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proof of concept bootstring encoding for docc
// Copyright The swift-url Contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
func printEncoded(_ symbol: String) {
var encoded = ""
let success = Punycode.encode(symbol.unicodeScalars) { ascii in
guard success else {
print("❌ Failed to encode \(symbol)")
print("Original:", symbol)
print("Encoded: ", encoded)
var encodedScalars = Array(encoded.unicodeScalars)
switch Punycode.decodeInPlace(&encodedScalars) {
case .success(let count):
case .notPunycode:
break // Nothing to do.
case .failed:
print("❌ Failed to decode \(encoded)")
var decoded = ""
decoded.unicodeScalars += encodedScalars
print("Decoded: ", decoded)
/// Punycode is a simple and efficient transfer encoding syntax designed for use with Internationalized Domain Names
/// in Applications (IDNA). It uniquely and reversibly transforms a Unicode string into an ASCII string.
/// Punycode is defined by [RFC-3492][rfc-3492].
/// > Note:
/// >
/// > Punycode is only an implementation detail of IDNA, and Punycode encoding or decoding
/// > alone is **not sufficient** to transform an IDN to/from its Unicode presentation.
/// > The functions ``IDNA/IDNA/toASCII(utf8:beStrict:writer:)`` and ``IDNA/IDNA/toUnicode(utf8:beStrict:writer:)``
/// > should be used instead, and their implementation makes use of Punycode where appropriate.
/// [rfc-3492]:
public enum Punycode {}
extension Punycode {
// Parameters defining the "Punycode" variant of the Bootstring format.
@inlinable internal static var Base: UInt32 { 36 }
@inlinable internal static var TMin: UInt32 { 1 }
@inlinable internal static var TMax: UInt32 { 26 }
@inlinable internal static var Damp: UInt32 { 700 }
@inlinable internal static var Skew: UInt32 { 38 }
@inlinable internal static var InitialDecoderState: (codePoint: UInt32, bias: UInt32) { (codePoint: 0, bias: 72) }
/// Whether this scalar is a 'basic' code-point.
/// Basic codepoints are ASCII and may be written directly in a Punycode-encoded label.
internal static func isBasic(_ codepoint: Unicode.Scalar) -> Bool {
guard codepoint.isASCII else { return false }
switch codepoint {
case "-", "a"..."z", "A"..."Z", "0"..."9": return true
default: return false
/// Encodes a number within the range `0..<36` to the ASCII characters `a-z,0-9`.
/// For example, `0 => a`, `10 => k`, and `30` returns the ASCII character `"4"` in this number system.
/// This function returns lowercase characters.
/// The given number is assumed to already be within the range `0..<36`. If it is not within that range,
/// the return value is not specified.
internal static func encode_digit(_ number: UInt32) -> UInt8 {
let table: StaticString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
return table.withUTF8Buffer { $0[Int(min(number, 35))] }
/// Decodes an ASCII alphanumeric codepoint as a number within the range `0..<36`
/// For example, `a => 0`, `K => 10`, and the character `"4"` returns the number `30`.
/// This function also decodes uppercase ASCII alphas, even though that is not strictly required by IDNA
/// (domain labels are case-folded before they are decoded anyway).
internal static func decode_digit(_ character: Unicode.Scalar) -> UInt32? {
switch character {
case "a"..."z":
return character.value &- Unicode.Scalar("a").value
case "0"..."9":
return 26 &+ (character.value &- Unicode.Scalar("0").value)
case "A"..."Z":
return character.value &- Unicode.Scalar("A").value
return nil
internal static func calculateAdjustedBias(
delta: UInt32, countProcessedScalars: UInt32, isFirstAdjustment: Bool
) -> UInt32 {
// Since most things here are constants, the compiler can provide away most traps by itself.
assert(countProcessedScalars > 0, "countProcessedScalars should be incremented before adjusting the bias")
var delta = isFirstAdjustment ? delta / Damp : delta / 2
delta += delta.dividedReportingOverflow(by: countProcessedScalars).partialValue
var k =
while delta > ((Base - TMin) * TMax) / 2 {
delta = delta / (Base - TMin)
k &+= Punycode.Base
return k &+ (((Base - TMin + 1) &* delta) / (delta + Skew))
// --------------------------------------------
// MARK: - Encoding
// --------------------------------------------
extension Punycode {
/// Encodes the given Unicode domain label as an ASCII Punycode string.
