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for merges and mutations with num_threads=16, num_tasks=32, scheduling_policy=round_robin
2023.10.18 22:24:28.998013 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for move operations with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8
2023.10.18 22:24:28.998637 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for fetches with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8
2023.10.18 22:24:28.999332 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for common operations (e.g. clearing old parts) with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8
2023.10.18 22:24:29.001502 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> DNSCacheUpdater: Update period 15 seconds
2023.10.18 22:24:29.001616 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Loading metadata from ./
2023.10.18 22:24:29.001665 [ 3088998 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:24:29.002743 [ 3088998 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:24:29.004969 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (system): Metadata processed, database system has 0 tables and 0 dictionaries in total.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.005050 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Parsed metadata of 0 tables in 1 databases in 0.000231549 sec
2023.10.18 22:24:29.005113 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> ReferentialDeps: No tables
2023.10.18 22:24:29.005163 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> LoadingDeps: No tables
2023.10.18 22:24:29.005343 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (system): Starting up tables.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.005480 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.query_log from query_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.175012 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.query_thread_log from query_thread_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.184311 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.part_log from part_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.191422 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.trace_log from trace_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.194721 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.crash_log from crash_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.196638 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.text_log from text_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.200159 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.metric_log from metric_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.249609 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.filesystem_cache_log since corresponding section 'filesystem_cache_log' is missing from config
2023.10.18 22:24:29.249730 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.filesystem_read_prefetches_log since corresponding section 'filesystem_read_prefetches_log' is missing from config
2023.10.18 22:24:29.249833 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.asynchronous_metric_log from asynchronous_metric_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.253080 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.opentelemetry_span_log from opentelemetry_span_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.257600 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.query_views_log from query_views_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.263486 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.zookeeper_log since corresponding section 'zookeeper_log' is missing from config
2023.10.18 22:24:29.263587 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.session_log since corresponding section 'session_log' is missing from config
2023.10.18 22:24:29.263665 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.transactions_info_log since corresponding section 'transactions_info_log' is missing from config
2023.10.18 22:24:29.263749 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.processors_profile_log from processors_profile_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.268047 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.asynchronous_insert_log from asynchronous_insert_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.273074 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.backup_log from backup_log
2023.10.18 22:24:29.477747 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> DatabaseCatalog: Found 0 partially dropped tables. Will load them and retry removal.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.479522 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (default): Metadata processed, database default has 0 tables and 0 dictionaries in total.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.479593 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Parsed metadata of 0 tables in 1 databases in 0.000163927 sec
2023.10.18 22:24:29.479644 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> ReferentialDeps: No tables
2023.10.18 22:24:29.479686 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> LoadingDeps: No tables
2023.10.18 22:24:29.479789 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (default): Starting up tables.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.480159 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> UserDefinedSQLObjectsLoaderFromDisk: Loading user defined objects from /Users/karuppiah/projects/
2023.10.18 22:24:29.480352 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> UserDefinedSQLObjectsLoaderFromDisk: User defined objects loaded
2023.10.18 22:24:29.480409 [ 3088893 ] {} <Debug> Application: Loaded metadata.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.480456 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they require PHDR cache to be created (otherwise the function 'dl_iterate_phdr' is not lock free and not async-signal safe).
2023.10.18 22:24:29.480508 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: TaskStats is not implemented for this OS. IO accounting will be disabled.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.481833 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to create SSL context. SSL will be disabled. Error: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, SSL Exception: Configuration error: no certificate file has been specified (version
2023.10.18 22:24:29.482008 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to read RSA key pair from server certificate. Error: Code: 139. DB::Exception: Certificate file is not set. (NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG) (version
2023.10.18 22:24:29.482065 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Generating new RSA key pair.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.563058 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to create SSL context. SSL will be disabled. Error: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, SSL Exception: Configuration error: no certificate file has been specified (version
2023.10.18 22:24:29.563249 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to read RSA key pair from server certificate. Error: Code: 139. DB::Exception: Certificate file is not set. (NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG) (version
2023.10.18 22:24:29.563309 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Generating new RSA key pair.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.664728 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> CertificateReloader: One of paths is empty. Cannot apply new configuration for certificates. Fill all paths and try again.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.670466 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:29.724736 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86731
2023.10.18 22:24:29.726437 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86731
2023.10.18 22:24:29.726591 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86731 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:29.727506 [ 3088893 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Update heavy metrics. Update period 1 sec. Update heavy metrics period 120 sec. Heavy metrics calculation elapsed: 0.000455375 sec.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.734459 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for http://[::1]:8123
2023.10.18 22:24:29.734564 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp): [::1]:9000
2023.10.18 22:24:29.734715 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp) with PROXY: [::1]:9010
2023.10.18 22:24:29.734880 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol: [::1]:9004
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735135 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for PostgreSQL compatibility protocol: [::1]:9005
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735141 [ 3089307 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Started DDLWorker cleanup thread
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735138 [ 3089306 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Starting DDLWorker thread
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735247 [ 3089306 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Initializing DDLWorker thread
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735251 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735338 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp):
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735418 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp) with PROXY:
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735498 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol:
2023.10.18 22:24:29.735576 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for PostgreSQL compatibility protocol:
2023.10.18 22:24:29.737063 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandlerFactory: Keeper request. Address:
2023.10.18 22:24:29.739679 [ 3088907 ] {} <Information> KeeperTCPHandler: Requesting session ID for the new client
2023.10.18 22:24:29.740063 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:24:29.740979 [ 3089177 ] {} <Debug> KeeperStateMachine: Session ID response 1 with timeout 30000
2023.10.18 22:24:29.741257 [ 3088907 ] {} <Information> KeeperTCPHandler: Received session ID 1
2023.10.18 22:24:29.741469 [ 3089306 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Connected to ZooKeeper at with session_id 1
2023.10.18 22:24:29.742583 [ 3089306 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Keeper feature flag FILTERED_LIST: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:29.742654 [ 3089306 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Keeper feature flag MULTI_READ: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:29.742713 [ 3089306 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Keeper feature flag CHECK_NOT_EXISTS: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:29.742770 [ 3089306 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Keeper feature flag CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS: enabled
2023.10.18 22:24:29.742855 [ 3089306 ] {} <Trace> ZooKeeper: Initialized, hosts: localhost:9181
2023.10.18 22:24:29.742986 [ 3088893 ] {} <Information> Application: Ready for connections.
2023.10.18 22:24:29.743270 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 253
2023.10.18 22:24:29.744669 [ 3089306 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Initialized DDLWorker thread
2023.10.18 22:24:29.744738 [ 3089306 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Scheduling tasks
2023.10.18 22:24:29.744754 [ 3089307 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Cleaning queue
2023.10.18 22:24:29.744796 [ 3089306 ] {} <Trace> DDLWorker: Don't have unfinished tasks after restarting
2023.10.18 22:24:29.745261 [ 3089306 ] {} <Trace> DDLWorker: scheduleTasks: initialized=true, size_before_filtering=0, queue_size=0, entries=none..none, first_failed_task_name=none, current_tasks_size=0, last_current_task=none, last_skipped_entry_name=none
2023.10.18 22:24:29.745353 [ 3089306 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: No tasks to schedule
2023.10.18 22:24:29.745406 [ 3089306 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Waiting for queue updates
2023.10.18 22:24:30.011074 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:30.080961 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86732
2023.10.18 22:24:30.086798 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86732
2023.10.18 22:24:30.087203 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86732 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:31.010150 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:31.070759 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86733
2023.10.18 22:24:31.070998 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86733
2023.10.18 22:24:31.071234 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86733 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:32.011084 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:32.065724 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86734
2023.10.18 22:24:32.065965 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86734
2023.10.18 22:24:32.066146 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86734 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:33.011349 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:33.070143 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86735
2023.10.18 22:24:33.070406 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86735
2023.10.18 22:24:33.070698 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86735 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:33.280629 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 183 entries to flush up to offset 183
2023.10.18 22:24:33.280848 [ 3089245 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog (system.text_log): Creating new table system.text_log for TextLog
2023.10.18 22:24:33.296965 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> StoragePolicy (default): Storage policy default created, total volumes 1
2023.10.18 22:24:33.299024 [ 3089245 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Loading data parts
2023.10.18 22:24:33.300081 [ 3089245 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): There are no data parts
2023.10.18 22:24:33.318268 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:33.318466 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:33.326660 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_1_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:33.332880 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_1_1_0 to 202310_1_1_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:33.335449 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 183
2023.10.18 22:24:34.010085 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:34.065752 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86736
2023.10.18 22:24:34.066223 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86736
2023.10.18 22:24:34.066506 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86736 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:35.009607 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:35.064596 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86741
2023.10.18 22:24:35.064731 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86741
2023.10.18 22:24:35.064960 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86741 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:36.009596 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:36.063959 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86747
2023.10.18 22:24:36.064349 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86747
2023.10.18 22:24:36.064677 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86747 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:36.278404 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 832 entries to flush up to offset 832
2023.10.18 22:24:36.278674 [ 3089246 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Creating new table system.asynchronous_metric_log for AsynchronousMetricLog
2023.10.18 22:24:36.293573 [ 3089246 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Loading data parts
2023.10.18 22:24:36.293935 [ 3089246 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): There are no data parts
2023.10.18 22:24:36.311882 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:36.312051 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:36.319159 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_1_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:36.323595 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_1_1_0 to 202310_1_1_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:36.325452 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 832
2023.10.18 22:24:36.779071 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 8
2023.10.18 22:24:36.779313 [ 3089247 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Creating new table system.metric_log for MetricLog
2023.10.18 22:24:37.008952 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:37.064908 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86749
2023.10.18 22:24:37.065619 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86749
2023.10.18 22:24:37.065785 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86749 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:37.146628 [ 3089247 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Loading data parts
2023.10.18 22:24:37.147032 [ 3089247 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): There are no data parts
2023.10.18 22:24:37.336919 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 39 entries to flush up to offset 222
2023.10.18 22:24:37.348532 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:37.348634 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:37.354475 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_2_2_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:37.359667 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_2_2_0 to 202310_2_2_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:37.361817 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 222
2023.10.18 22:24:37.562598 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:37.562778 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:37.738092 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_1_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:37.936966 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_1_1_0 to 202310_1_1_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:38.006414 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 8
2023.10.18 22:24:38.008286 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:38.061816 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86750
2023.10.18 22:24:38.065647 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86750
2023.10.18 22:24:38.065829 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86750 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:39.010128 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:39.070256 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86751
2023.10.18 22:24:39.070398 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86751
2023.10.18 22:24:39.070468 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86751 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:39.741929 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:24:39.741970 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:24:40.008672 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:40.064828 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86752
2023.10.18 22:24:40.064961 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86752
2023.10.18 22:24:40.065134 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86752 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:41.009815 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:41.069042 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86753
2023.10.18 22:24:41.069225 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86753
2023.10.18 22:24:41.069438 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86753 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:41.363160 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 29 entries to flush up to offset 251
2023.10.18 22:24:41.373976 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:41.374094 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:41.380210 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_3_3_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:41.385581 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_3_3_0 to 202310_3_3_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:41.388285 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 251
2023.10.18 22:24:42.010276 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:42.067238 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86754
2023.10.18 22:24:42.067686 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86754
2023.10.18 22:24:42.068011 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86754 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:43.010945 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:43.067524 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86755
2023.10.18 22:24:43.067703 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86755
2023.10.18 22:24:43.067915 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86755 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:43.327975 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 1560
2023.10.18 22:24:43.347261 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:43.347374 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:43.353388 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_2_2_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:43.357207 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_2_2_0 to 202310_2_2_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:43.359084 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1560
2023.10.18 22:24:44.005676 [ 3089093 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:24:44.006727 [ 3089093 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:24:44.006763 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:44.060489 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86756
2023.10.18 22:24:44.060697 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86756
2023.10.18 22:24:44.060985 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86756 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:45.007170 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:45.065090 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86757
2023.10.18 22:24:45.065265 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86757
2023.10.18 22:24:45.065334 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86757 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:45.390566 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 281
2023.10.18 22:24:45.401654 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:45.401779 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:45.407990 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_4_4_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:45.413453 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_4_4_0 to 202310_4_4_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:45.416408 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 281
2023.10.18 22:24:45.508200 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 17
2023.10.18 22:24:45.956084 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:45.956232 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:46.006187 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:46.062119 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86758
2023.10.18 22:24:46.062277 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86758
2023.10.18 22:24:46.062462 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86758 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:46.185260 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_2_2_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:46.379710 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_2_2_0 to 202310_2_2_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:46.449382 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 17
2023.10.18 22:24:47.006719 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:47.063067 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86760
2023.10.18 22:24:47.063875 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86760
2023.10.18 22:24:47.064129 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86760 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:48.008613 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:48.066135 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86761
2023.10.18 22:24:48.066361 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86761
2023.10.18 22:24:48.066585 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86761 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:49.007611 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:49.064433 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86762
2023.10.18 22:24:49.064624 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86762
2023.10.18 22:24:49.064859 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86762 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:49.417592 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 309
2023.10.18 22:24:49.427050 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:49.427167 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:49.433649 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_5_5_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:49.439289 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_5_5_0 to 202310_5_5_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:49.441366 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 309
2023.10.18 22:24:49.741172 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:24:49.741259 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:24:50.006330 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:50.059739 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86763
2023.10.18 22:24:50.060220 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86763
2023.10.18 22:24:50.060485 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86763 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:50.361241 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 2288
2023.10.18 22:24:50.375970 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:50.376083 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:50.382893 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_3_3_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:50.387169 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_3_3_0 to 202310_3_3_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:50.389801 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2288
2023.10.18 22:24:51.008950 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:51.064108 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86764
2023.10.18 22:24:51.064551 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86764
2023.10.18 22:24:51.064734 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86764 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:52.009414 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:52.063767 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86765
2023.10.18 22:24:52.064067 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86765
2023.10.18 22:24:52.064303 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86765 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:53.008343 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:53.066863 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86766
2023.10.18 22:24:53.070215 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86766
2023.10.18 22:24:53.070324 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86766 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:53.441334 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 339
2023.10.18 22:24:53.450110 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:53.450218 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:53.456163 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_6_6_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:53.461648 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_6_6_0 to 202310_6_6_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:53.462487 [ 3089088 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0
2023.10.18 22:24:53.462697 [ 3089088 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:53.462794 [ 3089088 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:53.464055 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:24:53.464245 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 339
2023.10.18 22:24:53.466273 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:24:53.466642 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_1_0, total 183 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:24:53.467987 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_2_2_0, total 39 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:24:53.469059 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_3_3_0, total 29 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:24:53.470057 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_4_4_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:24:53.471248 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_5_5_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:24:53.472469 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_6_6_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:24:53.498978 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 339 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.035436584 sec., 9566.384841157376 rows/sec., 1008.07 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:24:53.501115 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_6_1 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:53.507303 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_6_1 to 202310_1_6_1 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:53.507671 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_1_0, 202310_6_6_0] -> 202310_1_6_1
2023.10.18 22:24:53.508583 [ 3089188 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.33 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:53.950283 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 25
2023.10.18 22:24:54.007069 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:54.062130 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86767
2023.10.18 22:24:54.062689 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86767
2023.10.18 22:24:54.062812 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86767 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:54.393846 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:54.393973 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:54.576935 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_3_3_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:54.776316 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_3_3_0 to 202310_3_3_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:54.844189 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 25
2023.10.18 22:24:55.010757 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:55.067168 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86770
2023.10.18 22:24:55.067606 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86770
2023.10.18 22:24:55.067685 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86770 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:56.006292 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:56.065311 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86772
2023.10.18 22:24:56.065607 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86772
2023.10.18 22:24:56.065754 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86772 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:57.008910 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:57.062812 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86775
2023.10.18 22:24:57.063374 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86775
2023.10.18 22:24:57.063691 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86775 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:57.392951 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 3016
2023.10.18 22:24:57.410609 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:57.410741 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:57.417238 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_4_4_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:57.421006 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_4_4_0 to 202310_4_4_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:57.422880 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3016
2023.10.18 22:24:57.465852 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 50 entries to flush up to offset 389
2023.10.18 22:24:57.475774 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:24:57.475881 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:24:57.481871 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_7_7_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:24:57.487135 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_7_7_0 to 202310_7_7_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:24:57.490108 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 389
2023.10.18 22:24:58.006157 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:58.065649 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86776
2023.10.18 22:24:58.066050 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86776
2023.10.18 22:24:58.066171 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86776 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:59.006600 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:24:59.069842 [ 3089030 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:24:59.071199 [ 3089030 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:24:59.074004 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86778
2023.10.18 22:24:59.074128 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86778
2023.10.18 22:24:59.074213 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86778 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:24:59.741349 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:24:59.741372 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:25:00.007697 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:00.064612 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86779
2023.10.18 22:25:00.064910 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86779
2023.10.18 22:25:00.065051 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86779 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:01.008557 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:01.067945 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86780
2023.10.18 22:25:01.068093 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86780
2023.10.18 22:25:01.068275 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86780 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:01.495019 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 26 entries to flush up to offset 415
2023.10.18 22:25:01.505874 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:01.506005 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:01.512554 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_8_8_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:01.518307 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_8_8_0 to 202310_8_8_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:01.521638 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 415
2023.10.18 22:25:02.006992 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:02.062253 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86782
2023.10.18 22:25:02.062617 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86782
2023.10.18 22:25:02.062780 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86782 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:02.348989 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 34
2023.10.18 22:25:02.742120 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:02.742282 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:02.917835 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_4_4_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:03.009329 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:03.063630 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86783
2023.10.18 22:25:03.064136 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86783
2023.10.18 22:25:03.064308 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86783 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:03.162905 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_4_4_0 to 202310_4_4_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:03.235737 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 34
2023.10.18 22:25:04.010028 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:04.067057 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86784
2023.10.18 22:25:04.067551 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86784
2023.10.18 22:25:04.067635 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86784 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:04.426782 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 3744
2023.10.18 22:25:04.444507 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:04.444681 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:04.450553 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_5_5_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:04.454233 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_5_5_0 to 202310_5_5_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:04.456496 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3744
2023.10.18 22:25:05.008823 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:05.065949 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86785
2023.10.18 22:25:05.066171 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86785
2023.10.18 22:25:05.066271 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86785 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:05.521954 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 34 entries to flush up to offset 449
2023.10.18 22:25:05.533840 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:05.533960 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:05.541012 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_9_9_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:05.547228 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_9_9_0 to 202310_9_9_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:05.550710 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 449
2023.10.18 22:25:06.009260 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:06.065452 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86786
2023.10.18 22:25:06.065735 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86786
2023.10.18 22:25:06.065888 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86786 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:07.007421 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:07.061435 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86788
2023.10.18 22:25:07.061939 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86788
2023.10.18 22:25:07.062148 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86788 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:08.010261 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:08.065288 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86789
2023.10.18 22:25:08.065682 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86789
2023.10.18 22:25:08.065799 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86789 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:09.009896 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:09.063969 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86790
2023.10.18 22:25:09.064517 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86790
2023.10.18 22:25:09.064836 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86790 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:09.551211 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 22 entries to flush up to offset 471
2023.10.18 22:25:09.562363 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:09.562537 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:09.569820 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_10_10_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:09.576340 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_10_10_0 to 202310_10_10_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:09.579125 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 471
2023.10.18 22:25:09.742496 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:25:09.742516 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:25:10.008928 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:10.064627 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86791
2023.10.18 22:25:10.065174 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86791
2023.10.18 22:25:10.065389 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86791 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:10.736152 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 42

2023.10.18 22:25:11.006686 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:11.063057 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86792
2023.10.18 22:25:11.063219 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86792
2023.10.18 22:25:11.063494 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86792 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:11.183124 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:11.183287 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:11.360788 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_5_5_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:11.458996 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 4472
2023.10.18 22:25:11.474977 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:11.475097 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:11.482040 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_6_6_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:11.486139 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_6_6_0 to 202310_6_6_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:11.487001 [ 3089022 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0
2023.10.18 22:25:11.487293 [ 3089022 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:11.487422 [ 3089022 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:11.488489 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 4472
2023.10.18 22:25:11.488605 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:25:11.489938 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:25:11.490145 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_1_0, total 832 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:11.490861 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_2_2_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:11.491470 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_3_3_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:11.492069 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_4_4_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:11.492789 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_5_5_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:11.493407 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_6_6_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:11.517371 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 4472 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.029224027 sec., 153024.76965272444 rows/sec., 2.19 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:11.519627 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_6_1 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:11.523825 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_6_1 to 202310_1_6_1 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:11.524734 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_1_0, 202310_6_6_0] -> 202310_1_6_1
2023.10.18 22:25:11.526739 [ 3089191 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 6.35 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:11.568844 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_5_5_0 to 202310_5_5_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:11.645075 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 42
2023.10.18 22:25:12.008064 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:12.065277 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86793
2023.10.18 22:25:12.065557 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86793
2023.10.18 22:25:12.065718 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86793 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:13.006156 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:13.063683 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86796
2023.10.18 22:25:13.064193 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86796
2023.10.18 22:25:13.064271 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86796 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:13.582834 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 52 entries to flush up to offset 523
2023.10.18 22:25:13.595100 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:13.595238 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:13.601495 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_11_11_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:13.606739 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_11_11_0 to 202310_11_11_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:13.608005 [ 3089063 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_6_1 to 202310_11_11_0
2023.10.18 22:25:13.608280 [ 3089063 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:13.608435 [ 3089063 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:13.610845 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_6_1 to 202310_11_11_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:25:13.611906 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 523
2023.10.18 22:25:13.613162 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:25:13.613636 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_6_1, total 339 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:13.614891 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_7_7_0, total 50 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:13.615905 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_8_8_0, total 26 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:13.617031 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_9_9_0, total 34 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:13.618419 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_10_10_0, total 22 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:13.619714 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_11_11_0, total 52 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:13.648197 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 523 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.038850028 sec., 13462.023759673995 rows/sec., 1.45 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:13.650623 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_11_2 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:13.656663 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_11_2 to 202310_1_11_2 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:13.657107 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_6_1, 202310_11_11_0] -> 202310_1_11_2
2023.10.18 22:25:13.658118 [ 3089200 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.38 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:14.010528 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:14.064766 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86800
2023.10.18 22:25:14.065120 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86800
2023.10.18 22:25:14.065227 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86800 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:14.075921 [ 3089076 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:14.076956 [ 3089076 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:15.009507 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:15.073982 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86803
2023.10.18 22:25:15.074163 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86803
2023.10.18 22:25:15.074250 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86803 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:16.008816 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:16.062206 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86805
2023.10.18 22:25:16.062968 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86805
2023.10.18 22:25:16.063164 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86805 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:17.005754 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:17.063995 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86807
2023.10.18 22:25:17.064147 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86807
2023.10.18 22:25:17.064223 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86807 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:17.616292 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 40 entries to flush up to offset 563
2023.10.18 22:25:17.626664 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:17.626788 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:17.633344 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_12_12_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:17.638814 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_12_12_0 to 202310_12_12_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:17.641101 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 563
2023.10.18 22:25:18.006779 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:18.061555 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86809
2023.10.18 22:25:18.062514 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86809
2023.10.18 22:25:18.062694 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86809 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:18.495231 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 5200
2023.10.18 22:25:18.511969 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:18.512084 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:18.518885 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_7_7_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:18.522813 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_7_7_0 to 202310_7_7_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:18.524508 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 5200
2023.10.18 22:25:19.006328 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:19.065283 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86810
2023.10.18 22:25:19.065902 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86810
2023.10.18 22:25:19.065994 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86810 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:19.149308 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 50
2023.10.18 22:25:19.534370 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:19.534501 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:19.712566 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_6_6_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:19.744123 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:25:19.744147 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:25:19.911812 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_6_6_0 to 202310_6_6_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:19.912917 [ 3089040 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0
2023.10.18 22:25:19.913076 [ 3089040 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:19.913164 [ 3089040 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:19.913787 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:25:19.981165 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 50
2023.10.18 22:25:20.005758 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:20.061315 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86811
2023.10.18 22:25:20.061687 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86811
2023.10.18 22:25:20.061844 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86811 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:20.086572 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:25:20.104065 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_1_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:20.187014 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_2_2_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:20.270227 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_3_3_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:20.354026 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_4_4_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:20.438291 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_5_5_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:20.522667 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_6_6_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:21.008242 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:21.065876 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86813
2023.10.18 22:25:21.066295 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86813
2023.10.18 22:25:21.066510 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86813 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:21.646337 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 47 entries to flush up to offset 610
2023.10.18 22:25:21.655811 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:21.655910 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:21.662514 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_13_13_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:21.667974 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_13_13_0 to 202310_13_13_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:21.670084 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 610
2023.10.18 22:25:21.675459 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 50 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.761985712 sec., 28.377074603656038 rows/sec., 48.24 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:21.706043 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_6_1 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:21.946180 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_6_1 to 202310_1_6_1 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:21.946636 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_1_0, 202310_6_6_0] -> 202310_1_6_1
2023.10.18 22:25:21.969230 [ 3089188 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 4.30 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:22.006824 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:22.065822 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86814
2023.10.18 22:25:22.066180 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86814
2023.10.18 22:25:22.066312 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86814 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:23.005970 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:23.063735 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86815
2023.10.18 22:25:23.065384 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86815
2023.10.18 22:25:23.065489 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86815 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:24.008262 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:24.064195 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86816
2023.10.18 22:25:24.064969 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86816
2023.10.18 22:25:24.065100 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86816 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:25.009650 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:25.065908 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86817
2023.10.18 22:25:25.066452 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86817
2023.10.18 22:25:25.066536 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86817 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:25.525354 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 5928
2023.10.18 22:25:25.545412 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:25.545673 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:25.557517 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_8_8_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:25.562669 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_8_8_0 to 202310_8_8_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:25.564751 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 5928
2023.10.18 22:25:25.675076 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 33 entries to flush up to offset 643
2023.10.18 22:25:25.685760 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:25.685895 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:25.692436 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_14_14_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:25.699013 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_14_14_0 to 202310_14_14_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:25.701358 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 643
2023.10.18 22:25:26.008896 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:26.066092 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86818
2023.10.18 22:25:26.070530 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86818
2023.10.18 22:25:26.070648 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86818 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:27.007952 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:27.063056 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86822
2023.10.18 22:25:27.063554 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86822
2023.10.18 22:25:27.063694 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86822 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:27.486081 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 59
2023.10.18 22:25:27.868820 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:27.868991 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:28.010019 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:28.066897 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86827
2023.10.18 22:25:28.067250 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86827
2023.10.18 22:25:28.067380 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86827 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:28.140082 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_7_7_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:28.331717 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_7_7_0 to 202310_7_7_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:28.400933 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 59
2023.10.18 22:25:28.841800 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address:
2023.10.18 22:25:28.843758 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected ClickHouse client version 23.10.0, revision: 54466, user: default.
