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Created October 14, 2015 14:08
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Value Monitor. Display a graph with values that you'd like to monitor.
/* Value Monitor Example
ValueMonitor [] valueMonitorArray = new ValueMonitor[2];
void setup() {
size(640, 480);
// place ValueMonitor objects on the screen, for some graphical feedback
for(int i = 0; i<valueMonitorArray.length; i++) {
valueMonitorArray[i] = new ValueMonitor(8, 8 + (i * 58), 250, 50, nfc(i));
void draw() {
for(int i = 0; i<valueMonitorArray.length; i++) {
/* Value monitor object.
Handy if you want to monitor a large amount of numeric values and progress over time.
Inspired and partly based on examples from the pulsesensor website:
Copyleft: - 09-06-2015
public class ValueMonitor {
// buffer to store history of values
private int valueCircularBufferSize = 100;
private int [] valueCircularBuffer;
private int valueCircularBufferIndex;
// position
private int x;
private int y;
private int w;
private int h;
// variables to scale the monitor automatically
private float sensorAvgMinValue = 0.0;
private float sensorAvgMaxValue = 0.0;
// to display usefull values
private String monitor;
// name of this monitor
private String name;
public ValueMonitor(int tempX, int tempY, int tempW, int tempH, String tempName) {
x = tempX;
y = tempY;
w = tempW;
h = tempH;
name = tempName;
//valueCircularBufferSize = 100;
valueCircularBuffer = new int[valueCircularBufferSize];
valueCircularBufferIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < valueCircularBufferSize; ++i) {
valueCircularBuffer[i] = 0;
public void addValue(int value) {
// add the value to the buffer
valueCircularBuffer[valueCircularBufferIndex] = value;
// change the index of the buffer
if(valueCircularBufferIndex<valueCircularBufferSize-1) valueCircularBufferIndex++;
else valueCircularBufferIndex=0;
// change the display based on incoming values
if(value < sensorAvgMinValue) sensorAvgMinValue = value;
if(value > sensorAvgMaxValue) sensorAvgMaxValue = value;
// we can also automatically scale the min-max values
// we use smoothing to don't react directly on changes
// if(value > sensorAvgMinValue) sensorAvgMinValue = (value * 0.005) + (sensorAvgMinValue * 0.995);
// else sensorAvgMinValue = (value * 0.05) + (sensorAvgMinValue * 0.95);
// if(value > sensorAvgMaxValue) sensorAvgMaxValue = (value * 0.05) + (sensorAvgMaxValue * 0.95);
// else sensorAvgMaxValue = (value * 0.005) + (sensorAvgMaxValue * 0.995);
public void display() {
// draw eggshell background
fill(255, 253, 248);
rect(x, y, w, h);
// add position in width and height.
// for mapping (after drawing the background)
int mapW = x+w;
int mapH = y+h;
int padding = 5;
//int marginMinMax = 8; // margin for higher/lower sensor values then avg max-min
// beginShape is a fast way to draw lines!
float sx;
float sy;
for (int i=0; i<valueCircularBufferSize-1; i++)
sx = map(i, 0.0, valueCircularBufferSize, x+padding, mapW-padding);
// use sensorAvgMinValue and sensorAvgMaxValue to scale
//sy = map(constrain(getValueFromCircularBuffer(i), sensorAvgMinValue-marginMinMax, sensorAvgMaxValue+marginMinMax), sensorAvgMinValue-marginMinMax, sensorAvgMaxValue+marginMinMax, mapH-padding, y+padding);
sy = map(constrain(getValueFromCircularBuffer(i), sensorAvgMinValue, sensorAvgMaxValue), sensorAvgMinValue, sensorAvgMaxValue, mapH-padding, y+padding);
//sy = map(getValueFromCircularBuffer(i), 0-marginMinMax, 1+marginMinMax, mapH-padding, y+padding);
//sy = map(getValueFromCircularBuffer(i), 0, 1, mapH-padding, y+padding);
vertex(sx, sy);
//monitor = "min: " + nfs(sensorAvgMinValue, 3, 2) + "\nmax: " + nfs(sensorAvgMaxValue, 3, 2) + "\n" + nfs(getValueFromCircularBuffer(valueCircularBufferSize-1), 3, 2);
monitor = name + "\nrange: " + sensorAvgMinValue + " - " + sensorAvgMaxValue + "\nvalue: " + getValueFromCircularBuffer(valueCircularBufferSize-1);
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
text(monitor, x + w + padding, y);
// used to display the wave
private float getValueFromCircularBuffer(int index)
{ int idx = (valueCircularBufferIndex + index) % valueCircularBufferSize;
return valueCircularBuffer[idx];
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