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Last active November 24, 2019 10:00
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Nelder-Mead simplex method for direct search optimisation in JULIA.
nmsmax(fun, x[, trace = true, initial_simplex = 0, target_f = Inf, max_its = Inf, max_evals = Inf, tol = 1e-3])
Nelder-Mead simplex method for direct search optimization.
This function attempts to maximize the function `fun`, using the
starting vector `x`. The Nelder-Mead direct search method is used.
Adaption of the original *MATLAB* source by Nick Higham to *Julia*.
# Output arguments:
`x` = vector yielding largest function value found,
`fmax` = function value at `x`,
`nf` = number of function evaluations,
`its` = number of iterations required.
# Parameters:
The iteration is terminated when either
- the relative size of the simplex is <= `tol`
(default `1e-3`),
- max_evals function evaluations have been performed
(default `Inf`, i.e., no limit), or
- a function value equals or exceeds `target_f`
(default `Inf`, i.e., no test on function values).
The form of the initial simplex is determined by initial_simplex:
- `initial_simplex = 0`: regular simplex (sides of equal length, the default)
- `initial_simplex = 1`: right-angled simplex.
Progress of the iteration is not shown if `trace = true` (default `false`).
# License:
[GNU General Public License](, version 2 of
the License, or any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# References:
- N. J. Higham. The Matrix Computation Toolbox.
- N. J. Higham, Optimization by direct search in matrix computations,
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl, 14(2): 317-333, 1993.
- C. T. Kelley, Iterative Methods for Optimization, Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, 1999.
function nmsmax(fun, x; trace = true, initial_simplex = 0, target_f = Inf, max_its = Inf, max_evals = Inf, tol = 1e-3 )
x0 = x[:]; # Work with column vector internally.
n = length(x0);
V = [zeros(n,1) eye(n)];
f = zeros(n+1,1);
V[:,1] = x0; f[1] = fun(x);
fmax_old = f[1];
fmax = -Inf; # Some initial value
if trace
@printf "f(x0) = %9.4e\n" f[1]
k = 0; m = 0;
# Set up initial simplex.
scale = max(norm(x0,Inf),1);
if initial_simplex == 0
# Regular simplex - all edges have same length.
# Generated from construction given in reference [18, pp. 80-81] of [1].
alpha = scale / (n*sqrt(2)) * [ sqrt(n+1)-1+n sqrt(n+1)-1 ];
V[:,2:n+1] = (x0 + alpha[2]*ones(n,1)) * ones(1,n);
for j=2:n+1
V[j-1,j] = x0[j-1] + alpha[1];
x[:] = V[:,j]; f[j] = fun(x);
# Right-angled simplex based on co-ordinate axes.
alpha = scale*ones(n+1,1);
for j=2:n+1
V[:,j] = x0 + alpha[j]*V[:,j];
x[:] = V[:,j]; f[j] = fun(x);
nf = n+1;
how = "initial ";
j = sortperm(f[:]);
temp = f[j];
j = j[n+1:-1:1];
f = f[j]; V = V[:,j];
alpha = 1; beta = 1/2; gamma = 2;
msg = ""
while true ###### Outer (and only) loop.
k = k+1;
fmax = f[1];
if fmax > fmax_old
if trace
@printf "Iter. %2.0f," k
print(string(" how = ", how, " "));
@printf "nf = %3.0f, f = %9.4e (%2.1f%%)\n" nf fmax 100*(fmax-fmax_old)/(abs(fmax_old)+eps(fmax_old));
fmax_old = fmax;
### Three stopping tests from MDSMAX.M
# Stopping Test 1 - f reached target value?
if fmax >= target_f
msg = "Exceeded target...quitting\n";
break # Quit.
# Stopping Test 2 - too many f-evals?
if nf >= max_evals
msg = "Max no. of function evaluations exceeded...quitting\n";
break # Quit.
# Stopping Test 3 - too many iterations?
if k > max_its
msg = "Max no. of iterations exceeded...quitting\n";
break # Quit.
# Stopping Test 4 - converged? This is test (4.3) in [1].
v1 = V[:,1];
size_simplex = norm(V[:,2:n+1]-v1[:,ones(Int,n)],1) / max(1, norm(v1,1));
if size_simplex <= tol
msg = @sprintf("Simplex size %9.4e <= %9.4e...quitting\n", size_simplex, tol)
break # Quit.
# One step of the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm
# NJH: Altered function calls and changed CNT to NF.
# Changed each `fr < f[1]' type test to `>' for maximization
# and re-ordered function values after sort.
vbar = (sum(V[:,1:n]',1)/n)'; # Mean value
vr = (1 + alpha)*vbar - alpha*V[:,n+1]; x[:] = vr; fr = fun(x);
nf = nf + 1;
vk = vr; fk = fr; how = "reflect, ";
if fr > f[n]
if fr > f[1]
ve = gamma*vr + (1-gamma)*vbar; x[:] = ve; fe = fun(x);
nf = nf + 1;
if fe > f[1]
vk = ve; fk = fe;
how = "expand, ";
vt = V[:,n+1]; ft = f[n+1];
if fr > ft
vt = vr; ft = fr;
vc = beta*vt + (1-beta)*vbar; x[:] = vc; fc = fun(x);
nf = nf + 1;
if fc > f[n]
vk = vc; fk = fc;
how = "contract,";
for j = 2:n
V[:,j] = (V[:,1] + V[:,j])/2;
x[:] = V[:,j]; f[j] = fun(x);
nf = nf + n-1;
vk = (V[:,1] + V[:,n+1])/2; x[:] = vk; fk = fun(x);
nf = nf + 1;
how = "shrink, ";
V[:,n+1] = vk;
f[n+1] = fk;
j = sortperm(f[:]);
temp = f[j];
j = j[n+1:-1:1];
f = f[j]; V = V[:,j];
end ###### End of outer (and only) loop.
# Finished.
if trace
x[:] = V[:,1];
return x, fmax, nf, k-1
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