2023.10.18 22:25:28.843978 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Authenticating user 'default' from
2023.10.18 22:25:28.844759 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:25:28.844852 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:25:28.845692 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Settings: readonly = 0, allow_ddl = true, allow_introspection_functions = true
2023.10.18 22:25:28.845839 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): List of all grants: GRANT ALL ON *.* WITH GRANT OPTION
2023.10.18 22:25:28.845936 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): List of all grants including implicit: GRANT ALL ON *.* WITH GRANT OPTION
2023.10.18 22:25:28.980309 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:25:28.981708 [ 3088908 ] {fbef025f-59f3-4bd3-9e94-0c89bd7e31ad} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT message FROM system.warnings ELSE null('message String')) (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:25:28.983699 [ 3088908 ] {fbef025f-59f3-4bd3-9e94-0c89bd7e31ad} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(message) ON system.warnings
2023.10.18 22:25:28.986220 [ 3088908 ] {fbef025f-59f3-4bd3-9e94-0c89bd7e31ad} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(message) ON system.warnings
2023.10.18 22:25:28.986676 [ 3088908 ] {fbef025f-59f3-4bd3-9e94-0c89bd7e31ad} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:28.987329 [ 3088908 ] {fbef025f-59f3-4bd3-9e94-0c89bd7e31ad} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:28.991561 [ 3088908 ] {fbef025f-59f3-4bd3-9e94-0c89bd7e31ad} <Debug> executeQuery: Read 2 rows, 185.00 B in 0.010613 sec., 188.4481296523132 rows/sec., 17.02 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:28.992008 [ 3088908 ] {fbef025f-59f3-4bd3-9e94-0c89bd7e31ad} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.012585377 sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.007427 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.071986 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86828
2023.10.18 22:25:29.073009 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86828
2023.10.18 22:25:29.073208 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86828 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:29.077249 [ 3089122 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:29.078369 [ 3089122 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:29.141649 [ 3088909 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address:
2023.10.18 22:25:29.143152 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected ClickHouse client version 23.10.0, revision: 54466, user: default.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.143295 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cca57eb-c912-4361-b973-6d4ee5f7043e Authenticating user 'default' from
2023.10.18 22:25:29.143467 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cca57eb-c912-4361-b973-6d4ee5f7043e Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:25:29.143567 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cca57eb-c912-4361-b973-6d4ee5f7043e Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:25:29.144673 [ 3088909 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 8cca57eb-c912-4361-b973-6d4ee5f7043e Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:25:29.156928 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SELECT DISTINCT arrayJoin(extractAll(name, '[\\w_]{2,}')) AS res FROM (SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.functions ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.table_engines ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.formats ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.table_functions ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.data_type_families ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.merge_tree_settings ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.settings ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT cluster FROM system.clusters ELSE null('cluster String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT macro FROM system.macros ELSE null('macro String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT policy_name FROM system.storage_policies ELSE null('policy_name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT concat(, AS x FROM system.functions AS func CROSS JOIN system.aggregate_function_combinators AS comb WHERE is_aggregate ELSE null('x String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.databases LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.tables LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.dictionaries LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.columns LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String'))) WHERE notEmpty(res) (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:25:29.163179 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:25:29.166453 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_engines
2023.10.18 22:25:29.169578 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.formats
2023.10.18 22:25:29.172508 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_functions
2023.10.18 22:25:29.175621 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.data_type_families
2023.10.18 22:25:29.179021 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.merge_tree_settings
2023.10.18 22:25:29.182411 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.settings
2023.10.18 22:25:29.186109 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(cluster) ON system.clusters
2023.10.18 22:25:29.189309 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(macro) ON system.macros
2023.10.18 22:25:29.192744 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(policy_name) ON system.storage_policies
2023.10.18 22:25:29.198800 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.aggregate_function_combinators
2023.10.18 22:25:29.199600 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x177f43b98) Datatype: EMPTY, kind: Cross, strictness: Unspecified, right header: String String(size = 0)
2023.10.18 22:25:29.199670 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x177f43b98) Keys: 
2023.10.18 22:25:29.200884 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name, is_aggregate) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:25:29.201215 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> HashJoin: (0x177f43b98) Join data is being destroyed, 4096 bytes and 0 rows in hash table
2023.10.18 22:25:29.205271 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.databases
2023.10.18 22:25:29.209773 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.tables
2023.10.18 22:25:29.213997 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.dictionaries
2023.10.18 22:25:29.218074 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.columns
2023.10.18 22:25:29.289257 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:25:29.292570 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Information> EmbeddedDictionaries: Loading dictionaries.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.293216 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> RegionsHierarchies: Adding default regions hierarchy
2023.10.18 22:25:29.293328 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> RegionsHierarchy: Reloading regions hierarchy
2023.10.18 22:25:29.297091 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 2 entries to flush up to offset 2
2023.10.18 22:25:29.297201 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> RegionsNames: Reloading regions names
2023.10.18 22:25:29.297237 [ 3089242 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog (system.query_log): Creating new table system.query_log for QueryLog
2023.10.18 22:25:29.297288 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> RegionsNames: Reloading regions names for language: en
2023.10.18 22:25:29.298075 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Information> EmbeddedDictionaries: Loaded dictionaries.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.306267 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: demangle ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:25:29.334299 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.335149 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.337114 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_engines
2023.10.18 22:25:29.337934 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.338679 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.340446 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.formats
2023.10.18 22:25:29.341308 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.342012 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.343709 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_functions
2023.10.18 22:25:29.344743 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.345376 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.347062 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.data_type_families
2023.10.18 22:25:29.348160 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.348609 [ 3089242 ] {} <Debug> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Loading data parts
2023.10.18 22:25:29.348802 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.349414 [ 3089242 ] {} <Debug> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): There are no data parts
2023.10.18 22:25:29.350708 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.merge_tree_settings
2023.10.18 22:25:29.353806 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.354534 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.356464 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.settings
2023.10.18 22:25:29.370629 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.371509 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.373870 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(cluster) ON system.clusters
2023.10.18 22:25:29.376535 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.377375 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.379197 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(macro) ON system.macros
2023.10.18 22:25:29.379879 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.380460 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.383016 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(policy_name) ON system.storage_policies
2023.10.18 22:25:29.383909 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.384791 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.387654 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:29.387859 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.390759 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.aggregate_function_combinators
2023.10.18 22:25:29.391417 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.392116 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x179387c98) Datatype: EMPTY, kind: Cross, strictness: Unspecified, right header: String String(size = 0)
2023.10.18 22:25:29.392205 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x179387c98) Keys: 
2023.10.18 22:25:29.393663 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name, is_aggregate) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:25:29.404996 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: demangle ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:25:29.414602 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_1_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:29.429709 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.430306 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'name String String(size = 0), is_aggregate UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.430321 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_1_1_0 to 202310_1_1_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:29.433541 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'name String String(size = 0), is_aggregate UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.434668 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.437127 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.databases
2023.10.18 22:25:29.437776 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2
2023.10.18 22:25:29.437793 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW DATABASES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:25:29.438143 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.438788 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.441789 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.tables
2023.10.18 22:25:29.443710 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.444543 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.446997 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.dictionaries
2023.10.18 22:25:29.447750 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW DICTIONARIES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:25:29.448130 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.449485 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.452136 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.columns
2023.10.18 22:25:29.454607 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.455381 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.455775 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:25:29.467174 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.470112 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.470683 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> QueryPlanOptimizations: Pushed down filter is_aggregate to the Left side of join
2023.10.18 22:25:29.506165 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.506889 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.526371 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.529045 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:25:29.558758 [ 3090248 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW TABLES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:25:29.559805 [ 3090251 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW COLUMNS ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:25:29.599686 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> executeQuery: Read 6811 rows, 748.79 KiB in 0.452649 sec., 15046.97900580803 rows/sec., 1.62 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.605375 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Trace> HashJoin: (0x179387c98) Join data is being destroyed, 8448 bytes and 12 rows in hash table
2023.10.18 22:25:29.611404 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 16.97 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.611562 [ 3088909 ] {a526fd12-dc0d-4080-947a-990cb41626f7} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.467220094 sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.647549 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.647980 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cca57eb-c912-4361-b973-6d4ee5f7043e Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:25:29.705079 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 158 entries to flush up to offset 801
2023.10.18 22:25:29.720145 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:29.720255 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:29.726916 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_15_15_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:29.732332 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_15_15_0 to 202310_15_15_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:29.734423 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 801
2023.10.18 22:25:29.745611 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:25:29.745675 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:25:30.008720 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:30.069770 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86834
2023.10.18 22:25:30.070036 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86834
2023.10.18 22:25:30.070286 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86834 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:30.300681 [ 3090236 ] {} <Information> EmbeddedDictionaries: Loading dictionaries.
2023.10.18 22:25:30.300958 [ 3090236 ] {} <Information> EmbeddedDictionaries: Loaded dictionaries.
2023.10.18 22:25:31.010349 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:31.065788 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86841
2023.10.18 22:25:31.066504 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86841
2023.10.18 22:25:31.066583 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86841 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:32.006789 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:32.063297 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86842
2023.10.18 22:25:32.063741 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86842
2023.10.18 22:25:32.063821 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86842 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:32.568677 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 6656
2023.10.18 22:25:32.585780 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:32.585955 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:32.593018 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_9_9_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:32.596842 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_9_9_0 to 202310_9_9_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:32.598628 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 6656
2023.10.18 22:25:33.009562 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:33.065266 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86843
2023.10.18 22:25:33.065496 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86843
2023.10.18 22:25:33.065730 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86843 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:33.739604 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 32 entries to flush up to offset 833
2023.10.18 22:25:33.748576 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:33.748680 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:33.754421 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_16_16_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:33.759838 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_16_16_0 to 202310_16_16_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:33.760724 [ 3089027 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_11_2 to 202310_16_16_0
2023.10.18 22:25:33.760863 [ 3089027 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:33.760953 [ 3089027 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:33.761924 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_11_2 to 202310_16_16_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:25:33.762227 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 833
2023.10.18 22:25:33.763967 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:25:33.764299 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_11_2, total 523 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:33.765619 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_12_12_0, total 40 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:33.766978 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_13_13_0, total 47 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:33.768346 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_14_14_0, total 33 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:33.769552 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_15_15_0, total 158 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:33.770996 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_16_16_0, total 32 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:33.802506 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 833 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.041025943 sec., 20304.225548209823 rows/sec., 2.43 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:33.805537 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_16_3 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:33.811947 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_16_3 to 202310_1_16_3 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:33.812513 [ 3089193 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_11_2, 202310_16_16_0] -> 202310_1_16_3
2023.10.18 22:25:33.813366 [ 3089193 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.45 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:34.007662 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:34.061675 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86844
2023.10.18 22:25:34.062208 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86844
2023.10.18 22:25:34.062430 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86844 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:35.009166 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:35.075261 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86845
2023.10.18 22:25:35.080239 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86845
2023.10.18 22:25:35.080450 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86845 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:35.901632 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 67
2023.10.18 22:25:36.009670 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:36.063701 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86846
2023.10.18 22:25:36.064492 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86846
2023.10.18 22:25:36.064715 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86846 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:36.336435 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:36.336559 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:36.509188 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_8_8_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:36.705198 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_8_8_0 to 202310_8_8_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:36.773676 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 67
2023.10.18 22:25:36.938258 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 2 entries to flush up to offset 4
2023.10.18 22:25:36.996102 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:36.996225 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:37.007163 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:37.068826 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86847
2023.10.18 22:25:37.069286 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86847
2023.10.18 22:25:37.069414 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86847 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:37.081269 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_2_2_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:37.097629 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_2_2_0 to 202310_2_2_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:37.105751 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 4
2023.10.18 22:25:37.768236 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 50 entries to flush up to offset 883
2023.10.18 22:25:37.780203 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:37.780313 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:37.786677 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_17_17_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:37.792165 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_17_17_0 to 202310_17_17_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:37.795848 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 883
2023.10.18 22:25:38.008078 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:38.064560 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86849
2023.10.18 22:25:38.065511 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86849
2023.10.18 22:25:38.065753 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86849 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:39.006871 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:39.065183 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86850
2023.10.18 22:25:39.065848 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86850
2023.10.18 22:25:39.065973 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86850 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:39.603253 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 7384
2023.10.18 22:25:39.620498 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:39.620611 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:39.628160 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_10_10_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:39.632498 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_10_10_0 to 202310_10_10_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:39.634753 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 7384
2023.10.18 22:25:39.749452 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:25:39.749523 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:25:40.011608 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:40.066641 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86851
2023.10.18 22:25:40.067414 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86851
2023.10.18 22:25:40.067555 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86851 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:41.007824 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:41.065548 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86852
2023.10.18 22:25:41.066008 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86852
2023.10.18 22:25:41.066089 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86852 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:41.799276 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 913
2023.10.18 22:25:41.812091 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:41.812221 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:41.819459 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_18_18_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:41.825645 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_18_18_0 to 202310_18_18_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:41.828152 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 913
2023.10.18 22:25:42.010013 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:42.074775 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86853
2023.10.18 22:25:42.075073 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86853
2023.10.18 22:25:42.075194 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86853 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:43.007979 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:43.065884 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86854
2023.10.18 22:25:43.066344 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86854
2023.10.18 22:25:43.066446 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86854 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:44.006582 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:44.062420 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86855
2023.10.18 22:25:44.063189 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86855
2023.10.18 22:25:44.063325 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86855 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:44.078628 [ 3089078 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:44.079719 [ 3089078 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:44.277477 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 75
2023.10.18 22:25:44.662724 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:44.662848 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:44.837143 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_9_9_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:45.005838 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:45.061049 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86856
2023.10.18 22:25:45.061585 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86856
2023.10.18 22:25:45.061758 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86856 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:45.083484 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_9_9_0 to 202310_9_9_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:45.154953 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 75
2023.10.18 22:25:45.828801 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 943
2023.10.18 22:25:45.838284 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:45.838380 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:45.845130 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_19_19_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:45.850380 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_19_19_0 to 202310_19_19_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:45.853240 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 943
2023.10.18 22:25:46.007149 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:46.061191 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86857
2023.10.18 22:25:46.061965 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86857
2023.10.18 22:25:46.062044 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86857 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:46.637211 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 8112
2023.10.18 22:25:46.655113 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:46.655226 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:46.662405 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_11_11_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:46.666363 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_11_11_0 to 202310_11_11_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:46.667580 [ 3089103 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_6_1 to 202310_11_11_0
2023.10.18 22:25:46.667799 [ 3089103 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:46.667913 [ 3089103 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:46.668600 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 8112
2023.10.18 22:25:46.668935 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_6_1 to 202310_11_11_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:25:46.669979 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:25:46.670201 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_6_1, total 4472 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:46.670830 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_7_7_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:46.671477 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_8_8_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:46.672115 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_9_9_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:46.672809 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_10_10_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:46.673329 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_11_11_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:46.704915 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 8112 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.036423014 sec., 222716.32984573985 rows/sec., 3.19 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:46.708473 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_11_2 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:46.712869 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_11_2 to 202310_1_11_2 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:46.713355 [ 3089192 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_6_1, 202310_11_11_0] -> 202310_1_11_2
2023.10.18 22:25:46.715103 [ 3089192 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 6.51 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:47.008916 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:47.065739 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86858
2023.10.18 22:25:47.065958 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86858
2023.10.18 22:25:47.066124 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86858 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:48.008114 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:48.064378 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86860
2023.10.18 22:25:48.065308 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86860
2023.10.18 22:25:48.065397 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86860 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:49.010867 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:49.068791 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86861
2023.10.18 22:25:49.069492 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86861
2023.10.18 22:25:49.069680 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86861 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:49.751513 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:25:49.751546 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:25:49.853907 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 46 entries to flush up to offset 989
2023.10.18 22:25:49.863783 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:49.863900 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:49.870052 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_20_20_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:49.875724 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_20_20_0 to 202310_20_20_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:49.878671 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 989
2023.10.18 22:25:50.006619 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:50.060543 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86862
2023.10.18 22:25:50.061419 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86862
2023.10.18 22:25:50.061584 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86862 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:51.007175 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:51.063986 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86863
2023.10.18 22:25:51.064349 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86863
2023.10.18 22:25:51.064479 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86863 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:52.009836 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:52.065041 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86864
2023.10.18 22:25:52.065854 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86864
2023.10.18 22:25:52.065961 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86864 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:52.658431 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 84
2023.10.18 22:25:53.006587 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:53.060948 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86865
2023.10.18 22:25:53.061664 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86865
2023.10.18 22:25:53.061879 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86865 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:53.098023 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:53.098167 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:53.271250 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_10_10_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:53.463562 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_10_10_0 to 202310_10_10_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:53.534292 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 84
2023.10.18 22:25:53.673368 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 8840
2023.10.18 22:25:53.690795 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:53.690903 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:53.697848 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_12_12_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:53.702526 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_12_12_0 to 202310_12_12_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:53.704590 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 8840
2023.10.18 22:25:53.883160 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 34 entries to flush up to offset 1023
2023.10.18 22:25:53.893366 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:53.893498 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:53.899978 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_21_21_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:53.905547 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_21_21_0 to 202310_21_21_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:53.906595 [ 3089116 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_16_3 to 202310_21_21_0
2023.10.18 22:25:53.906799 [ 3089116 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:53.906981 [ 3089116 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:53.907958 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_16_3 to 202310_21_21_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:25:53.908804 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1023
2023.10.18 22:25:53.910399 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:25:53.910785 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_16_3, total 833 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:53.912113 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_17_17_0, total 50 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:53.913192 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_18_18_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:53.914255 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_19_19_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:53.915293 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_20_20_0, total 46 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:53.916476 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_21_21_0, total 34 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:25:53.948021 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 1023 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.040571032 sec., 25215.03520048492 rows/sec., 3.12 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:25:53.951174 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_21_4 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:53.957153 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_21_4 to 202310_1_21_4 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:53.957578 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_16_3, 202310_21_21_0] -> 202310_1_21_4
2023.10.18 22:25:53.958558 [ 3089188 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.46 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:54.006680 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:54.063984 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86866
2023.10.18 22:25:54.064164 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86866
2023.10.18 22:25:54.064299 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86866 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:55.006744 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:55.061436 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86867
2023.10.18 22:25:55.062288 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86867
2023.10.18 22:25:55.062423 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86867 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:56.006375 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:56.060110 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86868
2023.10.18 22:25:56.061004 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86868
2023.10.18 22:25:56.061273 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86868 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:57.006077 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:57.059025 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86869
2023.10.18 22:25:57.060269 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86869
2023.10.18 22:25:57.060441 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86869 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:57.910463 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 38 entries to flush up to offset 1061
2023.10.18 22:25:57.921188 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:25:57.921301 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.45 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:25:57.927476 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_22_22_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:25:57.933070 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_22_22_0 to 202310_22_22_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:25:57.935203 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1061
2023.10.18 22:25:58.010115 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:58.067485 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86871
2023.10.18 22:25:58.068184 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86871
2023.10.18 22:25:58.068344 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86871 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:59.006548 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:25:59.071439 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86872
2023.10.18 22:25:59.075255 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86872
2023.10.18 22:25:59.075427 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86872 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:25:59.082931 [ 3089064 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:59.084362 [ 3089064 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:25:59.755653 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:25:59.755668 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:26:00.010821 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:00.068278 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86873
2023.10.18 22:26:00.068734 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86873
2023.10.18 22:26:00.068918 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86873 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:00.709038 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 9568
2023.10.18 22:26:00.723136 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:00.723313 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:00.729776 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_13_13_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:00.733601 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_13_13_0 to 202310_13_13_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:00.735631 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 9568
2023.10.18 22:26:01.008104 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:01.060494 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 92
2023.10.18 22:26:01.065724 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86874
2023.10.18 22:26:01.066723 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86874
2023.10.18 22:26:01.067386 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86874 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:01.442848 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:01.442965 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:01.621122 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_11_11_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:01.815752 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_11_11_0 to 202310_11_11_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:01.816889 [ 3089129 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_6_1 to 202310_11_11_0
2023.10.18 22:26:01.817097 [ 3089129 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:01.817186 [ 3089129 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:01.817996 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_6_1 to 202310_11_11_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:26:01.884423 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 92
2023.10.18 22:26:01.937399 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 42 entries to flush up to offset 1103
2023.10.18 22:26:01.939565 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:26:01.946680 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:01.946791 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:01.952730 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_23_23_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:01.956868 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_6_1, total 50 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:01.958052 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_23_23_0 to 202310_23_23_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:01.961258 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1103
2023.10.18 22:26:02.005853 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:02.064504 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86875
2023.10.18 22:26:02.064829 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86875
