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Created October 13, 2020 18:42
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A generic implementation of 'replaceSubrange' for contiguous buffers
// This file contains a generic implementation of 'replaceSubrange' for contiguous buffers,
// including those only accessible indirectly such as `ManagedBuffer` subclasses.
// It includes optimisations for in-place replacement as well as consuming the original storage when additional
// capacity is required. The implementation is adapted from the standard library's source code, where it forms
// the basis of Array's implementation of replaceSubrange.
/// An object which contains a unique, mutable buffer.
/// This protocol is a required level of indirection so that `replaceElements` can allocate, fill, and return objects which provide their buffers indirectly.
protocol BufferContainer {
associatedtype Element
func withUnsafeMutablePointerToElements<R>(_ body: (UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
/// Given a `buffer`, representing an entire allocation in which `0..<initializedCount` are initialized elements
/// and `initializedCount..<buffer.count` is uninitialized capacity, replaces the elements in `subrange` with
/// those given by `newElements`.
/// If `isUnique` is true and the buffer's capacity is sufficient, elements will be efficiently rearranged in-place.
/// Otherwise, `storageConstructor` will be invoked and passed the required capacity as a parameter. The closure must return an object with access
/// to at least that many mutable bytes. If `isUnique` is true, the old buffer will be consumed and its elements efficiently moved in to the new storage, otherwise
/// they will be copied.
/// Typical usage looks as follows (where `storage` is an instance variable which is some subclass of `ManagedBuffer`):
/// ```swift
/// let isUnique = isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&storage)
/// let result = storage.withUnsafeMutablePointerToElements { elems in
/// return replaceElements(
/// in: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: elems, count: storage.capacity),
/// initializedCount: storage.header.count,
/// subrange: subrange,
/// with: newElements,
/// isUnique: isUnique,
/// storageConstructor: { MyManagedBufferSubclass(minimumCapacity: $0, initialHeader: storage.header) }
/// )
/// }
/// // Update the count of the existing storage. Its contents may have been moved out.
/// storage.header.count = result.bufferCount
/// // Adopt any new storage that was allocated.
/// if var newStorage = result.newStorage {
/// newStorage.header.count = result.newStorageCount
/// = newStorage
/// }
/// ```
/// - parameters:
/// - buffer: A buffer-pointer which represents the entire available capacity, including any uninitialized storage.
/// - initializedCount: The number of contiguous elements (from 0) that are initialized in `buffer`.
/// - subrange: The range of elements in `buffer` to replace. `buffer.endIndex..<buffer.endIndex` performs an append.
/// - newElements: The new elements to insert in `subrange`.
/// - isUnique: If `true`, `buffer` is assumed to be a unique reference which may be consumed or mutated in-place.
/// - storageConstructor: A closure which can construct a new buffer with a given capacity.
/// - returns: A tuple containing the following fields:
/// - bufferCount: The number of contiguous elements which remain initialized in the original `buffer`. If `isUnique` is `false`, this will always
/// be the same as `initializedCount`.
/// - insertedCount: The number of elements which were inserted.
/// The elements will be found at `subrange.lowerBound ..< subrange.lowerBound + insertedCount`,
/// in either `buffer` or `newStorage`.
/// - newStorage: The new storage object, if one had to be allocated.
/// - newStorageCount: The number of contiguous elements which are initialized in `newStorage`.
func replaceElements<C, T: BufferContainer>(
in buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<C.Element>,
initializedCount: Int,
subrange: Range<Int>,
with newElements: C,
isUnique: Bool,
storageConstructor: (_ minimumCapacity: Int) -> T
) -> (bufferCount: Int, insertedCount: Int, newStorage: T?, newStorageCount: Int)
where C: Collection, T.Element == C.Element {
return replaceElements(
in: buffer,
initializedCount: initializedCount,
isUnique: isUnique,
subrange: subrange,
withElements: newElements.count,
initializedWith: { return $0.initialize(from: newElements).1 },
storageConstructor: storageConstructor
func replaceElements<T: BufferContainer>(
in buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T.Element>,
initializedCount: Int,
isUnique: Bool,
subrange: Range<Int>,
withElements newElementsCount: Int,
initializedWith initializer: (UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T.Element>)->Int,
storageConstructor: (_ minimumCapacity: Int) -> T
) -> (bufferCount: Int, insertedCount: Int, newStorage: T?, newStorageCount: Int) {
precondition(subrange.lowerBound >= 0, "subrange start is negative")
precondition(subrange.upperBound <= initializedCount, "subrange extends past the end")
let insertCount = newElementsCount
let finalCount = initializedCount - subrange.count + insertCount
if isUnique && finalCount <= buffer.count {
let newCount = replaceSubrange_inplace(
buffer: buffer, initializedCount: initializedCount,
subrange: subrange, newElementCount: insertCount
) { ptr, expectedCount in
let n = initializer(UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: expectedCount))
precondition(n == expectedCount, "initializer failed to initialize entire capacity")
return (bufferCount: newCount, insertedCount: insertCount, newStorage: nil, newStorageCount: 0)
let newStorage = storageConstructor(finalCount)
let srcBuffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(rebasing: buffer.prefix(initializedCount))
let newCount = newStorage.withUnsafeMutablePointerToElements { newBufferPtr -> Int in
let newBuffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: newBufferPtr, count: finalCount)
if isUnique {
return newBuffer.moveInitialize(from: srcBuffer, replacingSubrange: subrange, withElements: insertCount) {
ptr, expectedCount in
let n = initializer(UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: expectedCount))
precondition(n == expectedCount, "initializer failed to initialize entire capacity")
return newBuffer.initialize(
from: UnsafeBufferPointer(srcBuffer), replacingSubrange: subrange, withElements: insertCount
) { ptr, expectedCount in
let n = initializer(UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: expectedCount))
precondition(n == expectedCount, "initializer failed to initialize entire capacity")
assert(newCount == finalCount)
return (
bufferCount: isUnique ? 0 : initializedCount, insertedCount: insertCount, newStorage: newStorage,
newStorageCount: finalCount
/// Given a buffer, whose elements from `0..<initializedCount` are initialized, replaces the given subrange with the elements in `newValues`.
