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Created October 19, 2014 20:43
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Channelchanger (windows) for HDHomerun found somewhere on the internet..
@echo off
REM Select Channel and Program
set /p _channel=Please enter channel:
set /p _pro=Please enter program:
REM Get your IP address
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 %computername% -n 1 ^| findstr "["') do (set thisip=%%a)
set "str1=udp://"
set "str2=:5000"
set "t=%str1%%thisip%%str2%"
REM Get your HDHomeRun ID
cd C:\Program Files\Silicondust\HDHomeRun
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('hdhomerun_config discover') do (set hdid=%%a)
REM Get status of tuner0 and tuner1 and set tuner number
cd C:\Program Files\Silicondust\HDHomeRun
for /f "tokens=7" %%a in ('hdhomerun_config %hdid% get /tuner0/status') do (set inuse0=%%a)
for /f "tokens=7" %%b in ('hdhomerun_config %hdid% get /tuner1/status') do (set inuse1=%%b)
set "str3=tuner"
if "%inuse0%" EQU "pps=0" if "%inuse1%" EQU "pps=0" set "_tuner=%str3%0"
if "%inuse0%" EQU "pps=0" if "%inuse1%" NEQ "pps=0" set "_tuner=%str3%0"
if "%inuse0%" NEQ "pps=0" if "%inuse1%" EQU "pps=0" set "_tuner=%str3%1"
if "%inuse0%" NEQ "pps=0" if "%inuse1%" NEQ "pps=0" echo NOTICE: tuner0 and tuner1 are in use.
REM Display info and then click to continue
echo HDID: %hdid%, Channel: %_channel%, Program: %_pro%, Tuner: %_tuner%, IP: %thisip%
echo Launching VLC...
start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\" vlc.exe --deinterlace=-1 udp://@:5000
REM Sleep 2 seconds
ping -n 2 >nul
echo Tuning channel...
cd C:\Program Files\Silicondust\HDHomeRun
hdhomerun_config %hdid% set /%_tuner%/channel auto:%_channel%
hdhomerun_config %hdid% set /%_tuner%/program %_pro%
hdhomerun_config %hdid% set /%_tuner%/target %t%
REM Sleep 2 seconds
ping -n 4 >nul
echo Displaying Status...
HDHomerun_config %hdid% get /%_tuner%/streaminfo
HDHomerun_config %hdid% get /%_tuner%/debug
REM Sleep
ping -n 15 >nul
echo HDID: %hdid%, Channel: %_channel%, Program: %_pro%, Tuner: %_tuner%, IP: %thisip%
echo Continue to shutdown...
REM Turn off our tuner twice in case it doesn't work the first time.
taskkill /im vlc.exe /f
hdhomerun_config %hdid% set /%_tuner%/channel none
hdhomerun_config %hdid% set /%_tuner%/target none
hdhomerun_config %hdid% set /%_tuner%/channel none
hdhomerun_config %hdid% set /%_tuner%/target none
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