2023.10.18 22:26:02.064982 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86875 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:02.095720 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_7_7_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:02.178914 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_8_8_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:02.261230 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_9_9_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:02.344670 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_10_10_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:02.427707 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_11_11_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:03.005737 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:03.061769 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86876
2023.10.18 22:26:03.062636 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86876
2023.10.18 22:26:03.062778 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86876 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:03.566433 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 92 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.748703026 sec., 52.610419626505525 rows/sec., 63.28 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:03.596025 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_11_2 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:03.828628 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_11_2 to 202310_1_11_2 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:03.829123 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_11_2} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_6_1, 202310_11_11_0] -> 202310_1_11_2
2023.10.18 22:26:03.852078 [ 3089193 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 4.63 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:04.007469 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:04.065064 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86877
2023.10.18 22:26:04.065915 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86877
2023.10.18 22:26:04.066112 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86877 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:05.007778 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:05.064460 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86878
2023.10.18 22:26:05.065171 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86878
2023.10.18 22:26:05.065360 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86878 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:05.966707 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 34 entries to flush up to offset 1137
2023.10.18 22:26:05.977767 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:05.977884 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:05.985021 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_24_24_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:05.991394 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_24_24_0 to 202310_24_24_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:05.995157 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1137
2023.10.18 22:26:06.009226 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:06.068513 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86879
2023.10.18 22:26:06.068642 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86879
2023.10.18 22:26:06.068711 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86879 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:07.009526 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:07.067750 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86880
2023.10.18 22:26:07.068597 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86880
2023.10.18 22:26:07.068731 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86880 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:07.739660 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 10296
2023.10.18 22:26:07.761718 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:07.761864 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:07.770918 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_14_14_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:07.777439 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_14_14_0 to 202310_14_14_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:07.779539 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 10296
2023.10.18 22:26:08.011462 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:08.076896 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86882
2023.10.18 22:26:08.077035 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86882
2023.10.18 22:26:08.077113 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86882 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:09.006481 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:09.062995 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86883
2023.10.18 22:26:09.063657 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86883
2023.10.18 22:26:09.063787 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86883 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:09.387405 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 101
2023.10.18 22:26:09.758787 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:26:09.758836 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:26:09.766053 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:09.766156 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:09.940999 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_12_12_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:09.998943 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 34 entries to flush up to offset 1171
2023.10.18 22:26:10.006828 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:10.059308 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:10.059594 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:10.062638 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86884
2023.10.18 22:26:10.062838 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86884
2023.10.18 22:26:10.062958 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86884 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:10.066694 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_25_25_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:10.072276 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_25_25_0 to 202310_25_25_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:10.074726 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1171
2023.10.18 22:26:10.191121 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_12_12_0 to 202310_12_12_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:10.263103 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 101
2023.10.18 22:26:11.008304 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:11.065311 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86885
2023.10.18 22:26:11.065681 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86885
2023.10.18 22:26:11.065758 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86885 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:12.009983 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:12.067335 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86886
2023.10.18 22:26:12.067878 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86886
2023.10.18 22:26:12.067976 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86886 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:13.008795 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:13.066235 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86887
2023.10.18 22:26:13.066809 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86887
2023.10.18 22:26:13.066886 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86887 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:14.010432 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:14.072324 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86888
2023.10.18 22:26:14.072535 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86888
2023.10.18 22:26:14.072623 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86888 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:14.076339 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 1199
2023.10.18 22:26:14.085007 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:14.085109 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:14.086215 [ 3089060 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:14.087284 [ 3089060 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:14.091116 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_26_26_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:14.096639 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_26_26_0 to 202310_26_26_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:14.097510 [ 3088979 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_21_4 to 202310_26_26_0
2023.10.18 22:26:14.097756 [ 3088979 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:14.097856 [ 3088979 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:14.099513 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_21_4 to 202310_26_26_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:26:14.100566 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1199
2023.10.18 22:26:14.101674 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:26:14.102048 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_21_4, total 1023 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:14.103182 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_22_22_0, total 38 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:14.104259 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_23_23_0, total 42 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:14.105248 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_24_24_0, total 34 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:14.106358 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_25_25_0, total 34 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:14.107469 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_26_26_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:14.133266 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 1199 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.034249916 sec., 35007.38512760148 rows/sec., 4.31 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:14.136402 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_26_5 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:14.143514 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_26_5 to 202310_1_26_5 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:14.144007 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_21_4, 202310_26_26_0] -> 202310_1_26_5
2023.10.18 22:26:14.145343 [ 3089189 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.55 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:14.784214 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 11024
2023.10.18 22:26:14.800662 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:14.800820 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:14.807194 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_15_15_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:14.812712 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_15_15_0 to 202310_15_15_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:14.814749 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 11024
2023.10.18 22:26:15.009878 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:15.065644 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86889
2023.10.18 22:26:15.066109 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86889
2023.10.18 22:26:15.066289 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86889 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:16.007749 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:16.066338 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86890
2023.10.18 22:26:16.067303 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86890
2023.10.18 22:26:16.067386 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86890 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:17.006170 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:17.064208 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86891
2023.10.18 22:26:17.064806 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86891
2023.10.18 22:26:17.064892 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86891 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:17.766084 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 109
2023.10.18 22:26:18.008157 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:18.062403 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86893
2023.10.18 22:26:18.064260 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86893
2023.10.18 22:26:18.064441 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86893 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:18.101020 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 47 entries to flush up to offset 1246
2023.10.18 22:26:18.112229 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:18.112412 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:18.119698 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_27_27_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:18.126697 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_27_27_0 to 202310_27_27_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:18.129638 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1246
2023.10.18 22:26:18.212230 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:18.212356 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:18.386222 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_13_13_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:18.582777 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_13_13_0 to 202310_13_13_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:18.656418 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 109
2023.10.18 22:26:19.006245 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:19.062692 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86894
2023.10.18 22:26:19.063487 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86894
2023.10.18 22:26:19.063603 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86894 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:19.760278 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:26:19.760315 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:26:20.007652 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:20.063117 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86895
2023.10.18 22:26:20.063942 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86895
2023.10.18 22:26:20.064023 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86895 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:21.007596 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:21.064965 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86896
2023.10.18 22:26:21.065537 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86896
2023.10.18 22:26:21.065666 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86896 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:21.819118 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 11752
2023.10.18 22:26:21.834449 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:21.834601 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:21.840985 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_16_16_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:21.845038 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_16_16_0 to 202310_16_16_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:21.845934 [ 3089040 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_11_2 to 202310_16_16_0
2023.10.18 22:26:21.846211 [ 3089040 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:21.846305 [ 3089040 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:21.847149 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 11752
2023.10.18 22:26:21.847155 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_11_2 to 202310_16_16_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:26:21.848088 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:26:21.848283 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_11_2, total 8112 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:21.848837 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_12_12_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:21.849314 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_13_13_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:21.849820 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_14_14_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:21.850448 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_15_15_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:21.850971 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_16_16_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:21.887863 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 11752 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.041067577 sec., 286162.48774550296 rows/sec., 4.09 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:21.889550 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_16_3 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:21.893800 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_16_3 to 202310_1_16_3 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:21.894411 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_11_2, 202310_16_16_0] -> 202310_1_16_3
2023.10.18 22:26:21.895622 [ 3089187 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 6.53 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:22.010162 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:22.063982 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86897
2023.10.18 22:26:22.064922 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86897
2023.10.18 22:26:22.065027 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86897 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:22.130787 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 51 entries to flush up to offset 1297
2023.10.18 22:26:22.141800 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:22.141905 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:22.147722 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_28_28_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:22.152887 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_28_28_0 to 202310_28_28_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:22.155064 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1297
2023.10.18 22:26:23.008836 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:23.064996 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86898
2023.10.18 22:26:23.066120 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86898
2023.10.18 22:26:23.066339 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86898 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:24.006863 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:24.063890 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86899
2023.10.18 22:26:24.064191 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86899
2023.10.18 22:26:24.064385 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86899 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:25.006652 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:25.060801 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86900
2023.10.18 22:26:25.061385 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86900
2023.10.18 22:26:25.061527 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86900 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:26.006980 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:26.063663 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86901
2023.10.18 22:26:26.064342 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86901
2023.10.18 22:26:26.064455 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86901 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:26.159202 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 117
2023.10.18 22:26:26.159552 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 22 entries to flush up to offset 1319
2023.10.18 22:26:26.170239 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:26.170385 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:26.176664 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_29_29_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:26.182254 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_29_29_0 to 202310_29_29_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:26.184821 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1319
2023.10.18 22:26:26.546253 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:26.546372 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:26.721958 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_14_14_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:26.916834 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_14_14_0 to 202310_14_14_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:26.983530 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 117
2023.10.18 22:26:27.007183 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:27.064325 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86902
2023.10.18 22:26:27.065234 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86902
2023.10.18 22:26:27.065371 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86902 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:28.007660 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:28.065157 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86904
2023.10.18 22:26:28.066148 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86904
2023.10.18 22:26:28.066341 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86904 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:28.852317 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 12480
2023.10.18 22:26:28.868052 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:28.868205 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:28.875884 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_17_17_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:28.880499 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_17_17_0 to 202310_17_17_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:28.882383 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 12480
2023.10.18 22:26:29.007785 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:29.082007 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86905
2023.10.18 22:26:29.086540 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86905
2023.10.18 22:26:29.086667 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86905 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:29.092825 [ 3089088 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:29.094407 [ 3089088 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:29.762794 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:26:29.762853 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:26:30.010177 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:30.065981 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86906
2023.10.18 22:26:30.066572 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86906
2023.10.18 22:26:30.066804 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86906 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:30.068149 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Update heavy metrics. Update period 1 sec. Update heavy metrics period 120 sec. Heavy metrics calculation elapsed: 0.000906825 sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:30.186929 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 39 entries to flush up to offset 1358
2023.10.18 22:26:30.198648 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:30.198799 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:30.204970 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_30_30_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:30.210621 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_30_30_0 to 202310_30_30_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:30.212851 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1358
2023.10.18 22:26:31.006826 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:31.062265 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86907
2023.10.18 22:26:31.063014 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86907
2023.10.18 22:26:31.063188 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86907 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:32.009668 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:32.065288 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86908
2023.10.18 22:26:32.065996 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86908
2023.10.18 22:26:32.066183 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86908 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:33.009561 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:33.069131 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86909
2023.10.18 22:26:33.069458 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86909
2023.10.18 22:26:33.069599 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86909 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:33.967673 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:26:33.968285 [ 3088908 ] {0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SHOW DATABASES (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:26:33.969350 [ 3088908 ] {0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14} <Debug> executeQuery: (internal) SELECT name FROM system.databases ORDER BY name (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:26:33.970973 [ 3088908 ] {0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.databases
2023.10.18 22:26:33.971319 [ 3088908 ] {0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW DATABASES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:26:33.971647 [ 3088908 ] {0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:26:33.976263 [ 3088908 ] {0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14} <Debug> executeQuery: Read 4 rows, 85.00 B in 0.008014 sec., 499.12652857499376 rows/sec., 10.36 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:33.976685 [ 3088908 ] {0dd15f9b-a480-4173-a260-702a366e1e14} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.009460884 sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:34.009183 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:34.066432 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86910
2023.10.18 22:26:34.066982 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86910
2023.10.18 22:26:34.067065 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86910 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:34.217670 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 1388
2023.10.18 22:26:34.226843 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:34.226961 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:34.232968 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_31_31_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:34.238496 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_31_31_0 to 202310_31_31_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:34.239433 [ 3089123 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_26_5 to 202310_31_31_0
2023.10.18 22:26:34.239750 [ 3089123 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:34.239892 [ 3089123 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:34.240869 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_26_5 to 202310_31_31_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:26:34.241300 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1388
2023.10.18 22:26:34.242867 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:26:34.243240 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_26_5, total 1199 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:34.244307 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_27_27_0, total 47 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:34.245319 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_28_28_0, total 51 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:34.246314 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_29_29_0, total 22 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:34.247395 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_30_30_0, total 39 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:34.248435 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_31_31_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:34.274694 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 1388 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.034267801 sec., 40504.495750982096 rows/sec., 4.99 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:34.278005 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_31_6 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:34.283927 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_31_6 to 202310_1_31_6 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:34.284365 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_26_5, 202310_31_31_0] -> 202310_1_31_6
2023.10.18 22:26:34.285285 [ 3089185 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.56 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:34.486563 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 126
2023.10.18 22:26:34.865031 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:34.865148 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:35.007880 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:35.062115 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86911
2023.10.18 22:26:35.062846 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86911
2023.10.18 22:26:35.063055 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86911 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:35.091416 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_15_15_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:35.284050 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_15_15_0 to 202310_15_15_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:35.354848 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 126
2023.10.18 22:26:35.887717 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 13208
2023.10.18 22:26:35.904630 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:35.904745 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:35.911930 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_18_18_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:35.917693 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_18_18_0 to 202310_18_18_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:35.919811 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 13208
2023.10.18 22:26:36.007334 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:36.064355 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86912
2023.10.18 22:26:36.065671 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86912
2023.10.18 22:26:36.065816 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86912 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:37.008576 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:37.064356 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86913
2023.10.18 22:26:37.065090 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86913
2023.10.18 22:26:37.065168 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86913 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:37.131401 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 2 entries to flush up to offset 6
2023.10.18 22:26:37.165227 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:37.165350 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:37.189248 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_3_3_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:37.204760 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_3_3_0 to 202310_3_3_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:37.212038 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 6
2023.10.18 22:26:38.009351 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:38.066083 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86915
2023.10.18 22:26:38.066886 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86915
2023.10.18 22:26:38.066966 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86915 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:38.245739 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 56 entries to flush up to offset 1444
2023.10.18 22:26:38.255524 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:38.255625 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:38.263022 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_32_32_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:38.268672 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_32_32_0 to 202310_32_32_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:38.270932 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1444
2023.10.18 22:26:39.006836 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:39.065348 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86916
2023.10.18 22:26:39.069389 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86916
2023.10.18 22:26:39.069476 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86916 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:39.765781 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:26:39.765898 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:26:40.010120 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:40.071320 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86917
2023.10.18 22:26:40.071862 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86917
2023.10.18 22:26:40.072005 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86917 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:41.008592 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:41.065098 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86918
2023.10.18 22:26:41.066087 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86918
2023.10.18 22:26:41.066225 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86918 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:42.009379 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:42.067291 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86919
2023.10.18 22:26:42.068250 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86919
2023.10.18 22:26:42.068414 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86919 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:42.276300 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 24 entries to flush up to offset 1468
2023.10.18 22:26:42.284955 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:42.285066 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:42.291038 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_33_33_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:42.297160 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_33_33_0 to 202310_33_33_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:42.299537 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1468
2023.10.18 22:26:42.859292 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 134
2023.10.18 22:26:42.924232 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 13936
2023.10.18 22:26:42.939429 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:42.939546 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:42.947372 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_19_19_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:42.951863 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_19_19_0 to 202310_19_19_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:42.953990 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 13936
2023.10.18 22:26:43.008786 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:43.064892 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86920
2023.10.18 22:26:43.065479 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86920
2023.10.18 22:26:43.065613 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86920 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:43.306104 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:43.306234 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:43.485649 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_16_16_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:43.681131 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_16_16_0 to 202310_16_16_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:43.682300 [ 3089020 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_11_2 to 202310_16_16_0
2023.10.18 22:26:43.682469 [ 3089020 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:43.682561 [ 3089020 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:43.683589 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_11_2 to 202310_16_16_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:26:43.751021 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 134
2023.10.18 22:26:43.803899 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:26:43.821173 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_11_2, total 92 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:43.904319 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_12_12_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:43.990626 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_13_13_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:44.011421 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:44.073136 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86921
2023.10.18 22:26:44.073403 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86921
2023.10.18 22:26:44.073552 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86921 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:44.095734 [ 3089022 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:44.096694 [ 3089022 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:44.129945 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_14_14_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:44.214050 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_15_15_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:44.297490 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_16_16_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:45.009803 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:45.066554 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86922
2023.10.18 22:26:45.066971 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86922
2023.10.18 22:26:45.067123 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86922 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:45.450194 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 134 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.766971881 sec., 75.83595496956299 rows/sec., 81.46 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:45.481643 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_16_3 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:45.719814 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_16_3 to 202310_1_16_3 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:45.720274 [ 3089190 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_16_3} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_11_2, 202310_16_16_0] -> 202310_1_16_3
2023.10.18 22:26:45.742905 [ 3089190 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 4.97 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:46.006331 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:46.061087 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86923
2023.10.18 22:26:46.062148 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86923
2023.10.18 22:26:46.062253 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86923 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:46.301391 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 52 entries to flush up to offset 1520
2023.10.18 22:26:46.312920 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:46.313041 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:46.319469 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_34_34_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:46.324692 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_34_34_0 to 202310_34_34_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:46.327199 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1520
2023.10.18 22:26:47.009510 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:47.067101 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86924
2023.10.18 22:26:47.067961 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86924
2023.10.18 22:26:47.068071 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86924 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:48.007985 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:48.063698 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86926
2023.10.18 22:26:48.064721 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86926
2023.10.18 22:26:48.064802 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86926 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:49.011695 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:49.069727 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86927
2023.10.18 22:26:49.070475 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86927
2023.10.18 22:26:49.070631 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86927 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:49.767972 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:26:49.767993 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:26:49.955094 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 14664
2023.10.18 22:26:49.973285 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:49.973395 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:49.979525 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_20_20_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:49.983341 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_20_20_0 to 202310_20_20_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:49.985243 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 14664
2023.10.18 22:26:50.010135 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:50.064809 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86928
2023.10.18 22:26:50.065503 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86928
2023.10.18 22:26:50.065683 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86928 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:50.328772 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 1550
2023.10.18 22:26:50.339519 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:50.339636 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:50.345653 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_35_35_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:50.351740 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_35_35_0 to 202310_35_35_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:50.354026 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1550
2023.10.18 22:26:51.006949 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:51.063915 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86929
2023.10.18 22:26:51.068438 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86929
2023.10.18 22:26:51.068572 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86929 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:51.252329 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 142
2023.10.18 22:26:51.642890 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:51.643016 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:51.816989 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_17_17_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:52.006050 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:52.059025 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_17_17_0 to 202310_17_17_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:52.061332 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86930
2023.10.18 22:26:52.062189 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86930
2023.10.18 22:26:52.062380 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86930 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:52.131578 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 142
2023.10.18 22:26:53.008601 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:53.063455 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86931
2023.10.18 22:26:53.064484 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86931
2023.10.18 22:26:53.064649 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86931 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:54.010327 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:54.067204 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86932
2023.10.18 22:26:54.067677 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86932
2023.10.18 22:26:54.067875 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86932 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:54.355741 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 1578
2023.10.18 22:26:54.366753 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:54.366880 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:54.372848 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_36_36_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:54.378664 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_36_36_0 to 202310_36_36_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:54.379546 [ 3089114 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_31_6 to 202310_36_36_0
