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Created February 23, 2012 13:14
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D6 vid & tid handling
* Configuration for the mealplan specific vocabularies
function fdb_platform_mealplan_vocabularies() {
// Configuration for the mealplan specific vocabularies
$vocabularies = array();
$vocabularies['meal_type'] = array('name' => t('Måltidstype'),
'help' => t('Pick a type for the meal'),
'relations' => 1,
'hierarchy' => 0,
'multiple' => 0,
'required' => 1,
'tags' => 0,
'weight' => 0,
'nodes' => array('meal' => 'meal'),
'terms' => array('breakfast' => t('Morgenmad'),
'brunch' => t('Brunch'),
'snack_morning' => t('Mellemmåltid - formiddag'),
'lunch' => t('Frokost'),
'snack_afternoon' => t('Mellemmåltid - eftermiddag'),
'dinner' => t('Aftensmad'),
'snack_evening' => t('Mellemmåltid - aften')));
$vocabularies['season'] = array('name' => t('Årstid'),
'help' => t('Pick a season'),
'relations' => 1,
'hierarchy' => 0,
'multiple' => 0,
'required' => 1,
'tags' => 0,
'weight' => 0,
'nodes' => array('mealplan' => 'mealplan'),
'terms' => array('sprint' => t('Forår'),
'summer' => t('Sommer'),
'autumn' => t('Efterår'),
'winter' => t('Vinter')));
return $vocabularies;
* Update vocabularies.
function fdb_platform_mealplan_update_6000() {
* Implementation of hook_install().
function fdb_platform_mealplan_install() {
* Implementation of hook_uninstall().
function fdb_platform_mealplan_uninstall() {
// Cleanup our vocabularies
foreach (fdb_platform_mealplan_vocabularies() as $key => $v) {
// Unset the term variables
// The terms will be deleted with the vocabulary
if (isset($v['terms']) && is_array($v['terms'])) {
foreach ($v['terms'] as $term_key => $term) {
variable_del('fdb_platform_mealplan_term_' . $term_key . '_tid');
// Delete the vocabulary
$variable_name = 'fdb_platform_mealplan_' . $key . '_vid';
if ($vid = variable_get($variable_name, FALSE)) {
* Utility function to convert a vocabulary configuration in code to database
* values.
function fdb_platform_mealplan_setup_vocabularies($vocabularies) {
foreach (fdb_platform_mealplan_vocabularies() as $key => $vocabulary) {
$variable_name = 'fdb_platform_mealplan_' . $key . '_vid';
$vid = variable_get($variable_name, FALSE);
// Create the vocabulary if it does not exist already
if (!$vid || !taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid)) {
$vocabulary['module'] = 'fdb_platform_mealplan';
$vid = $vocabulary['vid'];
// Store the vid for future reference:
variable_set($variable_name, $vid);
// Create the terms
if (isset($vocabulary['terms']) && is_array($vocabulary['terms'])) {
foreach ($vocabulary['terms'] as $term_key => $term) {
// Check to see if the term already existings
// If the term has been created using this function then skip it
$variable_name = 'fdb_platform_mealplan_term_' . $term_key . '_tid';
if (variable_get($variable_name, FALSE)) {
// Determine the weight of the term based on the position in the original array
$position = array_search($term_key, array_keys($vocabulary['terms']));
$term = array('vid' => $vid, 'name' => $term, 'weight' => $position);
// If a user already created a term in the vocabulary with the same name
// then use it
$terms = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($term['name']);
if (!empty($terms)) {
foreach ($terms as $t) {
if ($term['vid'] == $vid) {
// Merge configuration and current values
$term = array_merge((array) $t, $term);
// Store the tid for future reference
variable_set($variable_name, $term['tid']);
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