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Created February 24, 2012 14:34
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Drupal menu nolink function
* @file modulename.module
* Implements hook_menu()
function modulename_menu() {
// Special item to use as path for menu items that shouldn't link.
$items['<nolink>'] = array(
'page callback' => 'drupal_not_found',
'access callback' => TRUE,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* @file template.php
* Theme menu-links, with optional nolink items.
function themename_menu_link(&$variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
if (preg_match('{<nolink>}', $element['#href'])) {
$sub_menu = '';
if ($element['#below']) {
$sub_menu = drupal_render($element['#below']);
if (preg_match('{<nolink>}', $element['#href'])) {
$title = strip_tags(l($element['#title'], $element['#href'], $element['#localized_options']));
$css = NULL;
// Set a class if the link is in the active trail.
if (!empty($element['#original_link']['in_active_trail'])) {
$css = 'active-trail';
$output = '<span>' . $title . '</span>;
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'nolink';
else {
$output = l($element['#title'], $element['#href'], $element['#localized_options']);
return '<li' . drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) . '>' . $output . $sub_menu . "</li>\n";
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