2023.10.18 22:26:54.379746 [ 3089114 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:54.379898 [ 3089114 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:54.380941 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_31_6 to 202310_36_36_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:26:54.381314 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1578
2023.10.18 22:26:54.383344 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:26:54.383774 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_31_6, total 1388 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:54.385005 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_32_32_0, total 56 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:54.386117 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_33_33_0, total 24 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:54.387148 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_34_34_0, total 52 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:54.388263 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_35_35_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:54.389399 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_36_36_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:54.420030 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 1578 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.039506569 sec., 39942.72446184836 rows/sec., 4.91 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:54.424039 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_36_7 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:54.430432 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_36_7 to 202310_1_36_7 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:54.431036 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_31_6, 202310_36_36_0] -> 202310_1_36_7
2023.10.18 22:26:54.432093 [ 3089196 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.55 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:55.008731 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:55.063814 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86933
2023.10.18 22:26:55.064647 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86933
2023.10.18 22:26:55.064742 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86933 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:56.011013 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:56.070850 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86934
2023.10.18 22:26:56.071508 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86934
2023.10.18 22:26:56.071672 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86934 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:56.987343 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 15392
2023.10.18 22:26:57.003541 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:57.003701 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:57.006776 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:57.062853 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_21_21_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:57.063833 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86935
2023.10.18 22:26:57.064141 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86935
2023.10.18 22:26:57.064285 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86935 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:57.066975 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_21_21_0 to 202310_21_21_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:57.067755 [ 3089099 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_16_3 to 202310_21_21_0
2023.10.18 22:26:57.067932 [ 3089099 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:57.068026 [ 3089099 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:57.069013 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_16_3 to 202310_21_21_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:26:57.070002 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:26:57.070216 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 3 marks from part 202310_1_16_3, total 11752 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:57.070494 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 15392
2023.10.18 22:26:57.070819 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_17_17_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:57.071333 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_18_18_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:57.071860 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_19_19_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:57.072445 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_20_20_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:57.072967 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_21_21_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:26:57.113819 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 15392 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.045189081 sec., 340613.2556667838 rows/sec., 4.87 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:26:57.116085 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_21_4 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:57.120025 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_21_4 to 202310_1_21_4 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:57.120417 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_16_3, 202310_21_21_0] -> 202310_1_21_4
2023.10.18 22:26:57.121482 [ 3089195 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 6.74 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:58.007820 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:58.062976 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86937
2023.10.18 22:26:58.063809 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86937
2023.10.18 22:26:58.064001 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86937 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:58.386198 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 60 entries to flush up to offset 1638
2023.10.18 22:26:58.398785 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:26:58.398907 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:26:58.405618 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_37_37_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:26:58.411387 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_37_37_0 to 202310_37_37_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:26:58.413764 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1638
2023.10.18 22:26:59.009214 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:26:59.085727 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86938
2023.10.18 22:26:59.086360 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86938
2023.10.18 22:26:59.086506 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86938 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:26:59.099222 [ 3089113 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:59.100484 [ 3089113 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:26:59.636882 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 151
2023.10.18 22:26:59.770810 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:26:59.770849 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:27:00.008034 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:00.068126 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86939
2023.10.18 22:27:00.072165 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86939
2023.10.18 22:27:00.072251 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86939 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:00.081422 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:00.081544 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:00.256492 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_18_18_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:00.451791 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_18_18_0 to 202310_18_18_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:00.521293 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 151
2023.10.18 22:27:01.009026 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:01.067972 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86940
2023.10.18 22:27:01.068440 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86940
2023.10.18 22:27:01.068519 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86940 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:02.006553 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:02.063873 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86941
2023.10.18 22:27:02.064623 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86941
2023.10.18 22:27:02.064712 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86941 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:02.418478 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 32 entries to flush up to offset 1670
2023.10.18 22:27:02.430122 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:02.430244 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:02.436440 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_38_38_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:02.442825 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_38_38_0 to 202310_38_38_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:02.445973 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1670
2023.10.18 22:27:03.008245 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:03.065273 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86942
2023.10.18 22:27:03.066083 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86942
2023.10.18 22:27:03.066190 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86942 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:04.008072 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:04.065471 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86943
2023.10.18 22:27:04.066245 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86943
2023.10.18 22:27:04.066368 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86943 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:04.071354 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 832 entries to flush up to offset 16224
2023.10.18 22:27:04.095606 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:04.095800 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:04.107334 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_22_22_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:04.114001 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_22_22_0 to 202310_22_22_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:04.117498 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 16224
2023.10.18 22:27:05.008431 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:05.064493 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86944
2023.10.18 22:27:05.065332 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86944
2023.10.18 22:27:05.065496 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86944 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:06.006694 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:06.063416 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86945
2023.10.18 22:27:06.064186 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86945
2023.10.18 22:27:06.064354 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86945 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:06.450997 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 1698
2023.10.18 22:27:06.461287 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:06.461393 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:06.467359 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_39_39_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:06.474012 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_39_39_0 to 202310_39_39_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:06.476456 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1698
2023.10.18 22:27:07.006929 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:07.063456 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86946
2023.10.18 22:27:07.064217 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86946
2023.10.18 22:27:07.064321 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86946 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:08.009057 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:08.059819 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 159
2023.10.18 22:27:08.063731 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86948
2023.10.18 22:27:08.064437 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86948
2023.10.18 22:27:08.064541 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86948 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:08.455312 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:08.455472 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:08.634316 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_19_19_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:08.831364 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_19_19_0 to 202310_19_19_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:08.899605 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 159
2023.10.18 22:27:09.009290 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:09.067561 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86949
2023.10.18 22:27:09.068556 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86949
2023.10.18 22:27:09.068663 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86949 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:09.774001 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:27:09.774035 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:27:10.009731 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:10.066241 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86950
2023.10.18 22:27:10.067119 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86950
2023.10.18 22:27:10.067221 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86950 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:10.477185 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 1728
2023.10.18 22:27:10.488569 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:10.488688 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:10.495548 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_40_40_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:10.502497 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_40_40_0 to 202310_40_40_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:10.504833 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1728
2023.10.18 22:27:11.007102 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:11.067466 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86951
2023.10.18 22:27:11.068260 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86951
2023.10.18 22:27:11.068457 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86951 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:11.118481 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 16952
2023.10.18 22:27:11.135459 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:11.135588 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:11.143559 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_23_23_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:11.148009 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_23_23_0 to 202310_23_23_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:11.150235 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 16952
2023.10.18 22:27:12.006872 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:12.062861 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86952
2023.10.18 22:27:12.064150 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86952
2023.10.18 22:27:12.064285 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86952 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:13.008558 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:13.066692 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86953
2023.10.18 22:27:13.068094 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86953
2023.10.18 22:27:13.068245 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86953 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:14.009474 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:14.066062 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86954
2023.10.18 22:27:14.066814 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86954
2023.10.18 22:27:14.066959 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86954 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:14.100847 [ 3089019 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:14.102112 [ 3089019 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:14.505410 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 1758
2023.10.18 22:27:14.515165 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:14.515262 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:14.521094 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_41_41_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:14.526567 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_41_41_0 to 202310_41_41_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:14.527645 [ 3088980 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_36_7 to 202310_41_41_0
2023.10.18 22:27:14.527930 [ 3088980 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:14.528169 [ 3088980 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:14.529115 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_36_7 to 202310_41_41_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:27:14.529729 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1758
2023.10.18 22:27:14.531349 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:27:14.531717 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_36_7, total 1578 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:14.532890 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_37_37_0, total 60 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:14.533961 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_38_38_0, total 32 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:14.535016 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_39_39_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:14.536135 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_40_40_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:14.537190 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_41_41_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:14.564269 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 1758 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.035567951 sec., 49426.518834329254 rows/sec., 6.05 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:14.568000 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_41_8 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:14.574017 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_41_8 to 202310_1_41_8 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:14.574445 [ 3089194 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_36_7, 202310_41_41_0] -> 202310_1_41_8
2023.10.18 22:27:14.575494 [ 3089194 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.54 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:15.009909 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:15.067460 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86955
2023.10.18 22:27:15.068271 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86955
2023.10.18 22:27:15.068353 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86955 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:16.014069 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:16.082542 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86956
2023.10.18 22:27:16.083157 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86956
2023.10.18 22:27:16.083319 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86956 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:16.405506 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 168
2023.10.18 22:27:16.799781 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:16.799903 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:16.979361 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_20_20_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:17.007694 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:17.063826 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86957
2023.10.18 22:27:17.065115 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86957
2023.10.18 22:27:17.065250 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86957 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:17.230177 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_20_20_0 to 202310_20_20_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:17.300401 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 168
2023.10.18 22:27:18.010159 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:18.067396 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86959
2023.10.18 22:27:18.068499 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86959
2023.10.18 22:27:18.068641 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86959 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:18.153314 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 17680
2023.10.18 22:27:18.169801 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:18.169936 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:18.177596 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_24_24_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:18.181942 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_24_24_0 to 202310_24_24_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:18.183796 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 17680
2023.10.18 22:27:18.530946 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 50 entries to flush up to offset 1808
2023.10.18 22:27:18.542398 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:18.542518 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:18.548896 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_42_42_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:18.554434 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_42_42_0 to 202310_42_42_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:18.556548 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1808
2023.10.18 22:27:19.007191 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:19.065746 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86960
2023.10.18 22:27:19.066850 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86960
2023.10.18 22:27:19.066930 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86960 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:19.777226 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:27:19.777319 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:27:20.006881 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:20.063884 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86961
2023.10.18 22:27:20.065333 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86961
2023.10.18 22:27:20.065560 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86961 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:21.007112 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:21.063053 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86962
2023.10.18 22:27:21.064210 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86962
2023.10.18 22:27:21.064371 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86962 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:21.980816 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:27:21.981567 [ 3088908 ] {22a3cde6-69e8-4bb6-a42c-c11b4c4fddda} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SHOW TABLES (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:27:21.982695 [ 3088908 ] {22a3cde6-69e8-4bb6-a42c-c11b4c4fddda} <Debug> executeQuery: (internal) SELECT name FROM system.tables WHERE database = 'default' ORDER BY name  (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:27:21.986472 [ 3088908 ] {22a3cde6-69e8-4bb6-a42c-c11b4c4fddda} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(database, name) ON system.tables
2023.10.18 22:27:21.988709 [ 3088908 ] {22a3cde6-69e8-4bb6-a42c-c11b4c4fddda} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:27:21.992746 [ 3090254 ] {22a3cde6-69e8-4bb6-a42c-c11b4c4fddda} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW TABLES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:27:21.994732 [ 3088908 ] {22a3cde6-69e8-4bb6-a42c-c11b4c4fddda} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.014396216 sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:22.009029 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:22.068159 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86963
2023.10.18 22:27:22.069077 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86963
2023.10.18 22:27:22.069172 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86963 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:22.231317 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 2 entries to flush up to offset 8
2023.10.18 22:27:22.263568 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:22.263680 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:22.287347 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_4_4_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:22.302512 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_4_4_0 to 202310_4_4_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:22.309698 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 8
2023.10.18 22:27:22.561145 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 37 entries to flush up to offset 1845
2023.10.18 22:27:22.573721 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:22.573837 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:22.580339 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_43_43_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:22.586140 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_43_43_0 to 202310_43_43_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:22.589656 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1845
2023.10.18 22:27:23.007287 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:23.064691 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86964
2023.10.18 22:27:23.065594 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86964
2023.10.18 22:27:23.065694 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86964 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:24.008324 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:24.067985 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86965
2023.10.18 22:27:24.068537 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86965
2023.10.18 22:27:24.068616 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86965 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:24.802605 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 176
2023.10.18 22:27:25.006064 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:25.064962 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86966
2023.10.18 22:27:25.065389 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86966
2023.10.18 22:27:25.065584 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86966 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:25.188851 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 18408
2023.10.18 22:27:25.204269 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:25.204395 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:25.211853 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_25_25_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:25.216257 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_25_25_0 to 202310_25_25_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:25.218409 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 18408
2023.10.18 22:27:25.237320 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:25.237652 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:25.410979 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_21_21_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:25.604995 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_21_21_0 to 202310_21_21_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:25.606106 [ 3089103 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_16_3 to 202310_21_21_0
2023.10.18 22:27:25.606239 [ 3089103 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:25.606326 [ 3089103 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:25.606997 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_16_3 to 202310_21_21_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:27:25.676901 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 176
2023.10.18 22:27:25.729999 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:27:25.747063 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_16_3, total 134 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:25.830747 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_17_17_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:25.913053 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_18_18_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:25.995207 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_19_19_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:26.006865 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:26.063438 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86967
2023.10.18 22:27:26.063943 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86967
2023.10.18 22:27:26.064132 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86967 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:26.123892 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_20_20_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:26.207748 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_21_21_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:26.593842 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 45 entries to flush up to offset 1890
2023.10.18 22:27:26.603756 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:26.603870 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:26.610063 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_44_44_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:26.615650 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_44_44_0 to 202310_44_44_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:26.618177 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1890
2023.10.18 22:27:27.007225 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:27.062992 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86968
2023.10.18 22:27:27.063690 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86968
2023.10.18 22:27:27.063878 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86968 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:27.350187 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 176 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.74348032 sec., 100.94751169889891 rows/sec., 97.82 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:27.380348 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_21_4 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:27.616514 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_21_4 to 202310_1_21_4 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:27.616977 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_21_4} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_16_3, 202310_21_21_0] -> 202310_1_21_4
2023.10.18 22:27:27.640146 [ 3089197 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.24 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:28.008453 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:28.068996 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86970
2023.10.18 22:27:28.069734 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86970
2023.10.18 22:27:28.069867 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86970 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:29.007133 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:29.078484 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86971
2023.10.18 22:27:29.080056 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86971
2023.10.18 22:27:29.080225 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86971 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:29.103401 [ 3089074 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:29.104605 [ 3089074 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:29.777311 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:27:29.777402 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:27:30.009551 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:30.064349 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86972
2023.10.18 22:27:30.068819 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86972
2023.10.18 22:27:30.068947 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86972 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:30.621177 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 31 entries to flush up to offset 1921
2023.10.18 22:27:30.632488 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:30.632619 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:30.639700 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_45_45_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:30.645535 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_45_45_0 to 202310_45_45_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:30.647836 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1921
2023.10.18 22:27:31.009068 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:31.066483 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86973
2023.10.18 22:27:31.067922 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86973
2023.10.18 22:27:31.068071 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86973 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:32.006955 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:32.064584 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86974
2023.10.18 22:27:32.065574 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86974
2023.10.18 22:27:32.065752 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86974 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:32.220095 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 19136
2023.10.18 22:27:32.238281 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:32.238396 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:32.244938 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_26_26_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:32.248915 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_26_26_0 to 202310_26_26_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:32.249832 [ 3089113 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_21_4 to 202310_26_26_0
2023.10.18 22:27:32.250115 [ 3089113 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:32.250233 [ 3089113 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:32.250838 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_21_4 to 202310_26_26_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:27:32.250935 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 19136
2023.10.18 22:27:32.251834 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:27:32.252052 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 3 marks from part 202310_1_21_4, total 15392 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:32.252625 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_22_22_0, total 832 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:32.253126 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_23_23_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:32.253612 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_24_24_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:32.254133 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_25_25_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:32.254862 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_26_26_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:32.305656 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 19136 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.055071451 sec., 347475.86367390247 rows/sec., 4.97 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:32.307274 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_26_5 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:32.310778 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_26_5 to 202310_1_26_5 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:32.311183 [ 3089191 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_21_4, 202310_26_26_0] -> 202310_1_26_5
2023.10.18 22:27:32.312467 [ 3089191 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 6.76 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:33.007595 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:33.065249 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86975
2023.10.18 22:27:33.066235 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86975
2023.10.18 22:27:33.066331 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86975 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:33.177452 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 184
2023.10.18 22:27:33.570612 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:33.570787 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:33.746904 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_22_22_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:33.943593 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_22_22_0 to 202310_22_22_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:34.008722 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 184
2023.10.18 22:27:34.008841 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:34.063732 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86976
2023.10.18 22:27:34.064756 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86976
2023.10.18 22:27:34.064887 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86976 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:34.651556 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 50 entries to flush up to offset 1971
2023.10.18 22:27:34.662313 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:34.662425 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:34.668506 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_46_46_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:34.673940 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_46_46_0 to 202310_46_46_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:34.674876 [ 3089066 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_41_8 to 202310_46_46_0
2023.10.18 22:27:34.675033 [ 3089066 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:34.675170 [ 3089066 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:34.675789 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_41_8 to 202310_46_46_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:27:34.676598 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1971
2023.10.18 22:27:34.678080 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:27:34.678489 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_41_8, total 1758 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:34.679644 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_42_42_0, total 50 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:34.680786 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_43_43_0, total 37 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:34.681956 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_44_44_0, total 45 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:34.683221 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_45_45_0, total 31 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:34.684461 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_46_46_0, total 50 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:34.717439 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 1971 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.041909767 sec., 47029.61006678944 rows/sec., 5.80 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:34.721474 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_46_9 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:34.727963 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_46_9 to 202310_1_46_9 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:34.728569 [ 3089197 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_46_9} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_41_8, 202310_46_46_0] -> 202310_1_46_9
2023.10.18 22:27:34.729978 [ 3089197 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.56 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:35.010473 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:35.067376 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86978
2023.10.18 22:27:35.068264 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86978
2023.10.18 22:27:35.068407 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86978 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:36.010676 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:36.077351 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86979
2023.10.18 22:27:36.077897 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86979
2023.10.18 22:27:36.077985 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86979 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:37.007805 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:37.064233 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86980
2023.10.18 22:27:37.064876 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86980
2023.10.18 22:27:37.064956 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86980 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:38.011084 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:38.072594 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86981
2023.10.18 22:27:38.073407 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86981
2023.10.18 22:27:38.073583 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86981 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:38.680035 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 38 entries to flush up to offset 2009
2023.10.18 22:27:38.689671 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:38.689776 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:38.696831 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_47_47_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:38.702309 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_47_47_0 to 202310_47_47_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:38.705691 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2009
2023.10.18 22:27:39.006322 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:39.066205 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86983
2023.10.18 22:27:39.067800 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86983
2023.10.18 22:27:39.067911 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86983 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:39.253880 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 19864
2023.10.18 22:27:39.269368 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:39.269489 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:39.276427 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_27_27_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:39.281190 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_27_27_0 to 202310_27_27_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:39.283798 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 19864
2023.10.18 22:27:39.779549 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:27:39.779629 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:27:40.008172 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:40.064800 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86984
2023.10.18 22:27:40.065660 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86984
2023.10.18 22:27:40.065862 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86984 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:41.006913 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:41.072066 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86985
2023.10.18 22:27:41.072504 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86985
2023.10.18 22:27:41.072582 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86985 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:41.512080 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 193
2023.10.18 22:27:41.902095 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:41.902214 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:42.009493 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:42.064920 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86986
2023.10.18 22:27:42.065877 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86986
