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import collections | |
import math | |
import os | |
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
import time | |
MAX_LINES = 4000 | |
N_PINS = 36*8 | |
MIN_LOOP = 20 # To avoid getting stuck in a loop | |
MIN_DISTANCE = 20 # To avoid very short lines | |
LINE_WEIGHT = 15 # Tweakable parameter | |
FILENAME = "leki-lig.jpg" | |
SCALE = 25 # For making a very high resolution render, to attempt to accurately gauge how thick the thread must be | |
HOOP_DIAMETER = 0.625 # To calculate total thread length | |
tic = time.perf_counter() | |
img = cv2.imread(FILENAME, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) | |
# Didn't bother to make it work for non-square images | |
assert img.shape[0] == img.shape[1] | |
length = img.shape[0] | |
def disp(image): | |
cv2.imshow('image', image) | |
cv2.waitKey(0) | |
cv2.destroyAllWindows() | |
# Cut away everything around a central circle | |
X,Y = np.ogrid[0:length, 0:length] | |
circlemask = (X - length/2) ** 2 + (Y - length/2) ** 2 > length/2 * length/2 | |
img[circlemask] = 0xFF | |
pin_coords = [] | |
center = length / 2 | |
radius = length / 2 - 1/2 | |
# Precalculate the coordinates of every pin | |
for i in range(N_PINS): | |
angle = 2 * math.pi * i / N_PINS | |
pin_coords.append((math.floor(center + radius * math.cos(angle)), | |
math.floor(center + radius * math.sin(angle)))) | |
line_cache_y = [None] * N_PINS * N_PINS | |
line_cache_x = [None] * N_PINS * N_PINS | |
line_cache_weight = [1] * N_PINS * N_PINS # Turned out to be unnecessary, unused | |
line_cache_length = [0] * N_PINS * N_PINS | |
print("Precalculating all lines... ", end='', flush=True) | |
for a in range(N_PINS): | |
for b in range(a + MIN_DISTANCE, N_PINS): | |
x0 = pin_coords[a][0] | |
y0 = pin_coords[a][1] | |
x1 = pin_coords[b][0] | |
y1 = pin_coords[b][1] | |
d = int(math.sqrt((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0)*(y1 - y0))) | |
#d = max(abs(y1-y0), abs(x1-x0)) inf-norm | |
# A proper (slower) Bresenham does not give any better result *shrug* | |
xs = np.linspace(x0, x1, d, dtype=int) | |
ys = np.linspace(y0, y1, d, dtype=int) | |
line_cache_y[b*N_PINS + a] = ys | |
line_cache_y[a*N_PINS + b] = ys | |
line_cache_x[b*N_PINS + a] = xs | |
line_cache_x[a*N_PINS + b] = xs | |
line_cache_length[b*N_PINS + a] = d | |
line_cache_length[a*N_PINS + b] = d | |
print("done") | |
error = np.ones(img.shape) * 0xFF - img.copy() | |
img_result = np.ones(img.shape) * 0xFF | |
lse_buffer = np.ones(img.shape) * 0xFF # Used in the unused LSE algorithm | |
result = np.ones((img.shape[0] * SCALE, img.shape[1] * SCALE), np.uint8) * 0xFF | |
line_mask = np.zeros(img.shape, np.float64) # XXX | |
line_sequence = [] | |
pin = 0 | |
line_sequence.append(pin) | |
thread_length = 0 | |
last_pins = collections.deque(maxlen = MIN_LOOP) | |
for l in range(MAX_LINES): | |
if l % 100 == 0: | |
print("%d " % l, end='', flush=True) | |
img_result = cv2.resize(result, img.shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) | |
# Some trickery to fast calculate the absolute difference, to estimate the error per pixel | |
diff = img_result - img | |
mul = np.uint8(img_result < img) * 254 + 1 | |
absdiff = diff * mul | |
print(absdiff.sum() / (length * length)) | |
max_err = -math.inf | |
best_pin = -1 | |
# Find the line which will lower the error the most | |
for offset in range(MIN_DISTANCE, N_PINS - MIN_DISTANCE): | |
test_pin = (pin + offset) % N_PINS | |
if test_pin in last_pins: | |
continue | |
xs = line_cache_x[test_pin * N_PINS + pin] | |
ys = line_cache_y[test_pin * N_PINS + pin] | |
# Simple | |
# Error defined as the sum of the brightness of each pixel in the original | |
# The idea being that a wire can only darken pixels in the result | |
line_err = np.sum(error[ys,xs]) * line_cache_weight[test_pin*N_PINS + pin] | |
''' | |
# LSE Unused | |
goal_pixels = img[ys, xs] | |
old_pixels = lse_buffer[ys, xs] | |
new_pixels = np.clip(old_pixels - LINE_WEIGHT * line_cache_weight[test_pin*N_PINS + pin], 0, 255) | |
line_err = np.sum((old_pixels - goal_pixels) ** 2) - np.sum((new_pixels - goal_pixels) ** 2) | |
#LSE | |
''' | |
if line_err > max_err: | |
max_err = line_err | |
best_pin = test_pin | |
line_sequence.append(best_pin) | |
xs = line_cache_x[best_pin * N_PINS + pin] | |
ys = line_cache_y[best_pin * N_PINS + pin] | |
weight = LINE_WEIGHT * line_cache_weight[best_pin*N_PINS + pin] | |
''' | |
#LSE | |
old_pixels = lse_buffer[ys, xs] | |
new_pixels = np.clip(old_pixels - weight, 0, 255) | |
lse_buffer[ys, xs] = new_pixels | |
#LSE | |
''' | |
# Subtract the line from the error | |
line_mask.fill(0) | |
