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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Save kasbah/b6e638655f18c1e11a2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A binary fractal tree ported from Elm to Helm.
--license: CC-0
--Elm version:
import FRP.Helm
import qualified FRP.Helm.Window as Window
import qualified FRP.Helm.Mouse as Mouse
data Branch = Branch { branch_x1 :: Double
, branch_y1 :: Double
, branch_x2 :: Double
, branch_y2 :: Double
, branch_w :: Double -- width
, branch_a :: Double -- angle
, branch_l :: Int -- level - i.e. number of parents
, branch_len :: Double
branch :: Branch
-> (Double -> Double -> Double)
-> Double
-> Double
-> Branch
branch (Branch x1 y1 x2 y2 w a l len) fn delta_a sc = Branch
{ branch_x1 = x2
, branch_y1 = y2
, branch_x2 = x2 - len * sc * cos (degrees (fn a delta_a))
, branch_y2 = y2 - len * sc * sin (degrees (fn a delta_a))
, branch_w = w * 0.75
, branch_a = fn a delta_a
, branch_l = l + 1
, branch_len = len * sc
drawBranch :: Branch -> Form
drawBranch (Branch x1 y1 x2 y2 w _ _ _) =
traced (defaultLine {lineWidth = w, lineColor=red})
$ path [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]
branches :: Branch
-> (Double -> Double -> Double)
-> Double
-> Double
-> [Branch]
branches p@(Branch _ _ _ _ _ _ l _) fn delta_a sc =
if l < 10
then let relTrunk = branch p fn delta_a sc
in relTrunk : (branches relTrunk (+) delta_a sc)
++ (branches relTrunk (-) delta_a sc)
else []
trunk :: Branch
trunk = Branch
{ branch_x1 = 0
, branch_y1 = 0
, branch_x2 = 0
, branch_y2 = -50
, branch_w = 10
, branch_a = 90
, branch_l = 0
, branch_len = 50
tree :: Double -> Double -> [Branch]
tree delta_a sc =
(branches trunk (+) delta_a sc)
++ [trunk]
++ (branches trunk (-) delta_a sc)
fraction1 eng =
(\x w -> fromIntegral x / fromIntegral w)
<~ Mouse.x ~~ Window.width eng
fraction2 eng =
(\y h -> 1.0 - fromIntegral y / fromIntegral h)
<~ Mouse.y ~~ Window.height eng
scene frac1 frac2 w h =
centeredCollage w h $ map drawBranch $ tree (90 * frac1) frac2
main :: IO ()
main = do
engine <- startup defaultConfig
run engine $ scene
<~ fraction1 engine
~~ fraction2 engine
~~ Window.width engine
~~ Window.height engine
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