2023.10.18 22:27:42.066059 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86986 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:42.125818 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_23_23_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:42.326123 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_23_23_0 to 202310_23_23_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:42.396423 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 193
2023.10.18 22:27:42.706579 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 36 entries to flush up to offset 2045
2023.10.18 22:27:42.722431 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:42.722657 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:42.733319 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_48_48_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:42.746469 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_48_48_0 to 202310_48_48_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:42.751928 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2045
2023.10.18 22:27:43.006922 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:43.063437 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86987
2023.10.18 22:27:43.067242 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86987
2023.10.18 22:27:43.067381 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86987 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:44.007499 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:44.064540 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86988
2023.10.18 22:27:44.065397 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86988
2023.10.18 22:27:44.065478 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86988 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:44.104839 [ 3089000 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:44.105902 [ 3089000 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:45.006129 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:45.065408 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86989
2023.10.18 22:27:45.065943 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86989
2023.10.18 22:27:45.066081 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86989 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:46.008308 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:46.063799 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86990
2023.10.18 22:27:46.064689 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86990
2023.10.18 22:27:46.064855 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86990 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:46.288311 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 20592
2023.10.18 22:27:46.307270 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:46.307396 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:46.314174 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_28_28_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:46.318230 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_28_28_0 to 202310_28_28_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:46.319865 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 20592
2023.10.18 22:27:46.753054 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 2075
2023.10.18 22:27:46.764049 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:46.764176 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:46.771097 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_49_49_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:46.776782 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_49_49_0 to 202310_49_49_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:46.778909 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2075
2023.10.18 22:27:47.007556 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:47.064851 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86991
2023.10.18 22:27:47.065755 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86991
2023.10.18 22:27:47.065908 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86991 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:48.006643 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:48.061595 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86992
2023.10.18 22:27:48.062526 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86992
2023.10.18 22:27:48.062760 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86992 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:49.006030 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:49.067013 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86994
2023.10.18 22:27:49.068817 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86994
2023.10.18 22:27:49.068934 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86994 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:49.781376 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:27:49.781412 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:27:49.900100 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 201
2023.10.18 22:27:50.006765 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:50.062522 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86995
2023.10.18 22:27:50.063453 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86995
2023.10.18 22:27:50.063537 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86995 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:50.340261 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:50.340382 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:50.521704 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_24_24_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:50.714702 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_24_24_0 to 202310_24_24_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:50.781856 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 29 entries to flush up to offset 2104
2023.10.18 22:27:50.784462 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 201
2023.10.18 22:27:50.790643 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:50.790741 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:50.797586 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_50_50_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:50.803096 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_50_50_0 to 202310_50_50_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:50.805314 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2104
2023.10.18 22:27:51.006086 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:51.065243 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86996
2023.10.18 22:27:51.066172 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86996
2023.10.18 22:27:51.066309 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86996 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:52.008437 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:52.065103 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86997
2023.10.18 22:27:52.065600 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86997
2023.10.18 22:27:52.065735 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86997 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:52.253592 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:27:52.254359 [ 3088908 ] {2a3ee97d-4e6d-4dde-8df1-89286720a458} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SELECT DATABASES (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:27:52.255511 [ 3088908 ] {2a3ee97d-4e6d-4dde-8df1-89286720a458} <Error> executeQuery: Code: 47. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'DATABASES' while processing query: 'SELECT DATABASES', required columns: 'DATABASES'. (UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER) (version (from (in query: SELECT DATABASES), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. 0x10bbcf422
1. 0x10bbcf3ed
2. 0x1261ab200
3. 0x114d9172e
4. 0x114d91872
5. 0x10bbbd38a
6. 0x10bc269e9
7. 0x1203885a7
8. 0x120389e1c
9. 0x11fbbe568
10. 0x11fbba622
11. 0x11fbbc187
12. 0x11fbbc0a6
13. 0x11fc15f61
14. 0x11fc156a9
15. 0x11fc1477f
16. 0x11fc14f9d
17. 0x11fb0d0f4
18. 0x11fb0b008
19. 0x12049bc4e
20. 0x1204975fc
21. 0x1227133ed
22. 0x122727685
23. 0x12618c3f9
24. 0x12618cd5c
25. 0x12622a3f4
26. 0x12622727a
27. 0x12622578b
28. 0x7ff80c0e2202

2023.10.18 22:27:52.255788 [ 3088908 ] {2a3ee97d-4e6d-4dde-8df1-89286720a458} <Error> TCPHandler: Code: 47. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'DATABASES' while processing query: 'SELECT DATABASES', required columns: 'DATABASES'. (UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. 0x10bbcf422
1. 0x10bbcf3ed
2. 0x1261ab200
3. 0x114d9172e
4. 0x114d91872
5. 0x10bbbd38a
6. 0x10bc269e9
7. 0x1203885a7
8. 0x120389e1c
9. 0x11fbbe568
10. 0x11fbba622
11. 0x11fbbc187
12. 0x11fbbc0a6
13. 0x11fc15f61
14. 0x11fc156a9
15. 0x11fc1477f
16. 0x11fc14f9d
17. 0x11fb0d0f4
18. 0x11fb0b008
19. 0x12049bc4e
20. 0x1204975fc
21. 0x1227133ed
22. 0x122727685
23. 0x12618c3f9
24. 0x12618cd5c
25. 0x12622a3f4
26. 0x12622727a
27. 0x12622578b
28. 0x7ff80c0e2202

2023.10.18 22:27:52.255900 [ 3088908 ] {2a3ee97d-4e6d-4dde-8df1-89286720a458} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.002699217 sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:52.320929 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 1 entries to flush up to offset 9
2023.10.18 22:27:52.355872 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:52.356016 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:52.379513 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_5_5_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:52.395723 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_5_5_0 to 202310_5_5_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:52.402974 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 9
2023.10.18 22:27:53.007547 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:53.065220 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86998
2023.10.18 22:27:53.066083 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86998
2023.10.18 22:27:53.066315 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86998 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:53.325959 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 21320
2023.10.18 22:27:53.344576 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:53.344684 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:53.351529 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_29_29_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:53.355574 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_29_29_0 to 202310_29_29_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:53.357282 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 21320
2023.10.18 22:27:54.006021 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:54.066169 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 86999
2023.10.18 22:27:54.066720 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 86999
2023.10.18 22:27:54.066872 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 86999 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:54.807761 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 40 entries to flush up to offset 2144
2023.10.18 22:27:54.817145 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:54.817243 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:54.823075 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_51_51_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:54.829355 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_51_51_0 to 202310_51_51_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:54.830293 [ 3089101 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_46_9 to 202310_51_51_0
2023.10.18 22:27:54.830461 [ 3089101 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:54.830553 [ 3089101 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:54.831208 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_46_9 to 202310_51_51_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:27:54.831861 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2144
2023.10.18 22:27:54.833243 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:27:54.833747 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_46_9, total 1971 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:54.834991 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_47_47_0, total 38 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:54.836026 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_48_48_0, total 36 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:54.837248 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_49_49_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:54.838265 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_50_50_0, total 29 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:54.839284 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_51_51_0, total 40 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:27:54.866945 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 2144 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.036032361 sec., 59502.06815479008 rows/sec., 7.32 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:54.870878 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_51_10 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:54.876819 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_51_10 to 202310_1_51_10 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:54.877211 [ 3089200 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_51_10} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_46_9, 202310_51_51_0] -> 202310_1_51_10
2023.10.18 22:27:54.878280 [ 3089200 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.78 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:55.007967 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:55.065705 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87000
2023.10.18 22:27:55.067251 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87000
2023.10.18 22:27:55.067418 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87000 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:56.008600 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:56.066037 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87001
2023.10.18 22:27:56.067310 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87001
2023.10.18 22:27:56.067475 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87001 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:57.008912 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:57.071376 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87002
2023.10.18 22:27:57.071970 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87002
2023.10.18 22:27:57.072071 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87002 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:58.008248 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:58.065930 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87003
2023.10.18 22:27:58.066705 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87003
2023.10.18 22:27:58.066828 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87003 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:58.287738 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 210
2023.10.18 22:27:58.675995 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:58.676170 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:58.835707 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 41 entries to flush up to offset 2185
2023.10.18 22:27:58.846344 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:58.846454 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:58.847434 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:27:58.848204 [ 3088908 ] {cbcf37a7-99f6-4ae6-89ab-0b7559992d0d} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SELECT DATABASE (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:27:58.849421 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_25_25_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:58.849523 [ 3088908 ] {cbcf37a7-99f6-4ae6-89ab-0b7559992d0d} <Error> executeQuery: Code: 47. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'DATABASE' while processing query: 'SELECT DATABASE', required columns: 'DATABASE'. (UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER) (version (from (in query: SELECT DATABASE), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. 0x10bbcf422
1. 0x10bbcf3ed
2. 0x1261ab200
3. 0x114d9172e
4. 0x114d91872
5. 0x10bbbd38a
6. 0x10bc269e9
7. 0x1203885a7
8. 0x120389e1c
9. 0x11fbbe568
10. 0x11fbba622
11. 0x11fbbc187
12. 0x11fbbc0a6
13. 0x11fc15f61
14. 0x11fc156a9
15. 0x11fc1477f
16. 0x11fc14f9d
17. 0x11fb0d0f4
18. 0x11fb0b008
19. 0x12049bc4e
20. 0x1204975fc
21. 0x1227133ed
22. 0x122727685
23. 0x12618c3f9
24. 0x12618cd5c
25. 0x12622a3f4
26. 0x12622727a
27. 0x12622578b
28. 0x7ff80c0e2202

2023.10.18 22:27:58.850059 [ 3088908 ] {cbcf37a7-99f6-4ae6-89ab-0b7559992d0d} <Error> TCPHandler: Code: 47. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'DATABASE' while processing query: 'SELECT DATABASE', required columns: 'DATABASE'. (UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. 0x10bbcf422
1. 0x10bbcf3ed
2. 0x1261ab200
3. 0x114d9172e
4. 0x114d91872
5. 0x10bbbd38a
6. 0x10bc269e9
7. 0x1203885a7
8. 0x120389e1c
9. 0x11fbbe568
10. 0x11fbba622
11. 0x11fbbc187
12. 0x11fbbc0a6
13. 0x11fc15f61
14. 0x11fc156a9
15. 0x11fc1477f
16. 0x11fc14f9d
17. 0x11fb0d0f4
18. 0x11fb0b008
19. 0x12049bc4e
20. 0x1204975fc
21. 0x1227133ed
22. 0x122727685
23. 0x12618c3f9
24. 0x12618cd5c
25. 0x12622a3f4
26. 0x12622727a
27. 0x12622578b
28. 0x7ff80c0e2202

2023.10.18 22:27:58.850336 [ 3088908 ] {cbcf37a7-99f6-4ae6-89ab-0b7559992d0d} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.003416987 sec.
2023.10.18 22:27:58.853265 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_52_52_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:58.858721 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_52_52_0 to 202310_52_52_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:58.861096 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2185
2023.10.18 22:27:59.006515 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:27:59.073296 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87005
2023.10.18 22:27:59.073779 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87005
2023.10.18 22:27:59.073933 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87005 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:27:59.110053 [ 3089114 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:59.111276 [ 3089114 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:27:59.116808 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_25_25_0 to 202310_25_25_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:59.202011 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 210
2023.10.18 22:27:59.785308 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:27:59.785364 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:27:59.906603 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 1 entries to flush up to offset 10
2023.10.18 22:27:59.940122 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:59.940252 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:59.963661 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_6_6_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:27:59.978810 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_6_6_0 to 202310_6_6_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:27:59.979529 [ 3089075 ] {} <Debug> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0
2023.10.18 22:27:59.979701 [ 3089075 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:27:59.979789 [ 3089075 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:27:59.980500 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_1_0 to 202310_6_6_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:27:59.986993 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 10
2023.10.18 22:27:59.999255 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:00.001634 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_1_0, total 2 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:00.006952 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_2_2_0, total 2 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:00.007280 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:00.063316 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_3_3_0, total 2 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:00.066695 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87006
2023.10.18 22:28:00.067553 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87006
2023.10.18 22:28:00.067714 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87006 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:00.068799 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_4_4_0, total 2 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:00.073915 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_5_5_0, total 1 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:00.079004 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_6_6_0, total 1 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:00.189880 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 10 rows, containing 73 columns (73 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.209650586 sec., 47.698411870883106 rows/sec., 66.26 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:00.195929 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_6_1 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:00.217147 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_6_1 to 202310_1_6_1 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:00.217521 [ 3089188 ] {51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7::202310_1_6_1} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_1_0, 202310_6_6_0] -> 202310_1_6_1
2023.10.18 22:28:00.219915 [ 3089188 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.64 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:00.362625 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 22048
2023.10.18 22:28:00.384469 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:00.384614 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:00.393021 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_30_30_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:00.398184 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_30_30_0 to 202310_30_30_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:00.400488 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 22048
2023.10.18 22:28:01.010405 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:01.079692 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87007
2023.10.18 22:28:01.080323 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87007
2023.10.18 22:28:01.080405 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87007 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:02.009108 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:02.066923 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87008
2023.10.18 22:28:02.067658 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87008
2023.10.18 22:28:02.067824 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87008 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:02.862272 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 62 entries to flush up to offset 2247
2023.10.18 22:28:02.876536 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:02.876776 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:02.883622 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_53_53_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:02.889616 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_53_53_0 to 202310_53_53_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:02.892041 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2247
2023.10.18 22:28:03.008608 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:03.064701 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87009
2023.10.18 22:28:03.066049 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87009
2023.10.18 22:28:03.066260 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87009 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:04.010485 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:04.067320 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87010
2023.10.18 22:28:04.068143 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87010
2023.10.18 22:28:04.068306 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87010 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:05.007218 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:05.064901 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87011
2023.10.18 22:28:05.065644 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87011
2023.10.18 22:28:05.065875 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87011 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:06.006369 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:06.062808 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87012
2023.10.18 22:28:06.063944 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87012
2023.10.18 22:28:06.064169 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87012 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:06.702513 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 218
2023.10.18 22:28:06.896664 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 23 entries to flush up to offset 2270
2023.10.18 22:28:06.905542 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:06.905688 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:06.912235 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_54_54_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:06.917692 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_54_54_0 to 202310_54_54_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:06.920368 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2270
2023.10.18 22:28:07.005915 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:07.062860 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87013
2023.10.18 22:28:07.062988 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87013
2023.10.18 22:28:07.063169 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87013 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:07.133775 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:07.133906 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:07.310455 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_26_26_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:07.403612 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 22776
2023.10.18 22:28:07.420720 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:07.420833 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:07.428121 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_31_31_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:07.432533 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_31_31_0 to 202310_31_31_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:07.433515 [ 3089127 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_26_5 to 202310_31_31_0
2023.10.18 22:28:07.433856 [ 3089127 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:07.434098 [ 3089127 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:07.434821 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 22776
2023.10.18 22:28:07.434945 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_26_5 to 202310_31_31_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:28:07.436229 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:07.436558 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 4 marks from part 202310_1_26_5, total 19136 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.437340 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_27_27_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.438102 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_28_28_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.438741 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_29_29_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.439356 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_30_30_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.440169 [ 3089187 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_31_31_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.496129 [ 3089190 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 22776 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.061461743 sec., 370571.98329048365 rows/sec., 5.30 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:07.499129 [ 3089190 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_31_6 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:07.502912 [ 3089190 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_31_6 to 202310_1_31_6 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:07.503313 [ 3089190 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_26_5, 202310_31_31_0] -> 202310_1_31_6
2023.10.18 22:28:07.504528 [ 3089190 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 6.92 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:07.514176 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_26_26_0 to 202310_26_26_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:07.515355 [ 3089049 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_21_4 to 202310_26_26_0
2023.10.18 22:28:07.515515 [ 3089049 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:07.515609 [ 3089049 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:07.516180 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_21_4 to 202310_26_26_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:28:07.588724 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 218
2023.10.18 22:28:07.645980 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:07.663302 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_21_4, total 176 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.746800 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_22_22_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.831710 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_23_23_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:07.914942 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_24_24_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:08.001106 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_25_25_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:08.006431 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:08.063583 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87015
2023.10.18 22:28:08.063897 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87015
2023.10.18 22:28:08.064145 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87015 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:08.130583 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_26_26_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:09.009638 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:09.063519 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87021
2023.10.18 22:28:09.063973 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87021
2023.10.18 22:28:09.064107 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87021 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:09.301642 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 218 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.785711909 sec., 122.08016248381306 rows/sec., 111.61 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:09.332384 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_26_5 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:09.570969 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_26_5 to 202310_1_26_5 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:09.571527 [ 3089188 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_26_5} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_21_4, 202310_26_26_0] -> 202310_1_26_5
2023.10.18 22:28:09.595429 [ 3089188 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.24 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:09.788166 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:28:09.788205 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:28:10.011528 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:10.067449 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87022
2023.10.18 22:28:10.068657 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87022
2023.10.18 22:28:10.068766 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87022 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:10.925122 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 67 entries to flush up to offset 2337
2023.10.18 22:28:10.941630 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:10.941782 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:10.951068 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_55_55_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:10.959720 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_55_55_0 to 202310_55_55_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:10.964225 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2337
2023.10.18 22:28:11.010089 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:11.083505 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87023
2023.10.18 22:28:11.091845 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87023
2023.10.18 22:28:11.092121 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87023 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:12.013184 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:12.079892 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87024
2023.10.18 22:28:12.080480 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87024
2023.10.18 22:28:12.080596 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87024 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:13.011688 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:13.075820 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87025
2023.10.18 22:28:13.076556 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87025
2023.10.18 22:28:13.076680 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87025 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:14.007820 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:14.067440 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87026
2023.10.18 22:28:14.068508 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87026
2023.10.18 22:28:14.068674 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87026 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:14.113878 [ 3089134 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:14.115065 [ 3089134 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:14.439785 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 23504
2023.10.18 22:28:14.461210 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:14.461352 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:14.470024 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_32_32_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:14.475203 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_32_32_0 to 202310_32_32_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:14.477518 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 23504
2023.10.18 22:28:14.969209 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 30 entries to flush up to offset 2367
2023.10.18 22:28:14.978319 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:14.978423 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:14.984411 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_56_56_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:14.989647 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_56_56_0 to 202310_56_56_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:14.991354 [ 3089003 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_51_10 to 202310_56_56_0
2023.10.18 22:28:14.991575 [ 3089003 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:14.991718 [ 3089003 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:14.992937 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_51_10 to 202310_56_56_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:28:14.994058 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2367
2023.10.18 22:28:14.995298 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:14.995771 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_51_10, total 2144 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:14.997188 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_52_52_0, total 41 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:14.998532 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_53_53_0, total 62 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:14.999772 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_54_54_0, total 23 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:15.001077 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_55_55_0, total 67 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:15.002341 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_56_56_0, total 30 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:15.009554 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:15.067731 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87027
2023.10.18 22:28:15.068550 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87027
2023.10.18 22:28:15.068686 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87027 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:15.084283 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 2367 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.091879263 sec., 25762.06994607695 rows/sec., 3.20 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:15.084542 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
2023.10.18 22:28:15.085648 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 1e570f5a-48f8-46a1-a2e8-0cab9c8050ea Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:28:15.088806 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_56_11 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:15.093976 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 226
2023.10.18 22:28:15.096237 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_56_11 to 202310_1_56_11 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:15.096763 [ 3089186 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_56_11} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_51_10, 202310_56_56_0] -> 202310_1_56_11
2023.10.18 22:28:15.100055 [ 3089186 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.82 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:15.491015 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:15.491140 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:15.668827 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_27_27_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:15.862999 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_27_27_0 to 202310_27_27_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:15.928772 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 226
2023.10.18 22:28:16.009394 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:16.071303 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87028
2023.10.18 22:28:16.072236 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87028
2023.10.18 22:28:16.072366 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87028 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:17.006484 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:17.070674 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87030
2023.10.18 22:28:17.071703 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87030
2023.10.18 22:28:17.071860 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87030 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:18.011173 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:18.080478 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87031
2023.10.18 22:28:18.083299 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87031
2023.10.18 22:28:18.083472 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87031 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:18.994540 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 46 entries to flush up to offset 2413
2023.10.18 22:28:19.005957 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:19.006076 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:19.006623 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:19.067922 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87033
2023.10.18 22:28:19.068632 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87033
2023.10.18 22:28:19.068794 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87033 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:19.069509 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_57_57_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:19.076457 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_57_57_0 to 202310_57_57_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:19.079325 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2413
2023.10.18 22:28:19.789787 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:28:19.789863 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:28:20.006002 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:20.064830 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87034
2023.10.18 22:28:20.065613 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87034
2023.10.18 22:28:20.065772 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87034 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:21.007623 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:21.064225 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87035
2023.10.18 22:28:21.066073 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87035
2023.10.18 22:28:21.066212 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87035 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:21.479623 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 24232
2023.10.18 22:28:21.494767 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:21.494958 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:21.502062 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_33_33_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:21.506046 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_33_33_0 to 202310_33_33_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:21.507701 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 24232
2023.10.18 22:28:22.010435 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:22.066986 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87036
2023.10.18 22:28:22.068212 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87036
2023.10.18 22:28:22.068343 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87036 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:23.009480 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:23.065967 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87037
2023.10.18 22:28:23.066962 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87037
2023.10.18 22:28:23.067117 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87037 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:23.082226 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 34 entries to flush up to offset 2447
2023.10.18 22:28:23.091877 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:23.091992 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:23.098162 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_58_58_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:23.103791 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_58_58_0 to 202310_58_58_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:23.106663 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2447
2023.10.18 22:28:23.431998 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 235
2023.10.18 22:28:23.825944 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:23.826127 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:24.006084 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:24.062075 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87038
2023.10.18 22:28:24.062535 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87038
2023.10.18 22:28:24.062680 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87038 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:24.063639 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_28_28_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:24.262238 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_28_28_0 to 202310_28_28_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:24.338069 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 235
2023.10.18 22:28:25.009931 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:25.073399 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87039
2023.10.18 22:28:25.075384 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87039
2023.10.18 22:28:25.075594 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87039 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:26.006345 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:26.064188 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87040
2023.10.18 22:28:26.065541 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87040
2023.10.18 22:28:26.065709 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87040 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:27.007023 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:27.067239 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87041
2023.10.18 22:28:27.069392 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87041