line_mask[ys, xs] = weight | |
error = error - line_mask | |
error.clip(0, 255) | |
# Draw the line in the result | |
cv2.line(result, | |
(pin_coords[pin][0] * SCALE, pin_coords[pin][1] * SCALE), | |
(pin_coords[best_pin][0] * SCALE, pin_coords[best_pin][1] * SCALE), | |
color=0, thickness=4, lineType=8) | |
x0 = pin_coords[pin][0] | |
y0 = pin_coords[pin][1] | |
x1 = pin_coords[best_pin][0] | |
y1 = pin_coords[best_pin][1] | |
# Calculate physical distance | |
dist = math.sqrt((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0)*(y1 - y0)) | |
thread_length += HOOP_DIAMETER / length * dist | |
last_pins.append(best_pin) | |
pin = best_pin | |
img_result = cv2.resize(result, img.shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) | |
diff = img_result - img | |
mul = np.uint8(img_result < img) * 254 + 1 | |
absdiff = diff * mul | |
print(absdiff.sum() / (length * length)) | |
print('\x07') | |
toc = time.perf_counter() | |
print("%.1f seconds" % (toc - tic)) | |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.splitext(FILENAME)[0] + "-out.png", result) | |
with open(os.path.splitext(FILENAME)[0] + ".json", "w") as f: | |
f.write(str(line_sequence)) |
I realize this is a pretty old project, but I have a question. Is there a fundamental difference between 1)calculating the error that the new line will create before choosing the line with the lowest error, and 2) averaging the total darkness of all pixels between the current pin and the next possible pin and choosing the darkest average for the next line?
Good question. If I understand it right, the difference would be that if you take the average, you're not taking into account the length of the string anymore. A very short string traversing a bright patch might have the same average error as a string crossing the entire diameter. But the total error would be much higher for the long string. I don't know which way is "right".
It's been three years or so, so I don't remember if I ever looked at that. Why don't you try it out, and see which one is better?
@kaspermeerts It occurs to me that you could blend the two concepts by doing the average, but favoring the shortest/longest distance, whichever makes more sense. I finally got my version to work with just the average, but the animation you had posted in imgur shows that your algorithm is more efficient. I'm going to try refactoring a couple of different ways and see what I can pull off. Thank you for responding!
Forgive me please, I know this thread is old. I was wondering, as I am new to Github, If you shared and how I would access your rendition of the original python code you extended…?
@phillipsartwork What original python code do you mean? I didn't extend anything, I wrote this code.
My mistake…new to GitHub…My comment question was directed to the person who had commented and asked about averaging the pixels…named anyoneseenmyhead…
However I believe that I answered my own question, when I clicked on his name it said that this user doesn’t have any public gists….
Hi. How can i change the number of pins? I prefer work with 250 than 288. Thank you
There's a variable N_PINS that can be changed near the top.
Would it be possible to convert this from a circle to a rectangle?
Sure, the coordinates for the pins are calculated at lines 42-43. Something like this should work (I did not test this!)
# Precalculate the coordinates of every pin for a square
for i in range(N_PINS):
# Determine the total number of pins per side (assume pins are distributed evenly)
pins_per_side = N_PINS // 4
# Find the side and position on the side for each pin
side = i // pins_per_side
position = i % pins_per_side
# Calculate the coordinates based on the side
if side == 0: # Top edge (left to right)
x = math.floor(center - radius + 2 * radius * position / (pins_per_side - 1))
y = math.floor(center - radius)
elif side == 1: # Right edge (top to bottom)
x = math.floor(center + radius)
y = math.floor(center - radius + 2 * radius * position / (pins_per_side - 1))
elif side == 2: # Bottom edge (right to left)
x = math.floor(center + radius - 2 * radius * position / (pins_per_side - 1))
y = math.floor(center + radius)
elif side == 3: # Left edge (bottom to top)
x = math.floor(center - radius)
y = math.floor(center + radius - 2 * radius * position / (pins_per_side - 1))
pin_coords.append((x, y))
Hi. I do not understand Python, but I am an advanced user. I was able to run Your script and get the image as in the photo №1 (https://imgur.com/gallery/ljoJeal). But I can't figure out how to get a video like after the first two photos. If you do not mind, could you please tell me how to do it? Thanks