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Last active July 21, 2021 04:51
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Eight Semester Syllabus

Eight semester

  • SEE Written Exams

  • Syllabus List

    • Engineering Management
      • Unit 1
        • Management
          • Meaning
          • Functions of management
        • Planning
          • Nature and importance of planning
          • Types of plans
          • Planning process
          • Planning premises
          • Planning Horizon
        • Objectives
          • Meaning
          • Characteristics/Qualities of sound objective
        • Forecasting
          • Meaning
          • Methods of forecasting
          • Qualitative methods and Quantitative Methods
            • Simple moving average method
            • Weighted moving average method
            • Exponential smoothing method
            • Simple regression model
        • Break Even Analysis
          • Meaning
          • Margin of safety and estimation
      • Unit 2
        • Organizing
          • Meaning
          • Legal forms of organization
            • Sole proprietorship
            • Partnership
            • Corporation/Company
            • Co-operatives
        • Delegation of authority and span of control
          • Meaning
          • Factors determining the span of control
        • Human aspects of management
          • Manpower planning
          • Employing people
            • Recruitement
            • Selection process
            • Making job offer
            • The induction process
            • Cost of employing new staff
            • Termination of employment
          • Training and development
            • Conducting training
            • Methods of training
        • Performance appraisal
          • Aims and formal schemes
          • 360 degree performance appraisal
      • Unit 3
        • Motivation
          • Meaning
          • Theories of motivation
            • The carrot and the stick
            • Maslow's need hierarchy theory
            • Herzberg's motivation hygiene. theory
            • McClelland's Trio of needs
            • Theory X and Theory Y
            • Self motivation
            • General motivational techniques
        • Leadership
          • Meaning
          • Ingredients/Traits of leadership
          • Styles of leadership
            • Blake and Mouton's Managerial grid
      • Unit 4
        • Controlling
          • Meaning
          • Controlling process
          • Three perspective on the timing of control
          • Types of control
          • Characteristics of effective control system
        • Project evaluation techniques
          • Interest rate calculations
          • Simple interest
          • Compound interest
          • Effective rate of interest
          • Payback time
          • Present worth
          • Future worth
          • Annual worth
      • Unit 5
        • Project planning tools
          • Gantt charts
          • Network analysis
            • PERT
            • CPM
          • Creasing the project
        • Depreciation
          • Types and causes
          • Computing Depreciation
          • Estimation of sunk cost
    • Operations Research
      • Unit 1
        • Introduction
          • Introduction to OR
          • Nature and meaning
          • Applications
          • Modelling in OR
          • Phases of OR
        • Linear programming
          • Introduction through an example
          • Graphical method
          • Formulation of LP model from practical problems
          • Assumptions and properties of linear programming
          • Simplex method
          • Big M method
          • 2 phase method
          • Revised simplex method
          • Duality Theory
          • Primal and Dual relationship
      • Unit 2
        • Transportation problems
          • Methods to find the initial basic feasible solution
          • Modification to find the optimal solution
          • Degeneracy in transportation problem
          • Unbalanced transportation problem
        • Assignment problems
          • Mathematical formulation of an assignment problem
          • Unbalanced assignment problem
          • Travelling salesman problem
          • Hungarian method
      • Unit 3
        • CPM, PERT
          • Representation of a project by a network
          • Activities and events
          • Starting times
          • Finishing times
          • Floats
          • Slacks
          • CPM
          • Idea of crashing probabilistic times
          • PERT analysis
    • Software Architecture
      • Unit 1
        • Introduction
          • The architecture business cycle
            • Where do architectures come from
            • Software processes and the architecture business cycle
            • What makes a good architecture
            • What reference models reference architectures
            • Importance of software architecture
            • Architectural structures and views
        • Quality
          • Functionality and architecture
          • Architecture and quality attributes
          • System quality attributes
          • Quality attribute scenarios in practice
          • Other quality system attributes
          • Business qualities
          • Architecture qualities
            • Achieving quality
            • Introducing tactics
            • Availability tactics
            • Modifiability tactics
            • Performance tactics
            • Security tactics
            • Testability tactics
            • Usability tactics
      • Unit 2
        • Architectural styles and case studies
          • Architectural styles
          • Pipers and filters
          • Data abstraction and object oriented organization
          • Event based
          • Implicit invocation
          • Layered systems
          • Repositories
          • Interpreters
          • Process control
          • Other familiar architecture
          • Case study
            • Mobile Robotics
        • Architectural Patterns
          • Introduction
          • Distributes systems
          • Broker
          • Interactive Systems
          • MVC
          • Presentation abstraction control
          • Adaptable systems
          • Microkernel
      • Unit 3
        • Designing and documenting software architecture
          • Architecture in the life cycle
          • Designing the architecture
          • Forming the team structure
          • Creating a skeletal system
          • Uses of architectural documentation
          • Views
          • Choosing the relevant views
          • Documenting a view
          • Documentation across views.
    • Human Resource Management
      • Unit 1
        • Introduction
        • Meaning
        • Nature
        • Scope of HRM
        • Major functions of HRM
        • Personal management vs Human resource management
        • Job design
        • Job evaluation
        • Job analysis
        • Job specification
        • Job enlargement
        • Job enrichment
        • Role of HR manager
        • HR planning
        • Process HRP
        • Recruitment
          • Definition
          • Sources and methods of recruitment
        • Selection
          • Definition
          • Process of selection
          • Cost benefit analysis of selection
        • Placement
          • Meaning
          • Induction/Orientation
          • Internal mobility
          • Transfer
          • Promotion
          • Demotion and Employee separation
          • Performance appraisal methods
      • Unit 2
        • Training and development
          • Training vs Development
          • Stages in training
          • Training methods
          • Executive development
          • Methods and development of management development
          • Career and succession planning
        • Compensation
          • Employee Remuneration
          • Rewards
          • Wage and salary administration
          • Bonus
          • Fringe benefits
        • Internal mobility
        • External mobility
        • Trade union ACT 2001
        • Employee Grievances
          • Employee grievances procedure
          • Discipline procedure
        • Collective bargaining
          • Characteristics
          • Necessity
          • Forms
        • Safety and health
          • Industrial accidents
          • Safety
        • Quality circle
          • Meaning
          • Structure
      • Unit 3
        • IHRM
          • Managing IHRM
          • eHR activities
          • Global recruitement
          • Selection
          • Expatriates
          • Industrial conflicts
            • Causes
            • Types
            • Prevention and settlement
        • eHRM
          • Aspects of e-HRM
          • e-job design and analysis
          • Ethical Issues in employment
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