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Last active December 4, 2018 13:54
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Getting Start - Rust Language Programming
@author: Matheus Catarino
extern crate time; //request time dependency (cargo add time deps)
use std::io::{Write,stdin,stdout}; //write = flush
fn main()
const YEAR_INC: i32 = 1900;
let d = time::now();
print!("Digite um valor: ");
let mut pvalue = String::new();
stdout().flush().expect("unknow output error!");
stdin().read_line(&mut pvalue).expect("input first value error!");
print!("Digite outro valor: ");
let mut svalue = String::new();
stdout().flush().expect("unknow output error!");
stdin().read_line(&mut svalue).expect("input second value error!");
println!("Welcome to Rust, {} {}!", pvalue, svalue);
let (day, month, year) = (d.tm_mday, d.tm_mon, d.tm_year+YEAR_INC);
println!("Today date: {}/{}/{}", day, month, year)
#![allow(non_snake_case)] //permitir palavras sem Snake_Case
#![allow(dead_code)] //permitir código inútil
enum Direction
fn myBorrow(value: &String) -> String
let mut v = value.clone();
v.remove(value.len()-1); //removendo o último elemento "!"
v.push_str(" 2018!");
struct Color {
red: u8,
blue: u16,
green: u32
struct TpColor (u8, u16, u32); //Tuple
struct Rectangle
width: u32,
height: u32
impl Rectangle{
fn print_description(&self)
println!("\nRectangle: {} x {}", self.width, self.height);
struct People {
name: String,
age: u16
impl ToString for People {
fn to_string(&self) -> String{
format!("\nMy name is {} and has {} years.",, self.age)
fn main()
let mut class = Color {red: 255, blue: 58, green: 250};
let tp_struct = TpColor(255,155,55);
let ret = Rectangle {width: 100, height: 50};
let p1 = People {name: String::from("Lucas"), age: 18};
println!("{}", p1.to_string());
ret.print_description(); = 236;
println!("\nResult:\nred:{}, blue:{}, green:{}",,,; //Struct
println!("\nResult:\nred:{}, blue:{}, green:{}", tp_struct.0, tp_struct.1, tp_struct.2); // Struct Tuple
let x = String::from("Hello World!");
println!("\nBem Vindo ao Rust!\n '{}' é referência de X = '{}'\n", myBorrow(&x), x);
const CV: u32 = 34; //const
let x: u32 = 56; //expecificando tipo explicito ou literal ex.: (let x = Nºu32)
let y = if x > 270 || x < CV {0} else {x}; //suposta operação ternária/lambda (c++: '(x>valor || x < valor2) ? true : false')
println!("{}", y); // valor do if ternário
let tuple: (u32,f32,_) = (5, 2.3, ("ABC", 'd')); // expecificando tupla (int,float,anywhere)
let diretivo = Direction::Subir; // enum
println!("{}", (tuple.2).0); //print tupla dentro de tupla
let (b,n,m) = tuple; // distribuindo valores da tupla. Semelhante ao auto[a,b,c] (C++17)
let (s,w) = m; // o mesmo citado anteriormente.
println!("b={},n={}\ns={}, w={}", b,n,s,w); //imprimindo valores acima.
match diretivo { //Switch de enum
Direction::Subir => println!("Subir"),
Direction::Descer => println!("Descer"),
Direction::Direita => println!("Direita"),
Direction::Esquerda => println!("Esquerda"),
//3 loops types: loop(infinity), while(condition), for(n .. end)
//Beginner Rust I/O
use std::io;
fn main() {
let mut nome = String::new();
println!("Qual o seu nome?");
io::stdin().read_line(&mut nome).expect("Erro inesperado!!");
println!("Bem vindo ao Rust {}", nome);
let mut idade = String::new();
println!("Qual a sua idade?");
io::stdin().read_line(&mut idade).expect("Erro inesperado novamente!");
println!("Sua idade é: {} anos.", idade.trim().parse::<i32>().expect("Valor inválido!"));
//trim -> remove spaces, parse -> conversion generic & except -> wrong msg
#![allow(non_snake_case)] //permitir palavras sem Snake_Case
#![allow(dead_code)] //permitir código inútil
mod people;
use people::MCF::*;
fn main()
let mut p = Person::new("Lucas".to_string(), 18);// {name: "Lucas".to_string(), age: 18};
println!("{}", p.printinfo());
println!("{}", p.printinfo());
pub mod MCF
pub struct Person{
name: String,
age: i16
pub trait Info{
fn new(name: String, age: i16) -> Person;
fn printinfo(&self) -> String;
fn changeName(&mut self, name: String);
fn changeAge(&mut self, age: i16);
impl Info for Person {
fn new(name: String, age: i16) -> Person
Person{name: name, age: age}
fn printinfo(&self) -> String{
format!("My Name is {} has {} years.",, self.age)
fn changeName(&mut self, name: String){ = name;
fn changeAge(&mut self, age: i16){
self.age = age;
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