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kasramp/test.cpp Secret

Created August 1, 2020 23:24
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int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int *p;
int x = 20;
int y = 10;
p = x; // compile error
p = &x;
int *pp = &y; // pp points to y, *pp value is equal to 10 and pp holds y address
int **ppp; // making pointer which points to another pointer
cout << *p << endl; // prints 20
ppp = &p;
cout << *ppp << endl; // prints 20
cout << p << endl; // prints x address
cout << &p << endl; // prints p address
p++; // increases current p address 2 bytes (ints)
*p++; // increases the value of x
++*p; // increases the value of x
*p = y; // value of y will be copied to p, so x will be changed to 10
*p = &y; // address of y will be copied to p, so x will be changed to y address
p = &y; // p points to y
return 0;
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