/// The encoded label is written by means of the given closure, which is invoked with each ASCII byte
/// of the result. If the label already consists only of ASCII codepoints, it does not require encoding and
/// will be passed through unchanged. This also applies to labels that are already Punycode-encoded;
/// they will not be decoded or validated by this function and will simply be passed through as they are.
/// If the label _does_ require Punycode encoding, the closure will also be invoked to write
/// the ACE prefix (`"xn--"`).
/// ```swift
/// func encodeDomainLabel(_ input: String) -> String? {
/// var asciiString = [UInt8]()
/// let success = Punycode.encode(input.unicodeScalars) { byte in
/// asciiString.append(byte)
/// }
/// return success ? String(decoding: asciiString, as: UTF8.self) : nil
/// }
/// encodeDomainLabel("你好你好") // "xn--6qqa088eba"
/// ```
/// > Note:
/// >
/// > Punycode is only an implementation detail of IDNA, and Punycode encoding
/// > alone is **not sufficient** to construct an Internationalized Domain Name
/// > from its Unicode presentation. If that is what you are looking to do,
/// > use the ``IDNA/IDNA/toASCII(utf8:beStrict:writer:)`` function instead.
/// - parameters:
/// - source: The string to encode, as a collection of Unicode scalars.
/// - writeASCII: A closure which is invoked with each ASCII character of the result.
/// - returns: Whether or not the string was successfully encoded.
/// If `false`, any data written by `writeASCII` should be discarded.
public static func encode<Source>(
_ source: Source, into writeASCII: (UInt8) -> Void
) -> Bool where Source: Collection, Source.Element == Unicode.Scalar {
// 1. Make sure there is at least one non-basic codepoint for us to encode.
// Otherwise it is empty/ASCII-only and should be passed-through.
guard !source.isEmpty, source.contains(where: { !isBasic($0) }) else {
for basicScalar in source { writeASCII(UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: basicScalar.value)) }
return true
// 2. Write the "xn--" ACE prefix.
writeASCII(UInt8(ascii: "x"))
writeASCII(UInt8(ascii: "n"))
writeASCII(UInt8(ascii: "-"))
writeASCII(UInt8(ascii: "-"))
// 3. Write the basic code-points and delimiter.
var countBasicScalars =
var countAllScalars =
for scalar in source {
countAllScalars &+= 1
if isBasic(scalar) {
writeASCII(UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: scalar.value))
countBasicScalars &+= 1
if countBasicScalars > 0 {
writeASCII(UInt8(ascii: "-"))
// From the RFC:
// > For example, if the encoder were to verify that no
// > input code points exceed M and that the input length does not exceed
// > L, then no delta could ever exceed (M - initial_n) * (L + 1), and
// > hence no overflow could occur if integer variables were capable of
// > representing values that large.
// The RFC prefers to detect overflow rather than enforcing limits which rule it out,
// but since the Unicode.Scalar type is already validated, M is already set at 0x10FFFF.
// Using 32-bit integers, we find (L + 1) = 0xFOF, or L = 3854 scalars to rule out overflow.
// Every scalar needs at least 1 ASCII char in the output, and we are limited to 63 chars in IDNA anyway,
// so this is easily enough.
guard countAllScalars < 0xF0F else {
return false
// 3. Write the tail, encoding the non-basic code-points.
// Punycode works with a { codepoint, offset } state, which starts at an initial { 0x80, 0 }
// and is incremented by a series of deltas, each of which describes an offset at which to insert the code-point.
// The deltas are written in codepoint order - i.e. the offsets at which to insert every "a", then every "b",
// "j", "z", etc..., but for every Unicode code-point in the string. Also, to advance the codepoint, it encodes
// a big enough delta to wrap around the string N times -- accounting for the fact that the string is actually
// growing between every delta as we insert codepoints.
