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Created March 7, 2017 08:05
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get human readable disk size in swift.
* Get the human readable size String according to total bytes.
func uInt64ToHumanReadable(input: Int64, bBinary: Bool) -> String! {
let unit:Int64 = bBinary ? 1024 : 1000;
if input < unit { return String(describing: input)+" B"; }
let exp:Int = Int(log(Double(input)) / log(Double(unit)));
let units: String = (bBinary ? "KMGTPE": "kMGTPE");
let startIndex = units.index(units.startIndex, offsetBy: exp-1);
let endIndex = units.index(units.startIndex, offsetBy: exp-1);
let str = units[startIndex...endIndex]+(bBinary ? "i": "");
return String(format: "%.2f %@B", Double(input) / pow(Double(unit), Double(exp)), str);
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