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Created May 19, 2015 20:15
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FrameDifference problem Processing OpenCV library
Problem. Why I see a light image of me, while I do a difference on exactly the same
OpenCV for Processing 0.5.2 by Greg Borenstein
Using Java OpenCV
Processing 3.0a4
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import gab.opencv.*;
Capture video;
OpenCV opencv;
PImage videoFrame;
PImage lastImg;
void setup()
size ( 640, 480 );
video = new Capture(this, width, height);
opencv = new OpenCV( this, 640, 480);
videoFrame = new PImage( 640, 480 );
lastImg = new PImage( 640, 480 );
void draw()
//bubbles.add(new Bubble( (int)random( 0, width - 40), -bubblePNG.height, bubblePNG.width, bubblePNG.height)); // Adds a new bubble to the array with a random x position
if (video.available()) {;
// just store it in a PImage videoFrame
// to really make sure we use to save frame
// as lastImg. However this is not needed, just an extra check
videoFrame = video;
// load the frame in opencv.
// I suppose this overwrites the old image. However I'm not sure, since
// some noise is visible.
// I can't find something to empty it though.
// normally we do this here
// but to show the problem I want to find the difference between
// two the same images. There should be a differce.
// but still there is.....
lastImg = videoFrame;
// difference with the lastImg (actually the videoFrame)
// display the opencv output
image( opencv.getOutput(), 0, 0 );
// set the last Image to this videoFrame
// normal location
//lastImg = videoFrame;
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