// To encode, we basically simulate that process. Finding codepoints to insert and writing how many steps
// it took us to get there.
var delta =
var countProcessedScalars = countBasicScalars
var (codePoint, bias) = InitialDecoderState
while countProcessedScalars < countAllScalars {
// i. Find the smallest codepoint we haven't processed yet,
// then calculate the delta which advances the state's codepoint to { nextCodePoint, 0 }.
do {
var nextCodePoint = UInt32(0x10FFFF)
for scalar in source {
if scalar.value >= codePoint, scalar.value < nextCodePoint, !isBasic(scalar) {
nextCodePoint = scalar.value
let stateIncrement = (nextCodePoint &- codePoint) &* (countProcessedScalars &+ 1)
delta &+= stateIncrement
codePoint = nextCodePoint
// ii. Find the offsets at which the decoder should insert this codepoint.
// - For each offset it already decoded (value < codepoint),
// increment delta to tell it to skip.
// - At each offset where the new codepoint occurs (value == codepoint), we want to insert a value.
// So write the current value of delta as a variable-length integer, then reset delta to 0.
for scalar in source {
if scalar.value < codePoint || isBasic(scalar) {
delta &+= 1
} else if scalar.value == codePoint {
var q = delta
var k = Base
while true {
let t = (k <= bias) ? TMin : min(k &- bias, TMax)
if q < t {
let digit: UInt32
(q, digit) = (q &- t).quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: Base &- t)
writeASCII(Punycode.encode_digit(digit &+ t))
k &+= Punycode.Base
// Adjust the bias, reset delta, etc. For the next offset/codepoint.
bias = calculateAdjustedBias(
delta: delta,
countProcessedScalars: countProcessedScalars &+ 1,
isFirstAdjustment: countProcessedScalars == countBasicScalars
delta = 0
countProcessedScalars &+= 1
// iii. Finished processing this codepoint. On to the next one.
delta &+= 1
codePoint &+= 1
return true
// --------------------------------------------
// MARK: - Decoding
// --------------------------------------------
extension Punycode {
/// The result of decoding an ASCII Punycode label to Unicode.
public enum DecodeInPlaceResult {
/// The string was decoded successfully.
/// It can be found in the first `count` elements of the buffer.
case success(count: Int)
/// The string is invalid and could not be decoded.
/// The contents of the buffer should be considered invalid and discarded.
case failed
/// The string lacks the Punycode ACE prefix (`"xn--"`) and so has not been decoded.
case notPunycode
/// Whether or not the given buffer begins with the Punycode ACE prefix (`"xn--"`).
/// This function checks for the prefix case-sensitively.
internal static func hasACEPrefix<Buffer>(
_ buffer: Buffer
) -> Bool where Buffer: Collection, Buffer.Element == Unicode.Scalar {
var iter = buffer.makeIterator()
guard == "x", == "n", == "-", == "-" else {
return false
return true
/// Decodes the given ASCII Punycode label to Unicode.
/// The label, expressed as a buffer of Unicode codepoints, is decoded in-place over the existing contents.
/// If decoding is successful, the return value ``DecodeInPlaceResult/success(count:)`` communicates
/// the length of the decoded string within the buffer.
/// The label must contain the ACE prefix (`"xn--"`), otherwise no decoding will be performed
/// and the function will return ``DecodeInPlaceResult/notPunycode``.
/// If the label contains the ACE prefix but is ill-formed, or is so long that it would cause
/// internal calculations to overflow (~3800 scalars), the function will return ``DecodeInPlaceResult/failed``.
/// The contents of the buffer should be considered invalid and discarded in that case.
/// ```swift
/// func decodeDomainLabel(_ input: String) -> String? {
/// var buffer = Array(input.unicodeScalars)
/// switch Punycode.decodeInPlace(&buffer) {
/// case .success(let count):
/// var result = ""
/// result.unicodeScalars.append(contentsOf: buffer.prefix(count))
/// return result
/// case .notPunycode:
/// return input // No "xn--" prefix.
/// case .failed:
/// return nil // "xn--" prefix but nonsense punycode.