2023.10.18 22:28:27.069496 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87041 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:27.111432 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 2475
2023.10.18 22:28:27.122066 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:27.122259 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:27.130520 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_59_59_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:27.137712 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_59_59_0 to 202310_59_59_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:27.140184 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2475
2023.10.18 22:28:28.007126 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:28.069069 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87042
2023.10.18 22:28:28.070752 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87042
2023.10.18 22:28:28.070942 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87042 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:28.508948 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 24960
2023.10.18 22:28:28.525049 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:28.525175 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.43 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:28.531869 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_34_34_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:28.537154 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_34_34_0 to 202310_34_34_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:28.539239 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 24960
2023.10.18 22:28:29.010172 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:29.087135 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87044
2023.10.18 22:28:29.087715 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87044
2023.10.18 22:28:29.087888 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87044 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:29.118963 [ 3089038 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:29.120305 [ 3089038 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:29.792040 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:28:29.792089 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:28:30.010968 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:30.068961 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87045
2023.10.18 22:28:30.069504 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87045
2023.10.18 22:28:30.069604 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87045 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:30.070912 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Update heavy metrics. Update period 1 sec. Update heavy metrics period 120 sec. Heavy metrics calculation elapsed: 0.000900675 sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:31.009871 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:31.072709 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87046
2023.10.18 22:28:31.073730 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87046
2023.10.18 22:28:31.073852 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87046 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:31.144991 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 33 entries to flush up to offset 2508
2023.10.18 22:28:31.156643 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:31.156793 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:31.164021 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_60_60_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:31.171301 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_60_60_0 to 202310_60_60_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:31.174195 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2508
2023.10.18 22:28:31.842535 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 243
2023.10.18 22:28:32.007514 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:32.068831 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87047
2023.10.18 22:28:32.071482 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87047
2023.10.18 22:28:32.071749 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87047 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:32.318928 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:32.319064 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:32.504025 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_29_29_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:32.707262 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_29_29_0 to 202310_29_29_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:32.779894 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 243
2023.10.18 22:28:33.010973 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:33.073861 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87048
2023.10.18 22:28:33.076346 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87048
2023.10.18 22:28:33.076463 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87048 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:34.008872 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:34.069540 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87049
2023.10.18 22:28:34.071479 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87049
2023.10.18 22:28:34.071644 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87049 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:35.007179 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:35.064054 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87050
2023.10.18 22:28:35.064878 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87050
2023.10.18 22:28:35.064954 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87050 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:35.175880 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 2536
2023.10.18 22:28:35.186193 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:35.186300 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:35.192721 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_61_61_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:35.198937 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_61_61_0 to 202310_61_61_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:35.199595 [ 3089088 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_56_11 to 202310_61_61_0
2023.10.18 22:28:35.199746 [ 3089088 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:35.199833 [ 3089088 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:35.200398 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_56_11 to 202310_61_61_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:28:35.201137 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2536
2023.10.18 22:28:35.202388 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:35.202740 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_56_11, total 2367 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:35.203828 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_57_57_0, total 46 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:35.205098 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_58_58_0, total 34 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:35.206212 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_59_59_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:35.207393 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_60_60_0, total 33 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:35.208568 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_61_61_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:35.235189 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 2536 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.035047848 sec., 72358.22296421738 rows/sec., 8.93 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:35.239652 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_61_12 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:35.246156 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_61_12 to 202310_1_61_12 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:35.246560 [ 3089185 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_61_12} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_56_11, 202310_61_61_0] -> 202310_1_61_12
2023.10.18 22:28:35.248056 [ 3089185 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.79 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:35.545012 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 25688
2023.10.18 22:28:35.561814 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:35.561963 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:35.569144 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_35_35_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:35.573667 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_35_35_0 to 202310_35_35_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:35.575821 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 25688
2023.10.18 22:28:36.009123 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:36.070588 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87051
2023.10.18 22:28:36.072514 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87051
2023.10.18 22:28:36.072702 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87051 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:37.008399 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:37.068722 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87052
2023.10.18 22:28:37.069560 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87052
2023.10.18 22:28:37.069661 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87052 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:38.009815 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:38.067283 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87053
2023.10.18 22:28:38.068470 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87053
2023.10.18 22:28:38.068653 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87053 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:39.006311 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:39.064347 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87055
2023.10.18 22:28:39.065641 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87055
2023.10.18 22:28:39.065722 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87055 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:39.202241 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 44 entries to flush up to offset 2580
2023.10.18 22:28:39.212750 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:39.212891 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:39.219073 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_62_62_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:39.224674 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_62_62_0 to 202310_62_62_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:39.226851 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2580
2023.10.18 22:28:39.794745 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:28:39.794780 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:28:40.006121 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:40.064936 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87056
2023.10.18 22:28:40.065947 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87056
2023.10.18 22:28:40.066144 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87056 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:40.283973 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 252
2023.10.18 22:28:40.665636 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:40.665760 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:40.843199 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_30_30_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:41.007593 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:41.065035 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87057
2023.10.18 22:28:41.065976 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87057
2023.10.18 22:28:41.066134 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87057 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:41.093364 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_30_30_0 to 202310_30_30_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:41.164452 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 252
2023.10.18 22:28:42.006785 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:42.068209 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87058
2023.10.18 22:28:42.070170 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87058
2023.10.18 22:28:42.070327 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87058 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:42.578375 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 26416
2023.10.18 22:28:42.595384 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:42.595505 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:42.602146 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_36_36_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:42.605832 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_36_36_0 to 202310_36_36_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:42.606715 [ 3089031 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_31_6 to 202310_36_36_0
2023.10.18 22:28:42.606966 [ 3089031 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:42.607103 [ 3089031 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:42.608202 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_31_6 to 202310_36_36_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:28:42.608283 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 26416
2023.10.18 22:28:42.609111 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:42.609325 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 4 marks from part 202310_1_31_6, total 22776 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:42.609888 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_32_32_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:42.610392 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_33_33_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:42.610974 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_34_34_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:42.611462 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_35_35_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:42.611948 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_36_36_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:42.676904 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 26416 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.069083016 sec., 382380.5260615721 rows/sec., 5.47 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:42.678321 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_36_7 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:42.682366 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_36_7 to 202310_1_36_7 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:42.682776 [ 3089195 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_31_6, 202310_36_36_0] -> 202310_1_36_7
2023.10.18 22:28:42.683994 [ 3089195 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 6.99 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:43.007685 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:43.065575 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87059
2023.10.18 22:28:43.066451 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87059
2023.10.18 22:28:43.066545 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87059 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:43.230101 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 52 entries to flush up to offset 2632
2023.10.18 22:28:43.242969 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:43.243099 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:43.250431 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_63_63_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:43.256386 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_63_63_0 to 202310_63_63_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:43.258937 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2632
2023.10.18 22:28:44.006821 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:44.065837 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87060
2023.10.18 22:28:44.066632 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87060
2023.10.18 22:28:44.066730 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87060 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:44.120607 [ 3089008 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:44.121634 [ 3089008 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:45.009336 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:45.076343 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87061
2023.10.18 22:28:45.077535 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87061
2023.10.18 22:28:45.077682 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87061 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:46.010491 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:46.079327 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87062
2023.10.18 22:28:46.081450 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87062
2023.10.18 22:28:46.081579 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87062 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:47.006474 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:47.063322 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87063
2023.10.18 22:28:47.064130 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87063
2023.10.18 22:28:47.064318 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87063 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:47.259880 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 24 entries to flush up to offset 2656
2023.10.18 22:28:47.270840 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:47.270972 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:47.277341 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_64_64_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:47.282804 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_64_64_0 to 202310_64_64_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:47.285207 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2656
2023.10.18 22:28:48.007243 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:48.063949 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87064
2023.10.18 22:28:48.064692 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87064
2023.10.18 22:28:48.064792 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87064 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:48.668099 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 260
2023.10.18 22:28:49.010217 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:49.068620 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87066
2023.10.18 22:28:49.069681 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87066
2023.10.18 22:28:49.069859 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87066 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:49.117792 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:49.117947 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:49.294878 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_31_31_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:49.492117 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_31_31_0 to 202310_31_31_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:49.493603 [ 3089014 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_26_5 to 202310_31_31_0
2023.10.18 22:28:49.493764 [ 3089014 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:49.493855 [ 3089014 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:49.494759 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_26_5 to 202310_31_31_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:28:49.563248 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 260
2023.10.18 22:28:49.611928 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 27144
2023.10.18 22:28:49.614944 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:49.627511 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:49.627617 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:49.633102 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_26_5, total 218 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:49.634057 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_37_37_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:49.637895 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_37_37_0 to 202310_37_37_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:49.640214 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 27144
2023.10.18 22:28:49.723119 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_27_27_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:49.798875 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:28:49.798921 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:28:49.810001 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_28_28_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:49.891817 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_29_29_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:49.974509 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_30_30_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:50.007112 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:50.068983 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87068
2023.10.18 22:28:50.069746 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87068
2023.10.18 22:28:50.069915 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87068 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:50.116551 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_31_31_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:51.008716 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:51.067698 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87069
2023.10.18 22:28:51.069749 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87069
2023.10.18 22:28:51.069935 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87069 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:51.288499 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 47 entries to flush up to offset 2703
2023.10.18 22:28:51.298742 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:51.298894 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:51.305814 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_65_65_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:51.311346 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_65_65_0 to 202310_65_65_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:51.313711 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2703
2023.10.18 22:28:51.322902 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 260 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.82852746 sec., 142.19091902508262 rows/sec., 123.80 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:51.357285 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_31_6 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:51.604608 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_31_6 to 202310_1_31_6 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:51.605133 [ 3089189 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_31_6} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_26_5, 202310_31_31_0] -> 202310_1_31_6
2023.10.18 22:28:51.630318 [ 3089189 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.24 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:52.007971 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:52.070934 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87070
2023.10.18 22:28:52.072501 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87070
2023.10.18 22:28:52.072679 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87070 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:53.011957 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:53.073340 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87071
2023.10.18 22:28:53.075068 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87071
2023.10.18 22:28:53.075238 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87071 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:54.007248 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:54.068883 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87072
2023.10.18 22:28:54.070903 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87072
2023.10.18 22:28:54.071028 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87072 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:55.007167 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:55.065406 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87073
2023.10.18 22:28:55.066213 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87073
2023.10.18 22:28:55.066349 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87073 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:55.318232 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 27 entries to flush up to offset 2730
2023.10.18 22:28:55.330636 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:55.330776 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:55.340349 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_66_66_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:55.348258 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_66_66_0 to 202310_66_66_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:55.349456 [ 3089084 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_61_12 to 202310_66_66_0
2023.10.18 22:28:55.349918 [ 3089084 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:55.350147 [ 3089084 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:55.352569 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_61_12 to 202310_66_66_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:28:55.354262 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2730
2023.10.18 22:28:55.355266 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:28:55.355730 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_61_12, total 2536 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:55.357132 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_62_62_0, total 44 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:55.358468 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_63_63_0, total 52 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:55.360160 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_64_64_0, total 24 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:55.361552 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_65_65_0, total 47 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:55.362920 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_66_66_0, total 27 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:28:55.392951 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 2730 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.041992566 sec., 65011.5070367455 rows/sec., 8.06 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:28:55.398149 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_66_13 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:55.405930 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_66_13 to 202310_1_66_13 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:55.406376 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_66_13} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_61_12, 202310_66_66_0] -> 202310_1_66_13
2023.10.18 22:28:55.407534 [ 3089187 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.80 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:56.009123 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:56.066708 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87074
2023.10.18 22:28:56.067612 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87074
2023.10.18 22:28:56.067751 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87074 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:56.645877 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 27872
2023.10.18 22:28:56.663937 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:56.664076 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:56.671450 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_38_38_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:56.675475 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_38_38_0 to 202310_38_38_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:56.677122 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 27872
2023.10.18 22:28:57.006890 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:57.066463 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87075
2023.10.18 22:28:57.067254 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 268
2023.10.18 22:28:57.067528 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87075
2023.10.18 22:28:57.067612 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87075 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:57.442936 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:57.443042 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:57.615993 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_32_32_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:57.808746 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_32_32_0 to 202310_32_32_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:57.874828 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 268
2023.10.18 22:28:58.009888 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:58.080659 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87076
2023.10.18 22:28:58.081478 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87076
2023.10.18 22:28:58.081565 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87076 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:59.009766 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:28:59.069082 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87078
2023.10.18 22:28:59.069968 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87078
2023.10.18 22:28:59.070072 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87078 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:28:59.124961 [ 3089106 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:59.126376 [ 3089106 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:28:59.355508 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 52 entries to flush up to offset 2782
2023.10.18 22:28:59.366042 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:28:59.366199 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:28:59.387064 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_67_67_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:28:59.393473 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_67_67_0 to 202310_67_67_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:28:59.397649 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2782
2023.10.18 22:28:59.801179 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:28:59.801238 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:29:00.009562 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:00.068039 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87079
2023.10.18 22:29:00.069029 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87079
2023.10.18 22:29:00.069111 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87079 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:01.013287 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:01.072887 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87080
2023.10.18 22:29:01.074040 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87080
2023.10.18 22:29:01.074127 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87080 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:02.007950 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:02.066359 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87082
2023.10.18 22:29:02.067662 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87082
2023.10.18 22:29:02.067788 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87082 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:03.006361 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:03.060777 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87083
2023.10.18 22:29:03.061592 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87083
2023.10.18 22:29:03.061722 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87083 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:03.401187 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 24 entries to flush up to offset 2806
2023.10.18 22:29:03.409731 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:03.409873 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:03.416288 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_68_68_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:03.421803 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_68_68_0 to 202310_68_68_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:03.423940 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2806
2023.10.18 22:29:03.681277 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 28600
2023.10.18 22:29:03.696816 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:03.696935 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:03.703137 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_39_39_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:03.706987 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_39_39_0 to 202310_39_39_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:03.708803 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 28600
2023.10.18 22:29:04.006650 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:04.064532 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87084
2023.10.18 22:29:04.065026 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87084
2023.10.18 22:29:04.065108 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87084 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:05.008848 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:05.067907 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87085
2023.10.18 22:29:05.068867 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87085
2023.10.18 22:29:05.068957 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87085 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:05.375267 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 277
2023.10.18 22:29:05.772618 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:05.772763 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:05.948601 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_33_33_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:06.006951 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:06.064319 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87086
2023.10.18 22:29:06.065125 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87086
2023.10.18 22:29:06.065265 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87086 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:06.200808 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_33_33_0 to 202310_33_33_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:06.273522 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 277
2023.10.18 22:29:07.009082 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:07.066005 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87087
2023.10.18 22:29:07.067049 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87087
2023.10.18 22:29:07.067125 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87087 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:07.429997 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 34 entries to flush up to offset 2840
2023.10.18 22:29:07.441770 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:07.441902 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:07.448843 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_69_69_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:07.454637 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_69_69_0 to 202310_69_69_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:07.457758 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2840
2023.10.18 22:29:08.010610 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:08.069024 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87088
2023.10.18 22:29:08.069907 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87088
2023.10.18 22:29:08.070005 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87088 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:09.010030 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:09.065244 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87090
2023.10.18 22:29:09.066486 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87090
2023.10.18 22:29:09.066604 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87090 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:09.803333 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:29:09.803368 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:29:10.011539 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.067856 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87091
2023.10.18 22:29:10.068791 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87091
2023.10.18 22:29:10.068895 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87091 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:10.154240 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address:
2023.10.18 22:29:10.155562 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected ClickHouse client version 23.10.0, revision: 54466, database: default, user: default.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.155702 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 2ab43359-19ce-42f5-8aac-424c27bb1c29 Authenticating user 'default' from
2023.10.18 22:29:10.155895 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 2ab43359-19ce-42f5-8aac-424c27bb1c29 Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:29:10.155990 [ 3088908 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 2ab43359-19ce-42f5-8aac-424c27bb1c29 Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:29:10.290234 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 2ab43359-19ce-42f5-8aac-424c27bb1c29 Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:29:10.291579 [ 3088908 ] {e621a953-a35c-4118-b0c2-6f2ce5b0a359} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT message FROM system.warnings ELSE null('message String')) (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:29:10.293542 [ 3088908 ] {e621a953-a35c-4118-b0c2-6f2ce5b0a359} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(message) ON system.warnings
2023.10.18 22:29:10.296486 [ 3088908 ] {e621a953-a35c-4118-b0c2-6f2ce5b0a359} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(message) ON system.warnings
2023.10.18 22:29:10.297153 [ 3088908 ] {e621a953-a35c-4118-b0c2-6f2ce5b0a359} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.297922 [ 3088908 ] {e621a953-a35c-4118-b0c2-6f2ce5b0a359} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.302262 [ 3088908 ] {e621a953-a35c-4118-b0c2-6f2ce5b0a359} <Debug> executeQuery: Read 2 rows, 185.00 B in 0.011405 sec., 175.36168347216133 rows/sec., 15.84 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.302618 [ 3088908 ] {e621a953-a35c-4118-b0c2-6f2ce5b0a359} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.012768453 sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.439299 [ 3088909 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address:
2023.10.18 22:29:10.440503 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected ClickHouse client version 23.10.0, revision: 54466, database: default, user: default.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.440641 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 341efb1f-f771-4e5b-9c08-900ed5ed9a0e Authenticating user 'default' from
2023.10.18 22:29:10.440807 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 341efb1f-f771-4e5b-9c08-900ed5ed9a0e Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:29:10.440891 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 341efb1f-f771-4e5b-9c08-900ed5ed9a0e Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:29:10.441714 [ 3088909 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 341efb1f-f771-4e5b-9c08-900ed5ed9a0e Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:29:10.454538 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SELECT DISTINCT arrayJoin(extractAll(name, '[\\w_]{2,}')) AS res FROM (SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.functions ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.table_engines ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.formats ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.table_functions ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.data_type_families ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.merge_tree_settings ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.settings ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT cluster FROM system.clusters ELSE null('cluster String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT macro FROM system.macros ELSE null('macro String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT policy_name FROM system.storage_policies ELSE null('policy_name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT concat(, AS x FROM system.functions AS func CROSS JOIN system.aggregate_function_combinators AS comb WHERE is_aggregate ELSE null('x String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.databases LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.tables LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.dictionaries LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.columns LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String'))) WHERE notEmpty(res) (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:29:10.460844 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:29:10.464147 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_engines
2023.10.18 22:29:10.467153 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.formats
2023.10.18 22:29:10.469949 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_functions
2023.10.18 22:29:10.472838 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.data_type_families
2023.10.18 22:29:10.476517 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.merge_tree_settings
2023.10.18 22:29:10.481074 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.settings
2023.10.18 22:29:10.485263 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(cluster) ON system.clusters
2023.10.18 22:29:10.488815 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(macro) ON system.macros
2023.10.18 22:29:10.492158 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(policy_name) ON system.storage_policies
2023.10.18 22:29:10.498273 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.aggregate_function_combinators
2023.10.18 22:29:10.499016 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x177f43198) Datatype: EMPTY, kind: Cross, strictness: Unspecified, right header: String String(size = 0)
2023.10.18 22:29:10.499088 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x177f43198) Keys: 
2023.10.18 22:29:10.500281 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name, is_aggregate) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:29:10.500582 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> HashJoin: (0x177f43198) Join data is being destroyed, 4096 bytes and 0 rows in hash table
2023.10.18 22:29:10.504308 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.databases
2023.10.18 22:29:10.508642 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.tables
2023.10.18 22:29:10.513140 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.dictionaries
2023.10.18 22:29:10.517867 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.columns
2023.10.18 22:29:10.595083 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:29:10.605341 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: demangle ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:29:10.630978 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.631845 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.633996 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_engines
2023.10.18 22:29:10.634840 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.635613 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.637395 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.formats
2023.10.18 22:29:10.638265 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.638950 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.640622 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.table_functions
2023.10.18 22:29:10.641690 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.642332 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.644053 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.data_type_families
2023.10.18 22:29:10.645206 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.645918 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.648043 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.merge_tree_settings
