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Created May 20, 2014 03:38
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C++ Timer for measuring performance
#if _DEBUG
// WinQueryPerformance
// Outputs and resets the performance counter.
// (For multiple timers, see CPerformanceTimer)
// Use it like so:
// WinQueryPerformance( 0 );
// do some stuff
// WinQueryPerformance( "Compiling scripts" );
// Sample output in debugger output window:
// Compiling scripts took .54983 seconds
void WinQueryPerformance( char* msg )
static LARGE_INTEGER prevCounter;
LARGE_INTEGER currentPerformanceCounter;
static double frequency;
QueryPerformanceCounter( &currentPerformanceCounter );
if ( !frequency )
LARGE_INTEGER performanceFrequency;
QueryPerformanceFrequency( &performanceFrequency );
frequency = double( performanceFrequency.QuadPart );
QueryPerformanceCounter( &prevCounter );
// Even though under VC %i64d is supposed to work, it don't, so we use
if ( msg )
MATRACE( "%s %.7g took seconds\n", (const char*) msg,
ouble( currentPerformanceCounter.QuadPart - prevCounter.QuadPart ) /
frequency );
currentPerformanceCounter = prevCounter;
QueryPerformanceCounter( &prevCounter );
} // WinQueryPerformance
// The CPerformanceTimer class can be used to handle multiple timers.
// (For a simple single use timer, see WinQueryPerformance)
// Use it like so:
// {
// CPerformanceTimer timer( "Compiling scripts" );
// timer.Start( );
// do some stuff
// timer.Report( );
// }
// Sample output in debugger output window:
// Compiling scripts took .54983 seconds
// timer.Stop() can be used to temporarily stop timer. timer.Start() can be
used to restart.
// timer.Report() stops the timer.
double CPerformanceTimer::fFrequency = 0;
int pIndentation = 0;
CPerformanceTimer::CPerformanceTimer( const char* msg )
// The frequency doesn't change, so get it once.
if ( !fFrequency )
LARGE_INTEGER performanceFrequency;
QueryPerformanceFrequency( &performanceFrequency );
fFrequency = double( performanceFrequency.QuadPart );
if ( strlen( msg ) >= sizeof( fMsg ) )
WinDebugBreak( );
strcpy( fMsg, msg );
for ( int i = pIndentation; i; i-- )
MATRACE( " " );
MATRACE( "BEGIN %s\n", (const char*) fMsg );
fTimer = 0.0;
fAccum = 0.0;
} // CPerformanceTimer::CPerformanceTimer
void CPerformanceTimer::Start( )
LARGE_INTEGER currentPerformanceCounter;
QueryPerformanceCounter( &currentPerformanceCounter );
fTimer = (double) ( currentPerformanceCounter.QuadPart );
} // CPerformanceTimer::Start
void CPerformanceTimer::Stop( )
if ( fTimer )
LARGE_INTEGER currentPerformanceCounter;
QueryPerformanceCounter( &currentPerformanceCounter );
fAccum += double( currentPerformanceCounter.QuadPart - fTimer );
fTimer = 0;
} // CPerformanceTimer::Stop
void CPerformanceTimer::Report( )
LARGE_INTEGER currentPerformanceCounter;
QueryPerformanceCounter( &currentPerformanceCounter );
this->Stop( );
// Even though under VC %i64d is supposed to work, it don't, so we use
for ( int i = pIndentation; i; i-- )
MATRACE( " " );
MATRACE( "END %s -- took %.7g seconds\n", (const char*) fMsg, fAccum /
fFrequency );
} // CPerformanceTimer::CPerformanceTimer
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