/// }
/// }
/// decodeDomainLabel("xn--6qqa088eba") // "你好你好"
/// ```
/// > Note:
/// >
/// > Punycode is just an implementation detail of IDNA, and decoding a domain label is not enough
/// > to properly handle Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). If you wish to decode an encoded IDN
/// > to its Unicode/display form, use the ``IDNA/IDNA/toUnicode(utf8:beStrict:writer:)`` function instead.
public static func decodeInPlace<Buffer>(
_ buffer: inout Buffer
) -> DecodeInPlaceResult where Buffer: RandomAccessCollection & MutableCollection, Buffer.Element == Unicode.Scalar {
// 1. Make sure there is something for us to decode.
// If there is no ACE prefix, we don't consider it a Punycode string.
guard hasACEPrefix(buffer) else {
return .notPunycode
// 2. Find the base string containing the basic (ASCII) codepoints, and copy them to the front.
// The rest is the tail, containing a sequence of encoded deltas.
var tailCursor = buffer.index(buffer.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)
var countProcessedScalars =
if let tailDelimiter = buffer[tailCursor...].lastIndex(of: "-") {
var src = tailCursor
var dst = buffer.startIndex
while src < tailDelimiter {
guard isBasic(buffer[src]) else { return .failed }
buffer[dst] = buffer[src]
buffer.formIndex(after: &src)
buffer.formIndex(after: &dst)
tailCursor = buffer.index(after: tailDelimiter)
countProcessedScalars = UInt32(buffer.distance(from: buffer.startIndex, to: dst))
// 3. Consume the tail, decoding deltas, which are instructions
// to insert a scalar at a "random" (non-sequential) location.
var insertionPoint = buffer.startIndex
var (codePoint, bias) = InitialDecoderState
while tailCursor < buffer.endIndex {
// 3a. Decode a variable-length integer into delta.
var delta =
do {
var (weight, k) = (UInt32(1), Base)
while true {
guard tailCursor < buffer.endIndex, let digit = decode_digit(buffer[tailCursor]) else { return .failed }
buffer.formIndex(after: &tailCursor)
guard digit <= (.max &- delta).dividedReportingOverflow(by: weight).partialValue else { return .failed }
delta &+= digit &* weight
let t = (k <= bias) ? TMin : min(k &- bias, TMax)
if digit < t { break }
let weight_overflow: Bool
(weight, weight_overflow) = weight.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: Base &- t)
guard !weight_overflow else { return .failed }
k &+= Base
// 3b. Process delta.
// Use it to adjust the bias for the next integer, then use it to increment our
// { codePoint, insertionPoint } state.
do {
// Increment 'countProcessedScalars' now even though it is actually written later;
// it's how Punycode works, and it is important for this to never be zero.
countProcessedScalars += 1
bias = calculateAdjustedBias(
delta: delta,
countProcessedScalars: countProcessedScalars,
isFirstAdjustment: insertionPoint == buffer.startIndex
let stepsToEnd = countProcessedScalars &- UInt32(buffer.distance(from: buffer.startIndex, to: insertionPoint))
if delta < stepsToEnd {
// Same codepoint, repeated at a different offset.
buffer.formIndex(&insertionPoint, offsetBy: Int(delta))
} else {
// Different codepoint.
delta &-= stepsToEnd
let (codepointDelta, insertionOffset) = delta.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: countProcessedScalars)
let codePoint_overflow: Bool
(codePoint, codePoint_overflow) = codePoint.addingReportingOverflow(1 &+ codepointDelta)
guard !codePoint_overflow else { return .failed }
insertionPoint = buffer.index(buffer.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(insertionOffset))
guard let scalarToInsert = Unicode.Scalar(codePoint) else { return .failed }
// 3c. Insert the scalar.
// Since we consumed *at least* one scalar from the front of the tail to get this decoded scalar,
// we can just move everything after the insertion point down by 1 place, and overwrite the tail
// without growing.
do {
var src = buffer.index(buffer.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(countProcessedScalars))
var dst = buffer.index(after: src)
assert(dst <= tailCursor, "We only write over parts of the tail that have already been consumed")
while src >= insertionPoint {
buffer[dst] = buffer[src]
buffer.formIndex(before: &dst)
buffer.formIndex(before: &src)
buffer[insertionPoint] = scalarToInsert
buffer.formIndex(after: &insertionPoint)
// 4. Finished.
// MutableCollection does not allow us to remove the junk at the end, so return the new length
// and let the caller handle that problem.
return .success(count: Int(countProcessedScalars))
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