2023.10.18 22:29:10.651147 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.651883 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.653830 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.settings
2023.10.18 22:29:10.668376 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.669216 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.671675 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(cluster) ON system.clusters
2023.10.18 22:29:10.674360 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.675220 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.677033 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(macro) ON system.macros
2023.10.18 22:29:10.677643 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.678249 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.680457 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(policy_name) ON system.storage_policies
2023.10.18 22:29:10.681314 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.682104 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.686592 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.aggregate_function_combinators
2023.10.18 22:29:10.687062 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.687649 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x179387518) Datatype: EMPTY, kind: Cross, strictness: Unspecified, right header: String String(size = 0)
2023.10.18 22:29:10.687718 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> HashJoin: (0x179387518) Keys: 
2023.10.18 22:29:10.688942 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name, is_aggregate) ON system.functions
2023.10.18 22:29:10.699340 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: demangle ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:29:10.712270 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 29328
2023.10.18 22:29:10.724288 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.724724 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'name String String(size = 0), is_aggregate UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.727295 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:10.727486 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.727968 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'name String String(size = 0), is_aggregate UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.729392 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.731973 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.databases
2023.10.18 22:29:10.732743 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW DATABASES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:29:10.733116 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.733904 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.734954 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_40_40_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:10.737012 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.tables
2023.10.18 22:29:10.738990 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_40_40_0 to 202310_40_40_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:10.739091 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.740024 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.740968 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 29328
2023.10.18 22:29:10.742873 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.dictionaries
2023.10.18 22:29:10.743724 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW DICTIONARIES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:29:10.744172 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.745550 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.748101 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(name) ON system.columns
2023.10.18 22:29:10.750482 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.751365 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.751808 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:10.763312 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.766188 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.766780 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> QueryPlanOptimizations: Pushed down filter is_aggregate to the Left side of join
2023.10.18 22:29:10.803130 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.803697 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.824088 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: Before join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.826913 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> JoiningTransform: After join block: 'is_aggregate UInt8 Const(size = 0, UInt8(size = 1)), name String String(size = 0), is_deterministic Nullable(UInt8) Nullable(size = 0, UInt8(size = 0), UInt8(size = 0)), case_insensitive UInt8 UInt8(size = 0), alias_to String String(size = 0), create_query String String(size = 0), origin Enum8('System' = 0, 'SQLUserDefined' = 1, 'ExecutableUserDefined' = 2) Int8(size = 0), description String String(size = 0), syntax String String(size = 0), arguments String String(size = 0), returned_value String String(size = 0), examples String String(size = 0), categories String String(size = 0), String String(size = 0)'
2023.10.18 22:29:10.855603 [ 3090255 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW TABLES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:29:10.856102 [ 3090252 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW COLUMNS ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:29:10.894459 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> executeQuery: Read 6811 rows, 748.79 KiB in 0.450094 sec., 15132.394566468338 rows/sec., 1.62 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.900295 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Trace> HashJoin: (0x179387518) Join data is being destroyed, 8448 bytes and 12 rows in hash table
2023.10.18 22:29:10.906700 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 16.97 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.906780 [ 3088909 ] {0c14a608-5f55-4cd3-814a-48de2b9eaf52} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.465360453 sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.945888 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
2023.10.18 22:29:10.946450 [ 3088909 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 341efb1f-f771-4e5b-9c08-900ed5ed9a0e Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
2023.10.18 22:29:11.007693 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:11.064494 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87092
2023.10.18 22:29:11.065343 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87092
2023.10.18 22:29:11.065426 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87092 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:11.462874 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 140 entries to flush up to offset 2980
2023.10.18 22:29:11.482454 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:11.482589 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:11.529319 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_70_70_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:11.536937 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_70_70_0 to 202310_70_70_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:11.539587 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 2980
2023.10.18 22:29:12.011148 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:12.079666 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87093
2023.10.18 22:29:12.080776 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87093
2023.10.18 22:29:12.080913 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87093 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:13.009598 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:13.071732 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87094
2023.10.18 22:29:13.072323 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87094
2023.10.18 22:29:13.072559 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87094 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:13.774200 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 285
2023.10.18 22:29:14.010086 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:14.066983 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87095
2023.10.18 22:29:14.068316 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87095
2023.10.18 22:29:14.068522 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87095 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:14.130489 [ 3089050 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:14.131517 [ 3089050 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:14.212615 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:14.212753 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:14.388158 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_34_34_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:14.587357 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_34_34_0 to 202310_34_34_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:14.657399 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 285
2023.10.18 22:29:15.008818 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:15.013560 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 4 entries to flush up to offset 14
2023.10.18 22:29:15.070631 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87096
2023.10.18 22:29:15.071033 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87096
2023.10.18 22:29:15.071274 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87096 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:15.109431 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:15.109566 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:15.135036 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_7_7_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:15.154092 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_7_7_0 to 202310_7_7_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:15.162085 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 14
2023.10.18 22:29:15.541444 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 36 entries to flush up to offset 3016
2023.10.18 22:29:15.550466 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:15.550576 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:15.564221 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_71_71_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:15.569830 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_71_71_0 to 202310_71_71_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:15.570681 [ 3089011 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_66_13 to 202310_71_71_0
2023.10.18 22:29:15.570831 [ 3089011 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:15.570925 [ 3089011 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:15.571661 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_66_13 to 202310_71_71_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:29:15.573460 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3016
2023.10.18 22:29:15.574488 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:29:15.574910 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_66_13, total 2730 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:15.576168 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_67_67_0, total 52 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:15.577535 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_68_68_0, total 24 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:15.578943 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_69_69_0, total 34 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:15.580808 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_70_70_0, total 140 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:15.582276 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_71_71_0, total 36 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:15.613351 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 3016 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.041959323 sec., 71879.13875540842 rows/sec., 9.03 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:15.618480 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_71_14 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:15.624707 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_71_14 to 202310_1_71_14 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:15.625265 [ 3089196 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_71_14} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_66_13, 202310_71_71_0] -> 202310_1_71_14
2023.10.18 22:29:15.626530 [ 3089196 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.83 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:15.862386 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 2ab43359-19ce-42f5-8aac-424c27bb1c29 Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:29:15.863304 [ 3088908 ] {00190385-ae9a-40c4-9fe1-65a226ea31df} <Debug> executeQuery: (from SHOW TABLES (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:29:15.864600 [ 3088908 ] {00190385-ae9a-40c4-9fe1-65a226ea31df} <Debug> executeQuery: (internal) SELECT name FROM system.tables WHERE database = 'default' ORDER BY name  (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:29:15.868485 [ 3088908 ] {00190385-ae9a-40c4-9fe1-65a226ea31df} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SELECT(database, name) ON system.tables
2023.10.18 22:29:15.870817 [ 3088908 ] {00190385-ae9a-40c4-9fe1-65a226ea31df} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2023.10.18 22:29:15.874820 [ 3090251 ] {00190385-ae9a-40c4-9fe1-65a226ea31df} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: SHOW TABLES ON *.*
2023.10.18 22:29:15.876532 [ 3088908 ] {00190385-ae9a-40c4-9fe1-65a226ea31df} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.014624329 sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:16.008455 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:16.065713 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87098
2023.10.18 22:29:16.066470 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87098
2023.10.18 22:29:16.066646 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87098 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:17.009565 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:17.071133 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87099
2023.10.18 22:29:17.071882 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87099
2023.10.18 22:29:17.071963 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87099 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:17.743480 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 30056
2023.10.18 22:29:17.757895 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:17.758032 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:17.765616 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_41_41_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:17.769573 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_41_41_0 to 202310_41_41_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:17.770339 [ 3089026 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_36_7 to 202310_41_41_0
2023.10.18 22:29:17.770517 [ 3089026 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:17.770616 [ 3089026 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:17.771501 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 30056
2023.10.18 22:29:17.771731 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_36_7 to 202310_41_41_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:29:17.772676 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:29:17.772874 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 5 marks from part 202310_1_36_7, total 26416 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:17.773439 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_37_37_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:17.774015 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_38_38_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:17.774522 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_39_39_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:17.775090 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_40_40_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:17.775641 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_41_41_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:17.841478 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 30056 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.070227428 sec., 427980.9307554308 rows/sec., 6.12 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:17.843617 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_41_8 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:17.847540 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_41_8 to 202310_1_41_8 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:17.847987 [ 3089198 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_36_7, 202310_41_41_0] -> 202310_1_41_8
2023.10.18 22:29:17.849729 [ 3089198 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.10 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:18.008656 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:18.064740 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87100
2023.10.18 22:29:18.065745 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87100
2023.10.18 22:29:18.065843 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87100 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:19.009747 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:19.076970 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87102
2023.10.18 22:29:19.077110 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87102
2023.10.18 22:29:19.077189 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87102 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:19.578522 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 67 entries to flush up to offset 3083
2023.10.18 22:29:19.594217 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:19.594351 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:19.602584 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_72_72_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:19.609395 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_72_72_0 to 202310_72_72_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:19.612062 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3083
2023.10.18 22:29:19.805790 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:29:19.805882 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:29:20.006510 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:20.062173 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87103
2023.10.18 22:29:20.063067 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87103
2023.10.18 22:29:20.063341 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87103 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:21.006968 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:21.062758 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87104
2023.10.18 22:29:21.063947 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87104
2023.10.18 22:29:21.064212 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87104 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:22.009332 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:22.066078 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87105
2023.10.18 22:29:22.067027 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87105
2023.10.18 22:29:22.067183 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87105 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:22.162085 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 293
2023.10.18 22:29:22.553115 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:22.553280 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:22.668065 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 2 entries to flush up to offset 16
2023.10.18 22:29:22.700668 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:22.700799 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:22.725969 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_8_8_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:22.730772 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_35_35_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:22.742204 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_8_8_0 to 202310_8_8_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:22.750972 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 16
2023.10.18 22:29:22.927301 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_35_35_0 to 202310_35_35_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:22.996204 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 293
2023.10.18 22:29:23.010129 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:23.066989 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87106
2023.10.18 22:29:23.067880 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87106
2023.10.18 22:29:23.067961 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87106 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:23.616601 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 36 entries to flush up to offset 3119
2023.10.18 22:29:23.629878 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:23.630014 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:23.638024 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_73_73_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:23.644885 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_73_73_0 to 202310_73_73_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:23.648969 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3119
2023.10.18 22:29:24.008692 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:24.065823 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87107
2023.10.18 22:29:24.066372 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87107
2023.10.18 22:29:24.066542 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87107 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:24.774956 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 30784
2023.10.18 22:29:24.791654 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:24.791800 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:24.799006 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_42_42_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:24.803366 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_42_42_0 to 202310_42_42_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:24.805055 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 30784
2023.10.18 22:29:25.006913 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:25.067456 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87108
2023.10.18 22:29:25.068428 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87108
2023.10.18 22:29:25.068638 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87108 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:26.007722 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:26.065624 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87109
2023.10.18 22:29:26.066723 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87109
2023.10.18 22:29:26.066908 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87109 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:27.007349 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:27.064074 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87110
2023.10.18 22:29:27.065214 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87110
2023.10.18 22:29:27.065295 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87110 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:27.653762 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 3147
2023.10.18 22:29:27.664132 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:27.664254 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:27.670306 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_74_74_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:27.675813 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_74_74_0 to 202310_74_74_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:27.678480 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3147
2023.10.18 22:29:28.009398 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:28.067400 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87111
2023.10.18 22:29:28.068131 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87111
2023.10.18 22:29:28.068274 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87111 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:29.007678 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:29.079497 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87113
2023.10.18 22:29:29.080453 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87113
2023.10.18 22:29:29.080613 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87113 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:29.132243 [ 3089095 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:29.133371 [ 3089095 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:29.809703 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:29:29.809756 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:29:30.010038 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:30.065787 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87114
2023.10.18 22:29:30.067285 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87114
2023.10.18 22:29:30.067424 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87114 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:30.501169 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 302
2023.10.18 22:29:30.892141 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:30.892265 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:31.009372 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:31.069985 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87115
2023.10.18 22:29:31.070142 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87115
2023.10.18 22:29:31.070303 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87115 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:31.120832 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_36_36_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:31.318553 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_36_36_0 to 202310_36_36_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:31.319796 [ 3089079 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_31_6 to 202310_36_36_0
2023.10.18 22:29:31.319951 [ 3089079 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:31.320043 [ 3089079 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:31.320718 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_31_6 to 202310_36_36_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:29:31.388856 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 302
2023.10.18 22:29:31.443361 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:29:31.460780 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_31_6, total 260 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:31.546643 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_32_32_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:31.630568 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_33_33_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:31.683104 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 40 entries to flush up to offset 3187
2023.10.18 22:29:31.693202 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:31.693315 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:31.702105 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_75_75_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:31.707559 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_75_75_0 to 202310_75_75_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:31.709728 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3187
2023.10.18 22:29:31.716412 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_34_34_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:31.802962 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_35_35_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:31.806151 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 31512
2023.10.18 22:29:31.820788 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:31.820934 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:31.827040 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_43_43_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:31.831512 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_43_43_0 to 202310_43_43_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:31.833535 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 31512
2023.10.18 22:29:31.890011 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_36_36_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:32.007991 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:32.064493 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87116
2023.10.18 22:29:32.065327 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87116
2023.10.18 22:29:32.065446 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87116 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:33.007489 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:33.064609 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87117
2023.10.18 22:29:33.065409 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87117
2023.10.18 22:29:33.065559 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87117 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:33.096893 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 302 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.776447129 sec., 170.00224496971225 rows/sec., 142.65 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:33.130565 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_36_7 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:33.366719 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_36_7 to 202310_1_36_7 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:33.367185 [ 3089197 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_36_7} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_31_6, 202310_36_36_0] -> 202310_1_36_7
2023.10.18 22:29:33.389742 [ 3089197 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.24 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:34.010188 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:34.073084 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87119
2023.10.18 22:29:34.073892 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87119
2023.10.18 22:29:34.073984 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87119 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:35.008744 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:35.065493 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87120
2023.10.18 22:29:35.066599 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87120
2023.10.18 22:29:35.066787 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87120 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:35.710368 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 36 entries to flush up to offset 3223
2023.10.18 22:29:35.720874 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:35.721114 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:35.727105 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_76_76_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:35.734506 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_76_76_0 to 202310_76_76_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:35.735594 [ 3089016 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_71_14 to 202310_76_76_0
2023.10.18 22:29:35.735857 [ 3089016 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:35.735979 [ 3089016 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:35.736884 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_71_14 to 202310_76_76_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:29:35.737658 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3223
2023.10.18 22:29:35.739243 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:29:35.739700 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_71_14, total 3016 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:35.740914 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_72_72_0, total 67 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:35.745658 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_73_73_0, total 36 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:35.746751 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_74_74_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:35.747808 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_75_75_0, total 40 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:35.749160 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_76_76_0, total 36 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:35.777170 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 3223 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.04065502 sec., 79276.80271710602 rows/sec., 9.96 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:35.782087 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_76_15 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:35.788234 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_76_15 to 202310_1_76_15 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:35.788799 [ 3089190 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_76_15} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_71_14, 202310_76_76_0] -> 202310_1_76_15
2023.10.18 22:29:35.790278 [ 3089190 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.80 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:36.009058 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:36.065324 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87121
2023.10.18 22:29:36.066334 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87121
2023.10.18 22:29:36.066444 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87121 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:37.008202 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:37.063181 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87122
2023.10.18 22:29:37.064228 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87122
2023.10.18 22:29:37.064423 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87122 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:38.007921 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:38.066809 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87123
2023.10.18 22:29:38.067541 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87123
2023.10.18 22:29:38.067640 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87123 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:38.839457 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 32240
2023.10.18 22:29:38.856326 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:38.856438 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:38.862877 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_44_44_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:38.866853 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_44_44_0 to 202310_44_44_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:38.868987 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 32240
2023.10.18 22:29:38.891464 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 310
2023.10.18 22:29:39.009772 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:39.071058 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87125
2023.10.18 22:29:39.072463 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87125
2023.10.18 22:29:39.072686 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87125 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:39.332159 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:39.332281 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:39.507596 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_37_37_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:39.701618 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_37_37_0 to 202310_37_37_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:39.739266 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 49 entries to flush up to offset 3272
2023.10.18 22:29:39.749526 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:39.749682 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:39.756735 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_77_77_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:39.762070 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_77_77_0 to 202310_77_77_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:39.765958 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3272
2023.10.18 22:29:39.771815 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 310
2023.10.18 22:29:39.811715 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:29:39.811822 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:29:40.007893 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:40.064677 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87126
2023.10.18 22:29:40.065782 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87126
2023.10.18 22:29:40.066059 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87126 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:41.010209 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:41.066319 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87127
2023.10.18 22:29:41.067350 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87127
2023.10.18 22:29:41.067427 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87127 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:42.007381 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:42.063297 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87128
2023.10.18 22:29:42.064257 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87128
2023.10.18 22:29:42.064446 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87128 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:43.009866 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:43.066830 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87129
2023.10.18 22:29:43.067806 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87129
2023.10.18 22:29:43.067941 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87129 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:43.771253 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 25 entries to flush up to offset 3297
2023.10.18 22:29:43.783773 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:43.783890 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:43.790978 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_78_78_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:43.797126 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_78_78_0 to 202310_78_78_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:43.799530 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3297
2023.10.18 22:29:44.006970 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:44.063977 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87130
2023.10.18 22:29:44.065076 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87130
2023.10.18 22:29:44.065176 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87130 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:44.133657 [ 3089033 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:44.134945 [ 3089033 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:45.007948 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:45.064654 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87131
2023.10.18 22:29:45.065990 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87131
2023.10.18 22:29:45.066168 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87131 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:45.875375 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 32968
2023.10.18 22:29:45.898191 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:45.898309 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:45.905134 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_45_45_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:45.909120 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_45_45_0 to 202310_45_45_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:45.911049 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 32968
2023.10.18 22:29:46.008977 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:46.063969 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87132
2023.10.18 22:29:46.065042 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87132
2023.10.18 22:29:46.065157 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87132 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:47.007791 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:47.064423 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87133
2023.10.18 22:29:47.065693 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87133
2023.10.18 22:29:47.065807 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87133 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:47.273440 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 318
2023.10.18 22:29:47.660217 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:47.660358 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:47.802220 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 33 entries to flush up to offset 3330
2023.10.18 22:29:47.812551 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:47.812658 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:47.818640 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_79_79_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:47.824307 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_79_79_0 to 202310_79_79_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:47.826867 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3330
2023.10.18 22:29:47.837993 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_38_38_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:48.009429 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:48.076475 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87134
2023.10.18 22:29:48.077107 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87134
2023.10.18 22:29:48.077246 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87134 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:48.114600 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_38_38_0 to 202310_38_38_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:48.189603 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 318
2023.10.18 22:29:49.008966 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:49.066026 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87135
2023.10.18 22:29:49.067439 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87135
2023.10.18 22:29:49.067602 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87135 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:49.813059 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:29:49.813071 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:29:50.009065 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:50.067686 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87137
2023.10.18 22:29:50.068536 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87137
2023.10.18 22:29:50.068657 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87137 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:51.011163 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:51.067586 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87138
2023.10.18 22:29:51.068776 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87138
2023.10.18 22:29:51.068961 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87138 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:51.831604 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 27 entries to flush up to offset 3357
2023.10.18 22:29:51.841962 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:51.842078 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:51.848607 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_80_80_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:51.854302 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_80_80_0 to 202310_80_80_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:51.856776 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3357
2023.10.18 22:29:52.009803 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:52.070139 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87139
2023.10.18 22:29:52.071805 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87139
2023.10.18 22:29:52.071891 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87139 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:52.913088 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 33696
2023.10.18 22:29:52.929335 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:52.929537 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:52.936222 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_46_46_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:52.940095 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_46_46_0 to 202310_46_46_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:52.941322 [ 3089017 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_41_8 to 202310_46_46_0
