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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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/// <summary>
/// This class Converts Money to text in Arabic
/// </summary>
public class MoneyToText
static string[] ones ={ "صفر",
"احدي عشر",
"اثني عشر",
"ثلاثه عشر",
"اربعه عشر",
"خمسه عشر",
"سته عشر",
"سبعه عشر",
"ثمانيه عشر",
"تسعه عشر" };
static string[] Tens = new string[] { "",
"تسعون" };
static string[] hundreds = new string[] { "",
"تسعمائه" };
/// <summary>
/// This method converts money to Arabic text, Example:string s = MoneyToText.convert(195985554.500M, "جنيه", "قرش", 2) return "مائه و خمسه و تسعون مليون و تسعمائه و خمسه و ثمانون الف و خمسمائه و اربعه و خمسون جنيه و خمسون قرش"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to be converted</param>
/// <param name="currencyName">The name of the currency in Arabic</param>
/// <param name="fractionName">The name of the fraction in Arabic</param>
/// <param name="decimalPlaces">The number of decimal places for the currency</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string convert(decimal value, string currencyName, string fractionName, int decimalPlaces)
string val = value.ToString();
int[] valarray = new int[2];
valarray[0] = Convert.ToInt32(val.Split('.')[0]);
if (val.Contains("."))
valarray[1] = Convert.ToInt32((value-valarray[0]).ToString(GetDecAcc(decimalPlaces)).Substring(1,decimalPlaces));
valarray[1] = 0;
string[] resultarr = new string[valarray[1]>0?2:1];
if (valarray[0] > 0)
resultarr[0] = convert(valarray[0]) + " " + currencyName;
if (valarray[1] > 0)
resultarr[1] = convert(Convert.ToInt32(valarray[1].ToString())) + " " + fractionName;
return String.Join(" و ", resultarr);
static string convert(int value)
List<string> res = new List<string>();
int initialdec = GetDecs(value.ToString());
while (value>0)
if (initialdec == 1000000000)
res.Add(getBillions(value / 1000000000));
value = value % 1000000000;
else if (initialdec == 1000000)
res.Add(getMillions(value / 1000000));
value = value % 1000000;
else if (initialdec == 1000)
res.Add(getThousands(value / 1000));
value = value % 1000;
else if (initialdec == 100)
res .Add( getHundreds(value/100));
value = value % 100;
else if (initialdec == 10 || initialdec == 1)
res .Add( getTens(value));
value -= value;
initialdec =DecreaseDec(initialdec);
return string.Join(" و ",res);
static string getOnes(int i)
return ones[i];
static string getTens(int i)
if (i < 20)
return ones[i];
string res = "";
string s = i.ToString();
if (s[1] != '0')
res += getOnes(Convert.ToInt32(s[1].ToString())) + " و ";
res += Tens[(Convert.ToInt32(s[0].ToString()))];
return res;
static string getHundreds(int i)
return hundreds[i];
static string getThousands(int i)
if (i==1)
return "الف";
else if(i==2)
return "الفين";
return convert(i) +(i<=10?" الاف": " الف");
static string getMillions(int i)
if (i == 1)
return "مليون";
else if (i == 2)
return "مليونان";
return convert(i) + (i <= 10 ? " ملايين" : " مليون");
static string getBillions(int i)
if (i == 1)
return "مليار";
else if (i == 2)
return "ملياران";
return convert(i) + (i <= 10 ? " مليارات" : " مليار");
static int GetDecs(string value)
string res = "1";
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length-1; i++)
res += "0";
return Convert.ToInt32(res);
static string GetDecAcc(int decimals)
string res = ".";
for (int i = 0; i < decimals; i++)
res += "0";
return res;
static int DecreaseDec(int dec)
return dec / 10;
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