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Created April 12, 2013 21:30
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Save kaspermunck/5375284 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A slightly modified XcodeTest build script that works for projects with Kiwi installed via CocoaPods (that use workspaces).
# Script to compile and run unit tests from the command line
# The scheme and target name of the main app
# The scheme and target name of the unit tests
# The path to libXcodeTest.a, if not in current directory
# Output variable defaults to current directory of not specified
if [[ "${PATH_TO_XCODE_TEST_LIB}" != "" ]]; then
# Calculate the variables to feed into the build
XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS="-ObjC -framework SenTestingKit ${LINK_TO_XCODE_TEST_LIB} -F \"$\(SDKROOT\)/Developer/Library/Frameworks\""
# More reliable if the simulator is not already running
osascript -e 'tell app "iPhone Simulator" to quit'
# Build the unit tests bundle, so it can be fed into waxsim
echo "========================="
echo "Building unit test bundle"
echo "========================="
echo "xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -scheme ${UNIT_TEST_TARGET} build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=\"${OUTPUT_DIR}\""
echo "========================="
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace "${MAIN_APP_TARGET}.xcworkspace" -scheme "${UNIT_TEST_TARGET}" ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR}"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Failed to build unit tests!"
exit $?
# Build the main app, with libXcodeTest.a linked in
echo "==========================="
echo "Building app with xcodetest"
echo "==========================="
echo "xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -scheme ${MAIN_APP_TARGET} build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=\"${OUTPUT_DIR}\" XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS=\"${XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS}\""
echo "==========================="
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace "${MAIN_APP_TARGET}.xcworkspace" -scheme "${MAIN_APP_TARGET}" ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR}" XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS="${XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS}"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Failed to build app!"
exit $?
# Check that waxsim is installed, used to run the app in the simulator
which waxsim
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Could not find 'waxsim', make sure it is installed and try again"
exit $?
# Warn users that it wont run the tests unless you tweak the linker settings
echo "================="
echo "If tests do not run, make sure you have included XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS in your linker flags:"
echo " In xcconfigs: OTHER_LDFLAGS = \$(inherited) \$(XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS)"
echo " In Xcode: set Other Linker Flags to include \$(XCODE_TEST_LDFLAGS)"
echo "================="
# Run the app in the simulator, will automatically load and run unit tests
XCODE_TEST_PATH="${XCODE_TEST_PATH}" waxsim "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${MAIN_APP_TARGET}.app" -SenTest All > "${OUT_FILE}" 2>&1
cat "${OUT_FILE}"
osascript -e 'tell app "iPhone Simulator" to quit'
# if there was a failure, show what waxsim was hiding and crucially return with a non-zero exit code
grep -q ": error:" "$OUT_FILE"
success=`exec grep -c ": error:" $OUT_FILE`
if [[ $success != 0 ]]; then
echo "================="
echo "Unit Tests Failed"
echo "================="
exit 1
echo "================="
echo "Unit Tests Passed"
echo "================="
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