2023.10.18 22:29:52.941626 [ 3089017 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:52.941831 [ 3089017 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:52.943018 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 33696
2023.10.18 22:29:52.943198 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_41_8 to 202310_46_46_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:29:52.944448 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:29:52.944707 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 5 marks from part 202310_1_41_8, total 30056 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:52.945523 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_42_42_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:52.946113 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_43_43_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:52.946703 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_44_44_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:52.947351 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_45_45_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:52.948004 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_46_46_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:53.007692 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:53.067547 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87140
2023.10.18 22:29:53.067948 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87140
2023.10.18 22:29:53.068072 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87140 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:53.083538 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 33696 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.140905901 sec., 239138.31685445167 rows/sec., 3.42 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:53.084673 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_46_9 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:53.088826 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_46_9 to 202310_1_46_9 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:53.089245 [ 3089199 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_46_9} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_41_8, 202310_46_46_0] -> 202310_1_46_9
2023.10.18 22:29:53.093662 [ 3089199 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.09 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:54.008129 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:54.063132 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87141
2023.10.18 22:29:54.064605 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87141
2023.10.18 22:29:54.064747 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87141 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:55.009709 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:55.066166 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87142
2023.10.18 22:29:55.067204 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87142
2023.10.18 22:29:55.067284 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87142 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:55.690921 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 327
2023.10.18 22:29:55.861234 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 45 entries to flush up to offset 3402
2023.10.18 22:29:55.871676 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:55.871788 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:55.877636 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_81_81_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:55.882990 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_81_81_0 to 202310_81_81_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:55.883758 [ 3089052 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_76_15 to 202310_81_81_0
2023.10.18 22:29:55.883982 [ 3089052 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:55.884072 [ 3089052 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:55.884720 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_76_15 to 202310_81_81_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:29:55.885258 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3402
2023.10.18 22:29:55.886795 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:29:55.887156 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_76_15, total 3223 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:55.888325 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_77_77_0, total 49 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:55.889532 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_78_78_0, total 25 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:55.890657 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_79_79_0, total 33 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:55.891847 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_80_80_0, total 27 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:55.893133 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_81_81_0, total 45 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:29:55.923124 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 3402 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.038676632 sec., 87960.08918253274 rows/sec., 11.03 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:29:55.928338 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_81_16 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:55.935126 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_81_16 to 202310_1_81_16 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:55.935625 [ 3089188 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_81_16} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_76_15, 202310_81_81_0] -> 202310_1_81_16
2023.10.18 22:29:55.936840 [ 3089188 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.80 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:56.006974 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:56.063495 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87143
2023.10.18 22:29:56.064179 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87143
2023.10.18 22:29:56.064330 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87143 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:56.133068 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:56.133203 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:56.308269 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_39_39_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:56.505582 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_39_39_0 to 202310_39_39_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:56.575767 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 327
2023.10.18 22:29:57.007233 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:57.070455 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87144
2023.10.18 22:29:57.071431 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87144
2023.10.18 22:29:57.071636 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87144 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:58.007005 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:58.063251 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87145
2023.10.18 22:29:58.064886 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87145
2023.10.18 22:29:58.065078 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87145 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:59.008547 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:29:59.075153 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87146
2023.10.18 22:29:59.076173 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87146
2023.10.18 22:29:59.076270 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87146 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:29:59.138935 [ 3089101 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:59.140112 [ 3089101 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:29:59.814191 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:29:59.814254 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:29:59.889664 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 47 entries to flush up to offset 3449
2023.10.18 22:29:59.902087 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:59.902208 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:59.908895 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_82_82_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:59.914583 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_82_82_0 to 202310_82_82_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:59.917050 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3449
2023.10.18 22:29:59.951885 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 34424
2023.10.18 22:29:59.969067 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:29:59.969189 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:29:59.976364 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_47_47_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:29:59.980833 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_47_47_0 to 202310_47_47_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:29:59.982872 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 34424
2023.10.18 22:30:00.008548 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:00.073677 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87148
2023.10.18 22:30:00.075948 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87148
2023.10.18 22:30:00.076073 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87148 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:01.009742 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:01.071260 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87149
2023.10.18 22:30:01.072050 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87149
2023.10.18 22:30:01.072155 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87149 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:02.008936 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:02.066988 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87150
2023.10.18 22:30:02.067909 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87150
2023.10.18 22:30:02.068008 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87150 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:03.007429 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:03.067613 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87151
2023.10.18 22:30:03.068437 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87151
2023.10.18 22:30:03.068514 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87151 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:03.920947 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 3477
2023.10.18 22:30:03.930384 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:03.930626 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:03.936772 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_83_83_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:03.942011 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_83_83_0 to 202310_83_83_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:03.944464 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3477
2023.10.18 22:30:04.007296 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:04.065209 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87152
2023.10.18 22:30:04.066206 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87152
2023.10.18 22:30:04.066334 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87152 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:04.078048 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 335
2023.10.18 22:30:04.463108 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:04.463287 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:04.639380 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_40_40_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:04.837578 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_40_40_0 to 202310_40_40_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:04.903886 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 335
2023.10.18 22:30:05.007713 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:05.067737 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87154
2023.10.18 22:30:05.068923 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87154
2023.10.18 22:30:05.069114 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87154 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:05.883173 [ 3088908 ] {} <Trace> TCP-Session: 2ab43359-19ce-42f5-8aac-424c27bb1c29 Creating query context from session context, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db, parent context user: default
2023.10.18 22:30:05.884143 [ 3088908 ] {f3171655-0b55-42a4-9de1-9724c6e120bd} <Debug> executeQuery: (from CREATE TABLE dummy(id string); (stage: Complete)
2023.10.18 22:30:05.884391 [ 3088908 ] {f3171655-0b55-42a4-9de1-9724c6e120bd} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Access granted: CREATE TABLE ON default.dummy
2023.10.18 22:30:05.884758 [ 3088908 ] {f3171655-0b55-42a4-9de1-9724c6e120bd} <Error> executeQuery: Code: 119. DB::Exception: Table engine is not specified in CREATE query. (ENGINE_REQUIRED) (version (from (in query: CREATE TABLE dummy(id string);), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. 0x10bbcf422
1. 0x10bbcf3ed
2. 0x1261ab200
3. 0x114d9172e
4. 0x114d91872
5. 0x10bbbd38a
6. 0x10c3a66fe
7. 0x11fa042c5
8. 0x11fa02e33
9. 0x11f9ffb39
10. 0x11fa07704
11. 0x11fa11016
12. 0x12049c663
13. 0x1204975fc
14. 0x1227133ed
15. 0x122727685
16. 0x12618c3f9
17. 0x12618cd5c
18. 0x12622a3f4
19. 0x12622727a
20. 0x12622578b
21. 0x7ff80c0e2202

2023.10.18 22:30:05.885043 [ 3088908 ] {f3171655-0b55-42a4-9de1-9724c6e120bd} <Error> TCPHandler: Code: 119. DB::Exception: Table engine is not specified in CREATE query. (ENGINE_REQUIRED), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. 0x10bbcf422
1. 0x10bbcf3ed
2. 0x1261ab200
3. 0x114d9172e
4. 0x114d91872
5. 0x10bbbd38a
6. 0x10c3a66fe
7. 0x11fa042c5
8. 0x11fa02e33
9. 0x11f9ffb39
10. 0x11fa07704
11. 0x11fa11016
12. 0x12049c663
13. 0x1204975fc
14. 0x1227133ed
15. 0x122727685
16. 0x12618c3f9
17. 0x12618cd5c
18. 0x12622a3f4
19. 0x12622727a
20. 0x12622578b
21. 0x7ff80c0e2202

2023.10.18 22:30:05.885152 [ 3088908 ] {f3171655-0b55-42a4-9de1-9724c6e120bd} <Debug> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.00241099 sec.
2023.10.18 22:30:06.009111 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:06.065779 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87155
2023.10.18 22:30:06.066621 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87155
2023.10.18 22:30:06.066738 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87155 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:06.987799 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 35152
2023.10.18 22:30:07.003635 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:07.003783 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:07.007129 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:07.065236 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_48_48_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:07.067284 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87156
2023.10.18 22:30:07.067462 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87156
2023.10.18 22:30:07.067550 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87156 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:07.069671 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_48_48_0 to 202310_48_48_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:07.073430 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 35152
2023.10.18 22:30:07.770228 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushing system log, 1 entries to flush up to offset 17
2023.10.18 22:30:07.807687 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:07.807897 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:07.831095 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_9_9_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:07.850589 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> system.query_log (51445c1c-1e89-447a-9018-8940cf0d44e7): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_9_9_0 to 202310_9_9_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:07.859162 [ 3089242 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.query_log): Flushed system log up to offset 17
2023.10.18 22:30:07.944846 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 46 entries to flush up to offset 3523
2023.10.18 22:30:07.955918 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:07.956026 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:07.962024 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_84_84_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:07.967543 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_84_84_0 to 202310_84_84_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:07.969898 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3523
2023.10.18 22:30:08.008715 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:08.068864 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87157
2023.10.18 22:30:08.070785 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87157
2023.10.18 22:30:08.070867 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87157 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:09.009768 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:09.067210 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87158
2023.10.18 22:30:09.068322 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87158
2023.10.18 22:30:09.068508 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87158 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:09.818638 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:30:09.818776 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:30:10.010056 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:10.078354 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87160
2023.10.18 22:30:10.079131 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87160
2023.10.18 22:30:10.079223 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87160 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:11.009268 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:11.070760 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87161
2023.10.18 22:30:11.071793 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87161
2023.10.18 22:30:11.071872 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87161 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:11.972917 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 24 entries to flush up to offset 3547
2023.10.18 22:30:11.983325 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:11.983444 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:11.989913 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_85_85_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:11.995406 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_85_85_0 to 202310_85_85_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:11.997923 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3547
2023.10.18 22:30:12.007205 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:12.066509 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87162
2023.10.18 22:30:12.067785 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87162
2023.10.18 22:30:12.067866 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87162 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:12.407233 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 344
2023.10.18 22:30:12.792783 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:12.792925 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:12.974646 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_41_41_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:13.009389 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:13.068006 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87163
2023.10.18 22:30:13.068993 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87163
2023.10.18 22:30:13.069086 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87163 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:13.228571 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_41_41_0 to 202310_41_41_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:13.229884 [ 3089065 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_36_7 to 202310_41_41_0
2023.10.18 22:30:13.230108 [ 3089065 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:13.230197 [ 3089065 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.42 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:13.231233 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_36_7 to 202310_41_41_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:30:13.321931 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 344
2023.10.18 22:30:13.384388 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:30:13.413904 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_36_7, total 302 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:13.510315 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_37_37_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:13.594350 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_38_38_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:13.678186 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_39_39_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:13.762754 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_40_40_0, total 8 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:13.847933 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_41_41_0, total 9 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:14.008010 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:14.067355 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87164
2023.10.18 22:30:14.071817 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87164
2023.10.18 22:30:14.071966 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87164 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:14.075014 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 832 entries to flush up to offset 35984
2023.10.18 22:30:14.095447 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:14.095640 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:14.103817 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_49_49_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:14.108403 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_49_49_0 to 202310_49_49_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:14.110356 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 35984
2023.10.18 22:30:14.140718 [ 3089045 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:30:14.141827 [ 3089045 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:30:15.009090 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:15.064534 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 344 rows, containing 680 columns (680 merged, 0 gathered) in 1.833647671 sec., 187.60419760051056 rows/sec., 153.47 KiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:30:15.067107 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87165
2023.10.18 22:30:15.067966 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87165
2023.10.18 22:30:15.068106 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87165 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:15.099033 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_41_8 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:15.339118 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_41_8 to 202310_1_41_8 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:15.339614 [ 3089193 ] {ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782::202310_1_41_8} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_36_7, 202310_41_41_0] -> 202310_1_41_8
2023.10.18 22:30:15.362612 [ 3089193 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.24 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:16.001775 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 52 entries to flush up to offset 3599
2023.10.18 22:30:16.010845 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:16.012507 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:16.012637 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:16.066905 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87166
2023.10.18 22:30:16.067419 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87166
2023.10.18 22:30:16.067566 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87166 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:16.069386 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_86_86_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:16.074926 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_86_86_0 to 202310_86_86_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:16.075804 [ 3089034 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_81_16 to 202310_86_86_0
2023.10.18 22:30:16.076040 [ 3089034 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:16.076142 [ 3089034 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:16.077040 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_81_16 to 202310_86_86_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:30:16.078552 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3599
2023.10.18 22:30:16.079601 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:30:16.079973 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_81_16, total 3402 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:16.081153 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_82_82_0, total 47 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:16.082249 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_83_83_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:16.083337 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_84_84_0, total 46 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:16.084472 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_85_85_0, total 24 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:16.085605 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_86_86_0, total 52 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:16.115431 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 3599 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.038748973 sec., 92879.88097129697 rows/sec., 11.66 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:30:16.120731 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_86_17 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:16.126784 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_86_17 to 202310_1_86_17 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:16.127203 [ 3089189 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_86_17} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_81_16, 202310_86_86_0] -> 202310_1_86_17
2023.10.18 22:30:16.128287 [ 3089189 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 3.80 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:17.009893 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:17.068415 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87169
2023.10.18 22:30:17.069319 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87169
2023.10.18 22:30:17.069476 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87169 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:18.008512 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:18.072832 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87173
2023.10.18 22:30:18.074388 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87173
2023.10.18 22:30:18.074531 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87173 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:19.008202 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:19.068129 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87174
2023.10.18 22:30:19.069697 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87174
2023.10.18 22:30:19.069845 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87174 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:19.820940 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:30:19.820992 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:30:20.010253 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:20.076430 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87177
2023.10.18 22:30:20.078666 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87177
2023.10.18 22:30:20.078831 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87177 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:20.081000 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 44 entries to flush up to offset 3643
2023.10.18 22:30:20.093853 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:20.094015 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:20.102400 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_87_87_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:20.110235 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_87_87_0 to 202310_87_87_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:20.113539 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3643
2023.10.18 22:30:20.824510 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 352
2023.10.18 22:30:21.012580 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:21.087444 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87178
2023.10.18 22:30:21.092274 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87178
2023.10.18 22:30:21.092631 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87178 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:21.113813 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 36712
2023.10.18 22:30:21.132376 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:21.132656 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:21.143053 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_50_50_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:21.148124 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_50_50_0 to 202310_50_50_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:21.150508 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 36712
2023.10.18 22:30:21.400172 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:21.400398 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:21.638749 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_42_42_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:21.854681 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_42_42_0 to 202310_42_42_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:21.923892 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 352
2023.10.18 22:30:22.008927 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:22.076390 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87181
2023.10.18 22:30:22.077508 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87181
2023.10.18 22:30:22.077650 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87181 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:23.009269 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:23.071096 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87182
2023.10.18 22:30:23.072591 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87182
2023.10.18 22:30:23.072742 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87182 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:24.009998 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:24.074902 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87183
2023.10.18 22:30:24.076281 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87183
2023.10.18 22:30:24.076441 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87183 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:24.118402 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 34 entries to flush up to offset 3677
2023.10.18 22:30:24.129709 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:24.129850 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:24.136688 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_88_88_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:24.142638 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_88_88_0 to 202310_88_88_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:24.145120 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3677
2023.10.18 22:30:25.011242 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:25.079692 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87184
2023.10.18 22:30:25.080496 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87184
2023.10.18 22:30:25.080588 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87184 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:26.009334 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:26.066624 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87185
2023.10.18 22:30:26.067414 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87185
2023.10.18 22:30:26.067521 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87185 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:27.008144 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:27.069660 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87186
2023.10.18 22:30:27.070302 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87186
2023.10.18 22:30:27.070427 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87186 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:28.009612 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:28.068217 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87187
2023.10.18 22:30:28.068948 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87187
2023.10.18 22:30:28.069057 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87187 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:28.145794 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 22 entries to flush up to offset 3699
2023.10.18 22:30:28.152098 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 37440
2023.10.18 22:30:28.155088 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:28.155198 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:28.161076 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_89_89_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:28.166320 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_89_89_0 to 202310_89_89_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:28.166438 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:28.166579 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:28.168991 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3699
2023.10.18 22:30:28.173126 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_51_51_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:28.176989 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_51_51_0 to 202310_51_51_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:28.177684 [ 3089063 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_46_9 to 202310_51_51_0
2023.10.18 22:30:28.177873 [ 3089063 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:28.177968 [ 3089063 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:28.178660 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_46_9 to 202310_51_51_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:30:28.178921 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 37440
2023.10.18 22:30:28.179661 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:30:28.179908 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 6 marks from part 202310_1_46_9, total 33696 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:28.180666 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_47_47_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:28.181323 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_48_48_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:28.181851 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_49_49_0, total 832 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:28.182379 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_50_50_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:28.182996 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_51_51_0, total 728 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:28.273609 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 37440 rows, containing 4 columns (4 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.095230157 sec., 393152.7698730981 rows/sec., 5.62 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:30:28.275698 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_51_10 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:28.279660 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_merge_202310_1_51_10 to 202310_1_51_10 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:28.280055 [ 3089194 ] {6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81::202310_1_51_10} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81) (MergerMutator): Merged 6 parts: [202310_1_46_9, 202310_51_51_0] -> 202310_1_51_10
2023.10.18 22:30:28.281402 [ 3089194 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage background process to apply mutate/merge in table: 7.11 MiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:29.008317 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:29.081942 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87188
2023.10.18 22:30:29.082621 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87188
2023.10.18 22:30:29.082753 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87188 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:29.143509 [ 3089080 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:30:29.144557 [ 3089080 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
2023.10.18 22:30:29.427994 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 9 entries to flush up to offset 361
2023.10.18 22:30:29.824681 [ 3088907 ] {} <Trace> KeeperTCPHandler: Received heartbeat for session #1
2023.10.18 22:30:29.824722 [ 3089158 ] {} <Trace> KeeperDispatcher: Processing requests batch, size: 1, bytes: 0
2023.10.18 22:30:29.829260 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:29.829368 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:30.004684 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_43_43_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:30.008650 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:30.067181 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87190
2023.10.18 22:30:30.067712 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87190
2023.10.18 22:30:30.067901 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87190 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:30.069127 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Update heavy metrics. Update period 1 sec. Update heavy metrics period 120 sec. Heavy metrics calculation elapsed: 0.000894847 sec.
2023.10.18 22:30:30.258114 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ec37a6b6-cc99-41e3-81e0-dc7309db3782): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_43_43_0 to 202310_43_43_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:30.328301 [ 3089247 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 361
2023.10.18 22:30:31.009181 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:31.067094 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87192
2023.10.18 22:30:31.068102 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87192
2023.10.18 22:30:31.068378 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87192 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:32.010777 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:32.066078 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87193
2023.10.18 22:30:32.066969 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87193
2023.10.18 22:30:32.067109 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87193 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:32.173151 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 55 entries to flush up to offset 3754
2023.10.18 22:30:32.185425 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:32.185532 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:32.192717 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_90_90_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:32.198548 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_90_90_0 to 202310_90_90_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:32.200989 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3754
2023.10.18 22:30:33.010612 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:33.067217 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87194
2023.10.18 22:30:33.068176 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87194
2023.10.18 22:30:33.068393 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87194 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:34.009048 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:34.064854 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87195
2023.10.18 22:30:34.065769 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87195
2023.10.18 22:30:34.065870 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87195 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:35.007924 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:35.063780 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87196
2023.10.18 22:30:35.064638 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87196
2023.10.18 22:30:35.064750 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87196 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:35.180168 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 728 entries to flush up to offset 38168
2023.10.18 22:30:35.198651 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:35.198771 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:35.205484 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_52_52_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:35.209598 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (6fa00c59-343b-47a3-adc1-9fde28c09b81): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_52_52_0 to 202310_52_52_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:35.211731 [ 3089246 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 38168
2023.10.18 22:30:36.008928 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will start shell command '/bin/sh' with arguments '/bin/sh', '-c', 'ulimit -n'
2023.10.18 22:30:36.066857 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Started shell command '/bin/sh' with pid 87197
2023.10.18 22:30:36.067819 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Will wait for shell command pid 87197
2023.10.18 22:30:36.067944 [ 3089301 ] {} <Trace> ShellCommand: Wait for shell command pid 87197 completed with status 0
2023.10.18 22:30:36.202332 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushing system log, 28 entries to flush up to offset 3782
2023.10.18 22:30:36.211828 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:36.211934 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:36.218192 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_91_91_0 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:36.223730 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202310_91_91_0 to 202310_91_91_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
2023.10.18 22:30:36.224481 [ 3089114 ] {} <Debug> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8) (MergerMutator): Selected 6 parts from 202310_1_86_17 to 202310_91_91_0
2023.10.18 22:30:36.224623 [ 3089114 ] {} <Trace> system.text_log (07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
2023.10.18 22:30:36.224753 [ 3089114 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 207.41 GiB.
2023.10.18 22:30:36.225386 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Merging 6 parts: from 202310_1_86_17 to 202310_91_91_0 into Compact with storage Full
2023.10.18 22:30:36.226163 [ 3089245 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.text_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3782
2023.10.18 22:30:36.227722 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTask::PrepareStage: Selected MergeAlgorithm: Horizontal
2023.10.18 22:30:36.228115 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_1_86_17, total 3599 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:36.229166 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_87_87_0, total 44 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:36.230171 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_88_88_0, total 34 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:36.231160 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_89_89_0, total 22 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:36.232240 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_90_90_0, total 55 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:36.233666 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTreeSequentialSource: Reading 2 marks from part 202310_91_91_0, total 28 rows starting from the beginning of the part
2023.10.18 22:30:36.265983 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Debug> MergeTask::MergeProjectionsStage: Merge sorted 3782 rows, containing 13 columns (13 merged, 0 gathered) in 0.040854995 sec., 92571.3000332028 rows/sec., 11.60 MiB/sec.
2023.10.18 22:30:36.271449 [ 3089187 ] {07cd62cc-f1c2-43a9-b29c-9e7d4e0502e8::202310_1_91_18} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202310_1_91_18 (state Temporary)
2023.10.18 22:30:36.277236 [ 3089187 ] 
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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