/// The buffer must have sufficient capacity to store the elements.
/// - returns: The buffer's new `count`.
func replaceSubrange_inplace<Element>(
buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>,
initializedCount: Int,
subrange: Range<Int>,
newElementCount: Int,
_ initializeNewElements:
((UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>, _ count: Int) -> Void) = { ptr, count in
precondition(count == 0)
) -> Int {
let oldCount = initializedCount
let growth = newElementCount - subrange.count
let finalCount = oldCount + growth
precondition(finalCount <= buffer.count, "Insufficient capacity for replaceSubrange_inplace")
guard let elements = buffer.baseAddress else { return 0 }
switch growth {
case _ where growth > 0:
(elements + subrange.lowerBound + newElementCount)
.moveInitialize(from: elements + subrange.upperBound, count: oldCount - subrange.upperBound)
(elements + subrange.lowerBound).deinitialize(count: subrange.count)
initializeNewElements(elements + subrange.lowerBound, newElementCount)
case _ where growth == 0:
(elements + subrange.lowerBound).deinitialize(count: subrange.count)
initializeNewElements(elements + subrange.lowerBound, newElementCount)
case _ where growth < 0: fallthrough
(elements + subrange.lowerBound).deinitialize(count: subrange.count)
initializeNewElements(elements + subrange.lowerBound, newElementCount)
(elements + subrange.lowerBound + newElementCount)
.moveInitialize(from: elements + subrange.upperBound, count: oldCount - subrange.upperBound)
return finalCount
// Out-of-place updates.
extension UnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
/// Initializes the contents of this buffer by moving the contents of `oldContents`, with the exception of `subrange`, whose
/// old contents are deinitialized and replaced by a region of size `newCount`, initialized by the given closure.
/// - parameters:
/// - oldContents: The buffer whose contents should be moved in to this buffer.
/// - subrange: The region of `buffer` which should be replaced.
/// - newCount: The number of elements to replace `subrange` with.
/// - initializeNewElements: A closure, which **must** initialize `newCount` elements starting at the given pointer.
/// - returns: The total number of elements that were initialized.
func moveInitialize(
from oldContents: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>,
replacingSubrange subrange: Range<Int>,
withElements newCount: Int, // Number of new elements to insert
_ initializeNewElements:
((UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>, _ count: Int) -> Void) = { ptr, count in
precondition(count == 0)
) -> Int {
guard let sourceStart = oldContents.baseAddress else { return 0 }
precondition(subrange.lowerBound >= 0 && subrange.upperBound <= oldContents.count, "Invalid subrange")
let finalCount = oldContents.count - subrange.count + newCount
precondition(finalCount <= self.count, "Insufficient capacity")
var head = self.baseAddress!
// Move the head items
head.moveInitialize(from: sourceStart, count: subrange.lowerBound)
head += subrange.lowerBound
// Destroy unused source items
(sourceStart + subrange.lowerBound).deinitialize(count: subrange.count)
// Initialize the gap.
initializeNewElements(head, newCount)
head += newCount
// Move the tail items
head.moveInitialize(from: sourceStart + subrange.upperBound, count: oldContents.count - subrange.upperBound)
return finalCount
/// Initializes the contents of this buffer by copying the contents of `oldContents`, with the exception of `subrange`, which is
/// replaced by a region of size `newCount`, initialized by the given closure.
/// - parameters:
/// - oldContents: The buffer whose contents should be copied in to this buffer.
/// - subrange: The region of `buffer` which should be replaced.
/// - newCount: The number of elements to replace `subrange` with.
/// - initializeNewElements: A closure, which **must** initialize `newCount` elements starting at the given pointer.
/// - returns: The total number of elements that were initialized.
func initialize(
from oldContents: UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>,
replacingSubrange subrange: Range<Int>,
withElements newCount: Int, // Number of new elements to insert
_ initializeNewElements:
((UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>, _ count: Int) -> Void) = { ptr, count in
precondition(count == 0)
) -> Int {
guard let sourceStart = oldContents.baseAddress else { return 0 }
precondition(subrange.lowerBound >= 0 && subrange.upperBound <= oldContents.count, "Invalid subrange")
let finalCount = oldContents.count - subrange.count + newCount
precondition(finalCount <= self.count, "Insufficient capacity")
var head = self.baseAddress!
// Copy the head items.
head.initialize(from: sourceStart, count: subrange.lowerBound)
head += subrange.lowerBound
// Initialize the gap.
initializeNewElements(head, newCount)
head += newCount
// Copy the tail items.
head.initialize(from: sourceStart + subrange.upperBound, count: oldContents.count - subrange.upperBound)
return finalCount
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