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Created March 10, 2021 19:43
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import {
} from "react";
import { useInterval } from "../hooks/useInterval";
import { useApi } from "./ApiProvider";
import { AuthTokens } from "../api/types/AuthTokens";
import { SignInApi } from "../api/types/SignInApi";
* auth.ts provides all mechanisms requires to handle authentication in the app:
* - Manual sign in
* - Manual sign out
* - Token refresh
* - Client side token persistence.
* Use AuthProvider to set up auth, then call useAuth wherever you need access to AuthHelpers.
* All data and functions required to manage auth
export type AuthHelpers = {
* Set to true when the user is signed in
isSignedIn: boolean;
* User tokens (see api/createTokens.js)
* Set to undefined when signed out.
tokens?: AuthTokens;
* Signs you in and sets the user object (if successful).
* Returns the success/error object received from the api.
signIn: SignInApi;
* Signs you out
signOut: () => void;
* Context used to pass AuthHelpers around.
* (Should not be used directly. Use AuthProvider instead)
const AuthContext = createContext<AuthHelpers>({
isSignedIn: false,
signOut: () => {},
signIn: async () => ({
type: "error",
"AuthContext not populated. Don't use AuthContext directly, use AuthProvider.",
export type AuthProviderProps = PropsWithChildren<{
* How often to check if the current token has expired and refresh (in ms)
tryRefreshTokensInterval?: number;
* Sets up state and callbacks for the AuthContext object and renders an AuthContext.Provider.
export const AuthProvider = ({
tryRefreshTokensInterval = 1000,
}: AuthProviderProps) => {
const [tokens, setTokens] = useState(getPersistedTokens());
const api = useApi();
useTokenRefresh(tokens, updateTokens, tryRefreshTokensInterval);
function updateTokens(tokens?: AuthTokens) {
const signIn: SignInApi = async (...args) => {
const response = await api.signIn(...args);
if (response.type === "success") {
return response;
function signOut() {
const auth = { isSignedIn: !!tokens, tokens, signIn, signOut };
return <AuthContext.Provider value={auth}>{children}</AuthContext.Provider>;
* Convenience hook to access auth object with less code.
export const useAuth = () => useContext(AuthContext);
* Sets up an interval that calls the refreshApi function as soon as the current tokens expire
* and passes the returned tokens to the updateTokens function. If token refresh fails,
* undefined is passed to the updateTokens function, effectively signing the user out.
const useTokenRefresh = (
tokens: AuthTokens | undefined,
updateTokens: (tokens?: AuthTokens) => void,
refreshInterval: number
) => {
const api = useApi();
const isRefreshingTokensRef = useRef(false);
const tryRefreshTokens = async () => {
if (
// Avoid concurrent refreshes
!isRefreshingTokensRef.current &&
tokens &&
tokens.expiresAt <= new Date()
) {
// Current tokens has expired, try to refresh
isRefreshingTokensRef.current = true;
const response = await api.refresh(tokens.refresh);
isRefreshingTokensRef.current = false;
if (response.type === "success") {
// New tokens received
} else {
// Remove tokens (signs user out)
? refreshInterval // Only try to refresh when we have tokens
: undefined // Pause the interval whenever we're signed out
const localStorageId = "tokens";
const setPersistedTokens = (tokens?: AuthTokens) => {
if (tokens) {
localStorage.setItem(localStorageId, JSON.stringify(tokens));
} else {
const getPersistedTokens = (): AuthTokens | undefined => {
const jsonString = localStorage.getItem(localStorageId);
const json: Record<keyof AuthTokens, any> = jsonString
? JSON.parse(jsonString)
: undefined;
if (!json) {
return {
expiresAt: new Date(json.expiresAt), // Necessary since JSON.parse doesn't reinitialize Date objects
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